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Jill and Derick always struck me as the types to be in the mission field and I'd always sort of assumed that was Jill's attraction to midwifery.

I always felt the same way. If it doesn't work out I am sure they will be back soon. At least Derrick will have the Walmart position on his resume. He's not like Ben who really needs to get his face off TV and his foot in the door somewhere.

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Of course Derick quit his job. Of course. I mean, why would he want to put his degree to use, have an independent way to make sure he can support his wife, baby and the multitude of babies she intends to pop out, and bother other with silly little things like, say, paid for (or subsidized) health insurance? It's not like they can't rely on TLC to fund their non-working lifestyle forever...oh, wait.

I don't know what's worse, the stupidity or the laziness this lifestyle breeds. The logic or lack thereof in this astounds.

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I can't imagine the stress that Derick has been under since the molestation news came to light. I think that he wants to take Jill and Izzy as far as possible from Josh (who recently moved back to the area) and Boob and Mullet (who covered up the molestation).

Maybe Derick leaving Walmart is not bad for now. He can now have a legitimate reason to leave that part of AR, if he eventually finds work outside of AR after the mission trip.

We have no idea how Derrick feels about Josh. For all we know, he agrees that it was "subtle", "just being a guy a little too curious about girls", and that it really is no big deal. He is deep in the rabbit hole, so I am not at all convinced he feels Jilly needs protecting from her family. Only from us.

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While I agree that Derrick quitting his job seems like a stupid move.... Have we seen their bank account? For all we know they may be set for some time.

Based on some of the figures I have seen that they are paid per episode, plus photo shoots, articles, etc. As long as JB isn't hoarding Jill's money, I would think she has quite a savings account.

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Unpopular opinion alert.

Going to a developing nation with children is not the end of the world. The vast majority of the missionaries I know either had children overseas or brought children overseas. Good medical care is usually a reasonably short flight away. You can choose to go to a larger city to give birth for safety. Obviously, you should make sure your kids are fully vaccinated as needed/on schedule. If the Dillards aren't doing that, they are dipshits. I don't think ATI is anti-vax, but Jill is crunchy granola "midwife," so she might be.

But most of the dangerous health issues in developing nations can be vaccinated against, medicated quite easily, or are not an issue if you have clean water/take basic precautions (mosquito nets, for instance). None of which is typically a problem for an aid worker because they are taken care of by their sending organization.

Additionally, MOST missionaries raise funds for their work. It doesn't necessarily mean they are lazy or grifters. John Shrader? Both of those. Someone with a legitimate organization who raises their own living expenses as a part of their position with the organization? Those people are generally not lazy or grifters. SOMEONE has to fund non-profits.

Okay, I'm ready to be laid into. I probably deserve it after this post.

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Izzy just turned 2 mos, which makes him eligible for the first round of immunizations, up to this point, other than round 1 of Hep B, he would have been too young to have received any other vaccinations.

I think moving away from Duggarville is the only hope for any of those Duggars...Josh blew it for himself. Lots of distance between AR and Nepal. Derick certainly had other options. I hope Derick has a big picture financial plan securely in mind.

Hopefully all of the events of the last year have made Derick realize that a mega family is beyond realistic. Heck, he's basically dealing with 2 kids now.

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Off the Derick/Walmart topic, but...

What if Jill hadn't ever mentioned the safeguards to Derick (or the Josh issue) and all of a sudden insisted on locks on his door when he is a bit older (and has sisters). I really wonder what Derick would make of that....it would sound insane!

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Unpopular opinion alert.

Going to a developing nation with children is not the end of the world. The vast majority of the missionaries I know either had children overseas or brought children overseas. Good medical care is usually a reasonably short flight away. You can choose to go to a larger city to give birth for safety. Obviously, you should make sure your kids are fully vaccinated as needed/on schedule. If the Dillards aren't doing that, they are dipshits. I don't think ATI is anti-vax, but Jill is crunchy granola "midwife," so she might be.

But most of the dangerous health issues in developing nations can be vaccinated against, medicated quite easily, or are not an issue if you have clean water/take basic precautions (mosquito nets, for instance). None of which is typically a problem for an aid worker because they are taken care of by their sending organization.

Additionally, MOST missionaries raise funds for their work. It doesn't necessarily mean they are lazy or grifters. John Shrader? Both of those. Someone with a legitimate organization who raises their own living expenses as a part of their position with the organization? Those people are generally not lazy or grifters. SOMEONE has to fund non-profits.

