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I'd rather starve than eat.........


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Cilantro for me too! I read that certain people don't have the taster buds for cilantro and I see a few of those folks here!

It apparently varies with ethnicity and genetics but about 10% of people of N. European ancestry think cilantro tastes like soap. Or worse. There is even a website devoted to cilantro hatred: Ihatecilantro.com. :lol:

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The list is too long for even FJ

Caviar- gross

Most fish

Parsley, now that tastes so foul to me, but I love Cilantro... and they are from the same family.

Lima beans



Maraschino Cherries


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1. Liver

2. Anchovies

3. Anything's balls

Close runners up are mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, and canned sandwiches. Oh, and canned chicken. I am reminded of how much I'd rather gag than eat that whenever I see one of Takei's posts.

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My top 3

1. Olives. I can't even stand the smell of them. I have to hold my breath as I walk by the olive bar in the store.

2. Cilantro. I ordered some soup in a restaurant the other day that unknown to me, had cilantro in it. I had one spoonful and was done. Tasted like a warm bowl of Palmolive.

3. Beer. The mere smell of it makes me want to puke.

We can't be friends. :lol:

Olives are okay, but cilantro and beer are my favorites. I'll eat cilantro by itself, and I always buy a fresh bunch to add more to the salsa I get from the deli. There is literally nothing better to me than that aroma and that taste. Except maybe a cold dark beer.

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Vegemite chocolate.

Yes,it's a thing.

I've actually tried it. It was.....odd. The flavours did not combine at all. It was very confusing. One second you're tasting chocolate, then you're tasting Vegemite. It kind of flip flops between the two. It wasn't nasty, it was just wrong.

I'm trying to think of a comparison for non-Vegemite people. Maybe if you imagine putting a piece of capsicum (bell pepper) and a piece of chocolate in your mouth together.

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I'd rather die than eat anything I'm allergic to since dying of starvation would give me more time to figure out how to live.

I'm uncomfortable with the idea of preferring to die than to eat safe-to-eat foods since that shows our first-world privilege that we can joke about preferring death over mushrooms (one of my least favorites, but I'd eat it to live) and throw out soup for the isn of being more than 2 hours old.

Wow....you must be a blast at parties :roll:

I'm with all the offal haters. Can't eat anyone, or anythings, internal organs.

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So is Vegemite Chocolate basically like Spam Sushi?

I guess so. I don't eat sushi and Spam is the cockroach of food - after the apocalypse the only thing left will be cockroaches and tins of Spam.

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I'd rather die than eat anything I'm allergic to since dying of starvation would give me more time to figure out how to live.

I'm uncomfortable with the idea of preferring to die than to eat safe-to-eat foods since that shows our first-world privilege that we can joke about preferring death over mushrooms (one of my least favorites, but I'd eat it to live) and throw out soup for the isn of being more than 2 hours old.

It is the hyperbole which makes this thread funny.

Why o why the wagging finger??

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Cheetos/Doritos/Cheese puffs: any of those weird orange dust products.

Fruit roll ups. Too many kids doing disgusting things with them when I was a kid.

Onions. (Fun fact, I can say "No onions please" in six different languages. That's how much I hate onions! :lol: )


Marshmallows. See fruit roll up comment.


Ranch dressing.


Wow, nausicaa25, I want to sit next to you at a non-buffet dinner, so I could have all your rejects! I'm with you on the cheetos and the rollups and the marshmallows, but everything else you list, I pretty much love. Tell me what you like so I can stock up for a trade! :lol:

Lots of things I avoid but not much rises to the level of complete aversion. My least favorites are lima beans, any bland and overcooked veggies, and probably organ meat in general (though, never say never!). I have some bizarre self-contradictions: I like curry but discovered recently I don't like turmeric. How can that even be? :lol:

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Cilantro for me too! I read that certain people don't have the taster buds for cilantro and I see a few of those folks here!

Fried liver

Vienna sausage ( never passed my lips but have you ever opened them? They are canned in slime!) as well as potted meat spread.

Buttered popcorn jelly beans! The worst thing ever ! Why? These little suckers ruined a whole bag of jelly bellies for me.

Glad I'm not the only one who HATES those! Also the juicy pear flavor. WHYYY?? (We just got a 3-lb container of jelly bellies at my office so my opinions are particularly vehement at the moment.) :lol:

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Mmm, food.

I hate:

Soggy food-- I have to eat my frosted flakes really fast, because once they start absorbing milk I don't want to eat them anymore.

Crunchy animals products, with the specific exception of deep fried things. Unless it's a deep fried shrimp head, I still won't eat that.


