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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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I bet that'll be a soft-hitting and snark-worthy interview.

Buzzard, if we crowdsource enough wine, would you work your magic with the "interview"?

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I subscribe to No Greater Joy {the Pearls, Mike, Debbie, and fam} (and Above Rubies, they're both free if you want snark material)

This quarters issues has a huge spread about sexual sins, including porn, incest, beastiality, etc. I'm sure a coincidence but what a big one! I don't know what the Pearls think about the Duggars.

No link because I read it in their magazine.

Thank you, I had no idea those existed. Looking forward to more snark material and can I say putting my husband's name was weird... Well at least they will think it's his name. :nenner:

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Buzzard, if we crowdsource enough wine, would you work your magic with the "interview"?

Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-pretty please? :pray: I don't have cable/satellite/any TV except spotty PBS, so I would LOVE this!

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OT, but why are none of the "news sources" (be gossip rag or CNN-like) not trying to get interviews with one of the "lesser" QF/ATI families? I'm sure there has to be at least one family eager to "de-throne" the Duggars.

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Buzzard, if we crowdsource enough wine, would you work your magic with the "interview"?

Already set to record. Once we know what day it is I can say if I can do it live.

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So there's a petition up to bring back Josh Duggar & Family to a TLC show so that he can 'support his family.' They don't even want 19K&C back, but specifically are asking for Josh & Family to be rewarded with their own show.

Because, the usual; he's changed, it's in the past, he's a changed person, and god forgave him yada yada.

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Does it? My bad then. The articles I read made it seem like it was an illegal abuse of power - some sort of favor called in by Huckabee - but if this was something that was done within legal means that's a completely different story.

Yes, we discussed this at some point. It's not actually all that unusual.

I think releasing the report through FOIA is actually closer to being shady. But I haven't ever been really clear on where the report was taken.

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The articles are wrong. As we've discussed, a lot of them are discussing current law, not the law then.

Expunging the record is completely legal and I don't think the judge or the detectives in the released report acted improperly.

I'm also positive there are more records out there.

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Thank you, I had no idea those existed. Looking forward to more snark material and can I say putting my husband's name was weird... Well at least they will think it's his name. :nenner:

Okay, after this post I had to go looking for what you were talking about. That Above Rubies subscription form is *weird*. They need the "Head of Household", to "locate and verify address information", whatever the fuck that means (what would they say if you put an obviously female name?) and THEN, they give you the option to provide your children's names and ages "so we may pray for them". Why are the ages relevant? When they don't ask for information like interests and personality, it's not as though they can tailor the prayers to the individuals. If all they're going to be saying is "Heavenly Father, please bless Richard and Helen and their children, Hermione, Gertrude and Sorscha", why do they need to know that Hermione is 12, Gertrude 8 and Sorscha 5?


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Already set to record. Once we know what day it is I can say if I can do it live.

From People: "In a separate press release, Fox News announced that the interview would air during The Kelly File on Wednesday, June 3, at 9 p.m. ET. Additional portions will also air during a one-hour special on Friday, June 5, at 9 p.m. ET."

http://www.people.com/people/article/0, ... 31,00.html

Not breaking because People.

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I didn't put my kids and used a fake name for head of household which that part is still weird.

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Anyone remember those quotes upon the walls in elementary school? Here's one I remember from former President Abe Lincoln: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

O.M.G. :o

In the last few days, what I only knew as that-thing-my-great-grandfather-used-to-say has come to mind quite a few times.

But I'd only ever heard it spoken out loud!

I thought it was ''Better to be thought a full" (as in full of thoughts) "than open your mouth and remove all doubt"

Yours makes much more sense! Well having removed all doubt excuse me while I go away and reevaluate everything I've ever heard spoken outloud.

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Disclaimer: First time poster, I have read this thread and I am NOT trying to identify the 5th victim. That being said, I have read concernedmom’s old post thoroughly several times and she is not saying Jim Holt’s daughter is the 5th victim. In some of the Jim Holt comments on FJ, I think the implication is that while he may have been a mandated reporter, perhaps his daughter was the 5th victim so this somehow complicated his ability/desire to report. But if you read concernedmom’s post carefully you will see she is talking about two DIFFERENT girls:

1. Her friend’s daughter whose blouses were too tight so she was defrauding men (gag), she says this is the girl who was molested by Josh; AND

2. The girl he was betrothed to, daughter of the politician (presumably Jim Holt)

(Concernedmom's original post is here -


While I can believe that Josh might have tried to fool around (consensually) with his betrothed, I doubt he would have molested her, as he would have wanted to be on his best behavior to keep the family image up - and he would likely never have had the opportunity to be alone with her anyway, especially not while she was sleeping. It makes more sense the 5th victim was someone else, and of course she deserved it because her shirts were too tight, right?

