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I'd rather starve than eat.........


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Fish - used to be a fave but I developed a severe allergy when I was in my 30s. Spent a week in the hospital.

Jello with bananas cut up in it. I would really allow myself to starve before I ate this. It is a texture thing.

Cheap canned pork and beans.

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Canned chicken, of course. :lol:

:shock: :shock: :shock:

It's gourmet canned chicken :lol:

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Mushrooms( i can't stand the look, the texture, the smell of cooked mushrooms.


aubergine aka eggplant aka courgettes.

Honeydew melon ergh the pips yuck.

I hate watermelon flavoured sweets.

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Here is a question for you all. I keep seeing reasons for hating a food that include texture/feel. For me that is probably the number one reason I say I hate the foods I do. I wonder if lima beans had the texture, feel or consistency of green beans would I still loathe the taste. I hate the taste of cooked carrots and sweet potatoes, but they weren't on my list of foods "to die for". I have no doubt I would force myself to gag down those sweet potatoes every god damned day if it was that or starve, but I sat in front of a bowl of oatmeal for three mornings when I was 3 or 4 and that fucking bowl never emptied. It was also the last time my mother took the advice of whichever older person told her to keep serving it to me. The mere thought of the skin/scum that can get on the top of pudding is enough to start my gag reflex even if the skin is on chocolate pudding. I. WON'T. EAT. IT.

So what do you think? Is my idea full of shit? Partly full of shit? A bit of a shit? Or maybe you just don't give two shits. :think:

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oh i absolutely hate the skin on hot chocolate/milk zergh. not on pudding though.

and i absolutely get sick rom the sight of cream bits floating in nearly off milk(not to say of off milk finds me below the toilet horizon.)

fish I dont like but if i have to eat it i will i just dont like the taste and fiddling with fish bones. thats why it isnt on my list. most of my list is texture/sight based except for seafood which is allergic based(although these days i get a psychosomatic reaction from seafood(shrimps etc) when cooked I get a slight tingling on my palate.

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Here is a question for you all. I keep seeing reasons for hating a food that include texture/feel. For me that is probably the number one reason I say I hate the foods I do. I wonder if lima beans had the texture, feel or consistency of green beans would I still loathe the taste. I hate the taste of cooked carrots and sweet potatoes, but they weren't on my list of foods "to die for". I have no doubt I would force myself to gag down those sweet potatoes every god damned day if it was that or starve, but I sat in front of a bowl of oatmeal for three mornings when I was 3 or 4 and that fucking bowl never emptied. It was also the last time my mother took the advice of whichever older person told her to keep serving it to me. The mere thought of the skin/scum that can get on the top of pudding is enough to start my gag reflex even if the skin is on chocolate pudding. I. WON'T. EAT. IT.

So what do you think? Is my idea full of shit? Partly full of shit? A bit of a shit? Or maybe you just don't give two shits. :think:

Texture is a HUGE reason I hate a lot of foods. One off the top of my head is ground meat. I cannot stand the texture of any type of ground meat which means I don't like hamburgers. Since most people seem to love hamburgers, I get a lot of weird looks when I admit this. :shrug:

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Meat of any kind (I've been a vegetarian for about 6-7 years & meat doesn't appeal to me anymore; I admit that sometimes it looks good on a cooking show, but no otherwise; I'm not a vegan by any means, but maybe someday)

Liver or any another assorted organs (see above)



I had a rolled pancake of some kind in Chinatown in NYC many moons ago; I can't remember what was in it, but as I ate it it slid down my throat like slime; needless to say, I won't be having that again

Wonder what else I'll run into that I won't like?

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1.entrails/organ meat (tongue,brain,liver)

2. Anything slimy

3. Anything with gristle

4. Dolphin, whale, horse, cat or dog meat

5. Most green vegetables (asparagus, brussle sprouts, lima beans)

6. Steak

7. Coffee - the smell makes we want to vomit

...just an over all picky eater (or as my hubby says "A cheap date")

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:shock: :shock: :shock:

It's gourmet canned chicken :lol:

Can't stop taking the piss no matter the thread, eh, Takei? :lol:

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I need to add kimchi to my list. I strongly dislike most of the banchan offered at my local Korean restaurant. It seems like so much dishwashing, and i think it's gross that everyone puts their used chopsticks back in the shared dishes, on top of the choices being blah if not outright gross. It's weird, because I really like other Korean offerings. At least the non fermented ones.

