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Josh and Anna's New Father's Day video


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Really? And you KNOW this how???

If I remember correctly, Josh and Boob went to the doctor on the show. Both were overweight and were at risk for health problems. That led to the weight loss storyline

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This video was the brainchild of Chad Gallagher of Legacy Consulting, Huckabee's public relations firm that JB hired a few weeks ago. They have a track record of having Huckabee address issues/problems directly to the people via feel-good hokey videos like this -

I got the impression from the video that neither of them were quite comfortable doing it. I wonder if it was Michelle's idea to honor JB or something, but they didn't seem very confident and probably they were having some anxiety about releasing the video. Especially since they still got quite a bit of flak from people watching their instagram accounts for making harmless posts/video on Michael's birthday, that didn't actually feature either of them. I can't imagine the stomach-twisting they would have at the idea of putting up a video with Josh actually in it. And while they apparently tried to make it non-public, they must have known it was at least possible that other people could find it. Maybe they weren't sure how to give access to private videos or whatever if Michelle wanted them all to be able to access it (and I'm including extended family and friends in there, they may have wanted to make a list or compilation of all the videos to present to JB) :think:
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Jim Bob and Josh had their cholesterol checked and Josh was actually found to be pre diabetic.

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Really? And you KNOW this how???

Um, I don't KNOW anything. There was a show or two involving Jim Bob and Josh engaging in a health/weight competition and they showed them getting their results from their physician.

You okay now?

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Um, I don't KNOW anything. There was a show or two involving Jim Bob and Josh engaging in a health/weight competition and they showed them getting their results from their physician.

You okay now?

Ummm --- You posted as if you really knew something that you couldn't possibly know.

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Jim Bob and Josh had their cholesterol checked and Josh was actually found to be pre diabetic.

Pre-diabetes cannot be determined by a cholesterol value. Fact. The tests that determine pre-diabetes are glucose and/or hemoglobin A1c.

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Ummm --- You posted as if you really knew something that you couldn't possibly know.

No, I didn't. I posted "I think...." (which is a qualifier) and it was in reference to the show.

No need to be such a jerk.

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elevated triglycerides is a risk factor for diabetes, so perhaps that is what they meant. Elevated triglycerides is part of a group of things that are sometimes called Metabolic syndrome, which is a sort of pre-diabetes. When those episodes aired, that is what I assumed they meant with Josh. But who knows, they like to exaggerate things for effect, such as Jana being a concert Pianist, JD being a cop, etc. I am not sure why anyone would exaggerate risk for diabetes but who knows how their mind works.

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elevated triglycerides is a risk factor for diabetes, so perhaps that is what they meant. Elevated triglycerides is part of a group of things that are sometimes called Metabolic syndrome, which is a sort of pre-diabetes. When those episodes aired, that is what I assumed they meant with Josh. But who knows, they like to exaggerate things for effect, such as Jana being a concert Pianist, JD being a cop, etc. I am not sure why anyone would exaggerate risk for diabetes but who knows how their mind works.

I can imagine them exaggerating it so they can be cured later, it makes the show less boring.

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Ummm --- You posted as if you really knew something that you couldn't possibly know.

Actually, this was actually featured on the show. They gave the results of his blood work. This was two or three years back so I don't remember the details, but I do remember that the doctor told him he either had metabolic syndrome or was borderline. According to the almighty Wikipedia, metabolic syndrome is "diagnosed by a co-occurrence of three out of five of the following medical conditions: abdominal (central) obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting plasma glucose, high serum triglycerides, and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes."

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Pre-diabetes cannot be determined by a cholesterol value. Fact. The tests that determine pre-diabetes are glucose and/or hemoglobin A1c.

There is really no such thing as "pre-diabetes". You have it or you don't. "Pre-diabetes" is just a gentle way of describing the early stages of diabetes. Many physicians now are treating the early stages of diabetes with oral meds if a patient can't improve their glucose to normal levels with diet and exercise within a reasonable period of time.

