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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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On the Dolly clip: maybe I'm over analyzing. I do that sometimes. But I noticed a few subtle things looking back on it through new lenses:

Dolly spends the whole time standing near Michelle, JB and the girls, and the younger boys. But the eldest boys are shoved off back in the corner. For Dolly that shirt is conservative, really. She was probably asked to tone down the assets, but JB probably still thought it too much and had his boys off in the Nike corner.

Another subtle thing: one of the boys (not josh) is holding a young child (either Jordyn's older sibling or Josh's youngest?). Why is that task not delegated to that baby's parent? I mean, I know t he answer, A headship couldn't be bothered to care for small babies.

Just some small things I noticed watching that clip again, after all the new info has come out.

On the Fox news stuff: Fox news is so conservative right wing I can't imagine it will be a hardball interview. I hope it is. But I doubt it will be.

Looks like that is John David holding baby Jordyn in the back corner. The clip was posted July 2009 and Josh and Anna's first baby not born until October 2009. You're right though - why was John David holding his baby sister and not one of the J'slaves?? Seems like Jana or Jill would have been tasked with holding the youngest while Michelle was holding Jennifer. Strange.

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I remember at some later episode they discussed how after the Dolly meeting, JB spoke to Michelle about the dirty thoughts he'd had seeing Dolly's cleavage. They dressed it up with more delicate wording, but that's what it amounted to. Grossed me out. I'm guessing if JB was having such trouble not staring at her boobs, they wanted to keep the boys even farther away to reduce the risk of them transforming into uncontrollable sex machines. :roll:

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Turn it into a drinking game.

The FJ Fundie Drinking Game, Joshgate Variation Provided

For general use:

"Fellowship" - one sip

"JesUS" - one sip

"Prayed on it" - one sip

"Spoke to our church" - one sip

"The Lord laid it on our hearts" - one swig

"We felt called" - two swigs

"As Christians, we..." - two swigs

"We purposed to..." - one shot

Someone calls them out on their bullshit - double shot

For Joshgate:

"Mistake" - one sip

Interviewer looks perplexed - one sip

JB & M stumble to cover up/excuse sounds stupid - one sip

"Forgiveness" (or any variation thereof) - one swig

Reference to victims - one shot

"We're being attacked" (or any variation thereof) - one shot

"He was young" (or any variation thereof) - one shot

(FJ and Farmer assume no liability, drink responsibly, don't be stupid, duh. Feel free to customize.

ETA: But seriously, don't do this if you're stupid or underage.)

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The FJ Fundie Drinking Game, Joshgate Variation Provided

(FJ and FundieFarmee assume no liability, drink responsibly, don't be stupid, duh, feel free to customize)

For general use:

"Fellowship" - one sip

"JesUS" - one sip

"Prayed on it" - one sip

"Spoke to our church" - one sip

"The Lord laid it on our hearts" - one swig

"We felt called" - two swigs

"As Christians, we..." - two swigs

"We purposed to..." - one shot

Someone calls them out on their bullshit - double shot

For Joshgate:

"Mistake" - one sip

Interviewer looks perplexed - one sip

JB & M stumble to cover up/excuse sounds stupid - one sip

"Forgiveness" (or any variation thereof) - one swig

Reference to victims - one shot

"We're being attacked" (or any variation thereof) - one shot

"He was young" (or any variation thereof) - one shot


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Looks like that is John David holding baby Jordyn in the back corner. The clip was posted July 2009 and Josh and Anna's first baby not born until October 2009. You're right though - why was John David holding his baby sister and not one of the J'slaves?? Seems like Jana or Jill would have been tasked with holding the youngest while Michelle was holding Jennifer. Strange.

I'm bad with names and all the J's get me lost, especially the little girls. But who was M holding, that Dolly pretended to kidnap? I thought Dolly called her Jordyn. Maybe I need to watch it again. I just want to know why JB couldn't be holding his own child? Made one of his sons do it. Maybe he wanted to keep the kid busy so he notice the boobies.

I remember at some later episode they discussed how after the Dolly meeting, JB spoke to Michelle about the dirty thoughts he'd had seeing Dolly's cleavage. They dressed it up with more delicate wording, but that's what it amounted to. Grossed me out. I'm guessing if JB was having such trouble not staring at her boobs, they wanted to keep the boys even farther away to reduce the risk of them transforming into uncontrollable sex machines. :roll:

I don't remember that. Now i want to see that episode. Kinda. That's really gross. Their sex obsession/phobia is over the top. I wonder what they would think if you pointed out that in many cultures boobs are baby feeders and not viewed as sexual in the least.

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I wanna play! but we don't have cable or fox. Never ever thought I'd say this but: wish, for this one day, what we had fox news! maybe I can play the you tube version when it gets posted.

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I never thought I'd set my DVR for anything on Fox News, but I did... Whether or not I actually go through with letting it record is another thing entirely.

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Is the Fox interview just Jim Bob and Michelle? My guess is that it is and that will make it easy for them to not answer many questions because the rest of the family won't be there. I also feel like we will learn very little from this interview. We will hear Jim Bob and Michelle say they went to the police, their church, and got Josh help over and over in different words.

