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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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WOW!!! I finally reached the last page. :cracking-up:

I don't really have anything special to add except:

1. I worry about what will happen now that the cameras are gone. (in the way of punishings) Certainly it will most likely be the girls fault that this has come to light.

2. I would like to punch JB and Michelle in the face for being such asses to their kids. To continue having more and more kids and not caring for the ones they have. Not making sure they were safe.

3. I think as a boy knowing your parents are in the next room screwing like bunnies probably set Joshes curiosity into full teen explosion. (I'm not giving him a pass for this, but if mom and dad can't control themselves it must be some good stuff going on). I don't think he was attracted to his sisters, I think it was out of curiosity and exploration. Still gross and and not appropriate.

I don't feel sorry for Anna, she knew what she was marrying. But GOD DAMN it stop having babies. Because soon you to will find yourself in a position that you won't be able to keep tabs on your kids and this is when there is potential for awful stuff to happen. Especially taking into consideration who you are married too.

I hope Boob and J'Chelle can't get pregnant again. My feelings are even if she does, her body won't let her carry them to term anyway and she will continue miscarrying.

I stand firm on if the cameras were around, the kids were more safe than not.

That's all I have for now. (I should have written stuff down as I was reading).

oh and damn the person with the Jill Rodriguez post. That was the most ridiculous gender reveal I'd ever seen.

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3. I think as a boy knowing your parents are in the next room screwing like bunnies probably set Joshes curiosity into full teen explosion. (I'm not giving him a pass for this, but if mom and dad can't control themselves it must be some good stuff going on). I don't think he was attracted to his sisters, I think it was out of curiosity and exploration. Still gross and and not appropriate.

To me, if that was the case, it would have made more sense for him to have attempted things with the sisters closest to him in age. My understanding is that the oldest daughter, who was of an age to be starting puberty during these incidents, was never targeted. And that the youngest victim in 2003 may have been five years old. That suggests that it wasn't about adolescent sexual curiosity.

Of course, he may not have targeted the oldest daughter because she was a twin and therefore possibly closer to her twin brother than most -- he may have also worried that she would have told the parents, but it's more likely she would have told her twin brother. Still, that right there suggests a predatory mindset, if he was seeking out victims who were less likely to tell.

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What has gotten 25 likes?

Sorry, I should have quoted. In my original post I quoted her fb status

"This Duggar thing is so disappointing. I was a foolish fan and am now ashamed. Not only as a Christian but as an Arkansan. How dare they use the format of purity and Christianity knowing what went on in there own household yet, put themselves and their daughters out there for public scrunity and not think this would come out. I wonder if when Jim Bob found out the "family friend Christian police officer" he sought out for help was convicted of YEARS for child pornography! Did he realize that he had made a huge error. No, he went on to speak out against others beliefs and condemn them. Brings the stone at glass house full circle to me. How dare you stand superior and judge when your hands are so very soiled. Prayers for them all. Shame on you for soiling your Christian views without full disclosure before condemning. Sad for the innocent family members, victims and supporters. Just my opinion but it's Facebook so I can give it."

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Another person, the elder from the church the Duggars attended, who was present when Josh spoke to Hutchens says that Josh disclosed all of the abuse.


Do we think this elder is Jim Holt?

This feels like damage control for the Duggars, Holt, and the patriarchy movement. I'm betting the Duggars and anyone else high up enough in their movement have invested in a good PR team. Now they are going on the offensive to re-write the story as:

1) Josh confessed everything so there were no other incidents - why would he risk leaving guilty feelings when he'd be absolved!

2) Abuse happened above the clothing - I think they will really emphasize this in their interview and hope that america will view this as "touching a girls bottom" and not forcible fondling as described in the police report

3)Josh told his parents right away! They told the elders and decided to get him "help" before going to the police

My understanding is that the Holt family sort of gradually warmed up to the family again over time? I'm sure the Duggars being famous didn't hurt that opportunity. But why would JB confirm this was an elder in the church and have him go on record but not grant an interview himself?

I think they know that if people realized it was the Holts going on record then that would only open up more questions. Like if they are being totally honest about whatever transpired as it seemed to be a serious enough offense for them to break off the engagement to their daughter AND serious enough to apparently blame the loss of your election on "sin in the camp" if the rumors are to be believed.

