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Everything Josh Duggar, Child Molester - Part 7

happy atheist

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I just read on people the Duggars pastor is speaking on the molestation situation. He said all is forgiven and all that other bullshit. Didn't know they had a pastor,thought it was pastor Jim dim

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Amy has posted several times today on her IG. People are commenting and @'ing J'slaves in the comments. So does that mean the J'slaves are getting alerts to come look at their shitty comments? Not cool.


Yeah, they do...though I doubt they check it. Still shitty though.

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Maybe she wrote it to tempt the Duggars into coming on her show? Every journalist knows this interview will be a ratings winner. I don't like Megyn at all. She doesn't give me the feeling she believes a single word she says, whether I sympathize with her opinions or not. Like Anne Coulter, Megyn has found a niche in the conservative men's club, as an underfed blond who shrieks the party line in offensive ways so the big boys will like her. Occassionally, she will try an independent thought but quickly drops it to forge on with propaganda.

She won this interview. That's all that matters, so I suspect she won't press the Duggars too hard or make them explain their stances.

My secret hope is that the Duggars are using Meghan to announce the ending of their show...like it was what they planned the whole time. No, no, the scandal was not part of their decision, gracious no!

Fake fake fake. The website owner calls it 'Unofficial Megyn Kelly', someone cleared this up earlier on the interview thread.

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People keep recommending this blog, but it pinged my RR-dar and I couldn't finish it. :think:

What pinged?

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Remember back when Michelle did her horrible robocall? There were thousands of people who signed a petition to get them off the air. At the time, JB's arrogance amazed me. He said 19K would not be cancelled bc THEY are the #1 show on TLC. He even went as far as to say that all of the publicity actually made even more people watch them. Really? So arrogant and proud that they were sooo popular? Ever since, I've wanted to say " JB, pride goes before a fall" ... There's a big fall coming up.....not that I expected this.

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I haven't seen anyone post this yet. The headline makes it sound like a puff piece, but it's actually quite detailed, including Gothard and blanket training. I love how it links various Republicans to this mess.

http://reverbpress.com/politics/battleg ... ous-right/

That's actually a really good article. She has another article up on Addicting Info about Megyn Kelly that's pretty good too.

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/05/30 ... -coverage/

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What pinged?

To be honest I only glanced and felt immediately felt weird and left, so it was just my crummy intuition, but here goes: purple prose, Bakersfield, former ATI, now virtual atheist, loves the outdoors. That's it. :lol:

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JB Duggar deserves every bit of bad karma that comes his way.

The best part about this entire debacle is the exposure of Gothard, Vision Forum, the church elders, the Greens, Mike Huckabee, blanket training. All these people who make and who have made a living telling everyone else how much better their way is, how to live your life a certain way or who have actively work to deny others' rights, all exposed and connected to one other.

Slimy people.

Slimy indeed, and going on for awhile. Coming across this one totally blew my mind.

http://watchdog.org/35183/ok-255/ :shock:

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I just read on people the Duggars pastor is speaking on the molestation situation. He said all is forgiven and all that other bullshit. Didn't know they had a pastor,thought it was pastor Jim dim

So Pecan Thief? Isn't he the head of IBLP now?

Oh and whoever posted about Jill R. I officially can't stand you. I've spent all weekend reading the threads and her blog. I'm 3 threads down and the blog but still have 3 more threads and a youtube channel.

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I just read on people the Duggars pastor is speaking on the molestation situation. He said all is forgiven and all that other bullshit. Didn't know they had a pastor,thought it was pastor Jim dim

Here's the article - http://www.people.com/article/duggar-pa ... ar-scandal

Amidst the Duggars' family crisis, one of their pastors is speaking out about the recent allegations that Josh Duggar molested five underage girls when he was a teenager.

The Duggars' pastor, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, 59, of the five-branch Pinnacle Cross Church in Rogers, Arkansas, tells PEOPLE, "Everyone does wrong, and what was wrong was very wrong as to what was testified to and it's completely unacceptable.

"But I'm thankful, whether it's him or any other one, that I serve a God who can forgive everything


Andy Wilson, executive pastor of the church, told PEOPLE that Josh's sister, Jill (Duggar) Dillard, and her husband Derick are active members of the church. 19 Kids and Counting fans may remember Jill and Derick getting married at the church last June.

The article was a bit misleading because I think they were talking about the Derick and Jill's pastor. Not the Duggars as a whole. So I guess this is confirmation that the Dillards go to Cross Church unlike the rest of her family? Separating themselves from the pack maybe?

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For those of you who know the Duggar family, and have read the police report, could you help give me some clarity on this, please?

