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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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Something tells me that none of the Duggars would never do anything so educated and cultured, erm, I mean "worldly" as enter a museum without the word "Christian" in the title. Those kids probably don't even know what the Louvre is. Or Michelangelo's David for that matter. It's astonishing to think about how ignorant they really are.

Not long ago Jill couldn't name her favorite nursery rhyme.

It's astonishing to think that their parents purposely limited them in the guise of this being good for them. WTH!

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Going back to August 2007 (around the "trial"), I found some family photos showing Josh's bed in the house:


The Boy's Bedroom with 10 beds and 2 bathrooms (from left .. Jeremiah top, Justin bottom, Jackson bottom, James top, Josiah, Jason bottom, Jedidiah top, Joshua bottom, Joseph top & John far right).


The Girl's Bedroom (from left.. Jinger, Johannah, Jessa, Joy, Jill holding Jennifer & Jana).


Just thought I'd point out that Josh had a bed in that home at the start of the trial (or during his "suit").

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Do with have any more information on the lady who leaked the report that is retiring in two weeks? I still do not understand what that situation was all about. Was it illegal for her to give it to InTouch magazine? Or did In Touch magazine have legal access to it because of the Freedom of Information Act?

I heard that her boss criticised her, but I still don't get it.

I can't fathom how she did anything wrong. Law allows for public records to be public. Police records are public and they redacted the appropriate parts.

Good luck to that cave springs idiot who thinks he can sue her.

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This is so great and since I'm no longer underage as of today, I might actually do this little drinking game if I ever watch that interview! I think it might help make the interview somewhat bearable! :p

Thanks FundieFarmer :)

Happy birthday!!

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Not long ago Jill couldn't name her favorite nursery rhyme.

It's astonishing to think that their parents purposely limited them in the guise of this being good for them. WTH!

I always wonder how these religious sorts think they can fight the good fight if they don't actually know anything about their adversaries. How can you know what is bad when you don't know anything?

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Not long ago Jill couldn't name her favorite nursery rhyme.

It's astonishing to think that their parents purposely limited them in the guise of this being good for them. WTH!

I don't know why, but I remember feeling quite sad for Jill when she said that. I guess maybe I took it for granted that nursery rhymes were something innocent enough for them to know about. Apparently I was wrong - too many talking eggs and kittens with mittens. :roll:

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Hi all, hope everyone is having a good weekend.

So, what's this about FJ being a hate site? Oh right, anyone who thinks critically about the Duggars is a "hater" because the Duggars are entitled to everyone's love and approval. As if. Besides, if I hated the Duggars, you'd know it, believe me.

I got to say, I am not thrilled about personal attacks being allowed here, as it's just as much of a silencing tactic as it is for a troll to create an account here with the sole purpose of calling everyone a bunch of meanies for not liking the Duggars and flouncing off. But, that's just my opinion, and it's not my site so that's the extent of me voicing that.

Anyway, has anyone read the In Touch Weekly article yet? Great goobly god, they surely delivered an eviscerating presentation of the scandal so far, complete with a timeline. I almost didn't like it, because they added some molestation details; then I remembered all the squealing fanbabies out there that are insisting Josh played doctor and decided the article was necessary. Lest we forget, there are molestation victims out there, suffering as we speak, and what is happening to them may be being framed the same way and it needs to be established that no it is not okay and yes it is criminal.

The fact that a large segment of American society would rather whitewash these allegations and minimize Josh's actions is partly to blame for these very private, embarrassing details becoming public. Saying "he didn't molest his sisters" would require detractors to explain exactly why he did, and In Touch Weekly did that. I also blame Boobchelle for this, because had they involved honest police officers at the time, Josh's record would be sealed and there would be no question that he would have attended mandatory treatment. But no, Josh sued DHS instead. Yeah, that makes perfect sense (not).

Also, we wouldn't have to know anything about this had Boobchelle decided to avoid living a life of celebrity and political activity (robocalls, really?). So as far as I'm concerned, if their daughters are suffering it is because of them. Plus, the large segment of society that continues to justify sexism and enable abusers of all kinds.