But their whole belief system and way of life is on trial now so I think people are going to say whatever needs to be said to make it "okay" with the general public.

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I'm not sure Jim Bob would even support the idea of his married daughters having a spin-off. (not that I see one working. I think I'd rather watch the Arndts play with their stuffed penguins than watch Jill and Jessa play house in the houses that belong to their father). The sons-in-law would probably end up with too much power for his liking.

This is all about Jim Bob and Michelle. It always has been. The kids were just accessories for them. We know now how badly they failed as parents early on, and these days the kids are almost completely feral. They've been trained to smile and follow all the rules in public ("They have a rod"), but at home it looks like anything goes. Not only did they have far too many kids to manage, they really are both only into themselves and each other.

Considering the darkness that we know has gone on in the household, and guessing that this is almost certainly just the tip of the iceberg, do they they have any concerns about the fact that they have a million adolescent boys and four very young girls? I'm not accusing the howlers of anything, but considering what went on with Josh, you think they'd be extremely sensitive to the fact that they've raised one child molester already. But I don't get the sense that anyone is being watched too closely, especially now that two J-slaves have been released.

I'll be curious to see if they throw Josh under the bus, even subtly. He can't do anything for them anymore. Can't further their political agenda with his high-level hate group position and he and his family will likely not participate in any future video endeavors Jim Bob tries to get going.

I'll stop rambling now, but I leave it by saying Josh is also a victim. A smug, unlikable victim, but still a victim of narcissistic, whack-job parents. My hope for him is that this is a serious wake-up call and that he eventually grasps that everything he's been taught is bullshit. I know it's unlikely that we'll ever see a repentant 35 year old Josh who has completely and sincerely let go of Gothardism and his parents' hatefulness and learned to respect and embrace the differences in people. But it's really his only path to redemption.

I was going to suggest that a positive outcome for the interview would happen if the Duggars used it to announce that they have been led astray by a false prophet, Bill Gothard, and that they are cutting ties to Gothardism, denounce IBLP as a cult, etc.

But that will never happen and it's much more likely that they'll continue to throw Josh under the bus, like they did in their statement last week. "When Josh was a young teenager, he made some very bad mistakes and we were shocked. We had tried to teach him right from wrong." They don't accept any responsibility for their child's actions, and "we had tried to teach him" suggests that they threw up their hands and there wasn't anything else they could do. It reminds me of when little Michael got paint on his clothes and JB said "I told him to change." WTF. He's three.

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Woo-hoo! After an embarrassing number of hours reading, I am all the way caught up!

I am really hoping that Megyn Kelly reams them a new asshole. I'm not a Faux News watcher at all, but I can't help but remember her going off on some misogynistic dickheads.


Yeah, she's conservative, but I don't view her as being in the Duggar camp the way that someone like Mike Huckabee or Pat Robertson would be.

I think that this interview will go one of two ways:

1.) Stupid rhetoric about Jesus saving, forgiveness, along with lies about the assaults, JB & M's actions and the "treatment" Josh received, etc. It will be apparent that they have received all of the questions before the interview.

2.) Megyn will call Boob and Mullet out the molestation, the cover up, the repression of sexuality, the J'Slaves being J'Slaves and they will completely implode. She will mention the comments about girls being responsible for men's urges. They will demand that (at least parts of) the interview not be shown. Her producers will tell them to go fuck themselves.

Realistically, I think that option 1 is more likely. But I think that in order to save face, they will lie their asses off.The problem is that there is overwhelming evidence out there for the truth.

Either way I think this interview will be the last time that anyone but the most ridiculous fundies think that Michelle and Jim Bob "are just good people in a bad situation". There is no good end game by doing this interview, in my opinion. They're past the point of being able to save face. They either admit all of the horrible things they've done, or they lie about it after the world already knows the truth.

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I was going to suggest that a positive outcome for the interview would happen if the Duggars used it to announce that they have been led astray by a false prophet, Bill Gothard, and that they are cutting ties to Gothardism, denounce IBLP as a cult, etc.

