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Penny's Vintage Home - Pink, Lacy, Sparkly Snark


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She has an old post with pictures of her dining room decorated for Thanksgiving. I have to say that I'm really surprised that she didn't decorate the deer head.


That would be ridiculous. :shock:

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Horror movie pitch: all those doilies come to life and chase you through the house trying to suffocate you.

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How does she cook anything on that stove with all the doily stuff taking up space?

Oh no, I actually have one of those cupcake towels! :shock:

I kinda think the kitchen on its own is cute... :embarrassed:

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Oh no, I actually have one of those cupcake towels! :shock:

Me too :cry:

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When I see that table with the wedding dress chair slips, all I want is a creepy Bluebeard-esque Victorian gothic novel about a woman who murders brides, marries their rich fiances, and keeps the wedding dresses as souvenirs.

and the rich fiances all take very long holidays after leaving her all their money

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Holy Shite! The whole thing looks like the bastard child of my Grandma's house and a Calico Critters doll house. She clearly has put in loads of time and thought into assembling all of this. And tweaking it. And adding changing vignettes. Wow.

I will admit, however, that I agree with the people who have confessed to wishing they could visit for an hour or two. I'd love a tour and a girlie tea party with silly little sandwiches and petit fours on the flowery sofa. Of course I would have to take about 3 different kinds of allergy medication first and follow it up with some time by myself in somewhere very calm and minimalist-say a Japanese zen garden. I have no idea how anybody could live like this 24/7. Maybe its like an addiction. You start with a doily, maybe a flowery set of tea cups or a figurine. Pretty soon you start to think that maybe you were too hasty getting rid of your pot pourri when the 80's ended, and that those crochet toilet roll covers everyone used to have were actually both practical and attractive, and before you know it you are recycling old wedding dresses all over your dining room furniture and adding lace to your range hood cover because "it needs a little something."

On a completely different topic, I am so thankful tonight to be reading FJ. You people recognize the ridiculous for what it is and you (generally) use logic and your critical thinking skills to argue a point. I just had an incident online (not on FJ) where I commented on a book I read. I did not like the book and said so. I gave reasons for this and examples of my points from the book. Someone who knew the author showed her my review and the author replied to what I wrote. That was fine and I defended what I said and left it at that. I then found out that she had copied my review onto her Facebook page looking for sympathy from her fans for this one bad review from me where I had called her a racist colonial (Not what I said, but why stick to facts :shrug: ) Her fans then ripped into me on her FB page (its mostly just a bunch of name calling, although it did extend to dissing my entire country for some reason.) It was actually my FJ lurking that helped me have the perspective to see the stupidity of these people. Most of them didn't actually read what I said, just went by what their leader told them. Most of them didn't see the need to use logic at all. Was a reminder to me of how many really stupid people are out there. I guess I am very lucky to have so many intelligent, normal, thinking people in my life, and it was such a relief to read your comments here tonight and see that not everybody on the internet is a fucking moron. Thanks FJ people!

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OMG, I had not heard of her before.

Reminds me of the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo. Anyone else been there? It's over-the-top decorations, including the most amazing urinal fountain in the men's room. It's so famous that women kind of wait outside until the coast is clear and then go inside in small groups to check it out.

I've been there, and even waited until the coast was clear to check out the mens room.

That house is beyond Miss Haversham with the wedding dress tree, and the table covered by another dress. I certainly hope she doesn't have fires in that fireplace, especially around Christmas with the ruffled mantlepiece covered with even more potentially flamable material.

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OMG, I had not heard of her before.

Reminds me of the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo. Anyone else been there? It's over-the-top decorations, including the most amazing urinal fountain in the men's room. It's so famous that women kind of wait outside until the coast is clear and then go inside in small groups to check it out.

Binder, dundat. Didn't seem so overdone as I'd just spent the day at the Hearst Castle. . . . Here's a pic of the urinal-->


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Unpopular opinion, I think this home is incredible. I revile all things lacy and pink, all romantic notions and frippery, but Penny has the soul of an artist. She LOVES her aesthetic and is so committed to it she is constantly working on it, revising and fiddling, inventing news ways to put things together. She is just short of making art installation pieces here. I have to admire her energy and delight.

Her husband sounds like a prince. He's devoted enough to not only put up with all Penny's joyful lacy projects in every room but also seems just as happy to help her and contribute. The construction of her Tea House made of old doors is remarkable (though I liked it better in it's raw form.) Yes, I think he has a garage or workshop where he spends most his time.

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Unpopular opinion, I think this home is incredible. I revile all things lacy and pink, all romantic notions and frippery, but Penny has the soul of an artist. She LOVES her aesthetic and is so committed to it she is constantly working on it, revising and fiddling, inventing news ways to put things together. She is just short of making art installation pieces here. I have to admire her energy and delight.

Her husband sounds like a prince. He's devoted enough to not only put up with all Penny's joyful lacy projects in every room but also seems just as happy to help her and contribute. The construction of her Tea House made of old doors is remarkable (though I liked it better in it's raw form.) Yes, I think he has a garage or workshop where he spends most his time.

I have to say as vile and ugly I find her house to be I can appreciate the work she puts into it and can relate to the joy and delight she takes from it. I like some of her stuff in small doses, and enjoy repurposing things I found in thriftshops, and the vintage/ antique things I have acquired from my family. At the same time I feel no guilt or remorse in snarking on her.

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It looks like the home of the fundie SAHM who looked like a Real Housewife of Fundieland... her blog is gone now. Sherri Rubirosa or something like that?

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I like some of what she's done, but she's the epitome of TOO. . . . Too much, too pink, too rosy, too ruffled. . . .

My sister does the same kind of thing (yard sales, second hand store, a booth at an antique mall, antique shows,etc) but pretty much keeps it under too.

This is her tea house/garden house.



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Holy Shite! The whole thing looks like the bastard child of my Grandma's house and a Calico Critters doll house.

Hey, Calico Critters had pretty good taste! Their green furniture was simple, streamlined, and well made :lol:

(But, I love you forever for making a Calico Critters reference. That dollhouse was my jam when I was a kid.)

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Whoa, that house is crazy! I mean, she's kept a theme and obviously has artistic flair, so points to her. Plus, it is her home to do what she likes with, and she's obviously put a lot of heart into it. I can't fault that... I hope she enjoys it.

That said... I don't see that house as livable. Like others have said, it must be a crazy fire hazard. I can't imagine you can do anything functional there besides sit. Not to mention the sort of impossible upkeep it'd require, especially with all the cloth around. It makes me itchy just looking at it! Now I'm gonna go look at some pictures of Shaker architecture or something to cleanse my mind!

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She keeps mentioning "the booth" in her posts, at least the few I scrolled through. I get the impression she buys in order to resell. I could be wrong, of course.

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She keeps mentioning "the booth" in her posts, at least the few I scrolled through. I get the impression she buys in order to resell. I could be wrong, of course.

I think it's almost a given that she does. My sister has booths at two coop antique malls, does a show, quarterly, at her house, and has booths at maybe 7 or 8 larger antique shows.

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I think it's almost a given that she does. My sister has booths at two coop antique malls, does a show, quarterly, at her house, and has booths at maybe 7 or 8 larger antique shows.

Just curious. Does she use her house as a display in the same way?

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