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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Wait so Josh was interviewed seperately from his parents and that's why Jim Bob didn't correspond with his story? That's messed up. Also I thought under 18 you had to have a legal guardian to be interviewed? So does this change anything? Can JB be charged with obstructing Justice or something?

ETA: If what he is saying is true?

Josh had a perfunctory interview (iirc) before the Duggars stopped cooperating. The "stern talking to" from Hutchens not being reported is on Hutchens, not JB. I think it went down exactly like JB wanted it to, but Hutchens would've had a responsibility to report it.

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Dear media,

Please get a copy of the indictment and plea transcript and figure out just what type of kiddie porn he had. I'm really hoping its not actual children.

THEN see if arkansas law will allow you to get his prison call recordings. I'm quite interested in what was said in the past week.


According to the court docs he was found guilty of over 30 felonies of possession of images of child sex.

I imagine the way these convictions work it was ancharge for each individual image.

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I'm uncertain how I feel about it, yet. Beginning a new series based on (at least some) of the children, drawing up new contracts... they may actually have the freedom now to speak honestly about things that were controlled by their parents in the past. But the molestation accounts aren't the only aspect of the scandal that has changed public view of the family and parents - people are beginning to read and understand the very damaging aspects of their religious belief system as being separate from mainstream Christianity, and in a lot of ways dangerous. If the girls do not directly address that stuff on a new series, a lot of people will think they are continuing the tradition of covering things up. I think it's possible now that they could be more outspoken about things but I don't think it's likely they would denounce Quiverfull or Gothard or express any dissatisfaction with the way their parents raised them or handled the molestations or any of that. They'll probably continue following party lines which is a confusing message for the station to put out there. "Yes, we are aware that their lifestyle conceals and in some cases encourages various types of abuse, but that's not happening THIS time, so there's no problem, and don't ask us about it because it's not our place to judge, and don't expect to see any questions about Quiverfull to turn up on any future 'ask the Duggars' episodes". I can't see the choice to give the girls their own show ending well. The larger portion of the family will almost certainly try to get in on that. You think they won't ever show JimBob and Michelle on the girls' show? What, are they going to blur out Josh's face when he visits? :?

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No he didn't. He thought there was one instance. It wasn't until last week that there was evidence of more brought to his attention.

JB may have told him it only happened once initially but I have a hard time believing that he didn't know there was more than one instance until a few days ago but I could be totally off point. From the article outlining his sentencing it states he was initially arrested in 2005 and was given parole and had a suspended sentence agreement. He was arrested again in 2007 for violating his parole and that led to his going to jail.

I'm not in law enforcement but wouldn't the detectives, who conducted the interviews with the family, have also interviewed Hutchins in 2006 based on the fact that JB told them he had spoken to him? Surely those detectives would have informed Hutchins that there was more than one instance. Then again since he was on parole for kiddie porn they may not have told him anything.

Anyone with legal knowledge know how that would have worked?

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I would not watch a 19 kids spinoff unless it's the girls pursuing a life outside of their creepy cult (going to college, pursuing photography in a real city...)

I'm sorry, but Jessa and Jill are dumb as rocks and really boring. I don't think anyone has an interest in watching more of them pretending that their lives are a bowl of cherries.

Sorry again for saying Jessa and Jill are dumb as rocks and really boring, I know it's not their fault, but it's just true. I would like to see them have their own show if they were actually living in the real world though.

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I don't know how I feel about it either. Are JB and M forcing the girls to do this? Hard to say...

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As for as speculation goes, I'm just going to say that the media picking up on rumors posted here and running with it is a an asinine reason for not speculating. Saying that certain speculations are silly, stupid, what have you--that's legitimate, because there's some off-the-wall shit that gets posted. Holding this board responsible for the actions of supposed professional writers who should goddamn know better...THAT is stupid. That's giving FJ way too much importance (like the, "we should't say mean things about them because if they read here that would discourage them leaving fundamentalism" argument. Come on, now.) Oh, and since apparently people can't let shit go, I stand by my comments about Jill. But I rank homebirthers pretty closely to anti-vaxxers, so...

Oh for the love of God, let's put this one to rest. Free Jinger has never made the possibility of media picking up on rumors and running with them an official reason for not speculating. That is a rumor based on a misunderstanding. And a classic example of rumor morphing into fact!

The source of this rumor was a post I made on another thread a few weeks ago well before the news of the scandal broke wide open. It is somewhere on one of the Jill and Derrick threads if you want to look. I was cautioning about wild speculation and rumors morphing into fact and gave an example of Radar picking up on something erroneous and reporting it as true. It was a complete throwaway line in the middle of a post about being careful and avoiding wild speculations.