But that will never happen and it's much more likely that they'll continue to throw Josh under the bus, like they did in their statement last week. "When Josh was a young teenager, he made some very bad mistakes and we were shocked. We had tried to teach him right from wrong." They don't accept any responsibility for their child's actions, and "we had tried to teach him" suggests that they threw up their hands and there wasn't anything else they could do. It reminds me of when little Michael got paint on his clothes and JB said "I told him to change." WTF. He's three.

How can you say that they threw Josh under the bus? Everything they have done has only supported Josh.

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Woo-hoo! After an embarrassing number of hours reading, I am all the way caught up!

I am really hoping that Megyn Kelly reams them a new asshole. I'm not a Faux News watcher at all, but I can't help but remember her going off on some misogynistic dickheads.


Yeah, she's conservative, but I don't view her as being in the Duggar camp the way that someone like Mike Huckabee or Pat Robertson would be.

I think that this interview will go one of two ways:

1.) Stupid rhetoric about Jesus saving, forgiveness, along with lies about the assaults, JB & M's actions and the "treatment" Josh received, etc. It will be apparent that they have received all of the questions before the interview.

2.) Megyn will call Boob and Mullet out the molestation, the cover up, the repression of sexuality, the J'Slaves being J'Slaves and they will completely implode. She will mention the comments about girls being responsible for men's urges. They will demand that (at least parts of) the interview not be shown. Her producers will tell them to go fuck themselves.

Realistically, I think that option 1 is more likely. But I think that in order to save face, they will lie their asses off.The problem is that there is overwhelming evidence out there for the truth.

Either way I think this interview will be the last time that anyone but the most ridiculous fundies think that Michelle and Jim Bob "are just good people in a bad situation". There is no good end game by doing this interview, in my opinion. They're past the point of being able to save face. They either admit all of the horrible things they've done, or they lie about it after the world already knows the truth.

I tend to respect Megyn Kelly in that she is smart, well-educated, and has stood up to sexism and some of the sexist rhetoric at her network. So while she's conservative, I sense she does voice her opinions but those opinions just happen to rarely veer from the fox news party line.

But then I saw this:


I thought maybe she wrote this before reading about the details? Part of me wants to believe that she will not take any crap from the duggars and not defend a 14 year old assaulting a 5 year old child. But really I just don't know if she'll softball the interview or actually stand up to the Duggars.

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I wonder if the howlers and lost girls understand what's going on. These incidents happened when the howlers were very young (or not even born in several instances), and I bet they were never told what happened. Perhaps like the viewing audience, they believed the lie that was being sold on TV, although I think that when cameras weren't around that Michelle must have been like a screaming banshee. I'm reminded of what Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy Faye, said about living through the downfall of PTL as a child, where one day he was an evangelical prince and the next day his name was mud. I hope that the howlers are asking some tough questions, but given how they probably had questioning beaten out of them as babies, maybe not. :( I can imagine JB and Michelle telling the older kids to never mention what happened.

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I tend to respect Megyn Kelly in that she is smart, well-educated, and has stood up to sexism and some of the sexist rhetoric at her network. So while she's conservative, I sense she does voice her opinions but those opinions just happen to rarely veer from the fox news party line.

But then I saw this:


I thought maybe she wrote this before reading about the details? Part of me wants to believe that she will not take any crap from the duggars and not defend a 14 year old assaulting a 5 year old child. But really I just don't know if she'll softball the interview or actually stand up to the Duggars.

Aw man... Gross.

Yes 48% of people have sex by age 17. WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH MOLESTING A FOUR YEAR OLD? OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER? Jeeeezus. :angry-banghead: :pull-hair:

I guess I put too much faith in Megyn. In fairness though, it doesn't look like Megyn herself wrote this. It is on her site though. And holy crap who came up with this site design? I got 4 pop ups before I could even read anything. I had to look through the ads for the text.

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I tend to respect Megyn Kelly in that she is smart, well-educated, and has stood up to sexism and some of the sexist rhetoric at her network. So while she's conservative, I sense she does voice her opinions but those opinions just happen to rarely veer from the fox news party line.

But then I saw this:


I thought maybe she wrote this before reading about the details? Part of me wants to believe that she will not take any crap from the duggars and not defend a 14 year old assaulting a 5 year old child. But really I just don't know if she'll softball the interview or actually stand up to the Duggars.