Confession, I have never seen the show, so I have no clue who all the children are. I have been trying to re-read the police report summary, and a few things are unclear to me, if you could assist me so I can understand, I would appreciate it.

- First, there were three reported dates. Found on page 14 of the report: we have March of '02 AND July of '02 ( I keep seeing this date missing in posts) and March of '03. The report states that it wasn't until March of '03 that Josh was 'disciplined', almost implying he was not disciplined before that time, and obviously the 'first reporting' revealed several times of abuse had already occurred.

- On page 14, it also states about someone sleeping on the couch that is one of the victims. Am I to assume this is a sister, or a 'babysitter'? Initially I thought this was the babysitter, but something one of the posters said, made me wonder if this was one of the sisters.

-On page 11 of the report, it states that someone was fondled outside the home....is that the babysitter or friend? Is that the 5th victim? Where was that 'outside the home' taking place? Was that on the campaign trail?

-On page 15 it states that the person who wrote the letter that was in the book was a 'he', correct? All along I was beginning to wonder if maybe it was a wife of an elder, but maybe this was an elder, and/or the father of the girl who is the 5th victim? The pronoun 'he' was not redacted.

I also read, a few days ago, the date of Josh's departure from the home and starting date of the treatment from JB said March 17, but another person said March 30th, so this is clearly not an accurate report.

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Virginal voyeurism indeed. And what about the other end of the spectrum with JB & M still talking about trying for another pregnancy and the discussion on the last special about the difference between "hey, hey" and "hey, hey, hey" in front of all their children. Good clean fun for the entire family.

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The Duggars pastor says jesus forgives all... except those pesky gender fluid transfolks.


On Sunday, Floyd gave a sermon in which he told his parishioners, "You dads, make sure you raise your sons around men who are manly."

He also brought up Bruce Jenner's recent announcement that he is transitioning from male to female.

"What's remarkable about this is the world is applauding," said Floyd. "Gender is not fluid.''

OMG!!!! :hand:

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Virginal voyeurism indeed. And what about the other end of the spectrum with JB & M still talking about trying for another pregnancy and the discussion on the last special about the difference between "hey, hey" and "hey, hey, hey" in front of all their children. Good clean fun for the entire family.

And the dry humping and "do I make you horny" or something to that effect comment on the golf course when JB and M were with Jessa and Ben.

The constant talk and innuendo as if marriage is 100% about sex. I wonder what those girls actually think of marriage now. I doubt the Dilly's have enjoyed much of an active sex life in the year that they've been married, compared to most young couples.

JB makes me feel like I need a shower most of the time when he starts in.

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The Duggars pastor says jesus forgives all... except those pesky gender fluid transfolks.


OMG!!!! :hand:

And right below it says:

Floyd tempered this fire and brimstone with references to the Gospels that "all humans be treated with dignity and respect'' whatever their sins. "Bruce Jenner is no different from all of us. We are all sinners. The key is cleansing our sins through Christ's grace."

I feel like his message was intended to be about acceptance?

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Here's the article - http://www.people.com/article/duggar-pa ... ar-scandal

The article was a bit misleading because I think they were talking about the Derick and Jill's pastor. Not the Duggars as a whole. So I guess this is confirmation that the Dillards go to Cross Church unlike the rest of her family? Separating themselves from the pack maybe?

So Derick's brother just talks about forgiveness but their pastor points out that it's unacceptable. The pastor had no choice but to add on that God forgives everything because that's kind of a huge part of the Christian faith. Though he only pointed out that God does that not that everyone has to. I find that all very interesting.

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I was watching the Today show this morning and was furious at the way they characterized what Josh did. They said "Josh Duggar is accused of fondling underage girls when he was a teenager." I don't know whether that was just really shoddy journalism or an outright deliberate attempt to minimize the situation. It's probably the latter.

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And right below it says:

I feel like his message was intended to be about acceptance?

Yes he says he wants people to be treated with respect and dignity. So why has he said nothing about the Duggars robocalls and repudiates gender variance as a valid form of lifestyle with a blanket statement?

I mean really. Being accepted by someone who hates you is supposed to be a good thing? Yeah, nope. They say one thing and do another, that is why they are hypocrites.

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The pastor had no choice but to add on that God forgives everything because that's kind of a huge part of the Christian faith.

I felt that too. He was going through the motions of lip service. He doesn't really care about LGBTQA people, he just thinks it's better to be nice to them while his parishioners systematically strip them of their human rights.

They love their neighbor just enough to get away with being a total asshole.

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Yes he says he wants people to be treated with respect and dignity. So why has he said nothing about the Duggars robocalls and repudiates gender variance as a valid form of lifestyle with a blanket statement?

I mean really. Being accepted by someone who hates you is supposed to be a good thing? Yeah, nope. They say one thing and do another, that is why they are hypocrites.

