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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Has anyone seen this funny video of a fake Michelle and JB explaining away this crisis?


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Biggest irony? If JB had done the right thing and reported his son within the SOL, his empire would not be crumbling as we speak. Josh would have gone through the court system as a minor and had he completed court mandated treatment and restitution, his record would have been sealed at 18 and no one on the outside would have been able to access it.

This, to me, is one of the saddest aspects of the situation. This would have been completely private, Josh would have gotten appropriate help, he (and his family) would not be publicly embarrassed with this knowledge. The sisters would have gotten help, not have to have this knowledge about what happened to them put out there, thereby reliving the trauma again.

JB, as headship of his family, totally failed his children by going the route he did.

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This is whole thing breaking has brought up so many hidden memories for me. I have spent most of my life being abused, bullied,picked on and molested by adults and children alike. Not many know this dark secret about me because I had no one to turn to. Even my partner of seven years does not know the extent. When this came into the media, I had an epiphany of sorts and now realize this is the reason that most people cannot stand to be around me, I am freaking insane, because I have never had any help.

We had our first fight in these seven years over this, he thinks the parents did the best they could and I think the victims should have been given as much space from him as needed as well as plentiful counseling and love from their parents. Instead Jim Bob forced them to forgive their brother and commit to a lifetime of only side hugging their family members yet being obsessed with sex. Josh has always creeped me out the most and now I know why. I feel so terrible for the girls and selfishly myself, I am going to have to finally tell my partner and the only person I have ever trusted the truth. It is so long and I feel like I am going to crack. Thank you for listening to me rant.

I could have written most of what you said as myself. I hope you are able to find the help you deserve to get through this long tunnel. It does get better when you are able to get help. <3 you are brave and strong to have gotten this far in life and your honesty is what will help you root up the rocks in your path and navigate the boulders.

edit: riffles

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It's their top rated show. Advertisers dropping 19 Kids means they might as well just drop the network.

They are peeing their pants trying to make a plan, and we are watching. Also, there might be legal implications for them too. Remember, one of the victims isn't 18 yet...

I was upset that this came out with one possible victim being under 18, but if it causes more pain for TLC then I'm feeling better about it.

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does anyone think that there was any initial objective to make the show an exposé of Quiverfull - i.e. a one-off exposé show/documentary that unexpectedly turned into marketing machine? Was there any "pulling back the curtain" objective at the outset, or has this always been a show that was solely created to profit off the growing evangelical/conservative portion of the population?

Hi again, this one's a bit tough to answer. Certainly it's a possibility but without a windfall of released emails from TLC I don't think I can say for certain one way or another. I'm leaning more towards profit, though. They have to compete with 500+ other channels for viewers so the likelihood of airing a show purely for social reasons is slim, IMO. I'm not sure their target is evangelical Christians, though, as I think the Duggars are more of a curio interest for mainstream America. "Oh look at the kooky people with the silly frumpers, crunchy curls, and blanket training."

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Apologies if this has been posted before, but I found this very telling.

Jill Duggar Wedding Mystery

I wasn't glued to the set for either Jill's or Jessa's wedding episodes, but it is interesting that Josh was not included in either.

I don't know if this means that much since both bridal parties didn't include all their brothers except Josh or even most of the other brothers. Also since Josh was already living in DC when they started courting Derrick and Ben never spent that much time with Josh.

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I got a kick out of this. they lie they break the law they hide it and now god is supposed to fix it for them. amazing.

But the family’s close friend, country musician James Garrett, exclusively tells RadarOnline.com that the extra-large brood has been busy focusing on prayer.

“They’re praying about it, as they should,†reveals Brandon, Missouri native Garrett, who says he speaks with Jim Bob’s mother Mary, his sister Deanna, and niece Amy every day. “Their perspective is, it’s in God’s hands now.â€

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This, to me, is one of the saddest aspects of the situation. This would have been completely private, Josh would have gotten appropriate help, he (and his family) would not be publicly embarrassed with this knowledge. The sisters would have gotten help, not have to have this knowledge about what happened to them put out there, thereby reliving the trauma again.

JB, as headship of his family, totally failed his children by going the route he did.

Absolutely, I agree 150%. I was talking about this to someone a couple days ago and I told him if Josh had faced the consequences for his actions as a minor, his record would be completely sealed and there would be no controversy today. There wouldn't be a need to try to convince the public that Josh has received treament, because even in the event of anyone finding out; we'd all know he and his sisters would have been required to get professional counseling.

The Duggars hiding this has done more harm than good, to him and to the entire family. In wanting to handle it privately among themselves, they have failed everyone miserably.

This is what bothers me about him suing DHS. What were their findings that were so objectionable to him/his parents? Did they want him removed from the home? Were they going to require him to get professional help from a state certified therapist? Why the heck would they file suit, if DHS didn't find something that needed to be addressed and would legally require them to address it?

The leghumpers want me to believe that Josh made a youthful mistake and has been completely rehabilitated. Give me a reason to believe that, dammit, and that incest joke he made isn't helping to convince anyone he is truly sorry for what he did.

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I think the Oprah person was different than concernedmom for the same reason I think Alice is different. And Alice says she knows the letter writer, which presumably means they are not the same person. (NOTE: At this point, I'm pretty much taking Alice's word as truth because, hey, it's all been right so far.)

So that leaves us with the following people:

concernedmom: Anonymous, but posted from an IP in Rogers, AR; presumably friends with the family of the fifth victim

Alice: Anonymous, but with a lot of inside info; claims to know the Oprah informant (do we know of any Holts or members of other families associated with the Duggars named Alice?)