I say this is a bit of a risk for Megyn Kelly. If she goes easy on them, she might get called out. My husband watches a few fox news programs and he is not a Duggar fan. From the little I have seen of Megyn's interviews she can get aggressive and ask hard questions. If she goes soft on the Duggars her loyal watchers (and I believe she gets good ratings for cable news) might not be happy with her and I'm sure her interview will be quoted in many media sources so she would get slammed by some of the general public as well.

I don't have twitter, but I know Megyn is active on twitter and social media. Anyone want to send her a list of questions to ask?

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From People: "In a separate press release, Fox News announced that the interview would air during The Kelly File on Wednesday, June 3, at 9 p.m. ET. Additional portions will also air during a one-hour special on Friday, June 5, at 9 p.m. ET."

http://www.people.com/people/article/0, ... 31,00.html

Not breaking because People.

I wonder who 'we' is. Does that mean Boob and M or all of them or just the overage ones or the whole extended family?

I loved the topic of the Duggar Family Blog about the interview. The topic was 'Next Week'. How interesting. NOT.

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The FJ Fundie Drinking Game, Joshgate Variation Provided

For general use:

"Fellowship" - one sip

"JesUS" - one sip

"Prayed on it" - one sip

"Spoke to our church" - one sip

"The Lord laid it on our hearts" - one swig

"We felt called" - two swigs

"As Christians, we..." - two swigs

"We purposed to..." - one shot

Someone calls them out on their bullshit - double shot

For Joshgate:

"Mistake" - one sip

Interviewer looks perplexed - one sip

JB & M stumble to cover up/excuse sounds stupid - one sip

"Forgiveness" (or any variation thereof) - one swig

Reference to victims - one shot

"We're being attacked" (or any variation thereof) - one shot

"He was young" (or any variation thereof) - one shot

(FJ and Farmer assume no liability, drink responsibly, don't be stupid, duh. Feel free to customize.

ETA: But seriously, don't do this if you're stupid or underage.)

This is so great and since I'm no longer underage as of today, I might actually do this little drinking game if I ever watch that interview! I think it might help make the interview somewhat bearable! :p

Thanks FundieFarmer :)

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This is so great and since I'm no longer underage as of today, I might actually do this little drinking game if I ever watch that interview! I think it might help make the interview somewhat bearable! :p

Happy birthday! :dance: :cracking-up: :dance:

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Is the Fox interview just Jim Bob and Michelle? My guess is that it is and that will make it easy for them to not answer many questions because the rest of the family won't be there. I also feel like we will learn very little from this interview. We will hear Jim Bob and Michelle say they went to the police, their church, and got Josh help over and over in different words.

I say this is a bit of a risk for Megyn Kelly. If she goes easy on them, she might get called out. My husband watches a few fox news programs and he is not a Duggar fan. From the little I have seen of Megyn's interviews she can get aggressive and ask hard questions. If she goes soft on the Duggars her loyal watchers (and I believe she gets good ratings for cable news) might not be happy with her and I'm sure her interview will be quoted in many media sources so she would get slammed by some of the general public as well.

I don't have twitter, but I know Megyn is active on twitter and social media. Anyone want to send her a list of questions to ask?

From my understanding from the interview announcement thread it's just JM. My guess is this will be talking heads style interview over

the whole sweet happy family on the couch interview. Also, JM wouldn't want the "little ones" to hear anything lurid mentioned. Or hear any news of this outside of their direct control. They wouldn't want any of the older kids to slip and say something wrong, or to blurt something incriminating out.

Josh is now a grown man. I'm sick of his parents speaking on his behalf. I want to see 1) a hard hitting, no holds barred, interview with Josh, and 2) individual interviews with m and j. And a third 3) the church elders grilled too. So basically, a police investigation is what I want to see.

Hey, a girl can dream. If we all just pray hard enough and ask god to make it happen, it will, right? that's how it works? :evil-eye: Or does the magic only work if we've been saved by the right church?

edited for grammar and clarification

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This is so great and since I'm no longer underage as of today, I might actually do this little drinking game if I ever watch that interview! I think it might help make the interview somewhat bearable! :p

Thanks FundieFarmer :)



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Doesn't Megyn Kelly show too much leg and cleavage for Jim Bob to sit opposite her?

:penguin-no: :penguin-no:

Any volunteers for monitoring if he gets a 'reaction'? I would but I just couldn't stay focused. :wink-penguin:

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Maybe OT, but my paternal grandmother was a "Freegan" before it was cool. LONG before it was cool. It was actually so totally not-cool. Kind of like the imaginary scene in "Look Who's Talking" where Travolta brings home a can nicked from the garbage and calls dinner a suprise since it didn't have a label level of not-cool.

It's really sad how much food we waste in this country, but even most modern Freegans have standards. Ice cream is not a Freegan-friendly food.

This isn't freeganism.

Her family had a carton of ice cream. They used it up and threw it in the kitchen can. Jill pulled it back out and ate the little puddle of melted goo.

