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Josh Duggar Admits Molestation of 5 Juveniles - Part 6

happy atheist

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Yes he can. Anna has travelled with the three kids by herself before. He can leave her to take the kids through security to the gate and then join her there.

It isn't that hard to.keep your kids away from cameras if he really.wanted to.

True. Though they'd still be seen together at the gate. The only real way to avoid being seen with the kids would be to take a separate flight.

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It will be interesting. Unfortunately JB&M are millionaires now so they can probably help out Ben for a looooong time. It will be super interesting IMO if they don't and Ben and Jessa, and Jill and Derrick have to fend for themselves financially.

There is no way their lifestyle is sustainable so I imagine there are going to be big changes. I wonder if they will end up selling Jill's house sometime in the near future since I think Jim Bob is going to want to tighten his belt. It seems really unfair that Josh was able to recently purchase a home in Arkansas with money he only earned because of his TV fame and that is likely in his name. However, the other girls don't own a thing as far as we know and I doubt any of the future kids will either since this gravy train appears to be coming to an end.

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True. Though they'd still be seen together at the gate. The only real way to avoid being seen with the kids would be to take a separate flight.

That's when they got papped days ago going into DC. You are a few threads behind. A bunch of places carried it, not just Radar.

And when you are a professional reality TV star who got paid to give up your privacy you ask to be papped. Those children were literally born with reality TV cameras running. Can't have it both ways.

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Jill and Jessa re legally married adults with adult (ok, maybe Ben is borderline) husbands. How is JB going to prevent it from happening?

I guess by threatening to throw them out of their houses? fire Ben? But then he is risking more bad press.

Plus Ben has parents not far away who could help him with a place to live for a while until the TLC money rolls in and Derick has a job with WalMart

I think this falls under the umbrella of protection. IIRC the patriarch is in control even if the child is married. Usually, it's the husbands father, but I strongly suspect JB is keeping her daughters' husbands under his control.

iblp.org/questions/what-umbrella-protection (I hope I broke it correctly)

ETA: recoveringgrace.org/2014/05/umbrella-of-oppression/ this explains the term more openly.

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Still not appropriate questions to ask in front of kids, they didn't ask for it. They weren't born when the family went on TV or when their Dad was causing this controversy.

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Still not appropriate questions to ask in front of kids, they didn't ask for it. They weren't born when the family went on TV or when their Dad was causing this controversy.

They could have driven. Of course, I'm from Canada, so not sure how long that would take.

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There is no way their lifestyle is sustainable so I imagine there are going to be big changes. I wonder if they will end up selling Jill's house sometime in the near future since I think Jim Bob is going to want to tighten his belt. It seems really unfair that Josh was able to recently purchase a home in Arkansas with money he only earned because of his TV fame and that is likely in his name. However, the other girls don't own a thing as far as we know and I doubt any of the future kids will either since this gravy train appears to be coming to an end.

I agree it is unfair. I could see Boob selling that house to make some money. Hopefully Jill and Derick have been saving as much as they can. Maybe they'll be able to rent or buy a more reasonably sized home. Hopefully Boob at least gives them enough advance notice to find something suitable.

I'm more concerned about Jessa and Ben to be honest. Fortunately, Ben just earned his Associate's degree - so they aren't as bad off as they would have been a few months ago. I'm hoping he finds employment outside the Duggar sphere of influence so he can provide for his family. I just hope the two of them can get more settled before Boob needs that house for another couple.

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Wow, cannot keep up with this thread. You all are too fast for me. A few days ago, I thought I had accomplished something when I finished part 1, only to learn there were 3 more 40-plus page threads to read. lol

I have watched the Duggar trainwreck ever since the 14 Kids and Pregnant Again special, and I've loved to watch because of the snark factor (although it's been getting very boring the last 2 to 3 years, even with the courtships and marriages). And I never thought I'd see the day where I'd want this show to end, but Josh has made it happen. Get these harmful people off my TV. Make them have to get "real" jobs. I wanna see how Ben is gonna fare having to work now that his cash cow may be ending. At least Derrick has a degree and a career.

Ben also has a degree, and he has worked before, to be fair.

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On Jim Bob telling the kids that this is all satans work to destroy the godly messengers: He sure does and the older kids will already believe this by themselves. There are actual posst on the duggars fb stating e x a c t l y that this is all statans work. Really. I posted a link to recoveringgrace yesterday; I don´t even know how fast it has been deleted. Someone must be quite busy theses days pressing the delete button. On the instagram accounts on the other hand, Jill, Derrick and Jessa do not seem to care. On Derricks account there is a really natsy üerson beeing just rude and curle. I wish I could delete this guy (At least yesterday when I checked).