On a side note, does anyone remember the episode when the Duggars met Dolly Parton? I wonder if JBoob (oh the irony of his nickname) felt “defrauded†by the mere presence of Dolly’s large breasts. I remember he asked her to sing Amazing Grace with all of them and Dolly demurred, saying something like “y’all start singing and I’ll join in.†(Translation: “Thanks for visiting Dollywood and all, but I don’t really want to help you fundies show off how ‘Christian’ you are by singing a church hymn with you.â€) It was one of the most awkward awesome moments I've seen on 19KAC.

Ok I am quoting my own post which I know is lame, but I had to go back and find the Dolly Parton episode after this. In this short 4 min clip from TLC on youtube there are so many "wows":

1. First Dolly is wearing a very low cut shirt and you can definitely see her cleavage at certain points. At the beginning of this clip I am sure JBoob is looking at her boobs - look at his eyes how he is looking at her all weird and sideways, like pretending he is looking at her face while she is talking to Mullet but he's not.

2. This might be the grossest part given what we know now. JBoob askes her about growing up in a family of 12 children and how she had a really small house and she says "Oh, yes, we just slept like 3 or 4 to a bed, I don't know how you all sleep, but..." Aaak! This was in 2009 so Josh's molestations had already happened. Those poor girls.

3. Around the 1:50 mark is when JBoob asks her to sing with them. She does eventually join in, and totally overshadows their lame singing by the way. Still, I'm mildly jealous they got to meet Dolly Parton, much less sing with her.

[bBvideo 560,340:y4nzewcd]

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O.M.G. :o

In the last few days, what I only knew as that-thing-my-great-grandfather-used-to-say has come to mind quite a few times.

But I'd only ever heard it spoken out loud!

I thought it was ''Better to be thought a full" (as in full of thoughts) "than open your mouth and remove all doubt"

Yours makes much more sense! Well having removed all doubt excuse me while I go away and reevaluate everything I've ever heard spoken outloud.

Haha, I love this stuff. I think everyone has a few things like this. I used to think the expression "we're just going to play it by ear" was "we're just going to play it by YEAR." Felt like a total doofus when I finally figured it out.

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I bet that'll be a soft-hitting and snark-worthy interview.

I hope megyn isn't soft on them. She is an ex lawyer who I have watched go hard on criminals who justify their crimes during interviews with her. She has also said she doesn allow people to tell her what questions they allow.

But who knows. Would have been fun to watch Shep Smith or Bret do the interview though.

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Haha, I love this stuff. I think everyone has a few things like this. I used to think the expression "we're just going to play it by ear" was "we're just going to play it by YEAR." Felt like a total doofus when I finally figured it out.

I used to always think people who said they were waylaid had a shag on their way to wherever, which made them late. Thankfully I never voiced this. Just always though it.

I was in my thirties when it was pointed out to me muslin (as in cloth) was not pronounced like Muslim.

Sorry America....it will always be Yoss eh might park to me :lol:

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I used to always think people who said they were waylaid had a shag on their way to wherever, which made them late. Thankfully I never voiced this. Just always though it.

I was in my thirties when it was pointed out to me muslin (as in cloth) was not pronounced like Muslim.

Sorry America....it will always be Yoss eh might park to me :lol:


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I hope megyn isn't soft on them. She is an ex lawyer who I have watched go hard on criminals who justify their crimes during interviews with her. She has also said she doesn allow people to tell her what questions they allow.

But who knows. Would have been fun to watch Shep Smith or Bret do the interview though.

Also Hollywood reporter saying this will be only the parents interviewed - Jboob and Mullet. So they can stay completely on message and not worry about Megyn getting anything out of the kids, obviously. Everyone should contact Megyn on twitter and publicly tell her not to be soft on the Duggars. I'm sure she would appreciate suggestions on questions to ask!!! :D

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/m ... nts-798975

(Is Hollywood reporter a real "news" site? Sorry if I should have broken the link)

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Doesn't Megyn Kelly show too much leg and cleavage for Jim Bob to sit opposite her?

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Haha, I love this stuff. I think everyone has a few things like this. I used to think the expression "we're just going to play it by ear" was "we're just going to play it by YEAR." Felt like a total doofus when I finally figured it out.

I used to think "kit and caboodle" was "kitten caboodle." Which, really, is much cuter.

The best malapropism I ever heard was from the actor David Niven who wrote that as a child, he felt superior to others. He attributed this to the fact that when reciting the Lord's Prayer in church, he thought for several years that the correct phrasing was, "Our Father, who art a Niven . . . "

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Doesn't Megyn Kelly show too much leg and cleavage for Jim Bob to sit opposite her?

Somehow I think JB will be fine with it! See my earlier post on Dolly Parton. ;)

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Well, I can't bring myself to actually watch Fox News, but I will look forward to Buzzard's recap and I will pray for Buzzard in hopes that his/her head does not explode. :lol:

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I used to think "kit and caboodle" was "kitten caboodle." Which, really, is much cuter.

The best malapropism I ever heard was from the actor David Niven who wrote that as a child, he felt superior to others. He attributed this to the fact that when reciting the Lord's Prayer in church, he thought for several years that the correct phrasing was, "Our Father, who art a Niven . . . "

For years I thought Eureka was Archimedes' wife.

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