This goes back to what I said about Josh's victims paying a price for society's stubborn bullheadedness to not make progress. It's what, 2015, and we're still collectively arguing about what is or is not molestation? Is there something so objectionable about agreeing that a four year old cannot consent that people are unwilling to acknowledge the truth of what happened? FFS. I thought this discussion was had back in the 1970s. There's no excuse to be having it now. Yes, feeling a bit peeved and triggered at the moment.

Oh, and happy birthday Vespeon :dance:

Edited for correction, twice

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I always wonder how these religious sorts think they can fight the good fight if they don't actually know anything about their adversaries. How can you know what is bad when you don't know anything?

Strength in numbers. You create a dumb army for Jesus; control and manipulate them.

ETA- and isn't the potential fallout from Michelle's robocalls the perfect example of not knowing anything about your adversaries?

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I don't know why, but I remember feeling quite sad for Jill when she said that. I guess maybe I took it for granted that nursery rhymes were something innocent enough for them to know about. Apparently I was wrong - too many talking eggs and kittens with mittens. :roll:

I can't name my favourite nursery rhyme. I honestly can only think of two off the top of my head - Humpty Dumpty and Little Miss Muffet - and I don't recall being particularly enamoured with either. I just haven't had cause to think about nursery rhymes for the past 15 or so years of my life.

Granted, I'm not a sister-mom who has spent almost her entire life around toddlers and small children, but I don't think it's strange or a sign of sheltering in general for an adult to not have a favourite nursery rhyme.

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I can't name my favourite nursery rhyme. I honestly can only think of two off the top of my head - Humpty Dumpty and Little Miss Muffet - and I don't recall being particularly enamoured with either. I just haven't had cause to think about nursery rhymes for the past 15 or so years of my life.

Granted, I'm not a sister-mom who has spent almost her entire life around toddlers and small children, but I don't think it's strange or a sign of sheltering in general for an adult to not have a favourite nursery rhyme.

But if you were asked you could either name one or explain that you do not have a favorite one.

She could not name any nursery rhymes, favorite or otherwise.

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I went and looked back at her posts and you weren't kidding. For a debate about vaccines it was actually pretty polite. She is speaking of posters here being rude, let us read what she wrote towards another poster:

On second thought, I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to employ you. Government benefits perhaps?

there are a few really hateful and unintelligent posters as well (yes, nausicaa25, I'm talking about you

Go get another vaccine shot nausicaa25, you need it.

I'll let people decide if they think yellowfin might be a bit of a hateful bitch herself.

I know right :lol:

I kind of find the folk that moan have the issue rather than the forum.

I've been called way worse and I don't take offence. I've been a plain speaker and an arsehole on more than one occasion. It's easy to not admit your wrong on the internet. It actually can hone good and bad debating skills. I've learnt both on FJ.

I like to think I have 4000 shit posts probably 500 crap ones a few hundred funny posts and a few drunk ones :lol: AND some I really am earnest and trying to learn. I try not to make it personal. I am though brutally a piss taker.

I'm far from impressed with twats trying to making it all about their hurt feelings. BORING!

So if that makes me a hateful bitch that's OK. Own your words, good and bad, sensible, drunk and other. Nobody likes being called out....me included. I learn from it though.

Gethsemane....that made me spit out my drink :lol: How fucking hilarious and religious a malaprop. I'm going to re-name Yosemite that :lol:

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Going back to August 2007 (around the "trial"), I found some family photos showing Josh's bed in the house:


The Boy's Bedroom with 10 beds and 2 bathrooms (from left .. Jeremiah top, Justin bottom, Jackson bottom, James top, Josiah, Jason bottom, Jedidiah top, Joshua bottom, Joseph top & John far right).


The Girl's Bedroom (from left.. Jinger, Johannah, Jessa, Joy, Jill holding Jennifer & Jana).


Just thought I'd point out that Josh had a bed in that home at the start of the trial (or during his "suit").

