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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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Jeebus on a cracker. Between Baby Dizzy and DuggarGate, if anything else comes out now poor FJ will implode. :shock:

"Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya..."

And kudos to the helpmeets, mods, admins, basically anyone with any goddamn sense about them lol. Thank you!!!

Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I commend those of you who have composed and/or sent letters to sponsors and advertisers. I really agree they are the ones we need to target. I wonder what will come on Monday: more details, more advertisers pulling out, perhaps a long-awaited announcement from TLC regarding the fate of the show? Im actually quite surprised we heard almost nothing today.

There's no hurry for TLC to make any statement regarding future because they aren't currently in production. Time is on their side.

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I have a friend who takes her hubby and 4 kids to Costco every Saturday for lunch......They eat all the freebie samples that are being handed out. She said it's a family tradition. :P :P Wonder if the Duggs visit there much ;)

JB is probably too cheap to spring for the membership.

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I have a friend who takes her hubby and 4 kids to Costco every Saturday for lunch......They eat all the freebie samples that are being handed out. She said it's a family tradition. :P :P

My husband and I do that too. no kids tho. When I say try for customers I mean things like try a climbing wall which is meant for testing shoes or harnesses not for twelve kids to climb all over for a free hour of fun.

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So I want to read this thread. And I have to scroll, scroll, scroll through a bunch of weird arguing about things that aren't part of the case. C'mon, get it together! Let's talk about all these horrible people. Boob, michelle, huckleberry, the judge, the lawyer (who IS the lawyer?), the deep pockets, the shallow pockets, cps, the court, a gay sister, a candlestick maker. FFS you guys, this is fucking GOLD! There is more substance to keep the drama going, we don't need a argue fest.

Also, anyone know if Tan Barnfield is on FJ?

I invited her over yesterday, from my not-anonymous facebook. And I forgot to tell her that she can register without naming herself, if she wants to. I try to keep my real name and various usernames separate, but facebook makes that difficult sometimes. :mouse-shock:

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.... I think I love you... :worship:

Oh, her first post was awful- well, the kicking she took for it was awful! I am not going to give away the location because it is a hidden FJ gem, but I stumbled across it and wow!

It was a lot different back before Jan 2013. I lurked forever and was scared to create an account. A few years ago, several recent posters would have had threads created about them to tell them how awful they were, rather than a few "FFS, read the rules" comments.

I think any smashing done towards HA is going to not be taken well. She and Curious have held this place together for 2.5 years. She is a good egg. It is wise to listen.

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JB is probably too cheap to spring for the membership.

Let's be real, they're a Sam's Club family. :lol:

Disclaimer: I've never been to Sam's Club and have no idea how similar or different it is to Costco.

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JB is probably too cheap to spring for the membership.

Well Derrick might get free Sams club membership since he e works at the home office. jim Bob can piggy back for freebie there.

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In regard to the quiverfull author comments:


“Do you hear Josh’s sisters railing against him?†he continued.

The statement about Josh's sisters railing against him is a nonsequitor. Are they even able to share what they're thinking without their parents disowning them or the public scrutinizing them? That's a serious question. Regardless, whether or not they rail against him doesn't change the fact that a crime happened multiple times under the Duggar's roof.

“Not, it’s not the victims howling for scalps, it’s pagans and gullible Christians, eagerly grabbing the bait and shooting their own wounded.

Wait, so Christians who aren't hardcore are now on the same level of pagans? He says this like pagans are horrible people, and they're not.

I also object to him saying that Josh is somehow a wounded deer in need of unconditional compassionate support from the public, while making it a point to say that his sister's weren't harmed enough to rail against him. I mean wow. Talk about protecting the abuser.

Ok, go ahead and follow the crowd. I am taking a stand here and now, and you may quote me anywhere you care to.

Taking a stand against what? Having reasonable standards of human behavior? Believing that parents should do more than talk to police officers that are family friends and into child porn? For expecting Josh to be put through the system any other boy would have gone through with the possibility of getting the help he needed?

The Duggars are an exemplary family and I wish I were half the man that Jim Bob Duggar is.â€

Judging by everything you just said, you are half the man he is. Being that he seemed to do as little as possible concerning the crimes perpetrated against his own daughters, that puts you pretty far down the food chain of society.

