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Penny's Vintage Home - Pink, Lacy, Sparkly Snark


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Some of the stuff has potential and I do like some of the pieces, but it needs a LOT of editing.

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OMG, I had not heard of her before.

Reminds me of the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo. Anyone else been there? It's over-the-top decorations, including the most amazing urinal fountain in the men's room. It's so famous that women kind of wait outside until the coast is clear and then go inside in small groups to check it out.

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Ok, I have a 'touch' of OCD and I get antsy when my rug fringe is awry and I have measured the distance between my dining chairs so that I can sleep knowing all is appropriately symmetrical. Needless to say, these photos provoked a visceral reaction deep within. I had to look away. Who, in the name of all that is holy, could possibly live like this? It's like a dollhouse on crack.

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Can they possibly eat at the tables with everything done up like this? I mean, assuming you could find enough space for your plate, what if you spilled something? The seat cover is a freakin' wedding dress! I'd be so nervous!

In some photos of the kitchen she has it redecorated for fall. The chairs at the eat-in kitchen table are each draped with a fur coat slip cover. :wtf:

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She's more into this than even Lady Lydia!

How do they live daily life in that house? Is there one room that's set aside? Or do they just wade in?

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Can they possibly eat at the tables with everything done up like this? I mean, assuming you could find enough space for your plate, what if you spilled something? The seat cover is a freakin' wedding dress! I'd be so nervous!

In some photos of the kitchen she has it redecorated for fall. The chairs at the eat-in kitchen table are each draped with a fur coat slip cover. :wtf:

That was my thought, too. And even if one could logistically figure out how to eat at that table I feel one would quite promptly lose one's appetite. It is beyond belief. They don't really live like this. Do they?

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I can't imagine comfortable sitting in the living room, especially at Christmas. She mentions her grandchildren coming to visit. How can children play in that house?

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I love to entertain and mr bubbles and I have people over to dinner a lot. I like to set a pretty table, too. Looking down the table and seeing our guests happily eating and drinking and discussing makes me vewy vewy happy.

That wedding gowns shock-and-awe tackyfest dining room hurts my eyes. This can't be real, right? Can you imagine going over there for dinner? I hope she has an excellent bar hidden in there somewhere.

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I almost married a guy who’s mothers house looked like this. She had a bedroom just for her collectable porcelain dolls, a pink shabby chic hell. it was so creepy. She was deeply conservative Cristian and super crazy controlling. I was in my early 20’s had blue hair and went to art school. sigh.... looking back I’m really glad I don’t have that in the family.

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This is straight up Miss Havisham

You beat me to it! Just needs some rats running around on the table and maybe that mantle of shame, or is it mantle of shams?

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I keep remembering the big rolls of lace at the fabric stores, and wondering if this Penny the story lady person buys that in bulk to wipe with in the bathroom. I cannot see this woman using TP unless she makes those little pre-school craft rosettes out of it first.

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Hello, first time poster here..

That house is just... WOW.

I like the color pink and all but that's just so much! Looking threw her blog I came across this.

Even the nativity is pink!


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Hello, first time poster here..

That house is just... WOW.

I like the color pink and all but that's just so much! Looking threw her blog I came across this.

Even the nativity is pink!

I don't recall baby Jesus having a chandelier...

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It's interesting, because the lines of her house seem very nice, if modest.* I would love her house if I could pull out everything except the furniture, which also seems to be pretty and functional, and then replace maybe ONE frilly throw. :lol:

Her husband seems to be a quite talented builder; in just the one post I read, she points out several projects he's done that look really professionally done to me. She also seems to be a talented seamstress; while the Thanksgiving table is terrifying, I'm in awe of those ruffles.

*The columns supporting nothing in front of her house make me twitch. Lady, you don't live in a Federalist mansion. You live in a very cozy, light-filled ranch. Revel in what you've got. If you must put those columns up, at least attach them to something. But better you don't - they make your house look less-than the pretty house it is.

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I don't recall baby Jesus having a chandelier...

Reason number 745799 why you should only read the KJV! Other versions leave out the story about baby Jesus's chandelier. :wink-kitty:

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I don't recall baby Jesus having a chandelier...

Oh, it gets better. She calls it a "chandy." (Chandie? It's been a while since I read the post, but I sure remember that part!) Because chandelier is apparently just not fluffy and delicate and lacy enough of a word or something. :cray-cray:

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Wow! She's got a lot of ruffle and doily going on there. I clicked into this post thinking it would be Penny of My 600-lb Life infamy, but this is good too. I can't imagine making this work on a daily basis, especially the ruffle tablecloth.

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....../snipped. Her husband seems to be a quite talented builder; in just the one post I read, she points out several projects he's done that look really professionally done to me. She also seems to be a talented seamstress; while the Thanksgiving table is terrifying, I'm in awe of those ruffles.

How does her husband feel about living in a haberdashery department, I wonder? I mean, my hubby is kind of relaxed about decorating/colours and stuff, but holy hell, no way on God's green earth would he let me do our house like that - not that I would as just those photos make me want to sneeze. With a dog and a cat, we have enough furry dust bunnies at times, without being added to by that stuff. Obviously she is yet to learn that less, can sometimes be more.

When Erin Bates married Chad Paine and had her dream pink bedroom, people wondered how Chad felt about all the pink, but this is another whole level of pinky, fluffy, frilly girlyness.

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How does her husband feel about living in a haberdashery department, I wonder? I mean, my hubby is kind of relaxed about decorating/colours and stuff, but holy hell, no way on God's green earth would he let me do our house like that - not that I would as just those photos make me want to sneeze. With a dog and a cat, we have enough furry dust bunnies at times, without being added to by that stuff. Obviously she is yet to learn that less, can sometimes be more.

When Erin Bates married Chad Paine and had her dream pink bedroom, people wondered how Chad felt about all the pink, but this is another whole level of pinky, fluffy, frilly girlyness.

I'm reminded of house hunting with my mom 30 years ago, and touring a house that was... Pink. Pink on the outside, pink walls, carpet, ceilings, furniture, counters, appliances... In every single room. Nothing lacy or foofy going on like here, but a much stronger PINK. And the owners were there, sitting on their pink sofa, she an adorable little old lady in a pink house dress and he an adorable little old man in blue overalls, looking... obstinate. :lol:

To your point, my mom does the decorating of the house and my dad takes care of the underlying functionality of it (sort of - he's a very non-handy academic, and now a hoarder :? - I really am jealous of Penny's husband's ability). I could see him taking pride in the work he does, sort of hyperfocusing on that one item, and not seeing the rest of it, or just trusting his wife's aesthetic.

And Penny's old enough to have grandkids - it seems like women of a certain age get a certain amount of leeway to be silly. If this is a home they moved to for retirement, too, they may have agreed that finally she gets to do things HER way for once (no more handmedown furniture from family, no more kids running through).

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