A poster picked up on that single sentence out of context and threw a rather spectacular hissy fit while ignoring the rest of the post. And now a few people are still perseverating about it. :roll:

There are a lot of reasons for resisting wild, salacious, prurient, and bloody stupid speculation, but the media not doing their homework properly is not one of them. Sheesh!

I've never seen the "we shouldn't say mean things about them because if they read here that would discourage them leaving fundamentalism" argument on Free Jinger. I have no idea where that one came from.

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Oh for the love of God, let's put this one to rest. Free Jinger has never made the possibility of media picking up on rumors and running with them an official reason for not speculating. That is a rumor based on a misunderstanding. And a classic example of rumor morphing into fact!

The source of this rumor was a post I made on another thread a few weeks ago well before the news of the scandal broke wide open. It is somewhere on one of the Jill and Derrick threads if you want to look. I was cautioning about wild speculation and rumors morphing into fact and gave an example of Radar picking up on something erroneous and reporting it as true. It was a complete throwaway line in the middle of a post about being careful and avoiding wild speculations.

A poster picked up on that single sentence out of context and threw a rather spectacular hissy fit while ignoring the rest of the post. And now a few people are still perseverating about it. :roll:

There are a lot of reasons for resisting wild, salacious, prurient, and bloody stupid speculation, but the media not doing their homework properly is not one of them. Sheesh!

I've never seen the "we shouldn't say mean things about them because if they read here that would discourage them leaving fundamentalism" argument on Free Jinger. I have no idea where that one came from.

Calm your tits. I didn't say it was an official policy. I was responding to other people listing reasons why speculating is bad. Those two always pop up.

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I think the media is in the same boat we are right now... speculating upon speculations. There is no new information to go on - certainly nothing positive to focus on in this story - so until TLC or Duggars give us a new piece of info or announcement, we're gonna go 'round and round with all the possible outcomes.

Edit to add: Unreasonable speculation is just that... unreasonable. However, the whole "sin in the camp" story was "unreasonable speculation" for a long time as well. Hope for the best - expect the worst with the Duggars.

Depending on what the spinoff was and the conditions of said spinoff, I don't hate the idea. It would be good for Jessa and Ben to have their own jobs. But... I wouldn't watch that snoozefest.

InTouch always seems to get the story pretty close to right on the first try (with some exceptions). It's really terrifying that I feel I can put more faith in Hutchens the convicted child pornographer than any of the Duggar mouth pieces. He actually seems to have some genuine remorse about the situation.

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Calm your tits. I didn't say it was an official policy. I was responding to other people listing reasons why speculating is bad. Those two always pop up.

I just liked this, simply because you said "calm your tits". Honestly, that's the only part I read.. :shhh:

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I wonder why JB and the church person he said in the report that went with him thought Hutchens was someone they coukld trust with this information?

Did they expect Hutchens to do something and smooth the way to correct official or did they expect he wouldn't do anything official?

Because frankly at this time JB knew many more police officers than just this one.

So why this one? It had to be more than just he ran the wrecker and used car division.

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I think the talk of a possible spin-off is nothing more than a trial balloon sent up by TLC to see if people would be ok with it. I don't think it will ultimately happen bc Jill and Jessa are completely boring and neither will say or do anything in opposition to how they were raised. I am not sure why anyone thinks they would be more forthcoming if they had their own show. Jessa and Jill seem to be deepest in the koolaid and aren't going to suddenly change because they got their own show. Jim Bob will still be pulling the strings. Realistically, people will only watch to see if they show any behaviors that can be blamed on sexual abuse and to snark on them. They will not do anything differently than already occurred on the 19kids show.

With more advertisers dropping by the hour, does anyone really think many would come back for a spin-off when their ads could be spent on a less controversial show? If anything, it will appear that the girls are basically trying to profit off the molestation and people will say they are now allowing TLC to exploit them rather than their parents. Plus, how do you have a show that does not discuss their beliefs or why they are raising their children in a certain matter? That is really all they have to offer, they do nothing else. How do you fill the time?

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I was reading several sourced articles with links here and came across a list of TLC shows that have been cancelled because of one scandal or another. Does TLC not vet ANY of their reality "talent"?

I guess the participants of the TLC shows don't care that they are just the modern equivalent of the freak show because $$$.

Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster. I work in TV and whenever we book a guest or someone to be on the show, we're always told to do our "due diligence" by searching public records for any evidence of criminal/shady behavior. Unfortunately for TLC, none of the Josh stuff would've shown up in these background checks, since there wasn't a report. On the other hand, I find it very hard to believe that the producers didn't know something fishy was going on while filming with the Duggars.

As for the other TLC shows and their respective scandals, it is commonly understood that when you decide to work with crazy people (no offense to the Honey Boo Boo family) you have to be prepared to deal with the consequences and hire a small army of lawyers. I'm guessing these lawyers are making sure all their ducks are in a row before TLC makes any formal statement regarding the show's future.

