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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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In my house, my son hates heavy blankets so he has a fitted sheet and a throw if he gets cold, which is almost never. He sleeps hot. I used to think was coming down with a fever when he was just tired.

In THAT house? I would bet money it's so they don't defraud themselves. :roll:

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I love malapropisms (or Mondegreens, as they are also called -- google it!)

One that always tickles me is John Prine and the "Happy Enchilada" song... :lol:

[bBvideo 560,340:2voqt711]

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In my house, my son hates heavy blankets so he has a fitted sheet and a throw if he gets cold, which is almost never. He sleeps hot. I used to think was coming down with a fever when he was just tired.

In THAT house? I would bet money it's so they don't defraud themselves. :roll:

that's exactly what I thought too - no duvet/blanket to hide their defrauding behavior under

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COD, John Prine always makes me happy... Love "happy enchilada".

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I'm thinking this Fox interview is a ginormous mistake on their parts, in that they can really only lose fans from here with an interview like this. They're not going to win over anyone who is appalled at all of their behaviour, and I think that when they acknowledge publicly that this did happen; that it happened to their daughters; and they did not send him to real therapy and kept him in the house with the girls, they are also going to lose those fans that don't know what happened really-those that have not read the police report, those who don't internet much or at all so have no idea of the details, and/or those who didn't go on to read comments on People articles to find out the real story. Many of those fans, confronted with the reality of what actually happened, might be as repulsed as the rest of us.

I'm glad they've chosen to do this. I think it's going to bomb spectacularly.

they are not going to admit Josh molested his sisters. I would be willing to bet that is off the table i prior agreement.

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But if you were asked you could either name one or explain that you do not have a favorite one.

She could not name any nursery rhymes, favorite or otherwise.

Poor Jill. Her answer should have been, "There was an old woman who lived in a shoe."

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I always found it odd the boys had no duvets or pillows.

Also maybe the josh bed was for show and be did sleep elsewhere.

I also find it hard to believe that every single person went to sleep at the same time. Didn't the youngers have an earlier bedtime or was there no structure in that house as I have always suspected.

Is it just me or is JD not sitting on an actual bed?

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Sara Says:

April 10th, 2008 at 4:54 am

I grew up in a family like the Duggars, and my family knows them through homeschooling conventions. I left home at 17 because my dad was always screaming and punishing us. My life was very suffocating and my mother idolized Michelle Duggar. After they met and became friends, she began implementing the same rules in our home. Don’t be fooled by Michelle’s polished demeanor. She is not at all as sweet and soft spoken as she appears on tv. She taught my mom the “blanket methodâ€. It’s how you teach a crawling baby to stay on a blanket. You sit the baby down on the blanket, and when he/she tries to move off of it, you hit the edges of the blanket near the baby with a yard stick so it scares them into staying on the blanket. If the baby absolutely won’t stay on it, then you spank by swatting at the hands of the baby trying to get off the blanket.

One of their oldest daughters (sorry, will not name names) confided in my sister that Michelle screams and yells all of the time at her children. That she stays in her bedroom alot of the day and lays around while the older girls work the entire day. They call this “Training for a sacred marriageâ€. One of the girls who confided in my sister said she wanted to go to a certain college away from Arkansas, but Michelle wants all of the children to go to online college. She wants to keep them home for as long as possible until they get married. This is how it is in my family too.

Whenever we girls would get together at the conventions and meet ups, we used to dream about wearing regular clothes, cutting our hair, wearing make up, and wondering what rock music was like.

Women idolize and worship Michelle. They pay this woman to come and teach them how to run their own home. When the real truth is, Michelle doesn’t run her home. Her older girls do. And the older girls are the mothers to the smaller children. They change all the diapers, they do all the feedings, etc.

The boys do not do women’s work. Only the women do dishes, cooking, laundry, etc. The television shows the boys doing chores. They don’t do indoor type chores on a daily basis. They only do “men’s work†outside.

I hate to break it to anyone who thinks the duggars are perfect. They are pretty typical as far as the yelling, screaming, spankings with yard sticks, and punishment chores goes. I haven’t seen my family in years. Once you leave, you cannot come back until you get on your knees before the head of the house hold and repent that you are a sinner. It’s a part of things that the duggars would never ever discuss with the outside world. The reality of being in a sect.

Sara Says:

April 10th, 2008 at 4:58 am

There are some other things about the oldest molesting two of the sisters, but I cannot talk about that because I don’t know if it’s truth. It has been nothing but a rumor. It’s almost rumored that Michelle is pregnant again, and plans to have up to 20 children.


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I will still sing it as Secret Asian Man even now if I hear it. That and Blinded By The Light - I know the correct words but it'll always be "wrapped up in a douche running in the night" to me.

I always thought of it as " wrapped up like a douche like a rotor in the night."

