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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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Lol! I had to go to sleep so I didn't get far. Just read a comment about the Maxwells being an upgrade for older girl we like - I'm assuming they feed their children and don't put babies in cages?

As for the ice cream incident, I keep seeing that pop up. I'm guessing mom is an attention whore who likes sugar. Or an attention whore who forgot to eat somehow. Or just an attention whore.

How have I never read about her before?! I feel like I've missed so much!

She is just an attention whore. I can't find the blog post where she has someone take a picture of her eating the ice cream she got out of the garbage.

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I just want to throw out there that I'm pretty much, by every sense of the word, a newbie. My experience has been pretty pleasant, actually. I don't think I've pissed anyone off, at least, if I have, no one's bothered to tell me. I feel like the exasperation/irritation on the part of the more veteran posters is less "GET OFF MAH LAWN!" and more like "WE EXPLICITLY TELL YOU TO READ THOSE RULES WHEN YOU SIGN UP WE EVEN HAVE A DELAY TO FORCE YOU TO LURK PLEASE READ THE FAQ PLEASE."

As I said, I made my first post yesterday, though I registered a few days ago and lurked first. However, I have been communicating over the 'Net (well, the BBSes at first) since I was 12, and I'm 35 now.

In this particular thread, the thing that invoked Admin/Mod attention was speculation about the identity of the fifth victim. Now, no, that's not in the FAQ (though it is in the first post of every thread on this topic).

The thing is -- it really shouldn't have had to have been there in the first place. I think we all agree that as much as we want child abuse to stop being covered up by religious extremists based on twisted scripture, none of us want to make this worse for the victims if we can possibly avoid it. And despite Internet rumors, no one is certain of her identity. That's a good thing. It's bad enough that the Duggars put their daughters on TV so much and have all their personal information available online so nosy people like us can look at the police report and identify which daughters were targeted. The fifth victim, according to reports, is blessed by having no actual memories of being molested, but it's still got to be hard to know something like that happened even without memory. Making it worse by dragging her name into this mess isn't going to help anyone. (If she decided to come forward on her own, that'd be one thing, but in their culture that's very unlikely.)

It doesn't take a rocket scientist, an ethics professor, or Miss Manners telling us to know that speculating about the fifth victim is tacky. The proper response to having that pointed out should have been "Oh, crap, my bad, I'm sorry", not a tirade about the forum being mismanaged or badly structured or that everyone is so "mean" for requesting people have a standard of decency when discussing these matters.

If you think a forum is full of mean people, or is run by mean admins/mods, or structured badly... while I'm sure none of the Admins or moderators here would ever say this directly, it's the truth -- no one is forcing you to be here, and you aren't paying money for the privilege of posting here. Given how the majority of people use Adblocker software, the forum's not making any money off of your presence either. There's a door -- the big "X" near the top right of your screen. Making suggestions or asking questions in a polite, non-whiny fashion is fine. Bitching about things not being perfect or not having your hand held is absolutely not fine. (Also edited to add: in this paragraph, I am not referring to any specific user or even just this forum -- it's the "in general" meaning of the pronoun "you". I apologize for any confusion.)

(And Admins/mods, feel free to slap me down if I've overstepped here.)

Edit to add -- btw, this forum is actually really tolerant compared to many I've been on regarding one matter of posting etiquette -- overquoting. I swear I saw one post (either in this thread or thread 6) with eight posts quoted all in a row just to add "Me, too". Oh boy, that'd get you flamed badly back in the BBS days. I remember several arguments, with the poor person who wasn't quite as Internet-savvy first being told to quote people so we knew what they were talking about, then quoting the whole post and getting yelled at, too, and being really confused by the idea of "Quote only what you need for your comment to make sense".

Of course, back then, we were on 2400 baud or less, and it could take a full minute to write a screen of text. Having a full screen of quoted material just for a "Me, too" made people want to pull their hair out and curse.

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.... Despite the derailing by the whingers, I do recall reading parts where people were attempting to clarify the difference between criminal and civil abuse is child molestation .

Figuring out board culture- it's a good thing. Love, Martha Stewart

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She is just an attention whore. I can't find the blog post where she has someone take a picture of her eating the ice cream she got out of the garbage.

Maybe OT, but my paternal grandmother was a "Freegan" before it was cool. LONG before it was cool. It was actually so totally not-cool. Kind of like the imaginary scene in "Look Who's Talking" where Travolta brings home a can nicked from the garbage and calls dinner a suprise since it didn't have a label level of not-cool.