Okay, I'm ready to be laid into. I probably deserve it after this post.

I have to agree with you not all missionaries are lazy some like a dear friend of mine uses her teaching degree to teach at a school in Kenya. He may have found a job through a mission group that is based in another country and where Jill can do midwifery. We don't know if it's Nepal that may be thrown in because of him being there before, they may be going somewhere else, Jill does know Spanish... Ok I'm ready for my beat down for unpopular opinion too.

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Unpopular opinion alert.

Going to a developing nation with children is not the end of the world. The vast majority of the missionaries I know either had children overseas or brought children overseas. Good medical care is usually a reasonably short flight away. You can choose to go to a larger city to give birth for safety. Obviously, you should make sure your kids are fully vaccinated as needed/on schedule. If the Dillards aren't doing that, they are dipshits. I don't think ATI is anti-vax, but Jill is crunchy granola "midwife," so she might be.

But most of the dangerous health issues in developing nations can be vaccinated against, medicated quite easily, or are not an issue if you have clean water/take basic precautions (mosquito nets, for instance). None of which is typically a problem for an aid worker because they are taken care of by their sending organization.

Additionally, MOST missionaries raise funds for their work. It doesn't necessarily mean they are lazy or grifters. John Shrader? Both of those. Someone with a legitimate organization who raises their own living expenses as a part of their position with the organization? Those people are generally not lazy or grifters. SOMEONE has to fund non-profits.

Okay, I'm ready to be laid into. I probably deserve it after this post.

All of this (well, almost all of it--a couple I taught way back at Christian school is living by the beach in Italy in a home nicer than I will ever have and trying to convert Catholics). And additionally, the people I knew (back when I was in evangelical world) who went into full time mission work with a reputable organization didn't pack up and leave in a month. Generally, there was a six month to a year period of training and getting financial support. Even if Derrick has completed some training, having already been there, Jill would have training to complete before they could be established in Nepal. If they are going on a full time basis with an actual mission organization, Israel will be well past the newborn stage by the time they can actually go.

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I have to agree with you not all missionaries are lazy some like a dear friend of mine uses her teaching degree to teach at a school in Kenya. He may have found a job through a mission group that is based in another country and where Jill can do midwifery. We don't know if it's Nepal that may be thrown in because of him being there before, they may be going somewhere else, Jill does know Spanish... Ok I'm ready for my beat down for unpopular opinion too.

I would go so far as to say that most missionaries are not lazy.

I hope Jill will not be working as a midwife because she is half-trained. She'd make a great doula or something similar while over there, though. If they are going with IMB, I suspect Derick will be working largely with other missionaries, maybe even doing finance stuff because help with finances was something specifically mentioned on the IMB site that people going overseas long-term (but not career-length) could do.

Then again, maybe he actually just got a job somewhere else. I find it odd that he would remove IMB experience from his resume on LinkedIn when that's what he will be doing again.

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I agree...bringing an infant to a developing country doesn't even ping my radar as an issue. But hey, I regularly spent time in a developing country as a baby/child and I somehow managed to not get hepatitis, so...

Plus, these people aren't aid workers...they'll be in relatively safe locations doing nothing strenuous. Health and safety wise, they'll be fine.

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All of this (well, almost all of it--a couple I taught way back at Christian school is living by the beach in Italy in a home nicer than I will ever have and trying to convert Catholics). And additionally, the people I knew (back when I was in evangelical world) who went into full time mission work with a reputable organization didn't pack up and leave in a month. Generally, there was a six month to a year period of training and getting financial support. Even if Derrick has completed some training, having already been there, Jill would have training to complete before they could be established in Nepal. If they are going on a full time basis with an actual mission organization, Israel will be well past the newborn stage by the time they can actually go.

Getting financial, meaning a sponser of some sort?

I hope these folks have cobra health care benefits and a personal stock pile of money.

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So, probably a dumb question, but for every ranting about them going to Nepal:

Do we know for sure that they actually are going to Nepal?

Yeah, we apparently have an email response saying he accepted another position and is leaving Walmart. . . but that doesn't automatically mean they are going to Nepal. It's possible he accepted a position elsewhere in Arkansas, in the U.S., or in another country other than Nepal.

I'm sure at some point the Dillards will make an announcement about their plans. I'll be more than happy to admit you were all right if it turns out Nepal is their destination at that point.

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Getting financial, meaning a sponser of some sort?

I hope these folks have cobra health care benefits and a personal stock pile of money.