I always found it odd the boys had no duvets or pillows.

Also maybe the josh bed was for show and be did sleep elsewhere.

I also find it hard to believe that every single person went to sleep at the same time. Didn't the youngers have an earlier bedtime or was there no structure in that house as I have always suspected.

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I always wonder how these religious sorts think they can fight the good fight if they don't actually know anything about their adversaries. How can you know what is bad when you don't know anything?

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Strength in numbers. You create a dumb army for Jesus; control and manipulate them.

ETA- and isn't the potential fallout from Michelle's robocalls the perfect example of not knowing anything about your adversaries?


It's like they think that they are impenetrible or something.

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But if you were asked you could either name one or explain that you do not have a favorite one.

She could not name any nursery rhymes, favorite or otherwise.

But if nursery rhymes were allowed, you'd think being a sistermom from way back Jill would know some so she could sing/teach them to her siblings even if M'chelle didn't sing/recite any to her personally

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Hi all, hope everyone is having a good weekend.

So, what's this about FJ being a hate site? Oh right, anyone who thinks critically about the Duggars is a "hater" because the Duggars are entitled to everyone's love and approval. As if. Besides, if I hated the Duggars, you'd know it, believe me.

I got to say, I am not thrilled about personal attacks being allowed here, as it's just as much of a silencing tactic as it is for a troll to create an account here with the sole purpose of calling everyone a bunch of meanies for not liking the Duggars and flouncing off. But, that's just my opinion, and it's not my site so that's the extent of me voicing that.

Anyway, has anyone read the In Touch Weekly article yet? Great goobly god, they surely delivered an eviscerating presentation of the scandal so far, complete with a timeline. I almost didn't like it, because they added some molestation details; then I remembered all the squealing fanbabies out there that are insisting Josh played doctor and decided the article was necessary. Lest we forget, there are molestation victims out there, suffering as we speak, and what is happening to them may be being framed the same way and it needs to be established that no it is not okay and yes it is criminal.

The fact that a large segment of American society would rather whitewash these allegations and minimize Josh's actions is partly to blame for these very private, embarrassing details becoming public. Saying "he didn't molest his sisters" would require detractors to explain exactly why he did, and In Touch Weekly did that. I also blame Boobchelle for this, because had they involved honest police officers at the time, Josh's record would be sealed and there would be no question that he would have attended mandatory treatment. But no, Josh sued DHS instead. Yeah, that makes perfect sense (not).

Also, we wouldn't have to know anything about this had Boobchelle decided to avoid living a life of celebrity and political activity (robocalls, really?). So as far as I'm concerned, if their daughters are suffering it is because of them. Plus, the large segment of society that continues to justify sexism and enable abusers of all kinds.

This goes back to what I said about Josh's victims paying a price for society's stubborn bullheadedness to not make progress. It's what, 2015, and we're still collectively arguing about what is or is not molestation? Is there something so objectionable about agreeing that a four year old cannot consent that people are unwilling to acknowledge the truth of what happened? FFS. I thought this discussion was had back in the 1970s. There's no excuse to be having it now. Yes, feeling a bit peeved and triggered at the moment.

Oh, and happy birthday (didn't catch your username)

Edited for correction

Aww pet. Check out the FreeJinger Digest malarkey. THAT was fun times :lol:

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I'm thinking this Fox interview is a ginormous mistake on their parts, in that they can really only lose fans from here with an interview like this. They're not going to win over anyone who is appalled at all of their behaviour, and I think that when they acknowledge publicly that this did happen; that it happened to their daughters; and they did not send him to real therapy and kept him in the house with the girls, they are also going to lose those fans that don't know what happened really-those that have not read the police report, those who don't internet much or at all so have no idea of the details, and/or those who didn't go on to read comments on People articles to find out the real story. Many of those fans, confronted with the reality of what actually happened, might be as repulsed as the rest of us.

I'm glad they've chosen to do this. I think it's going to bomb spectacularly.

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I always found it odd the boys had no duvets or pillows.