Yeah, that was snarky, but my other response would have been worse.

Edited for clarification.

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The problem with the duggar worshippers is they just can not fathom that they were so wrong in their own judgement of this family. So they work hard to convince themselves and every one else how they weren't wrong because there is nothing wrong with the duggars.

They are good at this sort of justifying because they have to be to even continue believing in the crap their bible says.

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Not to beat a dead horse...but I had someone PM yesterday saying thank you for my post defending new people. This person also said that they were likely leaving FJ because of the hostile attitude here and that it felt really cliquey and high schoolish with the veteran posters. An admin prob has access to my PMs if anyone doubts this is the case. I get that people have to adjust to the cheeky nature of the culture here but lately it feels like a lot more than that.

I'm not talking about violating rules that could hurt someone, but instead someone repeating a post because they didn't read all eleventy million posts from previous threads - no one needs to be hostile about that, just ignore it if a link has already been posted. It feels more like the veterans are more annoyed with new people being around in general and aren't giving the appropriate amount of patience that this site does take some time to get used to and isn't completely intuitive. Not a criticism of the site, just saying that instead of being annoyed and lashing out please keep in mind that this is a lot of people's very first experience of FJ and they are leaving with a bad taste in their mouth.

Also, I think we could deal with a little less condescension from non-mods about the rules. That's why we have mods, that's their job. We don't need 5 commenters attacking one commenter about how a link has already been published...because frankly that's just as annoying.

And while I'm happy that FJ is starting to hold itself to higher standards, I also have been reading long enough to remember 8 weeks ago when a thread (with several pages!) in this forum called "A troubling theory that just won't leave me alone" or something like that about Jill actually have twins but one was murdered as part of satanic ritual. :roll: Just saying that non-mod commenters policing people about some of the new rules feels especially hostile considering that a lot of these rules are new and we may need a little patience adjusting.

I'm sorry that this forum isn't the same as it was pre-Josh Scandal (b.j. - before josh?) but you'd think people would have a bit more understanding that this was a crazy event in FJ history and that everyone should have a bit more patience at the moment than whining constantly about the noobs and how it was "different back in my day...back in the TWOP days".

Just so you understand, since you are pretty new as well, this is a self-moderating forum. Posters are expected to shut down thing that are against community standards or rules. Helpmeets and admins do not step in unless a situation calls for it. That is why you will see people enforcing community standards and you don't see a lot of moderation unless a situation is out of control. That allows for situations to diffuse themselves and better and freer discussion to arise.

Part of the terms of use includes familiarizing yourself with board culture before you jump in. That is main thing HA has been trying to get across. Read the rules. Check the different forums. If you don't, then there is really no defense.

This Duggar nonsense is not the worse thing this forum has been through by a longshot and the place has survived and flourished. There are reasons newbies are asked to familiarize themselves with board culture. If they don't like it or don't want to adjust expectations, I am not sure what people around here can do for them.

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I'm sorry people have been mean. Everyone has been on edge with the influx of newbies! Its weird for me because I've basically been lurking here daily for the past year and it feels like I know the community and people here. But once I started actually posting it felt super hostile! But I know these people aren't actually like that because I've seen the community before all hell was unleashed with the Josh scandal. Just hoping you'll stick around.

Unfortunately I think "the community" was like this before the scandal and that is just bringing it out more. It seems clear to me that newcomers are not wanted. They are ignored or picked apart at any opportunity. I don't even want to read here anymore let alone try to be part of "the community". I'm disgusted enough that I'd rather read the Pickles page than come here again.

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"This Duggar nonsense is not the worse thing this forum has been through by a longshot and the place has survived and flourished."

Can I just ask what was worse? If thats annoying sorry ignore me.

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Well Derrick might get free Sams club membership since he e works at the home office. jim Bob can piggy back for freebie there.

Nope. Walmart employees don't even get their discount there!

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The problem with the duggar worshippers is they just can not fathom that they were so wrong in their own judgement of this family. So they work hard to convince themselves and every one else how they weren't wrong because there is nothing wrong with the duggars.

They are good at this sort of justifying because they have to be to even continue believing in the crap their bible says.