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I won't be thrilled if Jessa or Jill get their own shows either.

Both of these women have chosen to continue to live this lifestyle when at any given time in the last 2-4 years they could have escaped if they truly didn't believe all the crap their parents taught them.

Neither deserve a public forum to spread their nonsense.

Now if TLC offered one of the kids who truly wants out a sort of Breaking Duggar show then okay but for now I am not convinced any of the kids above Joy are worthy of ever having a public forum.

My opinion of course.

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Does the Gothard/ATI crowd believe in the all-seeing God? And God knows your heart and all of that? I just can't fathom how JB can justify/sanctify his lying. The omniscient God would not approve. I mean, clearly, God isn't very happy with them right now.

I'm really not sure that Jill and Jessa's lives are all that interesting. Not interesting enough for a TV show. And what, as more kids get married they add them in to the show? I don't like that idea. I also don't like the idea of exploiting MORE children from this family. These people have been reduced to circus performers. Give the kids trusts and call it quits. Leave them alone.

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I think the talk of a possible spin-off is nothing more than a trial balloon sent up by TLC to see if people would be ok with it.

What I am thinking too. It's a "hail Mary" attempt to see if there is any possible chance of salvaging their cash cow.

Still don't think it will work. Advertisers pulling out, too much negative publicity. Even if the storylines were interesting (snowballs chance of hell of that happening) it's going to be seen as exploiting victims of abuse, it will have a squick factor now.

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I think it's kind of disgusting that TLC and Boob/j'chelle would be worried about how to continue a tv show right now. ESPECIALLY as the parents of the accused perpetrator and victims. You'd think they'd have better things to worry about.

You've made a living off your kids long enough, assholes

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1) Was there a "heads up" for Josh and Anna, and thus their families?

I think they did get some warning. Maybe a reporter called a few days before it came out to get a comment.

2) Did TLC know?

I don't think they knew the full extent of things. But they probably knew something. I can't imagine a scenario where someone didn't mention something. I don't think they wanted to know so they ignored it.

3) Did the Kellers and Anna really know what Josh had done, when Pa Keller hand-picked him for Anna?

IMO they were told something but not the full extent of things. I think JB would have wanted to minimize what happened as they seem to be minimizing it now.

4) Are the Kellers and/or the Seewalds truly supportive?

I think it depends on how much each of them knew beforehand. I don't have clear enough idea of Kellers to think I have any real idea. I think Seewalds are outwardly supportive, but at least Gunn has some reservations.

5) Will the "show go on" in some form or another?

I think TLC will try to figure some way to it go on. If they get girls to address situation somehow they might succeed. JB will probably resist at first but might give permission if he realizes that there is no way of them to go on otherwise. And if he keeps getting the majority of the money.

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I'm uncertain how I feel about it, yet. Beginning a new series based on (at least some) of the children, drawing up new contracts... they may actually have the freedom now to speak honestly about things that were controlled by their parents in the past. But the molestation accounts aren't the only aspect of the scandal that has changed public view of the family and parents - people are beginning to read and understand the very damaging aspects of their religious belief system as being separate from mainstream Christianity, and in a lot of ways dangerous. If the girls do not directly address that stuff on a new series, a lot of people will think they are continuing the tradition of covering things up. I think it's possible now that they could be more outspoken about things but I don't think it's likely they would denounce Quiverfull or Gothard or express any dissatisfaction with the way their parents raised them or handled the molestations or any of that. They'll probably continue following party lines which is a confusing message for the station to put out there. "Yes, we are aware that their lifestyle conceals and in some cases encourages various types of abuse, but that's not happening THIS time, so there's no problem, and don't ask us about it because it's not our place to judge, and don't expect to see any questions about Quiverfull to turn up on any future 'ask the Duggars' episodes". I can't see the choice to give the girls their own show ending well. The larger portion of the family will almost certainly try to get in on that. You think they won't ever show JimBob and Michelle on the girls' show? What, are they going to blur out Josh's face when he visits? :?

Anyone involved in a spinoff would have to say very specific things to placate viewers, and those things may not jibe with family members' true feelings. I hope it doesn't happen like that. Also, it's waaaay too soon. Viewers need to process everything that's come to light first.

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I won't be thrilled if Jessa or Jill get their own shows either.

Both of these women have chosen to continue to live this lifestyle when at any given time in the last 2-4 years they could have escaped if they truly didn't believe all the crap their parents taught them.

Neither deserve a public forum to spread their nonsense.

Now if TLC offered one of the kids who truly wants out a sort of Breaking Duggar show then okay but for now I am not convinced any of the kids above Joy are worthy of ever having a public forum.

My opinion of course.

I agree. Enough with giving evangelicals a platform for their "ministry." Let's stop pretending that people are better than their vile and dangerous beliefs.

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