If Josh was actually diagnosed as pre-diabetic by his physician (Qualifier - just because it was on the show doesn't make it true! I get that) he doesn't appear to have made the necessary lifestyle adjustments.

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Well along with the dead behind the eyes comments, come the internet psychiatrist comments.

In no particular order, SSRI anti-depressents such as Prozac (brand name) can and do take up to six weeks to be effective. Here's the stinger. Everybody reacts differently. Which it is why it is more important to speak to your health care provider, rather than remember some comment you read on a forum and wondering why you still feel shit after 3 weeks. Some people have horrendous reactions to the newer SSRI's and none to the older. Generalisations are not helpful to mental illness, there are too many variables.

I may or may not have experience with this, it's the internet, no way to know, which is the way everybody should read it. Best thing is to not spread misinformation and the take-away from this comment would be you're an individual and your care should be individual from a suitably qualified professional. Not Dr Google or wiki.

My post was not BS, Takei. And anyone with half a brain would realize that I wasn't saying all or never, nor was anything I said meant to be construed as medical advices as your last sentence would try to indicate.

Your response was rude and leapt to all kinds of conclusions.

Prior to the newer generation of antidepressants, which started with the release of Prozac, most (notice the qualifier, MOST as it doesn't mean all), required hospitalization while getting started on the Tricyclics or MAO Inhibitors because the side effects were not only unpleasant, but for some they could be dangerous. Many of those meds had cardiotoxic side effects and many people experienced orthostatic hypotension which would cause them to become very light headed or pass out when standing. I know this because I started my first nursing job in 1984 on a large Mental Health care unit. The large majority of our patients were moderately depressed people who were hospitalized for med adjustment for up to 4-6 weeks, along with concomitant behavioral and cognitive therapy. This unit would hold up to 50 patients at a time and we were always full with waiting lists. Prozac, Welbutrin and other newer meds came along and suddenly most people didn't require a lengthy hospital stay because for Many (again a qualifier), the side effects did not not require hospitalization to manage. These meds also had the advantage of being faster acting, though there is no antidepressant yet developed that has an immediate action.

The tricyclics (Elavil, Tofranil, Vivactil, Pamelor, Sinequan, etc) were well known to cause sedation, blunted affect ( though this is common feature of depression as well), in the early days. Prozac, on the other hand was not near as likely to cause those sorts of side effects, though it had others, such as insomnia, appetite suppressant,).

The impact the newer generation of meds had on mental health units was fascinating. Lengths of stay dropped quickly as did overall admissions. This was before insurance companies had such a stranglehold on how long patients could be in the hospital, so it was really an impact from the newer treatment options.

Now as for Josh, I have no idea if he is on anything. I do think he is probably living under a lot of stress right now, and his appearance and demeanor seem to be impacted.

Perhaps, Takei, before you strike out and call BS on something you could actually engage in some civility first.

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Pre-diabetes cannot be determined by a cholesterol value. Fact. The tests that determine pre-diabetes are glucose and/or hemoglobin A1c.

Did I say he had one test only? I meant they had their cholesterol checked and, also, he was prediabetic.

We are just saying what was on the show.

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I still think the video was Josh's public attempt to regain JB's favor. I recall reading that JB is furious at Josh right now, and I've read that Josh has been shunned by the family.

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I realize this adds nothing to the conversation but that was so awkward for me to watch that I just had to post about the awkwardness. Holy damn! :shock:

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This video was the brainchild of Chad Gallagher of Legacy Consulting, Huckabee's public relations firm that JB hired a few weeks ago. They have a track record of having Huckabee address issues/problems directly to the people via feel-good hokey videos like this -

I like this theory because it correlates nicely with my opinion that Chad Gallagher is a colossal dumb ass, and I want to see them all fail. Keep up the good work, Chad! :clap:

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There is really no such thing as "pre-diabetes". You have it or you don't. "Pre-diabetes" is just a gentle way of describing the early stages of diabetes. Many physicians now are treating the early stages of diabetes with oral meds if a patient can't improve their glucose to normal levels with diet and exercise within a reasonable period of time.

