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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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SECTION 1. Arkansas Code 5-14-108, concerning sexual abuse in the first degree, is amended to read as follows:

5-14-108. Sexual abuse in the first degree.

(a) A person commits sexual abuse in the first degree if:

(1) He engages in sexual contact with another person by forcible compulsion; or

(2) He engages in sexual contact with another person who is incapable of consent because he is physically helpless; or

(3) He engages in sexual contact with another person, not his spouse, who is a patient or resident of a hospital, nursing home, human development center, or other similar facility, and who is incapable of consent because he is mentally defective or mentally incapacitated; or

(4) Being eighteen (18) years old or older, he engages in sexual contact with a person not his spouse who is less than fourteen (14) years old; or

(5) He engages in sexual contact with a person who is less than sixteen (16) years of age and who is incapable of consent because he is 4 mentally defective or mentally incapacitated. ; or

6) Being employed directly or through contract with the Department of Correction or the Department of Community Punishment, or with any city or county jail, the person engages in sexual contact for the purpose of sexual gratification with any person in the custody of the Department of Correction or the Department of Community Punishment or within any city or county jail, the consent of the person in custody notwithstanding.

(b) Sexual abuse in the first degree is a Class C felony.

None of the victims qualified as mentally incapacitated, mentally deficient, or physically helpless. Josh was also at the most 15 at the time of the molestation incidents that are known. SA in the 1st would not have applied.

I don't know much about interpreting law, but if the person is asleep, would that count as being 'incapable of consent because they are physically helpless'?

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No, I'm trying to rock the boat. I'm trying to respond in the way consistent with the "culture of the board". Apparently, I have to be an asshole to finish my "hazing process"? And whining and feeling victimized is fine if you are a veteran victimized by noobs?

All I'm saying is that I wish people wouldn't essentially bully new commenters who appear to be trying politely to join in the conversation. I'm not defending gross violations of board rules or attacking mods. But someone who was berated for saying she thinks that Ben may have stopped following Derick on twitter got attacked for like a page and accused of deliberately stirring shit and making up rumors and not reading every thread ever on the site. And I think its a fair point that a new commenter made that if all these people are not seeing the rules than maybe their could possibly be a better way to advertise them instead of jumping into "attack X person for making suggestions mode".

Just saying that I think we could all tone it down a bit and that if that person wasn't new someone would have prob just corrected them but no its "POOR ME!!! MY FREE JINGER IS BEING RUINED BY NEW PEOPLE!!!! WAHHHH!!!!!"

/Rant. Did I do that right? Is that how board culture works?

Are you for real?

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I was rewatching the old 14 Kids special and noticed when they were preparing to pack up the 1st hour and move into the 2nd temporary house is when Josh came back from "rehab". If you click to marker 2:19 in this video, you'll see he is practically bald, at 16 years old:

[bBvideo 560,340:c1im8nn0]

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We also don't actually know if the DA, on the advice of DHS CPS, decided not to press charges after their subsequent investigation that they supposedly did - if the 2007 court case means what we think it means.

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Ugh, that reminds me... I was rewatching some of my old Duggar DVDs and in the second season, when Josh announces he and Anna are expecting, it's so hard to hear his sisters talk about what a great dad he's going to be. One of them literally says "He's had a lot of experience with little kids". I had to turn it off because their comments creeped the hell out of me in retrospect.

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Maybe she isn't Christian, or isn't the "right type" of Christian. She said they also gave her a gift of handmade soap and a Bible.

They made more than one of those baskets. Remember the Josh hosted Christmas video?

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has the fighting stopped?

Oh and the local people magazines dont have the duggar issue hmmmmm.....

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I was working under the assumption that a judge publicly announced that the police report didn't exist so that perhaps it could be argued it was not reported to police? I would just love the karmic retribution of destroying the police report to be that Josh can now be prosecuted for his crimes.