I am alos pretty sure that the Kids will be showhn all the supportive Messages (an awefule lot) and bad examples of rude people´s comments to proof the right believe.... :angry-banghead:

People assume that this will make the kids fear the real world more but I think its entirely possible that some of the backlash may actually have the opposite effect. The teenagers must question their lifestyle to a degree, even if this is frowned upon and discouraged. And they've been told that the world is evil and full of terrible people. But someone like Jana or Jinger and maybe some of the older boys may see the outrage the general public is feeling is actually validation of their own personal feelings about the situation and may actually prompt them to question their situation more. At least I can hope.

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There is no way their lifestyle is sustainable so I imagine there are going to be big changes. I wonder if they will end up selling Jill's house sometime in the near future since I think Jim Bob is going to want to tighten his belt. It seems really unfair that Josh was able to recently purchase a home in Arkansas with money he only earned because of his TV fame and that is likely in his name. However, the other girls don't own a thing as far as we know and I doubt any of the future kids will either since this gravy train appears to be coming to an end.

Then there's JD's plane. Not only would that go for BIG bucks if sold, but the upkeep is horrid. Storage/hangar fees, fuel, maintenance. I don't see it being around much longer if/when things start to go under. Anyone checked the flight logs on it lately? And seriously, if I'm Josh and my family had its own plane, I sure as hell would not be flying commercial right now.

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Anyone else notice the picture? Derrick and Ben are in the family picture - but Josh, Anna and the 3 M's aren't. Were they airbrushed out?!?!???

No, those are promo pictures for last season. Derick, Josh's family, and possibly some others were added later. It wouldn't have taken much to use a version that didn't have Josh's family.

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That's when they got papped days ago going into DC. You are a few threads behind. A bunch of places carried it, not just Radar.

And when you are a professional reality TV star who got paid to give up your privacy you ask to be papped. Those children were literally born with reality TV cameras running. Can't have it both ways.

Paps can't get through security without a ticket and then that would just be bad luck for Josh and.why he shouldn't be running around with kids.

Pretty soon he won't be able to afford these regular flights all over so he needs to get used to driving.

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Regarding the whole reporters bothering Josh in the airport thing:

- It was wrong of the reporters to do so. They have a job to do, but it strikes me as wrong to ask those sort of questions in front of the kids.

- Despite that, Josh brought this situation on himself and his family. Being out in public with them now is going to subject all of them to really uncomfortable questions.

- They could try sending the M Kids with a relative. . . but if it's one of Josh's siblings or parents then its going to be the same problem.

- Driving is possible from Maryland to Arkansas. I want to say the distance is around 1,500 miles or so. It would take a while, especially with three little kids and a heavily pregnant wife. Not to mention they would run the risk of being recognized during pit stops.

- Anna could take the kids out on her own. . . however, her face has been splashed all over the articles as well. People know who she is and what she looks like. . . and I have no doubt that the reporters would bother her with questions as well.

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Then there's JD's plane. Not only would that go for BIG bucks if sold, but the upkeep is horrid. Storage/hangar fees, fuel, maintenance. I don't see it being around much longer if/when things start to go under. Anyone checked the flight logs on it lately? And seriously, if I'm Josh and my family had its own plane, I sure as hell would not be flying commercial right now.

Unless JD has a plane I haven't seen and a license to pilot it I don't believe the plane I have seen is.large enough for three adults (JD, Josh and a pregs Anna) three small children and their luggage.

Also JD may not be comfortable flying that far and that close to restricted DC air space.

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Yes he can. Anna has travelled with the three kids by herself before. He can leave her to take the kids through security to the gate and then join her there.

It isn't that hard to.keep your kids away from cameras if he really.wanted to.

That was before he was anything more than the child of people who had too many children. If she traveled alone, they'd hound her to find out why.

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Then there's JD's plane. Not only would that go for BIG bucks if sold, but the upkeep is horrid. Storage/hangar fees, fuel, maintenance. I don't see it being around much longer if/when things start to go under. Anyone checked the flight logs on it lately? And seriously, if I'm Josh and my family had its own plane, I sure as hell would not be flying commercial right now.

They bought the plane for $200k, which is still the going rate for a 2004 Cirrus SR22, according to the quick google search I just did. I have taken quite an interest in the comings and goings of Duggar Aviation, but I don't have any expertise to offer.

