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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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I used to always think people who said they were waylaid had a shag on their way to wherever, which made them late. Thankfully I never voiced this. Just always though it.

I was in my thirties when it was pointed out to me muslin (as in cloth) was not pronounced like Muslim.

Sorry America....it will always be Yoss eh might park to me :lol:

Thanks for this. Every time I encounter this word from now on this is what I'm going to think :lol:

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(snipped for brevity...)

For years I thought Eureka was Archimedes' wife.

And now I am down the rabbit's hole of Eureeka's Castle on old Nick. One of my favs, just after Sharon/Lois/Bram (rip).

Damn you all.

Back to Duggargate--

I don't know anything about the interviewer doing the segment, but I wonder just why the Duggars are doing the interview if the interviewer is such a 'hard-baller'? Does Fox News "like" the Duggars, or can we expect legit, real questions?

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About a week after we got married my husband said: good riddems to bad rubbish. I had to re-think my situation there for a sec. It amused me that he was totally fine with it, despite it making no sense whatsoever.

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I don't think Michelle's family is fundie. I know there is someone here who knows some of Michelle's family. Maybe they'll pop in and explain more.

J'chelle's family doesn't appear too fundie. (She says herself she wasn't a church goer until JB got her into it. Remember, she mowed the lawn - mens work - in a bikini) Although she does have/had two sisters named Kathy/Cathy. Seriously. Kathy is dead but Cathy is still alive. Her mother, Ethel, was married at the ripe old age of 16 to her father. They had five children and then had an oops baby years later and then had J'chelle. (I honestly suspect they had J'chelle so the oops baby didn't feel left out and didn't grow up alone. I know several families who did this. Youngest was maybe 12? Possibly 15? And then an oops baby came. So two years later they had another.) There is a thread on her family, complete with pictures and everything! viewtopic.php?f=87&t=25089

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On the Dolly clip: maybe I'm over analyzing. I do that sometimes. But I noticed a few subtle things looking back on it through new lenses:

Dolly spends the whole time standing near Michelle, JB and the girls, and the younger boys. But the eldest boys are shoved off back in the corner. For Dolly that shirt is conservative, really. She was probably asked to tone down the assets, but JB probably still thought it too much and had his boys off in the Nike corner.

Another subtle thing: one of the boys (not josh) is holding a young child (either Jordyn's older sibling or Josh's youngest?). Why is that task not delegated to that baby's parent? I mean, I know t he answer, A headship couldn't be bothered to care for small babies.

Just some small things I noticed watching that clip again, after all the new info has come out.

On the Fox news stuff: Fox news is so conservative right wing I can't imagine it will be a hardball interview. I hope it is. But I doubt it will be.

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Well, I can't bring myself to actually watch Fox News, but I will look forward to Buzzard's recap and I will pray for Buzzard in hopes that his/her head does not explode. :lol:

Please Buzzard, pretty please with spaghetti on top. I can't watch Fox. Jon Stewart said part of the reason he's leaving the Daily Show is he had to watch Fox News for material and couldn't take it anymore :lol:

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I wondered if this was a joke? An ironic nod to the recent discussions among certain posters?

Gotta love the irony! I stopped coming to this site, long before Josh's molestation scandal broke, because of the incredible rudeness and "my opinion is always right, yours is always wrong" attitude of a few of the (prolific) posters. I'm rolling my eyes reading through some of this nonsense and thankful I don't have to live or work with any of them.

Newbies - don't take it personally - there are, and always have been, miserable people here who can't wait to wield their assumed power over anyone invading their territory.

Buzzard - it's because of your recaps that I found this site and I'd like to say - You're the BEST! Thanks!

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Should we start taking bets? How make times will the word "mistake" be mention? Will "we're being attacked because we're Christian" be part of it?


"Prayed on it"

"The Lord layed it on my heart to cover up my son's felonies for years"

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And they went to Amy's room (since Amy would not be joining the revelers by the vending machines) and told her first.

Is a gender reveal party the equivelant of a baby shower? Because honestly it just seems like a way to get stuff. If it was really a party, then why only women?

Maybe this is the Godly way that they ask for presents.

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Delurking to ask what it's supposed to be, I've tried reading it out loud and the closest I can get is "toss my (something) to me." I grew up and live in southern California, so maybe this is an uncommon saying here?

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Should we start taking bets? How make times will the word "mistake" be mention? Will "we're being attacked because we're Christian" be part of it?


"Prayed on it"

"The Lord layed it on my heart to cover up my son's felonies for years"

Turn it into a drinking game.

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Delurking to ask what it's supposed to be, I've tried reading it out loud and the closest I can get is "toss my (something) to me." I grew up and live in southern California, so maybe this is an uncommon saying here?