Also maybe the josh bed was for show and be did sleep elsewhere.

I also find it hard to believe that every single person went to sleep at the same time. Didn't the youngers have an earlier bedtime or was there no structure in that house as I have always suspected.

I never noticed the lack of duvets or pillows before! Is that a regular occurrence in the boys' room? I can't remember. We see a lot of the girls' room, but the boys room doesn't really stick out to me for some reason.

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But if you were asked you could either name one or explain that you do not have a favorite one.

She could not name any nursery rhymes, favorite or otherwise.

True, true.

I'd also be able to name something age-appropriate if an elementary school kid asked my favourite book. No Before You Meet Prince Charming for me!

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Thanks to whoever brought up the hymn "In the Garden" because I have spent the afternoon with it stuck in my head. :lol: For a hymn it really isn't bad. At least there is no mention of being washed in blood or fountains of blood or there being power in blood.

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*happy birthday, Vespeon!

:margarita: :redwine:

*On Yosemite - love it, never climbed Half Dome, and despite the fact that I know full well the difference between Yosemite and Yellowstone, somehow my brain has stored those 2 places in just about the same spot in my brain and I have to spend an extra minute thinking about which one I mean to say when I talk about them.

*On latest Duggar stuff ... I haven't decided yet about watching the interview on Wednesday. I dislike Megyn Kelly immensely, and really can't imagine stomaching an hour of JB and Michelle smarmily insisting on the rightness of their actions. So I'll probably just read the recap. thx, Buzzard!

*Also - still parsing the info earlier about Grandma's purchase of the house from Michelle's dad at an inflated value. I can't figure it out. If they were purchasing a property specifically to fulfill the requirement of having Josh live away from the other kids, and Grandma was helping them out with this... why would the other Grandparent sell it an inflated value, rather than at a reduced value (or market value)?

Also on that note, if this property WAS purchased specifically for that reason, isn't it a little skeevy that Jessa has to live there now?

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I'm thinking this Fox interview is a ginormous mistake on their parts, in that they can really only lose fans from here with an interview like this. They're not going to win over anyone who is appalled at all of their behaviour, and I think that when they acknowledge publicly that this did happen; that it happened to their daughters; and they did not send him to real therapy and kept him in the house with the girls, they are also going to lose those fans that don't know what happened really-those that have not read the police report, those who don't internet much or at all so have no idea of the details, and/or those who didn't go on to read comments on People articles to find out the real story. Many of those fans, confronted with the reality of what actually happened, might be as repulsed as the rest of us.

I'm glad they've chosen to do this. I think it's going to bomb spectacularly.

I'm afraid it's going to be this

Joshy-Poo made a mistake, we (Boob and Michelle) made a mistake too, but we learned from it. (no mention that it was his sisters AT ALL), He found the lord (which Megyn and Jimbob will profess is white and so is Santa, so stop being racist America!)

They have preyed, ahem I mean prayed for/on women for healing and forgiveness.

The end!

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I used to think it was Secret Asian Man too.

I will still sing it as Secret Asian Man even now if I hear it. That and Blinded By The Light - I know the correct words but it'll always be "wrapped up in a douche running in the night" to me.

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I will still sing it as Secret Asian Man even now if I hear it. That and Blinded By The Light - I know the correct words but it'll always be "wrapped up in a douche running in the night" to me.

Mine is the john Lennon Merry Christmas (war is over) where they sing " we hope it's a good one, without any fear" I always sung "without any cheer" as a child I thought it was the most depressing Christmas song ever.

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I'm sure he has a contract attorney but I'm not really sure that will help him much. He needs a real pr person.

The duggars have been on fox before, they're more likely to find "like minded" people there but I think he's over estimating the audience. Mainstream conservatives are a pretty law and order bunch and covering up child molestation isn't really law and order.

Yes, so much this! Conservatives are not happy about this. I think mike huckleberry really overshot his audience on this one. He's trying to win the minority vote by covering up and backing child molestation. I'm not sure how that's going to go over so well.

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