If Josh was actually diagnosed as pre-diabetic by his physician (Qualifier - just because it was on the show doesn't make it true! I get that) he doesn't appear to have made the necessary lifestyle adjustments.


The ADA says there actually is such thing as pre-diabetes.

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The ADA says there actually is such thing as pre-diabetes.

Came here to say this too. Having pre-diabetic conditions isn't the same as being in the early stages of diabetes.

I'd agree he hasn't made any changes, though. They went through that fitness thing for however long and then freaked out when the trainer made a surprise visit. I hope the whole "teaching the Josh-fam how to grocery shop" episode was super scripted but if not, there's a hint of how it's being handled there.

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Is it jus me or was Anna shooting daggers at Josh rather than looking adoringly at Josh?

I thought she was looking in his ear - checking for ear wax?

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The ADA says there actually is such thing as pre-diabetes.

Yes, the term is still being used. For now.

But anyone who has been diagnosed with "pre-diabetes" needs to know you can't be a little diabetic any more than you can be a little pregnant. If your glucose numbers are consistently above normal, you are some stage of diabetic. This is one article explaining the issue, but there are many studies out there confirming the damage that is done to the body at glucose levels much lower than what the ADA deems okay today. The ADA will eventually change their guidelines, hopefully sooner rather than later. Diabetes is the greatest health threat of our time and far too many people are being lulled into a very false sense of security with a "pre-diabetes" diagnosis.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/riva-gree ... thy-living

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I still think the video was Josh's public attempt to regain JB's favor. I recall reading that JB is furious at Josh right now, and I've read that Josh has been shunned by the family.

IF Mullet and Boob are angry at Josh that's really silly.

What happened is M & JB's fault period. (not excusing Josh but you know what I mean!)

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Yes, the term is still being used. For now.

But anyone who has been diagnosed with "pre-diabetes" needs to know you can't be a little diabetic any more than you can be a little pregnant. If your glucose numbers are consistently above normal, you are some stage of diabetic. This is one article explaining the issue, but there are many studies out there confirming the damage that is done to the body at glucose levels much lower than what the ADA deems okay today. The ADA will eventually change their guidelines, hopefully sooner rather than later. Diabetes is the greatest health threat of our time and far too many people are being lulled into a very false sense of security with a "pre-diabetes" diagnosis.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/riva-gree ... thy-living

Because an "author, speaker, coach" writing an opinion piece on the Huffington Post is more reliable than the American Diabetes Association, the Mayo Clinic, the NIH, etc.

Yeah. Right.

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Doctor here. Prediabetes is definitely a thing. It's similar to pre-hypertension. Below the accepted threshold for disease, but at a higher risk of developing diabetes eventually. Usually when a patient is diagnosed as prediabetic, they are counseled to make lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, etc). But patients aren't always ready to make those changes, so they eventually develop diabetes. Some patients aren't able physically to make those changes, so they are put on medications to prevent development of diabetes and the many sequelae.

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Because an "author, speaker, coach" writing an opinion piece on the Huffington Post is more reliable than the American Diabetes Association, the Mayo Clinic, the NIH, etc.

Yeah. Right.

I can provide hundreds of links to studies addressing what "pre-diabetes" really is and what those glucose levels do to the body. I won't bother because clearly you aren't interested.

This article makes it simple, which is why I used it.

Denying the reality of this by saying, "ADA hasn't said nuthin' yet" is akin to those people in the early 60's who knew smoking caused lung cancer and emphysema saying "Surgeon General ain't said nuthin' yet" and kept smoking.

I will now place your rude arse on FOE. Bye.

But anyone out there who has heard a "pre-diabetic" diagnosis for themselves or a loved one should do some serious research for themselves. Buy a cheap glucose monitor and see how what you eat impacts your sugars. Yearly A1Cs and fasting tests won't tell you nearly as much. The faster someone gets and deals with a diabetes diagnosis, the better the prognosis. Don't wait for the ADA to get around to acknowledging what diabetes researchers already know.

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