We don't know if he did or didn't. People mag didn't ask for a quote or show up for the sermons around that time. This time they did. Really, this is the first true confirmation we've had that the Dillards are active members of that church. I don't think it's fair to judge the minister over what we don't know.

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I felt that too. He was going through the motions of lip service. He doesn't really care about LGBTQA people, he just thinks it's better to be nice to them while his parishioners systematically strip them of their human rights.

They love their neighbor just enough to get away with being a total asshole.

I wasn't referring to his comments about LGBTQA people. I was referring to his comments about Josh. Since I know nothing about that church or what they preach I won't make judgements about what they are preaching about that group of people.

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Hi everyone. Another (somewhat) long time lurker, first time poster chiming in here :) I've just (finally) finished reading all SEVEN threads, so at this point I think pretty much everything I've wanted to say along the way has been said. But since it's taken me so long to read through everything, I've been having trouble keeping track of which things are confirmed facts and which are just repeated assumptions and rumours. I think I've got most of the main/important facts set straight, but there are a few things that still have me a bit confused, so hopefully someone with a better memory & reading comprehension skills than mine can help set me straight!

First, have we come to any sort of reasonable conclusion as to how Alice/concernedmom/the Oprah informant etc. are connected, if at all? It was being discussed in part 6, but don't remember if there was ever any general concensus. I can't quote it properly, but the last post on page 33 in part 6 was by Janus in response to an earlier post by Firiel about the identity of concernedmom. Firel's original post said:

"I think the Oprah person was different than concernedmom for the same reason I think Alice is different. And Alice says she knows the letter writer, which presumably means they are not the same person. (NOTE: At this point, I'm pretty much taking Alice's word as truth because, hey, it's all been right so far.)

So that leaves us with the following people:

concernedmom: Anonymous, but posted from an IP in Rogers, AR; presumably friends with the family of the fifth victim

Alice: Anonymous, but with a lot of inside info; claims to know the Oprah informant (do we know of any Holts or members of other families associated with the Duggars named Alice?)

Oprah informant: No one knows who this was, but was apparently in contact with Alice

InTouch informant: Tan Barnfield, prompted by Michelle's robocalls (apparently, her family, including her sister knew about the situation-- did they grow UP ATI or was it an open secret even outside the cult?)"

Janus' reply to the above was: "If you look at the Oprah email included in the police report (page 13), the sender put their city as Rogers."

I thought that was a good catch, but I don't remember this discussion going any further (or anyone respond to Firiel's question asking if anyone knew of a Holt or other fundy family close to the Duggars at the time who had a relative named Alice). However, I don't know if that's because it was irrelevant or that it was just missed by the masses when the threads were going a mile a minute at that time. In case it was the latter, I thought I should point it out again.

Next, someone earlier mentioned the story about the 8 year old girl who was forced to confess to masturbating in front of her entire church (which I still hope is a rumour since it's too awful to think about it being real) and they seemed to think that girl was a Duggar. However, I always read it as being someone from an unrelated fundy family, but I didn't see anyone disagree with the poster so I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

Finally, one of the biggest outstanding mysteries to me is the letter found in the book. Who wrote it and why? Who else knew it existed, if anyone? Who put it in the book, and what was their reason for doing so (did they hope it would eventually be discovered by a non-Duggar)? Who was the person who borrowed the book and ultimately spilled the beans? Heck, I'm even curious to know what book it was, even though that's likely irrelevant. I don't think anyone has been able to come up with more than an educated guess for any of the above, right? If any of the people involved (except JB, M or Josh) ever wrote a tell-all about this incident, that letter would be one of the first things I'd read about.

Wow, just saw how long this post ended up being on preview. Apologies for the long first post and thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to respond to any of the above. And another belated thanks to the mods & admins for all of their hard work during this crazy time, and to all of the members who have helped to made this a fantastic discussion so far and worked hard to keep all the facts separate from the rumours. Gold stars for you all!

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Oh and this bit:

"You dads, make sure you raise your sons around men who are manly."

Oh yeah, that's a message of acceptance all right. Don't you dare let your sons around effeminate weirdos that might make them think it's okay to like the color pink and take up sewing as a hobby.

Surely that would prevent him from being a real man. :roll:

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I wasn't referring to his comments about LGBTQA people. I was referring to his comments about Josh. Since I know nothing about that church or what they preach I won't make judgements about what they are preaching about that group of people.

I thought he made it pretty clear in the article exactly what he preaches about them.

And it's still common knowledge that Christians do the whole love and forgiveness thing because it's a core doctrine.

But whatever, if I misread your comment and/or took it into a context you didn't mean, then my bad.

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