Oprah informant: No one knows who this was, but was apparently in contact with Alice

InTouch informant: Tan Barnfield, prompted by Michelle's robocalls (apparently, her family, including her sister knew about the situation-- did they grow UP ATI or was it an open secret even outside the cult?)

If you look at the Oprah email included in the police report (page 13), the sender put their city as Rogers.

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I got a kick out of this. they lie they break the law they hide it and now god is supposed to fix it for them. amazing.

So they are ignoring it and hoping it goes away, basically?

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So they are ignoring it and hoping it goes away, basically?

exactly fools anyway but what do they know about being celebrities?

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I just can't believe Amy has not instagrammed for days, she must be going through withdrawals

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If this happens, I just hope it's something the women genuinely want; and Boob and J'chelle aren't getting any of the money from it.

I honestly don't think the girls would know what to do or say on their own show. Why would they even think about having one? JBoob is the puppeteer. He makes all decisions. Even if the girls are now adults, considering their background and education, they would have nothing to offer viewers. I can't see them on the couch talking about this. Nor would I want to see that.

The girls had to live with that for years. Did they even understand what happened to them when they were young?

And if Oprah did know wouldn't she have leaked it out somehow? Wouldn't she have kept an eye out to see how this would all play out with the family? Wouldn't Oprah have wanted to see everyone get the help needed?

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About TLC's cluelessness:

Someone informed Harpo/Oprah. I wonder if they also informed TLC.

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So they are ignoring it and hoping it goes away, basically?

I listen to country music. I never heard of this guy - until this thread just now. I looked him up. He's nothing more than a Branson entertainer (that nobody ever heard of) that does knock-offs of real musicians' stuff. His only album is live recording of some of his Branson show songs.

His opinion is matters no more than the opinion of any other ordinary person.

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That's what I've wondered, if the first trooper did nothing how does the SOL even start then? Why didn't the 2006 investigation start the SOL? Do they count when the parents were told but did nothing?

3 years since the time of discovery, but not necessary of the act.

"'Time of discovery' means when the injured party discovers the effect of the injury or condition attributable to the childhood sexual abuse. "

http://law.justia.com/codes/arkansas/20 ... /16-56-130

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I'm very sorry if this was posted somewhere. When I went to the TLC website I was able to access 19 Kids clips. Does anyone know why this is so? Seems wrong. Thank you.

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Why are they wanting to pick this show up as a spin-off? Why can they just not cancel it?!?!

Because JB is all about money and tlc is all about money and ratings.

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I honestly don't think the girls would know what to do or say on their own show. Why would they even think about having one? JBoob is the puppeteer. He makes all decisions. Even if the girls are now adults, considering their background and education, they would have nothing to offer viewers. I can't see them on the couch talking about this. Nor would I want to see that.

The girls had to live with that for years. Did they even understand what happened to them when they were young?

And if Oprah did know wouldn't she have leaked it out somehow? Wouldn't she have kept an eye out to see how this would all play out with the family? Wouldn't Oprah have wanted to see everyone get the help needed?

From what has been reported, I think Oprah handled it exactly right. She called the appropriate authorities to investigate and trusted in them to monitor and handle the situation. Unfortunately they screwed up. She should not have leaked it out of respect for the girls and because there was no way for her to ascertain exactly what happened and what was already being done. But she also made sure she in no way promoted this family. Honestly, Oprah did everything right.

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I have a hard time believing that TLC didn't know, or wasn't made aware of at some point that there was an issue with Josh. I'm also not convinced that Oprah would get an email but TLC wouldn't. One would think that it would be easier to convince TLC because the email to Oprah didn't have the benefit of being backed up with involvement of DHS. Oprah was the one that got that ball rolling.

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I wonder if TLC outsources their website design and hosting? Maybe whoever should take care of it is dragging their feet.

Or maybe the clips are getting lots of hits from Looky Lous and TLC doesn't want to take them down just yet.

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3 years since the time of discovery, but not necessary of the act.

"'Time of discovery' means when the injured party discovers the effect of the injury or condition attributable to the childhood sexual abuse. "

http://law.justia.com/codes/arkansas/20 ... /16-56-130

The statute you cited is specifically for CIVIL cases, not criminal. I don't know what the statute was for criminal at the time, but this is not it. Some states have a discovery rule for criminal, some do not. People seem to be very confused about the difference, but it is extremely important. This is about suing for money, not to the state acting or putting someone in jail.

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I have a hard time believing that TLC didn't know, or wasn't made aware of at some point that there was an issue with Josh. I'm also not convinced that Oprah would get an email but TLC wouldn't. One would think that it would be easier to convince TLC because the email to Oprah didn't have the benefit of being backed up with involvement of DHS. Oprah was the one that got that ball rolling.

Please, with the amount of people who seem to have known in NWA, there's no way the entire crew didn't know.

Plus, as I said before, they'd had to have known, even without random people reporting it. First of all, the first special came out in 2004. So they were well established in the Duggar household by the time the investigation took place in 2006. Second, as pointed out millions of times before this even broke, the Duggars didn't pay for anything in that house (except the kitchen if Alice is right on that). That means that all of the cameras and such INSIDE the house were paid for by someone else, most likely TLC. If TLC was going to fork over that money, they were going to need to know why, especially since the cameras are only inside the house. Finally, there are 19 kids in that family. There's no way in hell that the information didn't slip at some point in time.

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