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Delurking to ask what it's supposed to be, I've tried reading it out loud and the closest I can get is "toss my (something) to me." I grew up and live in southern California, so maybe this is an uncommon saying here?





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Yosemite Park - 'yoh-SEM-it-ee'. We thought it was pronounced 'YOH-sem-ite'. When I went and looked it up and saw the correct pronunciation, I did then recall hearing 'yoh-SEM-it-ee' - but it must never have sunk in, because every time I saw it I pronounced it 'YOH-sem-ite' in my mind.

Edit: I am deeply grieving the fact that I am no longer a Pecan Thief, but the fact that I am now Sherlock Jesus Holmes has made up for the loss and then some. :D

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Thank you everyone! :lol: I was right, having grown up in California, I was never going to get that. I do recall now some people on the internet having trouble with it, and my dad sometimes calling it yoz-might as a joke.

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I always remembered how to pronounce Yosemite by thinking of Yosemite Sam! (Also, it's the most incredible national park I've ever been to and I would recommend everyone who likes to be in nature go at least once. Climb the half dome, it is amazing! But not when it's raining, apparently people get electrocuted by lightning up there on a semi-regular basis.)

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Wait, what? This is a thing? I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.

After all we now know, I don't know why this renders me speechless, but the sheer audacity of this man is unbelievable. Can you imagine walking in and wanting like 15 kids to eat for free? What the actual fuck?

This shocks me. Not only that he would try to get all his kids to eat free, but that the restaurant would allow it. Here it's one kid per adult (I only know this because my mothers a single mother and this always pissed her off since two kids one adult and only one kid ate free on kids eat free). Maybe it's different in the states or maybe Jim Boob just cajoled until he got his way but it shocks me way more than Boob trying to get out of paying the gratuity.

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Gotta love the irony! I stopped coming to this site, long before Josh's molestation scandal broke, because of the incredible rudeness and "my opinion is always right, yours is always wrong" attitude of a few of the (prolific) posters. I'm rolling my eyes reading through some of this nonsense and thankful I don't have to live or work with any of them.

Newbies - don't take it personally - there are, and always have been, miserable people here who can't wait to wield their assumed power over anyone invading their territory.

Buzzard - it's because of your recaps that I found this site and I'd like to say - You're the BEST! Thanks!

Translated as somebody disagreed with me on another thread and asked me to post credible links, I didn't like that :cry:

Drive by grudge posting. Should be a new title. :lol:

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Yosemite Park - 'yoh-SEM-it-ee'. We thought it was pronounced 'YOH-sem-ite'. When I went and looked it up and saw the correct pronunciation, I did then recall hearing 'yoh-SEM-it-ee' - but it must never have sunk in, because every time I saw it I pronounced it 'YOH-sem-ite' in my mind.

Edit: I am deeply grieving the fact that I am no longer a Pecan Thief, but the fact that I am now Sherlock Jesus Holmes has made up for the loss and then some. :D

Yosemite Sam. You probably know that cartoon if too young your parents do.

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Should we start taking bets? How make times will the word "mistake" be mention? Will "we're being attacked because we're Christian" be part of it?


"Prayed on it"

"The Lord layed it on my heart to cover up my son's felonies for years"

Probably also a lot of references about how they are now closer to God and closer as a family.

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Haha, I love this stuff. I think everyone has a few things like this. I used to think the expression "we're just going to play it by ear" was "we're just going to play it by YEAR." Felt like a total doofus when I finally figured it out.

When I was little, I attended Catholic school. Around Christmas time, we would sing 'Silent Night' in choir. For a couple of years there, I thought the line in the song was 'sleep in heavenly peas' instead of 'sleep in heavenly peace.'

Sometimes I would ask to eat some canned peas before I went to bed, thinking it would bring me closer to God. Baffled, mom would always give them to me, but never told her why. It was years before I figured out the real lyrics of the song and explained to my mom why I wanted vegetables before bedtime.

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This shocks me. Not only that he would try to get all his kids to eat free, but that the restaurant would allow it. Here it's one kid per adult (I only know this because my mothers a single mother and this always pissed her off since two kids one adult and only one kid ate free on kids eat free). Maybe it's different in the states or maybe Jim Boob just cajoled until he got his way but it shocks me way more than Boob trying to get out of paying the gratuity.

My understanding is it would become a problem when restaurants didn't spell it out in small print. Jim Bob would take advantage and the restaurant would capitulate and then change the rules as soon as he left. ± time he came he would be shocked the policy changed and then not return again. He would move on to the next victim.

Marketplace where they eat a lot on tv is well known as a place where it is two kids free for only one adult. Few places do that much any more and not all nights.

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