I loved that pod cast that was linked her yesterday with the Christian pastor and conservative talk show host Michael Reagan talking about this incident and how it was handled.

Reagan made an excellent statement. He said would conservative Christians similarly defend Barack Obama if he announced that he had molested his sister, and both men agreed, that NO they would not.

You have to be the right kind of Christian to receive the accolades and intense defending.

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"This Duggar nonsense is not the worse thing this forum has been through by a longshot and the place has survived and flourished."

Can I just ask what was worse? If thats annoying sorry ignore me.

I will pm you later when I get off a tablet.No need to start any thing on that here :P

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I will pm you later when I get off a tablet.No need to start any thing on that here :P


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For those who are having trouble finding threads to post in, if you go to google search and type this, the Google search indexes might be easier to find what you're looking for:

"search string in quotation marks" site:freejinger.org


"honey boo boo" site:freejinger.org

Hit the enter button and kerblam! Fun times to be had by all.

From: another newbie 8-)

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Unfortunately I think "the community" was like this before the scandal and that is just bringing it out more. It seems clear to me that newcomers are not wanted. They are ignored or picked apart at any opportunity. I don't even want to read here anymore let alone try to be part of "the community". I'm disgusted enough that I'd rather read the Pickles page than come here again.

I've said it before on this thread - most people here are quite nice and welcoming to new comers. There have been many posters - new and old - who have been very polite and helpful to the newer posters over the past week. There have also been many posters - new and old - who have been pretty out of line. The recent waves of new posters has made things pretty chaotic at the moment and a lot of people are frustrated - either because they feel they're being treated unfairly or because they are angry that some new posters aren't paying attention to rules. Things will calm down soon.

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I loved that pod cast that was linked her yesterday with the Christian pastor and conservative talk show host Michael Reagan talking about this incident and how it was handled.

Reagan made an excellent statement. He said would conservative Christians similarly defend Barack Obama if he announced that he had molested his sister, and both men agreed, that NO they would not.

You have to be the right kind of Christian to receive the accolades and intense defending.

Actually as whacky as they are, they are clever in trying to turn this into a culture debate vs should a child molester and the who family covered it up have a weekly show.

Maybe it's where I am reading, but I've been surprised that more popular Christians haven't come forward like Santorum, who I think came forward because he was asked about the Duggars. But if the fundies are successful into turning this into an anti-Christian thing.. ut oh bc it's possible that other Christians could forget at the core, the fight is over a child molester and worry that once again Christians rights are being treaded on.

Was it the Wilmore that said that Fox News has devoted less than 2 minutes in TOTAL of coverage to child molesting Josh? Fox loves crime stuff... They don't want to wade in and piss off their audience. Not to mention every Republican candidate has taken a picture with Josh. He's like the Where's Waldo of the party. I don't understand why they can't say, we didn't know, but now that we do, we don't stand for this or using our faith as an excuse... If Josh weren't a white Christian they'd be all over this.

I just don't understand why the Duggars can't say, wow we were wrong on this guy and don't let his actions spoil how we are viewed.

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Nope. Walmart employees don't even get their discount there!

Sams club doesnt offer employee discounts so of course walmart employees at the home office wouldn't get that perk. Maybe derrick isnt a level to get free membership or maybe they stopped offering it but I know that some people at home office used to get sams club membership ten years ago.

Edit to say I went to walmart.com employee benefits and UNLESS derrick strictly works for Walmart division and HAS NOTHING to do with the SAMS CLUB division he.should as an employee at the home office not only receive his walmart discount card but also a free sams club membership.

He might also only work for sams club. Not sure as home office employees tend to just say they work for Wal-Mart home office regardless of division.

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Actually as whacky as they are, they are clever in trying to turn this into a culture debate vs should a child molester and the who family covered it up have a weekly show.

Maybe it's where I am reading, but I've been surprised that more popular Christians haven't come forward like Santorum, who I think came forward because he was asked about the Duggars. But if the fundies are successful into turning this into an anti-Christian thing.. ut oh bc it's possible that other Christians could forget at the core, the fight is over a child molester and worry that once again Christians rights are being treaded on.