It's really sad how much food we waste in this country, but even most modern Freegans have standards. Ice cream is not a Freegan-friendly food.

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As I said, I made my first post yesterday, though I registered a few days ago and lurked first. However, I have been communicating over the 'Net (well, the BBSes at first) since I was 12, and I'm 35 now.

In this particular thread, the thing that invoked Admin/Mod attention was speculation about the identity of the fifth victim. Now, no, that's not in the FAQ (though it is in the first post of every thread on this topic).

The thing is -- it really shouldn't have had to have been there in the first place. I think we all agree that as much as we want child abuse to stop being covered up by religious extremists based on twisted scripture, none of us want to make this worse for the victims if we can possibly avoid it. And despite Internet rumors, no one is certain of her identity. That's a good thing. It's bad enough that the Duggars put their daughters on TV so much and have all their personal information available online so nosy people like us can look at the police report and identify which daughters were targeted. The fifth victim, according to reports, is blessed by having no actual memories of being molested, but it's still got to be hard to know something like that happened even without memory. Making it worse by dragging her name into this mess isn't going to help anyone. (If she decided to come forward on her own, that'd be one thing, but in their culture that's very unlikely.)

It doesn't take a rocket scientist, an ethics professor, or Miss Manners telling us to know that speculating about the fifth victim is tacky. The proper response to having that pointed out should have been "Oh, crap, my bad, I'm sorry", not a tirade about the forum being mismanaged or badly structured or that everyone is so "mean" for requesting people have a standard of decency when discussing these matters.

If you think a forum is full of mean people, or is run by mean admins/mods, or structured badly... while I'm sure none of the Admins or moderators here would ever say this directly, it's the truth -- no one is forcing you to be here, and you aren't paying money for the privilege of posting here. Given how the majority of people use Adblocker software, the forum's not making any money off of your presence either. There's a door -- the big "X" near the top right of your screen. Making suggestions or asking questions in a polite, non-whiny fashion is fine. Bitching about things not being perfect or not having your hand held is absolutely not fine.

(And Admins/mods, feel free to slap me down if I've overstepped here.)

Thank you. :D

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I picked up on that, too. No law school though. Nursing. When a person does a lot of legal documenting, it is easier to pick up on that sort of thing. A person has to be able to identify the subject and "she" would not be referring to an investigator but the person who is the focus of the "charting". A legal document with the reporter referring to him or herself in the third person would be very odd and rare.

I understand, and it may have been sloppy charting, but here's my transcript of the convo again: (yay that it was still in a notepad window, I hate all the redacteds)

"Inv. Taylor asked who [redacted] told in the church. [redacted] said that they told the elders of their church. Inv. Taylor asked for their names. [redacted] said that [redacted] did not want to tell. [redacted] said that she needed to ask [redacted] father."

In another family, it might not be obvious that this child was male, because girls can work on cars too. But given the strict gender roles in this family, and the fact this same interviewee said they liked to "build things and work on cars" and was asked if they had their driver's license yet, it's very likely to be a male of an age to get a DL, and not Josh. I think that could only be John-David.

I also think the "she" refers to the investigator because the child "did not want to tell", not "did not know". While it could be that the child felt they needed to ask permission before speaking, it's unlikely the child expected to be able to ask their father and get back to the investigator. So it makes more sense for the child to say "You need to ask my dad" than "I need to ask my dad".

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She is just an attention whore. I can't find the blog post where she has someone take a picture of her eating the ice cream she got out of the garbage.

It's near the bottom of the baby cage post I linked upthread.

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As I said, I made my first post yesterday, though I registered a few days ago and lurked first. However, I have been communicating over the 'Net (well, the BBSes at first) since I was 12, and I'm 35 now.

In this particular thread, the thing that invoked Admin/Mod attention was speculation about the identity of the fifth victim. Now, no, that's not in the FAQ (though it is in the first post of every thread on this topic).

The thing is -- it really shouldn't have had to have been there in the first place. I think we all agree that as much as we want child abuse to stop being covered up by religious extremists based on twisted scripture, none of us want to make this worse for the victims if we can possibly avoid it. And despite Internet rumors, no one is certain of her identity. That's a good thing. It's bad enough that the Duggars put their daughters on TV so much and have all their personal information available online so nosy people like us can look at the police report and identify which daughters were targeted. The fifth victim, according to reports, is blessed by having no actual memories of being molested, but it's still got to be hard to know something like that happened even without memory. Making it worse by dragging her name into this mess isn't going to help anyone. (If she decided to come forward on her own, that'd be one thing, but in their culture that's very unlikely.)