The plane flew to Tulsa yesterday morning and hasn't returned. Tulsa is, what, a hundred miles from Tontiown? There's no way to know if any Duggars are in Tulsa or simply dropped off the plane and drove home.

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2) Did TLC know?

I can't fathom any scenario in which they didn't know. At the very least, Oprah/Harpo would have contacted them. I also can't/don't believe that the anonymous source who contacted Oprah/Harpo wouldn't have also contacted TLC and/or Figure8. Plus there were years of speculation and rumors - certainly the TLC publicists heard those murmurings, and either investigated or chose to ignore.

3) Did the Kellers and Anna really know what Josh had done, when Pa Keller hand-picked him for Anna?

I don't know. The idea that Mr. Keller is in the business of forgiveness makes sense to me, but I can also see the Duggars disclosing the general details (i.e. Josh touched girls) without the specifics (the girls were his sisters). I also don't know that the Duggars themselves would have to tell the story - I get the sense that the ordeal was well known within their circle because of Josh's confessiong in front of church elders and the involvement of a girl from outside the Duggar household. I think people are not fully understanding how powerful the forgiveness concept is in this group - it isn't a cover to say that Josh repented and was forgiven. The entire foundation of their belief system is based on the idea that all sins are forgiven for those who repent, and I think they truly and deeply beleive that Josh repented and was forgiven, therefore there is nothing else to do. As hard as it is for non-Christians and even mainstream Christians to believe, I don't think Josh would be the pariah we expect him to be.

4) Are the Kellers and/or the Seewalds truly supportive?

I think Anna's parents are truly supportive, either because they truly believe Josh is repentant and forgive, or to save face because they push their daughter into this circus. I think Michael Seewald is trying to rationalize the differences between his Calvinist beliefs and the Duggars beliefs regarding free will. As much as I think the Kellers probably knew, I think the Seewalds were completely blindsided.

Wow, had forgotten to consider some of what you shared (like, Harpo and the anonymous source had to have contacted TLC. AGREE!) I basically agree with the strong points you made above.

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Helpful hint: Don't ever listen to Taylor Swift's new song "Bad Blood" while reading an update on the Duggar scandal. That song is forever tainted for me now.

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Paps can't get through security without a ticket and then that would just be bad luck for Josh and.why he shouldn't be running around with kids.

Pretty soon he won't be able to afford these regular flights all over so he needs to get used to driving.

Well paps wouldn't get through security (unless they were REALLY into their job and bought the cheapest ticket they could) but other people at the gate could take pictures/video.

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They bought the plane for $200k, which is still the going rate for a 2004 Cirrus SR22, according to the quick google search I just did. I have taken quite an interest in the comings and goings of Duggar Aviation, but I don't have any expertise to offer.

The plane flew to Tulsa yesterday morning and hasn't returned. Tulsa is, what, a hundred miles from Tontiown? There's no way to know if any Duggars are in Tulsa or simply dropped off the plane and drove home.

Interesting. It takes about an hour and a half to drive to Tulsa and there is the toll road which helps. So I wonder why they flew. Unless he flies to get his hours up. It is also possible he flies others around who pay him to stay over and wait for them?

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I feel bad for Anna that she has to leave D.C. 5 weeks before her baby is due. Unless they got lucky and the lease was up, why not have Anna stay in D.C. and deliver with her midwife that has been following her pregnancy? I would think way more photographers are lurking in Arkansas then in Maryland.

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Still not appropriate questions to ask in front of kids, they didn't ask for it. They weren't born when the family went on TV or when their Dad was causing this controversy.

Papparazzi didn't say anything specific or nasty, just asked if he had any comment. If I saw him, I would say a lot worse, no matter who was around. I have a feeling he brings out a lot of thoughts from others now. Paps is the least of his problems when he goes in public.

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Wow, had forgotten to consider some of what you shared (like, Harpo and the anonymous source had to have contacted TLC. AGREE!) I basically agree with the strong points you made above.

Even without those points, TLC knew. They were around at the time of the investigation.

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I feel bad for Anna that she has to leave D.C. 5 weeks before her baby is due. Unless they got lucky and the lease was up, why not have Anna stay in D.C. and deliver with her midwife that has been following her pregnancy? I would think way more photographers are lurking in Arkansas then in Maryland.

I hope she wasn't pressured to leave by her birthing team deciding not to help them anymore.

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I hope she wasn't pressured to leave by her birthing team deciding not to help them anymore.

They got papped arriving into to DC, so they might still be there. Might be in a RV on the way home? Who knows?

Besides, she has a whole birthing team of Duggars on the compound, so she will be fine.

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