Generally, when missionaries go overseas, they drum up support by asking friends and family and speaking at churches. It's not usually a sponsor but rather a bunch of donors. People will pledge $X per month or whatever. The money goes THROUGH the mission organization and is dispensed to the couple via a paycheck like a regular job. If you are going for just a couple of years, you will probably do all your fundraising in advance. When you go long-term, you typically do a trip every year or two to gain support. Health care benefits are also provided by the organization-- just like with a regular job, some of the money you raise will be put towards a company health insurance plan. Assuming they need to raise money and are going through a legit organization (which may or may not be the case), I cannot see them leaving for at least six months.

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Generally, when missionaries go overseas, they drum up support by asking friends and family and speaking at churches. It's not usually a sponsor but rather a bunch of donors. People will pledge $X per month or whatever. The money goes THROUGH the mission organization and is dispensed to the couple via a paycheck like a regular job. If you are going for just a couple of years, you will probably do all your fundraising in advance. When you go long-term, you typically do a trip every year or two to gain support. Health care benefits are also provided by the organization-- just like with a regular job, some of the money you raise will be put towards a company health insurance plan. Assuming they need to raise money and are going through a legit organization (which may or may not be the case), I cannot see them leaving for at least six months.

I always thought that this is initially why Derick reached out to JB- not just for prayers, but also for a sponsorship.

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Do we know for sure that they actually are going to Nepal?


There has not been any official statement, however the rumors are coming from different sources:

- many say that TLC has footage of them announcing their plans and JB looking sickly white. (pre-scandal)

- Cathy posted on FB that she has a clock set to Nepal time (could be for other reasons)

- Derrick has confirmed quitting

- They had said repeatedly they have a "heart" for missions.

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I would go so far as to say that most missionaries are not lazy.

I hope Jill will not be working as a midwife because she is half-trained. She'd make a great doula or something similar while over there, though. If they are going with IMB, I suspect Derick will be working largely with other missionaries, maybe even doing finance stuff because help with finances was something specifically mentioned on the IMB site that people going overseas long-term (but not career-length) could do.

Then again, maybe he actually just got a job somewhere else. I find it odd that he would remove IMB experience from his resume on LinkedIn when that's what he will be doing again.

Former missionary kid here. Yes, of course there are many reputable missionary organizations. Not all missionaries are IFB solo Poison Wood Bible types like Shrader. Some missionaries work very hard and contribute actual skills and knowledge. If Jill were a qualified midwife she might be of use. Unfortunately she isn't.

I asked this on another thread too: Does anyone know which organization Derick was with in Nepal originally? It is odd that he removed that info from his LinkedIn profile. If they are intending to be missionaries and are involved with a decent missionary organization, there will be a delay in deploying the Dillards overseas, be it Nepal or elsewhere, . They will also need vax, training and orientation before they leave for their placement. If they even have one.

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I'm hoping if Derrick did agree to be a missionary, that Walmart gave him a leave of absence. I hope he didn't close that door, because Fortune50 company jobs are not that easy to come by.

I have second ? cousins who have lived the past 10-15 years in Indonesia as missionaries for the Navigators. They started a school, and have had 5-6 kids while there. It seems crazy to me, but they seem happy. Perhaps Derrick has a job with a "real" missionary organization which will provide support? Hope so.

Things to remember (not specifically directed at umsami):

1. The auto-reply on his email clearly says he doesn't work there anymore because he has work elsewhere.

2. Nepal trip isn't confirmed.

3. Derick can't be away from his orthodontist for more than six weeks or so.

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Things to remember (not specifically directed at umsami):

1. The auto-reply on his email clearly says he doesn't work there anymore because he has work elsewhere.

2. Nepal trip isn't confirmed.

3. Derick can't be away from his orthodontist for more than six weeks or so.

http://www.whatclinic.com/orthodontists ... andu-nepal

It's Kathmandu, not the middle of nowhere.

But I do want to agree with you that we don't know for sure what's going on. The whole Nepal thing is speculation-- I think it's founded speculation, but it's still totally unconfirmed by a reliable source at this point.

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Former missionary kid here. Yes, of course there are many reputable missionary organizations. Not all missionaries are IFB solo Poison Wood Bible types like Shrader. Some missionaries work very hard and contribute actual skills and knowledge. If Jill were a qualified midwife she might be of use. Unfortunately she isn't.