Oh, I wish he could be, too. But if the 2003 "report" to the State Trooper was sufficient to start the statute of limitations, the 2006 report being destroyed wouldn't reset it. :(

It sucks that the bad behavior of a cop (and a preacher, Holt) in failing to report this matter to the Hotline denied these girls justice (and denied Josh the opportunity to get real treatment). But while CPS operates under a "best interest of the child" mentality and so statutes of limitations don't matter for their side of things, the justice system must instead operate in a way that gives every possible benefit of the doubt to the accused. Screw-ups by the state can't he held against a defendant (and the failure of the pedophile State Trooper to report was a state screw-up). Even if we wish they could.

It just sucks. All of it.

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Oh and the local people magazines dont have the duggar issue hmmmmm.....

Wait, is this true, or is this sarcasm?

(Sorry, bear with me, I'm a bit dense at times).

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Couponing, like 9-5 jobs, school, gardening, canning, raising your kids, scratch cooking, using recipes, cloth diapering ...all of those things require work. Work is for the common heathen folks- those of us who are "less than" the morally superior Duggars.

The Duggars are anti-work.

Naw...they're just not "job-type people"! 8-)

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Naw...they're just not "job-type people"! 8-)

Bless you for bringing an XGay Greg and Dede reference into this thread. :lol:

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I subscribe to No Greater Joy {the Pearls, Mike, Debbie, and fam} (and Above Rubies, they're both free if you want snark material)

This quarters issues has a huge spread about sexual sins, including porn, incest, beastiality, etc. I'm sure a coincidence but what a big one! I don't know what the Pearls think about the Duggars.

No link because I read it in their magazine.

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But if the fundies are successful into turning this into an anti-Christian thing.. ut oh bc it's possible that other Christians could forget at the core, the fight is over a child molester and worry that once again Christians rights are being treaded on.

I expect this to happen too. I've already seen comments on news stories that accuse writers of only reporting about this because Josh believes in Jesus. Not because the Duggars are extreme in their beliefs and have been given a platform to potentially force them on everyone else, but because Josh is a Christian. Need I remind them that the Family Research Council exists solely to prevent the progress of LGBTQA rights, and other social progress in the name of "religious freedom"? Who is persecuting who, exactly? This is why people are talking about hypocrisy, but they will hear none of it.

Incidentally, I just found a link from raw story talking about how other conservative Christian families have been given a pass by Arkansas Department of Health Services:


If Christian conservatives are getting a pass for abuse of children, then Josh Duggar's case is one of many in which conservative Christians are viewed as inherently good.

This also makes me ask, if Josh Duggar sued DHS, and if DHS tends to favor conservative Christians, exactly how bad was it in their house?

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Wait, is this true, or is this sarcasm?

(Sorry, bear with me, I'm a bit dense at times).

its ok I can be gullible too

not sarcasm as much as wondering since it was at walgreens if they even wanted to sell it.

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has the fighting stopped?

Oh and the local people magazines dont have the duggar issue hmmmmm.....

I found my copy of people and in touch at walmart. Walgreens didn't have it. Darn duggars obsession made me go to walmart. Uuugh. [emoji79]

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Disclaimer: First time poster, I have read this thread and I am NOT trying to identify the 5th victim. That being said, I have read concernedmom’s old post thoroughly several times and she is not saying Jim Holt’s daughter is the 5th victim. In some of the Jim Holt comments on FJ, I think the implication is that while he may have been a mandated reporter, perhaps his daughter was the 5th victim so this somehow complicated his ability/desire to report. But if you read concernedmom’s post carefully you will see she is talking about two DIFFERENT girls:

1. Her friend’s daughter whose blouses were too tight so she was defrauding men (gag), she says this is the girl who was molested by Josh; AND

2. The girl he was betrothed to, daughter of the politician (presumably Jim Holt)

(Concernedmom's original post is here -


While I can believe that Josh might have tried to fool around (consensually) with his betrothed, I doubt he would have molested her, as he would have wanted to be on his best behavior to keep the family image up - and he would likely never have had the opportunity to be alone with her anyway, especially not while she was sleeping. It makes more sense the 5th victim was someone else, and of course she deserved it because her shirts were too tight, right?