I really do not think for a second that the Duggars would have agreed to this interview if they didn't feel pretty sure that they would be softballed and not attacked. :( Im not holding out much hope.

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I wonder if the howlers and lost girls understand what's going on. These incidents happened when the howlers were very young (or not even born in several instances), and I bet they were never told what happened. Perhaps like the viewing audience, they believed the lie that was being sold on TV, although I think that when cameras weren't around that Michelle must have been like a screaming banshee. I'm reminded of what Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy Faye, said about living through the downfall of PTL as a child, where one day he was an evangelical prince and the next day his name was mud. I hope that the howlers are asking some tough questions, but given how they probably had questioning beaten out of them as babies, maybe not. :( I can imagine JB and Michelle telling the older kids to never mention what happened.

No matter when (if) they find out, they're going to get the BS version that downplays it all as much as possible, and any inconsistencies between what JB and Mchelle tell them and stories they may someday hear/read will be attributed to the evil media and child molesting trans LGBTQ atheists who hate them and want them to be pilloried.

Those poor kids, all of them. It just makes me so sad what their lives are and will be due to who parented them.

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I can almost understand the lack of blankets. But he lack of pillows is so weird.

Never heard of a guy using a pillow to defraud himself? I have been told it's a thing.

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I wonder if the howlers and lost girls understand what's going on. These incidents happened when the howlers were very young (or not even born in several instances), and I bet they were never told what happened. Perhaps like the viewing audience, they believed the lie that was being sold on TV, although I think that when cameras weren't around that Michelle must have been like a screaming banshee. I'm reminded of what Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy Faye, said about living through the downfall of PTL as a child, where one day he was an evangelical prince and the next day his name was mud. I hope that the howlers are asking some tough questions, but given how they probably had questioning beaten out of them as babies, maybe not. :( I can imagine JB and Michelle telling the older kids to never mention what happened.

I'm sure they didn't know anything. Their parents are probably trying to sugar coat everything, but some are at an age where they will probably begin to question things, even if they keep it to themselves.

I thought of Jay Bakker too. He grew up to be a thoughtful and kind young man. But he had an advantage with Tammy Faye being his mother. As nutty as she was, she was never unkind or judgmental. If she were alive today, I'm sure she'd be in full support of gay marriage.

I still want to know why Josiah was sent to Alert for most of last year only to announce a courtship early this year. And if the courtship was pushed upon him by his parents because they want to tie him down with a wife and children before he can walk away from the cult, I hope this scandal at least gives him some options. No way are those kids ready for marriage.

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I tend to respect Megyn Kelly in that she is smart, well-educated, and has stood up to sexism and some of the sexist rhetoric at her network. So while she's conservative, I sense she does voice her opinions but those opinions just happen to rarely veer from the fox news party line.

But then I saw this:


I thought maybe she wrote this before reading about the details? Part of me wants to believe that she will not take any crap from the duggars and not defend a 14 year old assaulting a 5 year old child. But really I just don't know if she'll softball the interview or actually stand up to the Duggars.

that megynkelly.org site is not affiliated with her

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I wonder if the howlers and lost girls understand what's going on. These incidents happened when the howlers were very young (or not even born in several instances), and I bet they were never told what happened. Perhaps like the viewing audience, they believed the lie that was being sold on TV, although I think that when cameras weren't around that Michelle must have been like a screaming banshee. I'm reminded of what Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy Faye, said about living through the downfall of PTL as a child, where one day he was an evangelical prince and the next day his name was mud. I hope that the howlers are asking some tough questions, but given how they probably had questioning beaten out of them as babies, maybe not. :( I can imagine JB and Michelle telling the older kids to never mention what happened.

In all seriousness, I bet the younger group doesn't even know yet. They aren't in production right now, so the fact that the camera crew isn't there isn't anything yet.

Unless Boob and J'Chelle are doing the we must be saved and they are in praying mode 24/7. We have to ask for forgiveness, repent and pray. Repeat over and over. This is what I see going on in the house. Boob calling the family to gather around and the praying for the sinners that caused destruction among the compound.

I seriously feel sad for the ones that are living there.

Lucky Jessa and Jill.

