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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Also, for tax status, glean the address from the tax records, see if any 501 organizations are listed with the same address. the IRS has a tool to check eligibility or for revoked licenses.

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With the home church, anyone who is older and more experienced can be called an elder, just like anyone who speaking at the moment can be called a preacher or pastor.

My DH is an ordained minister through AR, as a preacher of a house church, and although he can perform weddings, he never received any paperwork about being a mandatory reporter (circa 2004)

I gleaned this from the national district attorney's association website updated in Nov 2012.

(29) A clergy member, which includes a minister, priest, rabbi, accredited Christian Science practitioner, or other similar functionary of a religious organization, or an individual reasonably believed to be so by the person consulting him or her, except to the extent the clergy member:

(A) Has acquired knowledge of suspected child maltreatment through communications required to be kept confidential pursuant to the religious discipline of the relevant denomination or faith; or

(B) Received the knowledge of the suspected child maltreatment from the alleged offender in the context of a statement of admission;

However in regards to client privilege, (b) No privilege, except that between a lawyer and client or between a minister, including a Christian Science practitioner, and a person confessing to or being counseled by the minister shall prevent anyone from testifying concerning child maltreatment

Taken from http://www.ndaa.org/pdf/Mandatory%20Rep ... ov2012.pdf, pages 29 and 40.

I don't think that privilege in the state of AR absolves ministry from their role as mandated reporters. They still have to report regardless of their duty to protect testimony heard during private, privileged moments that occur during pastoral care. Exceptions to mandated reporting is not the same as privileged communication in most states.

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I'm not sure. I was looking into the connection between Gothard and Huckabee because I read somewhere (can't remember where right now) that TLC had political affiliations with Republican's and may not want to cancel or make any decision on 19K&C for political reasons. I think that there are a bunch of candidates signing up right now for the Republican primaries or something like that. Something about TLC not wanting to weigh in during the Republican ?? because of the Josh situation.

So I started to try to find information about Gothard and Huckabee and I found something talking about how a bunch of materials that were created by Gothard for homeschooling had been sanitized and refurbished to be used within goverment removing a bunch of the religious stuff and that Huckabee may have helped get him some of the contacts or in with it.


So I did a search on "Eagle Springs "L.I.T." program" and I came across an article that said that Jana had been one of the people that worked on or assisting with materials for Gothard's IBLP program for girls.

So that's why I was asking.

I removed some of your post to not take up to much space with my short comment - but excellent research justbecause! I'm impressed.

I wish I had more time to try and do some additional digging on this - mainly because the thought of Gothard-related materials in public schools makes me sick. As a graduate student, I have been lucky to keep up in reading a few of the threads on FJ the past few years! (As a graduate student, I also like research...just have no time.)

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I know that Razing Ruth was a huge fraud but her posts on character training through the wisdom books seemed spot on.

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Well, it has hit the news in Australia as well. The article is pretty scathing...


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I'm glad it's hit the Australian news sites, I've looked like a weirdo all week wanting to talk to people about the Duggars and most people in Australia have no idea who they are. Which is good. The only appeal of the Duggars here is 'only in America' or people like me who are fascinated by such things (and a few weirdos I guess) I do love that we have the irreverence here, America was founded on fundamentalism, Australia was founded on convicts and the first church ever built the convicts promptly burnt down :lol:

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I removed some of your post to not take up to much space with my short comment - but excellent research justbecause! I'm impressed.

I wish I had more time to try and do some additional digging on this - mainly because the thought of Gothard-related materials in public schools makes me sick. As a graduate student, I have been lucky to keep up in reading a few of the threads on FJ the past few years! (As a graduate student, I also like research...just have no time.)

Just saying, if a Muslim politician cleaned up the teachings of one of the more extreme mullahs and worked to distribute curriculum of those teachings to public schools, his head would be on a pike. Being a white Protestant in America sure is fun!

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People researching Gothard, you might want to just start here and use the archives. Most of this stuff is already posted here on FJ. Save you some time.

