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Josh and Anna's New Father's Day video


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OMG, check out the comment from YAHWEH WIFE. Obvious Poe is obvious but I still laughed.

Yeah the comments are comedy gold--with a bit of tarnish since it is so sad. I wonder if she is a Noahite.

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Josh must have realized that this video wouldn't go over well. I'm wondering if it could be a subtle FU to daddy. He kept saying how grateful he is while recounting how Jim Bob taught him what he knows. It could have been done with a phone call and there was no message to Anna's dad (who hopefully did get a phone call). And they left comments on.

I dunno. I don't think so. I think that they are just that clueless. Jim Bob is getting a lot of criticism at the moment and that is very difficult for a narcissist. Everyone probably thinks that he needs a pep talk.

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Was that filmed inside TTH? Why couldn't they just tell him?

But so heartfelt... you taught me how to do used car paperwork, we worked construction together (ug). He couldn't come up with any memories like going to the fishing hole?

By INVESTING... well we know that JB will now have to continue to do that...

And Anna going for that kiss in the end was PAINFUL. They could've discussed that was going to happen beforehand.

These two are gonna keep dipping their toes back in to public life until they're accepted.

They never will be accepted ever again, except possibly by those who are so drunk on the Kool-Aid that they will never be sober again.

They are both disgusting pieces of human garbage; him for what he did and her for her deliberate ignorance and refusal to face reality.

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Wha?? What the hell did I just watch? Why would they do a YouTube video? What's with calling DimBulb "pops"?

Are they just trying to "act normal"? Because that was just depressing and awkward and attention whoring to put a personal message on YouTube. I'm stunned by the stupidity even though I thought I had built up quite the tolerance level to Duggar stupidity over the years.

Although, Yahweh Wife made my night. Bring your crazy ass over here woman and keep going!

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This YouTube vid will be pulled later on today, in my opinion. I believe this was a move to see how people would react to Josh. But as you can tell, the reactions were very negative. This is a test... this is only a test... and they got an E and an F for Epic Fail!

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I dunno. I don't think so. I think that they are just that clueless. Jim Bob is getting a lot of criticism at the moment and that is very difficult for a narcissist. Everyone probably thinks that he needs a pep talk.

I don't think so either. I don't think Joshanna possess that level of sophistication to be that passive aggressive.

Joshie loves the spotlight. I mean LOVES it... so I think he's willing to roll the dice and keep testing the water

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From Youtube Help:

Way to be passive aggressive Josh and Anna. If you wanted to keep your video for JB's eyes only you would have made it private but why make a video when you are there with him? I feel like they wanted it to be "leaked" so they could gauge public opinion.

If that's the case, it shows how out of touch with reality they really are.

Anna's Gotharding-My-Man stare was so over-the-top. Methinks the lady doth fawn too much.

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Attention whoring at it's finest.

Anna makes me almost as sick as he does.

I'm guessing that's the Duggar "guest house" that some have seen in photos taken by visiting friends.

What is the Duggar "guest house"? I'm not getting it.

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And they actually left comments enabled for this farce of a video. Were they actually hoping for positive feedback here?

Crazy or stupid, I can't decide which. I love the ending where Anna says she's married to the bestest husband EVAR. :roll:

What it shows the world is just out of touch with reality they really are. It is sickening. I agree that they could have made a video and attached it to a private text message or email.

They obviously wanted to put it out on social media.

Does anyone know how to save that video in case they pull it later off of Youtube?

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there is a new picture of Josh and JD with JB with someone wishing JB a happy father's day and Josh looks not only overweight but like sparks are gone - good lose those sparks Josh - your disgusting

and I won't watch the video to up their views. no one will ever support them like they did EVER

Josh and Anna need to go away - Anna has become a joke with the way she is standing by her man

and Josh there are only words of disgust i have for him

he needs to go away - far away and even he knows it

maybe now they will stop having children

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Damn it, the comments aren't loading for me!