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Translated as somebody disagreed with me on another thread and asked me to post credible links, I didn't like that :cry:

Drive by grudge posting. Should be a new title. :lol:

Well, you've just confirmed the opinions stated in this thread - you're a hateful bitch. And yes, I am disgusted with myself as replying to this ignorant bullshit is not the best use of my time. Thanks for reminding me why I decided this site is trash except for the occasional Buzzard post and a handful of others who genuinely wish to use it for its intended purpose.

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Ok I am quoting my own post which I know is lame, but I had to go back and find the Dolly Parton episode after this. In this short 4 min clip from TLC on youtube there are so many "wows":

1. First Dolly is wearing a very low cut shirt and you can definitely see her cleavage at certain points. At the beginning of this clip I am sure JBoob is looking at her boobs - look at his eyes how he is looking at her all weird and sideways, like pretending he is looking at her face while she is talking to Mullet but he's not.

2. This might be the grossest part given what we know now. JBoob askes her about growing up in a family of 12 children and how she had a really small house and she says "Oh, yes, we just slept like 3 or 4 to a bed, I don't know how you all sleep, but..." Aaak! This was in 2009 so Josh's molestations had already happened. Those poor girls.

3. Around the 1:50 mark is when JBoob asks her to sing with them. She does eventually join in, and totally overshadows their lame singing by the way. Still, I'm mildly jealous they got to meet Dolly Parton, much less sing with her.

[bBvideo 560,340:17dl6frc]


She should have ran away with little (cutie ! so cute ! I'm dying of cuteness) Jordyn ...

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J'chelle's family doesn't appear too fundie. (She says herself she wasn't a church goer until JB got her into it. Remember, she mowed the lawn - mens work - in a bikini) Although she does have/had two sisters named Kathy/Cathy. Seriously. Kathy is dead but Cathy is still alive. Her mother, Ethel, was married at the ripe old age of 16 to her father. They had five children and then had an oops baby years later and then had J'chelle. (I honestly suspect they had J'chelle so the oops baby didn't feel left out and didn't grow up alone. I know several families who did this. Youngest was maybe 12? Possibly 15? And then an oops baby came. So two years later they had another.) There is a thread on her family, complete with pictures and everything! viewtopic.php?f=87&t=25089

It is wierd though. It' like where did that money come from? I think it was the year that the lawsuit that Josh had had closed. Why would the grandma of Josh (on JB side) buy a house from the grandpa of Josh (on M side) and overpay. Then that house be the house that Josh later lives in with Anna.

It says that grandma did dabble in real estate but bought the other properties way under value. Then she buys a house from M dad and overpays for it?

Sounds like money embezzelment for fundies 101

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Yosemite Park - 'yoh-SEM-it-ee'. We thought it was pronounced 'YOH-sem-ite'. When I went and looked it up and saw the correct pronunciation, I did then recall hearing 'yoh-SEM-it-ee' - but it must never have sunk in, because every time I saw it I pronounced it 'YOH-sem-ite' in my mind.

Edit: I am deeply grieving the fact that I am no longer a Pecan Thief, but the fact that I am now Sherlock Jesus Holmes has made up for the loss and then some. :D

I grieved when I was no longer Sherlock Jesus Holmes. I was broken by Savoring2 Animal Crackers.

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Turn it into a drinking game.

Depending on the length of the interview could lead to alcohol poisoning. The last time I played a drinking game was for a recent State of the Union address, and he said "Let me be clear" so much that I got trashed halfway though.

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It is wierd though. It' like where did that money come from? I think it was the year that the lawsuit that Josh had had closed. Why would the grandma of Josh (on JB side) buy a house from the grandpa of Josh (on M side) and overpay. Then that house be the house that Josh later lives in with Anna.

It says that grandma did dabble in real estate but bought the other properties way under value. Then she buys a house from M dad and overpays for it?

Sounds like money embezzelment for fundies 101

Good catch!

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These opinions of yellowfin's that nobody agreed with were of the anti-vaxxer variety. :roll:

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Well, you've just confirmed the opinions stated in this thread - you're a hateful bitch. And yes, I am disgusted with myself as replying to this ignorant bullshit is not the best use of my time. Thanks for reminding me why I decided this site is trash except for the occasional Buzzard post and a handful of others who genuinely wish to use it for its intended purpose.

Um OKTBT is using it for its intended purpose: snark. If you don't like the way somebody snarks, put them on ignore. Or, you know, log off.

(My FJ experience is worlds better since I set a handful of members on ignore; I recommend it to anyone who is regularly annoyed by the same member.)

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Translated as somebody disagreed with me on another thread and asked me to post credible links, I didn't like that :cry:

Drive by grudge posting. Should be a new title. :lol:

I went and looked back at her posts and you weren't kidding. For a debate about vaccines it was actually pretty polite. She is speaking of posters here being rude, let us read what she wrote towards another poster:

On second thought, I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to employ you. Government benefits perhaps?

there are a few really hateful and unintelligent posters as well (yes, nausicaa25, I'm talking about you

Go get another vaccine shot nausicaa25, you need it.

I'll let people decide if they think yellowfin might be a bit of a hateful bitch herself.

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