...Don't ask me what the hell I could have possibly thought a rotor was, I heard this song at around the same time I was eating my heavenly peas.

Maybe I should have just had my hearing tested when I was little. :lol:

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I will still sing it as Secret Asian Man even now if I hear it. That and Blinded By The Light - I know the correct words but it'll always be "wrapped up in a douche running in the night" to me.

Same for Secret Asian Man and the 'ELO Douche Song' :lol: But also my mom was a Billy Joel Royal fan he has a song called Old Bridges Burn Slow, when i was little I sang it as Old Britches Burn Slow :doh:

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Hi everybody, longtime lurker here, I hope I don't screw up my first post... I just wanted to let you know that the josh news was covered in a German Newspaper. It's a magazine with a focus on economics and politic so the article focusses on consequences for conservative politicians. It's fairly detailed, so maybe members here who understand German are interested to have a look:


Totally unrelated: Cynthia Jeub made a new post on her blog about how abusers are seen. She doesn't mention Josh or sexual abuse, but I think she makes some interesting points. Let me know if that is not the right thread to post this.

It's also in the french press. Paris Match, a general purose magazine, has publised two articles about it and had already published about them in 2010 and 2011 (just telling they are fundies with so many kids and that they almost had 20).

More interesting, Le Monde, a very serious newspaper is talking about the sexual scandal: http://bigbrowser.blog.lemonde.fr/2015/ ... le-duggar/

They talk about their litteral reading of the Bible, the place of women, and links with politics.

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It's odd that those boys don't have bedding and lie on those thin, cheap mattresses. There are no mattress pads or foam on top to layer for comfort. I couldn't imagine sleeping on my bed without my foam tempur-pedic pads.

Wasn't there an episode of the show where the boys were shown bedding down for the night with no blankets covering them? Scripted for the cameras, I know, but I agree that it might be a measure used in the household to keep them from touching themselves.

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Sara Says:

April 10th, 2008 at 4:54 am

I grew up in a family like the Duggars, and my family knows them through homeschooling conventions. I left home at 17 because my dad was always screaming and punishing us. My life was very suffocating and my mother idolized Michelle Duggar. After they met and became friends, she began implementing the same rules in our home. Don’t be fooled by Michelle’s polished demeanor. She is not at all as sweet and soft spoken as she appears on tv. She taught my mom the “blanket methodâ€. It’s how you teach a crawling baby to stay on a blanket. You sit the baby down on the blanket, and when he/she tries to move off of it, you hit the edges of the blanket near the baby with a yard stick so it scares them into staying on the blanket. If the baby absolutely won’t stay on it, then you spank by swatting at the hands of the baby trying to get off the blanket.

One of their oldest daughters (sorry, will not name names) confided in my sister that Michelle screams and yells all of the time at her children. That she stays in her bedroom alot of the day and lays around while the older girls work the entire day. They call this “Training for a sacred marriageâ€. One of the girls who confided in my sister said she wanted to go to a certain college away from Arkansas, but Michelle wants all of the children to go to online college. She wants to keep them home for as long as possible until they get married. This is how it is in my family too.

Whenever we girls would get together at the conventions and meet ups, we used to dream about wearing regular clothes, cutting our hair, wearing make up, and wondering what rock music was like.

Women idolize and worship Michelle. They pay this woman to come and teach them how to run their own home. When the real truth is, Michelle doesn’t run her home. Her older girls do. And the older girls are the mothers to the smaller children. They change all the diapers, they do all the feedings, etc.

The boys do not do women’s work. Only the women do dishes, cooking, laundry, etc. The television shows the boys doing chores. They don’t do indoor type chores on a daily basis. They only do “men’s work†outside.

I hate to break it to anyone who thinks the duggars are perfect. They are pretty typical as far as the yelling, screaming, spankings with yard sticks, and punishment chores goes. I haven’t seen my family in years. Once you leave, you cannot come back until you get on your knees before the head of the house hold and repent that you are a sinner. It’s a part of things that the duggars would never ever discuss with the outside world. The reality of being in a sect.

Sara Says:

April 10th, 2008 at 4:58 am

There are some other things about the oldest molesting two of the sisters, but I cannot talk about that because I don’t know if it’s truth. It has been nothing but a rumor. It’s almost rumored that Michelle is pregnant again, and plans to have up to 20 children.


This is what scares me for those kids if the cameras go away. With the cameras it was safe there at least once a month. The kids had a chance to see the hypocrisy. Now? Will Josie even remember?

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I always thought of it as " wrapped up like a douche like a rotor in the night."

...Don't ask me what the hell I could have possibly thought a rotor was, I heard this song at around the same time I was eating my heavenly peas.