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Hunter Frederick speaks:

"I have no reason to think their apology wasn't sincere, but an apology is one small thing that needs to happen in this very large problem. The majority of people that are against the Duggars want some kind of legal punishment, which can't happen because of our country's statute of limitations law. That's why this whole thing is very sticky from a crisis management standpoint. He (Josh) has to pay his debt to society back in some form or fashion. Most of the time that's legal action, so how does that happen when he can't be prosecuted? A lot of the Duggars' supporters are saying he's paying his debt to society back by getting ripped apart in the press, which is ignorant. I'm getting ripped apart in the press and I have nothing to do with this. You sign up for a life in the public eye. This is 'the work' by being a target for issues like this."

Frederick explained that his clients go through an intense vetting process to determine whether they are capable of being helped and whether it's worth the company's investment. Despite rumors that he was hired to help the Duggars get through the scandal, Frederick said things did not work out with the Duggar family for reasons he could not reveal. He said that his firm looks for clients who have: "a willingness to admit fault, transparency, willingness to want to change. … Especially with our Christian clients, repentance is critical. This isn't our first time doing this, we know when something's going to work out and when it's not."


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I know that Razing Ruth was a huge fraud but her posts on character training through the wisdom books seemed spot on.

Any good liar knows to make sure they have enough factual information to give themselves credibility.

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Hunter Frederick speaks:

"I have no reason to think their apology wasn't sincere, but an apology is one small thing that needs to happen in this very large problem. The majority of people that are against the Duggars want some kind of legal punishment, which can't happen because of our country's statute of limitations law. That's why this whole thing is very sticky from a crisis management standpoint. He (Josh) has to pay his debt to society back in some form or fashion. Most of the time that's legal action, so how does that happen when he can't be prosecuted? A lot of the Duggars' supporters are saying he's paying his debt to society back by getting ripped apart in the press, which is ignorant. I'm getting ripped apart in the press and I have nothing to do with this. You sign up for a life in the public eye. This is 'the work' by being a target for issues like this."

Frederick explained that his clients go through an intense vetting process to determine whether they are capable of being helped and whether it's worth the company's investment. Despite rumors that he was hired to help the Duggars get through the scandal, Frederick said things did not work out with the Duggar family for reasons he could not reveal. He said that his firm looks for clients who have: "a willingness to admit fault, transparency, willingness to want to change. … Especially with our Christian clients, repentance is critical. This isn't our first time doing this, we know when something's going to work out and when it's not."


You know I agree with this. There's no good answer and no way to pay. I can't think of anything Josh could do (or JB&M) that would fix this in my eyes. It's too bad, too far gone, too many lies. Too late.

The only solution to me is to hit where it hurts, the wallet. I hope sponsors pull out on the reruns. I hope their brand is toxic forever. They have already embarrassed their entire movement and are the shining examples of hypocrisy.

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Hunter Frederick speaks:

"I have no reason to think their apology wasn't sincere, but an apology is one small thing that needs to happen in this very large problem. The majority of people that are against the Duggars want some kind of legal punishment, which can't happen because of our country's statute of limitations law. That's why this whole thing is very sticky from a crisis management standpoint. He (Josh) has to pay his debt to society back in some form or fashion. Most of the time that's legal action, so how does that happen when he can't be prosecuted? A lot of the Duggars' supporters are saying he's paying his debt to society back by getting ripped apart in the press, which is ignorant. I'm getting ripped apart in the press and I have nothing to do with this. You sign up for a life in the public eye. This is 'the work' by being a target for issues like this."

Frederick explained that his clients go through an intense vetting process to determine whether they are capable of being helped and whether it's worth the company's investment. Despite rumors that he was hired to help the Duggars get through the scandal, Frederick said things did not work out with the Duggar family for reasons he could not reveal. He said that his firm looks for clients who have: "a willingness to admit fault, transparency, willingness to want to change. … Especially with our Christian clients, repentance is critical. This isn't our first time doing this, we know when something's going to work out and when it's not."


Willingness to admit fault - They dont think they did anything wrong by not going to authorities, covering it up for a year, and allowing Josh access to more victims. To admit that going to the "church" was wrong would blow up their entire world. I actually think boob's head may explode saying that.