Beer, any wine less sweet than chardonnay. My family hates me because I subsist almost entirely on moscato. :mrgreen:

Anything more than slightly spicy

Anything bitter at all

Sea cucumber, and similarly, raw squid. Cooked squid is great, raw squid, nope.

Processed fish-- I love whole fish and filleted fish, but once you start grinding it up and making it into sausage or stuffing seafood with other seafood, I ain't having it. Fish cakes and sausage were the bane of my existence when I was a study abroad student. :ew:

Bonito sashimi-- WHY WOULD YOU EVER PUT THIS IN YOUR MOUTH oh my god it's like eating something made of pure essence of fishiness

To whoever mentioned crocodile, I've never had crocodile but I LOVE me some cajun fried gator. :mrgreen: Some other weird things I ate but really loved: fugu (poison blowfish), raw chicken, raw horse, um.... that's about it. I am also a big fan of many types of raw sushi, but it seems like that's not very unusual these days.

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Imo the raw chicken is way more daring than the fugu :lol:.

I actually do like horse tartar ... (duck and away)

mods, feel free to move this to the Unpopular Opinions thread

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Glad I'm not the only one who HATES those! Also the juicy pear flavor. WHYYY?? (We just got a 3-lb container of jelly bellies at my office so my opinions are particularly vehement at the moment.) :lol:

I'm pretty sure those juicy pear flavor jelly bellies must be what Satan's semen taste like. Those are so wrong. I'd rather eat the black licorice ones and I HATE black licorice. I tolerate the popcorn flavor because sugar.

I have the taste buds of a picky five year old, so my list of inedible items is very, very, verylong. But I do adore cilantro. I have a cilantro plant and will add it to things that already have cilantro in it. No such thing as too much cilantro.

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Wow, nausicaa25, I want to sit next to you at a non-buffet dinner, so I could have all your rejects! I'm with you on the cheetos and the rollups and the marshmallows, but everything else you list, I pretty much love. Tell me what you like so I can stock up for a trade! :lol:

Lots of things I avoid but not much rises to the level of complete aversion. My least favorites are lima beans, any bland and overcooked veggies, and probably organ meat in general (though, never say never!). I have some bizarre self-contradictions: I like curry but discovered recently I don't like turmeric. How can that even be? :lol:

Ha, totally! Just give me all your goat cheese, cheddar cheese (really cheese in general), pasta, Brussel sprouts, and Korean food.

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Mushrooms, alcohol and anything that is bland and boring like chicken nuggets. I cant eat bland things, they make my tastebuds sad, before I learned to cook I just covered everything in hot sauce.

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Imo the raw chicken is way more daring than the fugu :lol:.

I actually do like horse tartar ... (duck and away)

mods, feel free to move this to the Unpopular Opinions thread

I would NEVER eat raw or undercooked chicken from the US. :? This was a local specialty in Kagoshima that came from a shop that didn't sell anything else. I was actually really surprised how tasty it was. Mix a ton of garlic into your soy sauce and it's delicious.

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I've actually tried it. It was.....odd. The flavours did not combine at all. It was very confusing. One second you're tasting chocolate, then you're tasting Vegemite. It kind of flip flops between the two. It wasn't nasty, it was just wrong.

I'm trying to think of a comparison for non-Vegemite people. Maybe if you imagine putting a piece of capsicum (bell pepper) and a piece of chocolate in your mouth together.

Yeah, I can't really think of a good comparison for the stuff. Vegemite is just so....different.

I think I had an over-reaction to the chocolate, I ate one piece and then felt nauseated the rest of the day. My poor confused brain couldn't handle it. Never again :lol:

Still love Vegemite on toast though.

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When young we were poor mom ran a catering truck she had these hamburgers with pickles and onions on them kept warm all day then reused the next day. After two days marinated in warm pickle and onion our worthless father in law would make hamburger gravy and potatoes out of it. God we ate that sometimes everyday

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I'm pretty good on most things but:

oysters- make me wanna puke

most ocean fish including salmon (but I love shrimp, crab, and lobster)

mussels and clams

liver fried or whatever

peanuts and peanut butter (all nut butters but cashew)

fish sushi- I'll eat vegetable rolls but not fish or sashimi

milk on my dry cereal. Give me cornflakes or frosted flakes dry and I'm a happy girl.



harissa seasoning

okra -fried, fresh, cooked in soup

navy bean soup


There are more, lima beans won't cross my husbands plate.

My kids will not eat scalloped tomatos, they accused me of poisoning them when I made it.


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Nacho cheese. Or any fake cheese. I've never had macaroni and cheese in my life.

Fat-free versions of products that should be full of fat. Think: milk, baked goods and again, cheese products.

Raw vegetables. I need them cooked with butter added :)

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