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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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The Fox interview absolutely has to be a drinking game.

I remember at some later episode they discussed how after the Dolly meeting, JB spoke to Michelle about the dirty thoughts he'd had seeing Dolly's cleavage. They dressed it up with more delicate wording, but that's what it amounted to. Grossed me out. I'm guessing if JB was having such trouble not staring at her boobs, they wanted to keep the boys even farther away to reduce the risk of them transforming into uncontrollable sex machines. :roll:

Gag. Gag, gag and gag some more. I fee like I've typed this phrase more in the last couple of weeks than I have in years, but seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with this man?

My favourite is "intensive purposes". And by "favourite" I mean it's my biggest pet peeve.

Mine is "would of" and "should of." The word is "HAVE." Would have; should have. Drives me up the wall.

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Depending on the length of the interview could lead to alcohol poisoning. The last time I played a drinking game was for a recent State of the Union address, and he said "Let me be clear" so much that I got trashed halfway though.

This will totally lead to alcohol poisoning.They're kicking off their Christian repentance forgiveness tour. Stupid Megyn has already written in support of them: megynkelly.org/159400/a-christian-defense-of-josh-duggar/

ETA: Oops. Looks like it's not her site. :embarrassed: My concern for their choice of interviewer still stands, though. She's surprised me before -- I have occasionally agreed with her -- but she's still another Faux News employee.

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Well, you've just confirmed the opinions stated in this thread - you're a hateful bitch. And yes, I am disgusted with myself as replying to this ignorant bullshit is not the best use of my time. Thanks for reminding me why I decided this site is trash except for the occasional Buzzard post and a handful of others who genuinely wish to use it for its intended purpose.

Question, since I'm new and I don't see it specifically stated in the rules:

Are personal attacks, like calling someone a "hateful bitch", cool on this forum? Usually the rule for mature debate is to attack the ideas, not the poster expressing them. Not because it's mean, but because name-calling and personal attacks just drive down the quality of dialogue. Snark's one thing, but snark usually is at least funny (hence why we love it so much). Outright calling another poster names really isn't that amusing.

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Translated as somebody disagreed with me on another thread and asked me to post credible links, I didn't like that :cry:

Drive by grudge posting. Should be a new title. :lol:

I believe Yellowfin is referring to me. Because I dared to read someone's blog that they openly linked to in their profile and pointed out the hypocrisy and conspiracy theories on it (no vaccinations for her kids, skinny women exist to make plus sized women feel bad, etc.).

Cause you know, I'm such a contentious poster, considering 90% of my posts are about the life and death issues of wedding dresses, Erin Bates's hair, and John Maxwell's hotness.

IIRC, Yellowfin told me to get another vaccination, because I need it. I'm sort of honored by that actually.

OKTBT: I just saw Yellowfin's response to you. Welcome to the hateful bitch club! We can hang out drinking wine we bought with out government benefits and not worry about dying from measles!

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I'm bad with names and all the J's get me lost, especially the little girls. But who was M holding, that Dolly pretended to kidnap? I thought Dolly called her Jordyn. Maybe I need to watch it again. I just want to know why JB couldn't be holding his own child? Made one of his sons do it. Maybe he wanted to keep the kid busy so he notice the boobies.

I don't remember that. Now i want to see that episode. Kinda. That's really gross. Their sex obsession/phobia is over the top. I wonder what they would think if you pointed out that in many cultures boobs are baby feeders and not viewed as sexual in the least.

Ok you are right, sorry. On second look I can see that John David is holding a larger child, who is asleep, that must be Jennifer, and then Jordyn is the one Michelle is holding. I am going on the date of the clip - July 2009 - and the Duggar birthdays - duggarfamilyblog.com/p/birthdays.html - so looks like poor Jennifer got relegated to the back corner with John David, probably bc she fell asleep.

Jennifer Danielle Duggar

Birthday: August 2, 2007

Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar

Birthday: December 18, 2008

Mackynzie Renee Duggar - this is Josh and Anna's first baby

Birthday: October 8, 2009

Josie Brooklyn Duggar

Birthday: December 10, 2009

I don't remember that episode with Boob confessing to Mullet about his dirty thoughts about Dolly but that doesn't surprise me. I feel gross even saying this, but all I could think was, I bet Michelle had to "submit" to Jboob that night after they met Dolly because Jboob got all stirred up. Lucky for him he has a woman willing to "righteously fulfill his desires" at any given moment.