It doesn't take a rocket scientist, an ethics professor, or Miss Manners telling us to know that speculating about the fifth victim is tacky. The proper response to having that pointed out should have been "Oh, crap, my bad, I'm sorry", not a tirade about the forum being mismanaged or badly structured or that everyone is so "mean" for requesting people have a standard of decency when discussing these matters.

If you think a forum is full of mean people, or is run by mean admins/mods, or structured badly... while I'm sure none of the Admins or moderators here would ever say this directly, it's the truth -- no one is forcing you to be here, and you aren't paying money for the privilege of posting here. Given how the majority of people use Adblocker software, the forum's not making any money off of your presence either. There's a door -- the big "X" near the top right of your screen. Making suggestions or asking questions in a polite, non-whiny fashion is fine. Bitching about things not being perfect or not having your hand held is absolutely not fine.

(And Admins/mods, feel free to slap me down if I've overstepped here.)

I'm afraid I don't really understand what your response has to do with my post??

I spent like an hour and a half going through the thread/s last night, no need to give me a play-by-play of what was happening.

For clarification, my own post was more of a response to those people bitching about how posters here are "mean" and aren't welcoming, and so newbs are flouncing. I don't believe I was responding to/addressing you even slightly?? I also don't think that I was bitching about people being mean. But????

Sorry, I'm just not sure why you quoted me. Eh.

ETA: we're on the same side of this coin on both the newb and 5th victim issue, idk if you think i'm someone who joined during duggargate and are part of the whingers??

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Sorry, I'm just not sure why you quoted me. Eh.

ETA: we're on the same side of this coin on both the newb and 5th victim issue, idk if you think i'm someone who joined during duggargate and are part of the whingers??

I quoted you because I agreed and your post was the most recent I could find to discuss the matter. ;) I wasn't disagreeing, sorry if it seemed that way. It was more of a thing of adding to what you said -- it'd be nice if new people read the FAQs, but even a FAQ shouldn't have to tell them things that are blindingly obvious.

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I quoted you because I agreed and your post was the most recent I could find to discuss the matter. ;) I wasn't disagreeing, sorry if it seemed that way. It was more of a thing of adding to what you said -- it'd be nice if new people read the FAQs, but even a FAQ shouldn't have to tell them things that are blindingly obvious.

OH MY GOSH! My reading comprehension is shot before my first cup of coffee, sorry about that. :)

I thought you were telling me to leave if I thought folks were mean! Gah!

Thanks for clearing that up.

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OH MY GOSH! My reading comprehension is shot before my first cup of coffee, sorry about that. :)

I thought you were telling me to leave if I thought folks were mean! Gah!

Thanks for clearing that up.

Don't worry hon, and it might have been me being sloppy with my words that caused the impression. I'm still working on my evil treat for the day (an iced caramel mocha from McDs) myself ;)

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I'm afraid I don't really understand what your response has to do with my post??

I spent like an hour and a half going through the thread/s last night, no need to give me a play-by-play of what was happening.

For clarification, my own post was more of a response to those people bitching about how posters here are "mean" and aren't welcoming, and so newbs are flouncing. I don't believe I was responding to/addressing you even slightly?? I also don't think that I was bitching about people being mean. But????

Sorry, I'm just not sure why you quoted me. Eh.

ETA: we're on the same side of this coin on both the newb and 5th victim issue, idk if you think i'm someone who joined during duggargate and are part of the whingers??

I get the impression she wrote that post to confirm and agree whith you.

Sometimes, unfortunately threads derail! Misunderstandings, missing the humor, poor reading comprehension, clash of cultures, languages obstacles you name it.

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I get the impression she wrote that post to confirm and agree whith you.

Sometimes, unfortunately threads derail! Misunderstandings, missing the humor, poor reading comprehension, clash of cultures, languages obstacles you name it.

So true, it's like 100 times harder to read tone in text. That's why the "sarcasm" smiley has saved millions from needing to obtain asbestos underwear. And also, pronouns suck. I should have made it clear that the "You" I referred to in that post was the "in general you", and not directed to the person I was quoting.