Was it the Wilmore that said that Fox News has devoted less than 2 minutes in TOTAL of coverage to child molesting Josh? Fox loves crime stuff... They don't want to wade in and piss off their audience. Not to mention every Republican candidate has taken a picture with Josh. He's like the Where's Waldo of the party. I don't understand why they can't say, we didn't know, but now that we do, we don't stand for this or using our faith as an excuse... If Josh weren't a white Christian they'd be all over this.

I just don't understand why the Duggars can't say, wow we were wrong on this guy and don't let his actions spoil how we are viewed.

To be fair to fox news I have noticed several mentions of this scandal. Granted I havent seen an entire episode on it but fox news doesn't have as many magazine news hours as CNN does now. Part of the reason I stopped watching as much CNN and watch more Fox now.

Yeah I saidn elsewhere on the forum that they are looking at this as an attack against Christians but the truth will out no matter how persecuted they think they are.

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I believe that this was the statute of limitations in effect in 2003

As you can see, this statute is different than the one that has been previously posted. Sexual Assault in the third degree, the likely charge is NOT included in the list of offenses that toll the statute due to a child's age. That was changed in 2003, effective 2004 by H.B. 1909.

The statute of limitations was three years. There is nothing to toll the statute.

1) My reading of the bolded means that the statute doesn't start to run until three years after the minor turns 18 for all the offenses listed below?

2) I'm not sure Sexual Assault in the third degree was an offense at the time. Based on some googling (which may be wrong) it looks like they had much broader definitions of sexual abuse? Based on this link's definition Josh might be guilty of sexual abuse in the first degree? Or incest? Or violation of a minor? If SOL is based on when the crime was committed, does the crime get classified according to the current legal definitions or the ones at the time of the crime for SOL purposes?


Again, not a lawyer so I may be totally misinterpreting this.

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Yeah, because they're Duggar insiders.

UG. I just went back there. They are listing more companies cutting ties with the 19KAC "...as the media continues to sensationalize the accusations against Josh Duggar."

What accusations?? He ADMITTED to molesting little girls.

So yes, as BFFs of the Duggars, I'm guessing back at TTH the Duggars see the world as the media sensationalizing the accusations. And not crap the cat's out of the bag that Josh is an admitted child molester.

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Unfortunately I think "the community" was like this before the scandal and that is just bringing it out more. It seems clear to me that newcomers are not wanted. They are ignored or picked apart at any opportunity. I don't even want to read here anymore let alone try to be part of "the community". I'm disgusted enough that I'd rather read the Pickles page than come here again.

This is simply not true. I am a new member and have been received with kindness and have felt welcomed, despite my lack of knowledge about the dangers of fundamentalism and Gothard et al. But I came here to learn. And the people here have allowed me to do that.

There is no reason for newbies to leave. This is a great place to learn and discuss these issues, and the folks on FJ are smart as hell. You will learn about much more than the Duggars and Bateses. Give it a chance. It really is awesome.

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Unfortunately I think "the community" was like this before the scandal and that is just bringing it out more. It seems clear to me that newcomers are not wanted. They are ignored or picked apart at any opportunity. I don't even want to read here anymore let alone try to be part of "the community". I'm disgusted enough that I'd rather read the Pickles page than come here again.

I'm not going to try to convince you to stick around. I just wanted to say I don't think this is the case at all. I think it's just that new members aren't treated any differently than older members, in the sense that if a comment were going to be pissed on, it will be, regardless of author, number of posts, or length of time here.

Regarding board culture and so many questions...the links alongside the left hand of this page will direct you to ALL of the history of FJ you could EVER want to know, plus background on all of our favorite fundies. It's not creepy to look through it- it's there so you can read it and know what happened before. It's worth a read, because a lot of these conflicts wouldn't be happening if that effort was made. If you can't find it there, it's probably safe to ask.

And yeah, HA is pretty beloved around here, so no, attitude/rudeness won't be appreciated. Read FJ History to know how she and Curious kept us together (long before either of our time here) and why she's so appreciated. It's not mod-worship, it's a genuine appreciation that we have this community because of what they were willing to do.

SO, that said. I don't think FJ is unwelcoming at all. You get what you get, and it's just the same from the inside as it is outside in- except occasionally you take the hits instead of just watching them. But if you can move on and not take it personally, it's all good!

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