[EDITED to break the link to the Duggar blog]

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I went and looked back at her posts and you weren't kidding. For a debate about vaccines it was actually pretty polite. She is speaking of posters here being rude, let us read what she wrote towards another poster:

On second thought, I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to employ you. Government benefits perhaps?

there are a few really hateful and unintelligent posters as well (yes, nausicaa25, I'm talking about you

Go get another vaccine shot nausicaa25, you need it.

I'll let people decide if they think yellowfin might be a bit of a hateful bitch herself.

I'm glad you brought this up, because I already had Yellowfin on ignore but I couldn't remember why, which is why I didn't say anything about it. :lol:

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Will the Duggars actually admit that several of the abused were their daughters and will they mention the specific therapy that they sought for the girls?

Will the words Gothard, ATI and Hobby Lobby be spoken?

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It was one of the 'Ask The Duggars' episodes where he mentioned it and I believe (though wouldn't swear) that they then showed a tiny clip of them singing with Dolly. Someone probably asked about 'Nike' and the implications there, and Michelle mentioned that situation where JimBob later confided in her the temptations he felt or some other nonsense.

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I believe Yellowfin is referring to me. Because I dared to read someone's blog that they openly linked to in their profile and pointed out the hypocrisy and conspiracy theories on it (no vaccinations for her kids, skinny women exist to make plus sized women feel bad, etc.).

Cause you know, I'm such a contentious poster, considering 90% of my posts are about the life and death issues of wedding dresses, Erin Bates's hair, and John Maxwell's hotness.

IIRC, Yellowfin told me to get another vaccination, because I need it. I'm sort of honored by that actually.

OKTBT: I just saw Yellowfin's response to you. Welcome to the hateful bitch club! We can hang out drinking wine we bought with out government benefits and not worry about dying from measles!

Ain't nobody got time for measles! Should I get back on my blanket now? Jk.

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Question, since I'm new and I don't see it specifically stated in the rules:

Are personal attacks, like calling someone a "hateful bitch", cool on this forum? Usually the rule for mature debate is to attack the ideas, not the poster expressing them. Not because it's mean, but because name-calling and personal attacks just drive down the quality of dialogue. Snark's one thing, but snark usually is at least funny (hence why we love it so much). Outright calling another poster names really isn't that amusing.

 !  {TEXT1}:
Personal attacks are allowed, as long as hate speech is avoided. So, no racial or ethnic slurs, etc.

I agree that they are, perhaps, not conducive to intelligent debate, but we allow them anyway.

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It was one of the 'Ask The Duggars' episodes where he mentioned it and I believe (though wouldn't swear) that they then showed a tiny clip of them singing with Dolly. Someone probably asked about 'Nike' and the implications there, and Michelle mentioned that situation where JimBob later confided in her the temptations he felt or some other nonsense.

I know I already commented on the grossness of this, but this is so fucked up. I cannot even imagine my husband coming to me to tell me another woman's breasts gave him a boner.

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Question, since I'm new and I don't see it specifically stated in the rules:

Are personal attacks, like calling someone a "hateful bitch", cool on this forum? Usually the rule for mature debate is to attack the ideas, not the poster expressing them. Not because it's mean, but because name-calling and personal attacks just drive down the quality of dialogue. Snark's one thing, but snark usually is at least funny (hence why we love it so much). Outright calling another poster names really isn't that amusing.

I thought it was a rule, but I just looked and didn't see it. Which is fine; we try to police ourselves. If a member sees something they don't like, they should speak up. Which you just did! The system works! :lol:

cross posted w HA :embarrassed:

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Personal attacks are allowed, as long as hate speech is avoided. So, no racial or ethnic slurs, etc.

I agree that they are, perhaps, not conducive to intelligent debate, but we allow them anyway.[/mod]

Cool, thanks, I appreciate the clarification. I am not planning on running around making any personal attacks now that I know ;) but it's good to be sure.

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Thank you everyone! :lol: I was right, having grown up in California, I was never going to get that. I do recall now some people on the internet having trouble with it, and my dad sometimes calling it yoz-might as a joke.

You have been done a great disfavor -- having grown up SO CLOSE to one of the most beautiful parks in the world - Yosemite National Park - in California. You should visit! It's amazing. :o

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I can't imagine having the opportunity to meet a celebrity, then telling my sons to stand in the back and stare at their shoes and tend to the littles because they are such degenerate sinful people that seeing a woman with a tight shirt could lead them to do horrible things. Imagine the shame those kids live with on a daily basis. Ick.