On a side note, does anyone remember the episode when the Duggars met Dolly Parton? I wonder if JBoob (oh the irony of his nickname) felt “defrauded†by the mere presence of Dolly’s large breasts. I remember he asked her to sing Amazing Grace with all of them and Dolly demurred, saying something like “y’all start singing and I’ll join in.†(Translation: “Thanks for visiting Dollywood and all, but I don’t really want to help you fundies show off how ‘Christian’ you are by singing a church hymn with you.â€) It was one of the most awkward awesome moments I've seen on 19KAC.

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Naw...they're just not "job-type people"! 8-)

So Jilly-rod and XGG and Dsquared all made this thread.

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I found my copy of people and in touch at walmart. Walgreens didn't have it. Darn duggars obsession made me go to walmart. Uuugh. [emoji79]

I just noticed it paying for my anxiety meds

I try to avoid it like the plague! Luckily Target's closer :dance:

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Oh, I wish he could be, too. But if the 2003 "report" to the State Trooper was sufficient to start the statute of limitations, the 2006 report being destroyed wouldn't reset it. :(

It sucks that the bad behavior of a cop (and a preacher, Holt) in failing to report this matter to the Hotline denied these girls justice (and denied Josh the opportunity to get real treatment). But while CPS operates under a "best interest of the child" mentality and so statutes of limitations don't matter for their side of things, the justice system must instead operate in a way that gives every possible benefit of the doubt to the accused. Screw-ups by the state can't he held against a defendant (and the failure of the pedophile State Trooper to report was a state screw-up). Even if we wish they could.

It just sucks. All of it.

I guess my original point was that if no police report exists and these crimes can be prosecuted until the minors are 28 then can't these still be prosecuted? What in the current law is stopping them from launching an investigation? Not a lawyer, sorry if I'm being dense in not understanding this. Is it that there may have been prosecution that has been sealed that was what Josh appealed? Because otherwise my thought is that a judge outright states no police report was made and the crimes don't violate SOL so you'd think his confession would be enough to at least start an investigation and potentially prosecute?

And sorry for my tone earlier. All I want is for people to be nicer to new people!!! I don't like being a jerk.

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I'm trying to wade through the thread on her now. So far I've learned:

- they have too many kids and no jobs

- one kid is called Angry Olivia

- there's an older girl people like

- some other kids

- the baby sleeps in a legit cage

- they somehow have a dog

- and I'm sure there's a partridge in a pear tree somewhere

I'm on page 6 of the first part. I fear for the future.

CRYING of laughter at this, VelociRapture.

Spoiler alert: Just wait til you get to the parts where the fancy store clerk made her drive around crying with her daughters, and of course most recently, when she called the police because of a transgendered individual.

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I was rewatching the old 14 Kids special and noticed when they were preparing to pack up the 1st hour and move into the 2nd temporary house is when Josh came back from "rehab". If you click to marker 2:19 in this video, you'll see he is practically bald, at 16 years old:

Oh, Boob, ever the opportunist. Hey, guys, my kid has been fondling underage girls. Could you see what you can do about that for me and, hey, you know we are building a house, if you could teach him some stuff that would help with that id sure appreciate it. Here is a nice pic of the family for you.

While programs that start with shaving your head are generally not to be taken lightly, if his hair hadnt grown out any more than that he wasnt in the program long. Had to get back for filming dontcha know

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Oh, Boob, ever the opportunist. Hey, guys, my kid has been fondling underage girls. Could you see what you can do about that for me and, hey, you know we are building a house, if you could teach him some stuff that would help with that id sure appreciate it. Here is a nice pic of the family for you.

While programs that start with shaving your head are generally not to be taken lightly, if his hair hadnt grown out any more than that he wasnt in the program long. Had to get back for filming dontcha know

Ugh seeing him either a shaved head like that and knowing what it means now makes me sick. And then the convenient way the film crew went away when all of this went down.

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Oh, Boob, ever the opportunist. Hey, guys, my kid has been fondling underage girls. Could you see what you can do about that for me and, hey, you know we are building a house, if you could teach him some stuff that would help with that id sure appreciate it. Here is a nice pic of the family for you.

While programs that start with shaving your head are generally not to be taken lightly, if his hair hadnt grown out any more than that he wasnt in the program long. Had to get back for filming dontcha know

Huh. It sounds almost like they punished the pornography more than they did the molestation.

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