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I understand, and it may have been sloppy charting, but here's my transcript of the convo again: (yay that it was still in a notepad window, I hate all the redacteds)

"Inv. Taylor asked who [redacted] told in the church. [redacted] said that they told the elders of their church. Inv. Taylor asked for their names. [redacted] said that [redacted] did not want to tell. [redacted] said that she needed to ask [redacted] father."

In another family, it might not be obvious that this child was male, because girls can work on cars too. But given the strict gender roles in this family, and the fact this same interviewee said they liked to "build things and work on cars" and was asked if they had their driver's license yet, it's very likely to be a male of an age to get a DL, and not Josh. I think that could only be John-David.

I also think the "she" refers to the investigator because the child "did not want to tell", not "did not know". While it could be that the child felt they needed to ask permission before speaking, it's unlikely the child expected to be able to ask their father and get back to the investigator. So it makes more sense for the child to say "You need to ask my dad" than "I need to ask my dad".

I wouldn't read too much into grammar in a police report. I've often joked that one day I'll write a book compiling errors. I think they are referring to the detective.

Back to the sol question from a few pages back...

"Expunged" does not really equal "kill with fire." As treemom said, it just means that it's essentially sealed. I expunge things fairly often, that just means I stamp my file "expunged." (Although we now call it something other than expunged), send forms to various agencies to do the same, and seal the copies filed in the clerks office. My file is not destroyed, it's just that no one who isn't law enforcement can see it.

If law enforcement looked for Josh's police report they'd find it. To the public, it doesn't exist, but to prosecutors and police nothing has changed. Just like the Internet,criminal allegations are forever.

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This is happening next week. I won't be watching because I hate the Duggars and fox news. Just thought everyone should know!

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Anyone seen this on the huffington post. It's a letter to the Duggar kids, I feel its slightly optimistic in that it assumes one (at least) of them will leave and realise they're in a cult, but still interesting.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joel-l-wa ... 32386.html

(link not broken as news site)

Maybe those of us who have Twitter can tweet this article to Duggar kids - not that they'd read it but one could hope

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Hello fellow Snarkers!!

I haven't been able to read on the forum for the last 5 days or so. This thread has moved way too fast for me to keep up.

Could somebody pleasy sum up what has happened since monday?

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I (and others) called it in part one! Theyre so disgusting!

I bet that'll be a soft-hitting and snark-worthy interview.

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This is happening next week. I won't be watching because I hate the Duggars and fox news. Just thought everyone should know!

UGH THESE PEOPLE. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

Next week we will sit down with Megyn Kelly on Fox News to share our hearts with you about the pain that we walked through as a family twelve years ago, the tears we all shed and the forgiveness that was given. We appreciate the outpouring of love and prayers for our family at this time.

There's a lot of love out there for the girls and a lot of prayers for their continued health and strength.

There is no love for you, Jim Bob and Michelle, because you are scum. There is also no love for Josh, because he is a child molesting monster and a product of your abysmal parenting.

If they force the girls to appear on this program I will literally scream.

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I've read hundreds (thousands?) of police reports - read them every day. I am almost positive that the 'she' in this case is referring to the Investigator. The five daughters have already been interviewed at this point, the person being interviewed is pretty clearly a male, so the 'she' in this case can only refer to Inv. Taylor.

Also, re: the idea that there would never be a grammatical or style error in a police report:

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Hello fellow Snarkers!!

I haven't been able to read on the forum for the last 5 days or so. This thread has moved way too fast for me to keep up.

Could somebody pleasy sum up what has happened since monday?

Really nothing. Advertisers have pulled out, tlc has no comment, lowes is deleting ant duggar comments on their fb page and seem to be supporting.

Hulu and most cable providers have pulled the show.

No new allegations but the jailed former cop says boob only told him about one kid.

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Hello fellow Snarkers!!

I haven't been able to read on the forum for the last 5 days or so. This thread has moved way too fast for me to keep up.

Could somebody pleasy sum up what has happened since monday?

Dude. Just go back and read happy atheist's first post of this thread and then the last few pages. Search the thread if you come across something that was referenced earlier. It's like asking for someone to do your homework for you.

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Hello fellow Snarkers!!

I haven't been able to read on the forum for the last 5 days or so. This thread has moved way too fast for me to keep up.

Could somebody pleasy sum up what has happened since monday?

I wondered if this was a joke? An ironic nod to the recent discussions among certain posters?

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