I asked this on another thread too: Does anyone know which organization Derick was with in Nepal originally? It is odd that he removed that info from his LinkedIn profile. If they are intending to be missionaries and are involved with a decent missionary organization, there will be a delay in deploying the Dillards overseas, be it Nepal or elsewhere, . They will also need vax, training and orientation before they leave for their placement. If they even have one.

He was with the IMB before.

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Woah there, snarkers! Slow down!

Jill and Derrick? TLC have listened to their ratings!! And they are very much behind their trip to Nepal (IMO). However, I find TLC to be negligent for filming (nay - paying!) their bringing an unvaccinated, at-risk infant into a ravaged, dangerous Nepal. Accordingly, Jill's decision-making regarding her baby's birth tells me she isn't big on vaccinating and has signed off on sole responsibility regarding Israels health-risks. She may be an adult, but she is too naive to be signing off on any legal papers, let alone comprehending them.

Ben and Jessa are set financially, at least by Arkansas standards. By marrying Jessa, unemployed-teen Ben married into a job. And she handles money as if she were jewish, obv. a trait passed down to her by JBoob. These two will have speaking gigs set up for quite some time, spewing testimony of their pure courtship. I foresee them starting a ministry of their own in the future. Jessa cannot resist. She is a zealot. :cray-cray:

And Josh? He will eventually come out of hiding, for speaking his testimony, for a fee of course. Over and again. :music-tool:

I hope Jim Boob does not employ his children under a Duggar LLC, and I hope the older ones have been paid directly by TLC. If the latter is the case, the married couples should be fine. However, the idea he does employ them under a Duggar, LLC., gives me a bad feeling - and that means it is probably the case that all of the younger children are being screwed. Obv. they have no college funds. I wonder about the laws in Ark. regarding their pay.

We can only have patience, for the younger ones may bring us redemption, in time, by coming out of the woodworks with their stories! Patience, we must have! Haha. :pray:

edit: i am jewish, jews are very good with money. take that comment as you will.

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Woah there, snarkers! Slow down!

Jill and Derrick? TLC have listened to their ratings!! And they are very much behind their trip to Nepal (IMO). However, I find TLC to be negligent for filming (nay - paying!) their bringing an unvaccinated, at-risk infant into a ravaged, dangerous Nepal. Accordingly, Jill's decision-making regarding her baby's birth tells me she isn't big on vaccinating and has signed off on sole responsibility regarding Israels health-risks. She may be an adult, but she is too naive to be signing off on any legal papers, let alone comprehending them.

Ben and Jessa are set financially, at least by Arkansas standards. By marrying Jessa, unemployed-teen Ben married into a job. And she handles money as if she were jewish, obv. a trait passed down to her by JBoob. These two will have speaking gigs set up for quite some time, spewing testimony of their pure courtship. I foresee them starting a ministry of their own in the future. Jessa cannot resist. She is a zealot. :cray-cray:

And Josh? He will eventually come out of hiding, for speaking his testimony, for a fee of course. Over and again. :music-tool:

I hope Jim Boob does not employ his children under a Duggar LLC, and I hope the older ones have been paid directly by TLC. If the latter is the case, the married couples should be fine. However, the idea he does employ them under a Duggar, LLC., gives me a bad feeling - and that means it is probably the case that all of the younger children are being screwed. Obv. they have no college funds. I wonder about the laws in Ark. regarding their pay.

We can only have patience, for the younger ones may bring us redemption, in time, by coming out of the woodworks with their stories! Patience, we must have! Haha. :pray:


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Getting financial, meaning a sponser of some sort?

I hope these folks have cobra health care benefits and a personal stock pile of money.

Sponsorship comes from churches, Christian organizations and individuals. Most reputable mission organizations provide healthcare for missionaries and their families as well as things like emergency funds if there is a need to leave suddenly (for health or family reasons).

A good friend I taught with spent two years teaching in an ESL program for young adults in the Czech Republic. Her organization provided three months of training (hers was short because she was a certified teacher in the U.S. with a master's degree in Teaching English as a Second Language), assistance with securing financial support (hers was primarily from area churches), helped arrange low cost housing (leased home shared with other teachers), provided health care and had emergency funds to fly her home when her mother had serious surgery.

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Ben and Jessa are set financially, at least by Arkansas standards. By marrying Jessa, unemployed-teen Ben married into a job. And she handles money as if she were jewish, obv. a trait passed down to her by JBoob.

:wtf: :(

Could you get any more offensive? Nevermind, I'm sure you could.

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