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Penny's Vintage Home - Pink, Lacy, Sparkly Snark


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That looks like something that a five year old would create. No human being could surely live like this, especially the tablecloth made of wedding dresses, I would be afraid to eat off it in case I got food on it.

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This is the greatest design blog I have ever seen. Everything is just so awful and over the top that I can't even begin to pick my favorite. I bet it smells like sickly sweet yankee candles in there too.

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I wonder if she offers to give people tours of her house. Like strangers, right off the street. "Oh, what a cute outdoor fireplace and patio set you have." Penny: "Do you really like it? Then you must see THE REST OF MY LOVELY HOME." *pictures Penny with a crazy eye twitch here*

If I didn't know any better and got the tour, I'd probably assume this was an elaborate shabby-chic boutique and start asking for prices on stuff.

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Ok this blog makes me long for the vintage Erin Bates bedroom.

My aunt somewhat reminds me of this person (I describe her as Martha Stewart on steroids) with a lot of knick-knacks (having recently cleaned out a deceased relatives house with two generations worth of stuff, I would HATE to be the one to clean out her house once she's gone), but not to the extent.

And it makes me want to get rid of stuff more than an episode of Hoarders.

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WOW! Her home is seriously overdecorated, but still, I see so many things there that I like. If she would take off just 30 percent of everything, it would be a perfect home.

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I wonder if she offers to give people tours of her house. Like strangers, right off the street. "Oh, what a cute outdoor fireplace and patio set you have." Penny: "Do you really like it? Then you must see THE REST OF MY LOVELY HOME." *pictures Penny with a crazy eye twitch here*

If I didn't know any better and got the tour, I'd probably assume this was an elaborate shabby-chic boutique and start asking for prices on stuff.

I thought she said she had a boutique?

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I didn't read her whole blog, so I didn't see if she had one. She's certainly set up for it in her own home. Some of that stuff is really cute, just not quite so much together.

...But the wedding dress table linens will never do anything but creep me out. :cray-cray:

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What kills me is some of the items she has are very nice. Just not the way she has it. My favorite thing about her blog though are the comments. They all read like the Facebook posts my grandma writes.

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She has an old post with pictures of her dining room decorated for Thanksgiving. I have to say that I'm really surprised that she didn't decorate the deer head.


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She has an old post with pictures of her dining room decorated for Thanksgiving. I have to say that I'm really surprised that she didn't decorate the deer head.


Good lord those pilgrim things are terrifying

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Maybe I should put this over in the Unpopular Opinion thread, but I think Penny's would be a very mystical and almost fun place to spend a holiday...maybe one of the frillier pink ones, like Valentine's or Easter. It's frighteningly frilly for my own day-to-day life, but it kind of reminds me of those tea restaurants that are decorated over-the-top Victorian girly, fun for an hour or so as an indulgent vacation.

Still creeped out by the wedding dresses (still very Great Expectations), but other than that I think it could be a very strangely fun/adventurous party! Plus there'd be so much to look at you could never get bored :dance:

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She has an old post with pictures of her dining room decorated for Thanksgiving. I have to say that I'm really surprised that she didn't decorate the deer head.


She stuck a pink frilly apron on the pilgrim. :? I really can't imagine eating in that room.

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I, too, would enjoy hanging out there for tea or coffee or whatnot. It's so crazy and over-the-top. More power to her. I love that she has the freedom to express herself in the manner that she chooses. And props to her husband, who doesn't seem to care about living in that candy-store of uber-feminine delight. My husband thinks that the husband might have a manly-man cave somewhere in the house to hang out in - a la - Mr. Bennett and his library.

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They probably eat standing up in the kitchen. Or have we seen the kitchen?

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They probably eat standing up in the kitchen. Or have we seen the kitchen?

Yes. The kitchen is just as ruffly as the rest of the house. She keeps doilies on the stove :cray-cray: and has "vignettes" on the counters that she changes seasonally, at minimum.

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Well, this is the creepiest thing I've seen in a long time.

Hello, Penny. Welcome to my nightmares.

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Look how different the place looks! The wedding dress chair covers aren't around and her front porch actually looks very nice. Not a fan of the candle chandelier flower pot thing but other than that it's really cute.


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I'll say one thing: The woman has ambition. No way would I have the energy or desire to do all the work it takes to make a home that decorated. The home has to take up all of her time.

Maybe I'm just lazy.

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Who runs out in the yard and picks up all that stuff when it rains? I know it's not like the East Coast, but they must get SOME rain!

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My mom would love this house- she is a serious hoarder and always claims that if someone would help her get everything set up she should have a showplace. The part that would be very hard is keeping it clean- hand washing all the doilies and frilly stuff would he a nightmare.

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I can't look away from this! I'm veering wildly between "this woman needs a psychiatrist" and "ok that's kind of awesome, you do you ya old kook." This is mentally draining! Does anyone have any explanatory back story on her?

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This is the greatest design blog I have ever seen. Everything is just so awful and over the top that I can't even begin to pick my favorite. I bet it smells like sickly sweet yankee candles in there too.

I imagine it reeking of the worst, cheapest, stinkiest brand of potpourri imaginable.

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