I agree that this video was to test the waters, and it failed. Really, they should stick we instagram pictures and generic messages for a while, pretend that they're normal.

Honestly, though, as much as I've always disliked Josh and think that Ana is a piece of human garbage, I think they should be more easily forgiven than Jim Bob and Michelle.

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The both looked so uncomfortable - they're intimacy looks fake and their faces are strained.

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Damn it, the comments aren't loading for me!

I agree that this video was to test the waters, and it failed. Really, they should stick we instagram pictures and generic messages for a while, pretend that they're normal.

Honestly, though, as much as I've always disliked Josh and think that Ana is a piece of human garbage, I think they should be more easily forgiven than Jim Bob and Michelle.

as much as I love your posts -

I am going to disagree with you 1000% -

I don't think Josh should be forgiven in the public forum - he molested his sisters and a baby sitter - you can recover from that - but he violated these people - the fact that they moved on is admirable - he is just disgusting imo

but his actions and the parents future actions are always in question now imo

as for forgiving Jim Bob and the DQ - what's the point - they intentionally deceived the public and only saw $

I have no opinion about them - they didn't touch children under or over their clothes - they just touched each other during the whole trauma and did what came naturally to them and procreate as SP pointed out.

Anna I have no words - I can only hope now she stops having children with that ma

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From Youtube Help:

Way to be passive aggressive Josh and Anna. If you wanted to keep your video for JB's eyes only you would have made it private but why make a video when you are there with him? I feel like they wanted it to be "leaked" so they could gauge public opinion.

I agree with you. And it makes me sick to my stomach. I haven't watched the video yet.. don't think I can handle it withiut a HUGE glass of wine in my hand. Those poor M'kids.

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Is it jus me or was Anna shooting daggers at Josh rather than looking adoringly at Josh?

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What is the Duggar "guest house"? I'm not getting it.

The Duggars apparently have guest quarters that have not been seen on the show. No one is sure exactly where they are and they are fairly new, but guests of the Duggars have posted photos of them staying there. There is speculation that Ben was actually living there rather than the mouse trap in the storage garage.

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I agree with you. And it makes me sick to my stomach. I haven't watched the video yet.. don't think I can handle it withiut a HUGE glass of wine in my hand. Those poor M'kids.

Agreed. It was leaked. If you have to have the link to watch it, then the only person they should've given it to was JBoob. So either he leaked it, or they gave the link to someone who they knew would get it out there. My guess is they were testing the waters to gauge public opinion. I'm glad the humpers haven't latched on to the video yet. I wonder if we will get another "private" video after M4 is born?

Josh looks bad. He looks like he's gained 50 lbs in the last month! He must be doing a lot of stress eating.

Anna's going to end up with a stiff neck, and poor eyesight if she doesn't stop staring at Josh so intently. She's taken the Gothard adoring-stare-down to the next level!!


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Josh looks so dead behind eyes, just not all there. I'm assuming he's on some antidepressants right now, but it looks like the dosage is high.

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I cannot watch due to work restrictions (yet work does not restrict FJ - heh), but it sounds stomach-churning so I will just imagine the horror based off of everyone's comments here.

But yes - as a poster stated above - someone needs to save this video. I guarantee you it will be pulled when they see the amount of views and shares and negative comments.

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That video made me cringe. It seemed so forced and almost robotic. Anna doing her doe eyed stare at her man was just beyond fake and she loomed coached. The kiss though, my god....6 years later and they still are as awkward as can be. Run Anna!

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Is it jus me or was Anna shooting daggers at Josh rather than looking adoringly at Josh?

Not daggers. Just trying way too hard to look adoring.

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Anna's Gotharding-My-Man stare was so over-the-top. Methinks the lady doth fawn too much.

she looks like she would have come in her nickers if he so much as glanced her way (not that a Dugger male would lower themselves that far)
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