Transparency - :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Blanket training, "the rod", submission, filming shit on tuesday and saying its saturday... yeah, not gonna happen...

Willingness to want to change - We're the ones that have to change! Silly heathens! Now lie down and let your husband mount you.


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I find Mr Fredrick's response to be quite interesting. Total PR response. "Im not saying it, but I did say it, but I didn't actually say it." That guy has practically BLED PR from every word he's spoken/written in the past few days, albeit quite novice-like. Like a bar-fly who grabs a guy's butt while dancing but at the last minute refuses to go home with him at the end of the night -- just trying way too hard. My college PR and mass media professors should be using this whole situation as a case study for their courses. Sure would have been more fun when I was in college!

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Slightly OT-- there is a good chance that former House Speaker Hastert's scandal that was announced yesterday will turn out to be child molestation, back when he was a high school wrestling coach. It will be interesting if DC finds itself chattering about TWO child molestation scandals at the same time. If it anything good comes of this, it might be more awareness of the problem & discussions of how to deal with it.

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People researching Gothard, you might want to just start here and use the archives. Most of this stuff is already posted here on FJ. Save you some time.

Yes. This has all been discussed on FJ before - repeatedly (and may I say, by real posters - there is zero need to go to Razing Ruth for info. RR's fictional personal was supposed to be someone raised in a Gothard-following family who had gotten out - so of course, she threw in stuff about Gothardism. Stuff that is readily available many places on the www).

But I'm always glad to see more people become aware of Gothardism in all of its... well... not sure what word to use.

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Any good liar knows to make sure they have enough factual information to give themselves credibility.

THAT. A thousand times over. Once again, there are pretty much a gazillion discussions of this on FJ by for-real posters.

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Hunter Frederick speaks:

"I have no reason to think their apology wasn't sincere, but an apology is one small thing that needs to happen in this very large problem. The majority of people that are against the Duggars want some kind of legal punishment, which can't happen because of our country's statute of limitations law. That's why this whole thing is very sticky from a crisis management standpoint. He (Josh) has to pay his debt to society back in some form or fashion. Most of the time that's legal action, so how does that happen when he can't be prosecuted? A lot of the Duggars' supporters are saying he's paying his debt to society back by getting ripped apart in the press, which is ignorant. I'm getting ripped apart in the press and I have nothing to do with this. You sign up for a life in the public eye. This is 'the work' by being a target for issues like this."

Frederick explained that his clients go through an intense vetting process to determine whether they are capable of being helped and whether it's worth the company's investment. Despite rumors that he was hired to help the Duggars get through the scandal, Frederick said things did not work out with the Duggar family for reasons he could not reveal. He said that his firm looks for clients who have: "a willingness to admit fault, transparency, willingness to want to change. … Especially with our Christian clients, repentance is critical. This isn't our first time doing this, we know when something's going to work out and when it's not."


Did you guys catch these two sentences?

"Despite rumors that he was hired to help the Duggars get through the scandal, Frederick said things did not work out with the Duggar family for reasons he could not reveal.

So he's just commenting on what he looks for in clients. Wonder why it didn't 'work out'.

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Slightly OT-- there is a good chance that former House Speaker Hastert's scandal that was announced yesterday will turn out to be child molestation, back when he was a high school wrestling coach. It will be interesting if DC finds itself chattering about TWO child molestation scandals at the same time. If it anything good comes of this, it might be more awareness of the problem & discussions of how to deal with it.

Is it bad that I live right outside DC and FJ is the first place I heard about Hastert's scandal?

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Famy has broken her silence


Im more pissed off about the reply. Especially Josh, my ass. He doesn't deserve a special prayer. The ones who people should especially be thinking of at a time like this are the women who were molested by him as children.

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Any one else notice it says, "Josh's victims tell their stories"?

Yes, I did. I thought that was interesting. I looked for it at the store last night, and they still had an older issue. I wonder what it really says?

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Can someone please post that cover. I can't see it.

I'd buy this based on the cover!


Whats up with Josh's right eye, though? They certainly picked a jacked up pic to photoshop in there!

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