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You have been done a great disfavor -- having grown up SO CLOSE to one of the most beautiful parks in the world - Yosemite National Park - in California. You should visit! It's amazing. :o

To make this whole malapropism thing go full circle--I've always had trouble remembering the correct pronunciation of "Gethsemane." The way I remember it is that it has the same rhythm as "Yosemite."

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Question, since I'm new and I don't see it specifically stated in the rules:

Are personal attacks, like calling someone a "hateful bitch", cool on this forum? Usually the rule for mature debate is to attack the ideas, not the poster expressing them. Not because it's mean, but because name-calling and personal attacks just drive down the quality of dialogue. Snark's one thing, but snark usually is at least funny (hence why we love it so much). Outright calling another poster names really isn't that amusing.

I was once called a c*** by a poster (who is still a member but I don't believe has posted for a very long time on here). I consider that much worse than "hateful bitch". No, I was not a newb. She disliked something I posted.

I'm still here.

I think there is something in the FAQ (or the really FAQ) about having a thick skin and about the fact that there will be things that you may not like.

ETA - and that poster's name has been mentioned in this thread in the context of "if you think this is bad, you should have seen..."

There is always the foe (ignore) function.

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I can't imagine having the opportunity to meet a celebrity, then telling my sons to stand in the back and stare at their shoes and tend to the littles because they are such degenerate sinful people that seeing a woman with a tight shirt could lead them to do horrible things. Imagine the shame those kids live with on a daily basis. Ick.

It's not just celebrities.


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It's not just celebrities.


It's amazing how they've twisted the idea of shame. They have trained their kids feel it for very normal human situations, but somehow JB completely lacks any sense of shame about, well, just about anything he's done. Astounding.

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I know I already commented on the grossness of this, but this is so fucked up. I cannot even imagine my husband coming to me to tell me another woman's breasts gave him a boner.

Right?! Wtf :ew:

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It's not just celebrities.


Earlier today I was talking about fundies/conservative evangelicals they associate with with my dad and how they're trying to take over America and take away freedom, and I told him that the women aren't allowed to wear pants. He said, "That doesn't sound very conservative!" No dad, they wear skirts, they're not naked :lol:

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To make this whole malapropism thing go full circle--I've always had trouble remembering the correct pronunciation of "Gethsemane." The way I remember it is that it has the same rhythm as "Yosemite."

Well, thanks a lot, you hateful bitch, now I have "In the Garden" stuck in my head and I'll be singing hymns all weekend. :evil:

ETA: J/K! I love "In the Garden!" totes one of my faves.

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I was once called a c*** by a poster (who is still a member but I don't believe has posted for a very long time on here). I consider that much worse than "hateful bitch". No, I was not a newb. She disliked something I posted.

I'm still here.

I think there is something in the FAQ (or the really FAQ) about having a thick skin and about the fact that there will be things that you may not like.

ETA - and that poster's name has been mentioned in this thread in the context of "if you think this is bad, you should have seen..."

There is always the foe (ignore) function.

That is gross. I can't get behind the c-word. I'm not necessarily proud to admit that I swear like the proverbial sailor. But that word just doesn't sit well at all. And for a woman to call another woman that is, I'm my opinion, scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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Right?! Wtf :ew:

Gross ! Awkward ! Baaaaah !

Imagine the slap in the self esteem !

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I was once called a c*** by a poster (who is still a member but I don't believe has posted for a very long time on here). I consider that much worse than "hateful bitch". No, I was not a newb. She disliked something I posted.

I'm still here.

I think there is something in the FAQ (or the really FAQ) about having a thick skin and about the fact that there will be things that you may not like.

I'm fine, and wasn't the one called a bitch -- I've just been on many online forums and each have their own set of civility standards. On some, even calling a famous woman absolutely no one on the forum likes a "bitch" can get your post hidden because it's considered a misogynistic term (and there was a *huge* controversy when a poster referred to a woman in the news who had killed her newborn child as the c-word before the "anti-misogyny" rule was established).

Others, of course, are not so PC. And I promise, my only issue with personal attacks is that they divert attention away from the actual issues. I earned my asbestos underwear when I was 13 or so on local BBSes -- they didn't pull many punches when I said something stupid or immature, even knowing I was a kid. Good training :)

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