Maybe I should have just had my hearing tested when I was little. :lol:

There was a song from the 90s called "follow you down" and my sister and I thought the lyrics were "Anywhere you go, I'll swallow you down!" We only recently discovered this was not the case.

Also, I thought elemeno was a letter for a while...h-i-j-k-elemeno-p...

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Currently all I have to say is WHY did this have to happen when I have a new baby?!?!? I've been reading FJ for years off and on. But I just registered because of this and thought I might have something to say about it but OMG these threads are moving so fast and baby doesn't like to sit and read FJ (I'm working on forum training him...)

I read almost every post in threads 1-4 but now we're on 7. I'm never gonna get cuaght upa nd get to actually comment on the Duggars! HA!

I will say, I am a conservative Christian homeschooler and it sickens me they way so many Christians (not just fundies) are blindly defending the Duggars!

I can't tell ya'll how many times I've said punishment and forgiveness are NOT mutually exclusive things since this story broke!

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Poor Jill. Her answer should have been, "There was an old woman who lived in a shoe."

Or "Jack and Jill went up the Hill" (no innuendo intended)

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It's also in the french press. Paris Match, a general purose magazine, has publised two articles about it and had already published about them in 2010 and 2011 (just telling they are fundies with so many kids and that they almost had 20).

More interesting, Le Monde, a very serious newspaper is talking about the sexual scandal: http://bigbrowser.blog.lemonde.fr/2015/ ... le-duggar/

They talk about their litteral reading of the Bible, the place of women, and links with politics.

Interesting that it made Le Monde. Good that they dug into Quiverfull, ATI, and Vision Forum.

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Currently all I have to say is WHY did this have to happen when I have a new baby?!?!? I've been reading FJ for years off and on. But I just registered because of this and thought I might have something to say about it but OMG these threads are moving so fast and baby doesn't like to sit and read FJ (I'm working on forum training him...)

I read almost every post in threads 1-4 but now we're on 7. I'm never gonna get cuaght upa nd get to actually comment on the Duggars! HA!

I will say, I am a conservative Christian homeschooler and it sickens me they way so many Christians (not just fundies) are blindly defending the Duggars!

I can't tell ya'll how many times I've said punishment and forgiveness are NOT mutually exclusive things since this story broke!

That made me laugh :lol:

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Or "Jack and Jill went up the Hill" (no innuendo intended)

Jack and Jill didn't have a chaperone. It could have given the kids ideas. Plus you can't have a boy and a girl doing the same chore, GENDER ROLES, PEOPLE!

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Currently all I have to say is WHY did this have to happen when I have a new baby?!?!? I've been reading FJ for years off and on. But I just registered because of this and thought I might have something to say about it but OMG these threads are moving so fast and baby doesn't like to sit and read FJ (I'm working on forum training him...)

I read almost every post in threads 1-4 but now we're on 7. I'm never gonna get cuaght upa nd get to actually comment on the Duggars! HA!

I will say, I am a conservative Christian homeschooler and it sickens me they way so many Christians (not just fundies) are blindly defending the Duggars!

I can't tell ya'll how many times I've said punishment and forgiveness are NOT mutually exclusive things since this story broke!

Try blanket training.....

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I always found it odd the boys had no duvets or pillows.

Also maybe the josh bed was for show and be did sleep elsewhere.

I also find it hard to believe that every single person went to sleep at the same time. Didn't the youngers have an earlier bedtime or was there no structure in that house as I have always suspected.

Do they have sleeping bags like one family I read about (here?) The sleeping bags were put away during the day so the boys couldn't ya know... play with themselves. Do the Duggars do that too?

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There are John Prine people here? ones who know him well enough to know about the happy enchilada? yay! I KNEW I liked this place :)

On the beds: not much to add: but i remember being shocked at a scene where one of the howlers was asleep in an older sisters bed. Seemed odd. She wasn't in it with him, it was late morning. He was fully dressed. Like he was woken up, but not ready to get up, and for some reason was sleeping in his sisters bed. I wonder how often the older girls co-slept with siblings, when younger sibs were sad or scared and their parents room was locked.

Anyone else remember this?

I *think* those 2007 pics were taken right after they finished moving beds in and decorating- they hadn't got pillows/blankets on the beds yet. It was a staged shot to show off their finished rooms. So I wouldn't read a ton into it. Although I wouldn't put it past them to disallow blankets to prevent them defrauding themselves at night.

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I can't believe they would build a brand new, gigantic house, and still have 10 kids to a room!

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That made me laugh :lol:

See, I've been reading here long enough to have FJ jokes :dance:

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I will still sing it as Secret Asian Man even now if I hear it. That and Blinded By The Light - I know the correct words but it'll always be "wrapped up in a douche running in the night" to me.

Me too! Oh and "Jojo was a man who thought he was a woman but he knew it wouldn't last."

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