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I tend to respect Megyn Kelly in that she is smart, well-educated, and has stood up to sexism and some of the sexist rhetoric at her network. So while she's conservative, I sense she does voice her opinions but those opinions just happen to rarely veer from the fox news party line.

But then I saw this:


I thought maybe she wrote this before reading about the details? Part of me wants to believe that she will not take any crap from the duggars and not defend a 14 year old assaulting a 5 year old child. But really I just don't know if she'll softball the interview or actually stand up to the Duggars.

I really do not think for a second that the Duggars would have agreed to this interview if they didn't feel pretty sure that they would be softballed and not attacked. :( Im not holding out much hope.

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Never heard of a guy using a pillow to defraud himself? I have been told it's a thing.

This is some messed up stuff. Do we know that they just weren't washing the bedding or something? Because if you're so worried about your son's getting off with a pillow that you take their pillows away, there's something seriously wrong with you in the head. Not in the "I blindly follow Gothard" kind of way, but some kind of legitimate mental illness. But again, this is the same family who allegedly made their 8 year old daughter stand in front of the church and asked to be punished for masturbating.

Do they ever stop to think that maybe they, the ones obsessed with their children's masturbation habits are the ones with the problem?

And yes, yes, I know. :dead-horse: I'm just so disgusted and confused.

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that megynkelly.org site is not affiliated with her

Good call.

The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily shared nor endorsed by The Unofficial Megyn Kelly. The Unofficial Megyn Kelly is not associated with Megyn Kelly nor Fox News and it's service is intended to augment, supplement or enhance the service provided by the author.
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I really do not think for a second that the Duggars would have agreed to this interview if they didn't feel pretty sure that they would be softballed and not attacked. :( Im not holding out much hope.

Are we sure that's her? Why is the page "unofficial"? And why would she be tweeting under a different name?

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FTR, that post right above makes it look like I posted the website lol. ;)

Anyway, I stand by my suspicion that the Duggars would not have agreed to the interview unless they knew they would be softballed.

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How can you say that they threw Josh under the bus? Everything they have done has only supported Josh.

Seriously? Their young teen boy tells them he has a serious sexual issue and they respond by shaving his head, sending him to boot camp and keeping the whole thing as a great dirty secret while they go on their merry way bringing tv cameras into their lives 24/7 so they can make money and gain celebrity status? That was FOR him? Nope, it was all about them.

I dont like what Josh has become but I dont think he is getting off lightly for his crimes right now, it would have been so much easier if the parents did the right thing while he was still a child. He will live the rest of his life known as a child molester now. His parents are financially set up for life, his own life is completely fucked, in terms of how outsiders will view him.

Still, I am most sorry for his and his parents' victims, and I think his fauxpology was the work of an entitled arsehole, but I am sad for Josh too, for the missed opportunity to gain real insight about the impact of his actions, and to learn about genuine mutually respectful relationships from people with specialist expertise.

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It's refreshing to see the are some religious types rethinking their support of the Duggars. My SIL (who was raised Catholic) is still posting "save 19kac" crap on fb. I've had to reevaluate my opinion of her intellect over this. I knew she liked them (like even their homophobia liked them) which made me lose respect for her, but sticking by them now? She has three daughters. I didn't realize she was that deluded.

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How can you say that they threw Josh under the bus? Everything they have done has only supported Josh.

I quoted the part of their statement that I think throws Josh under the bus. He made mistakes, and they were shocked. They tried to teach him right from wrong. He was only 14--their job of teaching him right from wrong wasn't finished--and their way of responding to his "mistake" was insufficient and inappropriate. I feel like they victim-blame Josh, in a way, though I don't think he's a victim in the same way the people he molested are.

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This is some messed up stuff. Do we know that they just weren't washing the bedding or something? Because if you're so worried about your son's getting off with a pillow that you take their pillows away, there's something seriously wrong with you in the head. Not in the "I blindly follow Gothard" kind of way, but some kind of legitimate mental illness. But again, this is the same family who allegedly made their 8 year old daughter stand in front of the church and asked to be punished for masturbating.

Do they ever stop to think that maybe they, the ones obsessed with their children's masturbation habits are the ones with the problem?

And yes, yes, I know. :dead-horse: I'm just so disgusted and confused.

I can't help but chuckle every time the word 'defraud' is used. It's like a totally different language or something.

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