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Can't stop taking the piss no matter the thread, eh, Takei? :lol:

I honestly wonder if anybody has actually tried tinned chicken, apart from the woman who's photo I borrowed :lol:

So many mushroom haters :shock:

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I would truly rather starve than eat



pickled pigs feet


any fat in any raw or not-completely-rendered-and-fried-to-a-crisp-and-then-I-still-might-not-get-it-down form

blood sausage


raw meat

raw fish eggs

When my younger brother was small, he refused to eat hamburgers or French fries. He would chicken strips and that was IT. lol

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I honestly wonder if anybody has actually tried tinned chicken, apart from the woman who's photo I borrowed [emoji38]

So many mushroom haters :shock:

I use canned chicken sometimes. But I use the kind that is sold next to the canned tuna and canned salmon. Chopped up and ready to go into chicken salad.

I don't know what to do with a full sized canned chicken

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I use canned chicken sometimes. But I use the kind that is sold next to the canned tuna and canned salmon. Chopped up and ready to go into chicken salad.

I don't know what to do with a full sized canned chicken

I've used that kind of canned chicken, too. It's really not bad unless you eat it plain (I haven't done that, but I am not really sure it looks too tasty).

Re: the texture thing ... I think that's a lot of it for me.

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Frog Legs

Anything with tentacles

fake banana

LIVER - mom would beat flour into it with the side of a plate, brown it, then pour water in the pan

and stew it, so it was covered with this SLIME!

Pickled pigs feet that come in jars

creamed herring that comes in jars

Muskrat or squirrel


green jello

Me too on the SCUM on pudding.

But I love veggies: cauliflower, broccoli, lima beans, okra, eggplant, rutabage, beets, cabbage.

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Eggs...I can't even stand the smell of them, cooking. And, I gag almost every time I have to crack one open, for baking, or something else. When I was in my first trimester of pregnancy, with my second baby, my husband deliberately cracked a couple of eggs into a glass, and drank them down, just to see my reaction. I almost didn't make it to the bathroom, in time. I told him he has a twisted sense of humor. :)

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Parsley. I hate it almost as much as cilantro-haters hate cilantro.

Shrimp. I attempted to go on a meat bender after four years as a vegetarian, and one of the first things I set out to eat was coconut shrimp. It used to be a favorite of mine, but I actually spit it back out on my plate because the texture was so vile.

Octopus. They're too smart. It makes me sad to see them on the conveyer belt when I get sushi.


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I don't consider myself a picky eater. In fact, I've tasted a lot of the things that seem to come up a lot of this thread (like liver, brain, blood sausage, raw fish, etc.).

But I hate bananas. I can eat lots of stuff, but a banana makes me puke. Anything banana flavored is the same. I just HATE the taste. I find it disgusting. Can't help it. I still remember one time in high school, I had forgotten my lunch at home and a friend of mine offered me her banana so I would have something to eat. I just said no. I felt kind of bad because she was being real nice. I was willing to go hungry for a few hours instead of eating it. At the most, I can eat banana bread. It's probably the only banana-flavored food that I tolerate. I won't make me sick, so it's a good start. But I don't really like it. For example, I won't make any for myself.

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Texture is a HUGE reason I hate a lot of foods. One off the top of my head is ground meat. I cannot stand the texture of any type of ground meat which means I don't like hamburgers. Since most people seem to love hamburgers, I get a lot of weird looks when I admit this. :shrug:

I think for a lot of people it does just come down to texture. My S.O. DESPISES onions- if he can detect the texture. He has no problem with onion flavored food, or if I just cook the onions until they're melting, but if he can detect individual onions he doesn't like it. Unfortunately for him, I do all the cooking and I love onions. :lol: We just eat a lot of... very well cooked onions.

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I need to add kimchi to my list. I strongly dislike most of the banchan offered at my local Korean restaurant. It seems like so much dishwashing, and i think it's gross that everyone puts their used chopsticks back in the shared dishes, on top of the choices being blah if not outright gross. It's weird, because I really like other Korean offerings. At least the non fermented ones.

Oh man. I lived in South Korea for a year and miss banchan so badly. The smaller town where I now live at least has a Korean-fusion restaurant, so I can get soups and buy kimchi in enormous qualities. Korean food is so strange. No matter how weird it is, there's always some health benefit to it, as well. I love all of it -- except that I don't eat meat, so miss out on all that, which I hear is excellent.

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Cold cuts or smoked meat of any sort. I haven't eaten meat since I was a toddler (picky eater), but I could probably try to choke down roast duck or something. Not so with summer sausage.

Anything with shrimp paste flavouring, especially laksa.

The whites on hard boiled eggs. I love scrambled eggs and omelettes, but boiled eggs make me gag. I've learned to politely tolerate soft-boiled, but hard-boiled whites are so bland and squeaky and sulphurous..

I'm European, and think cilantro tastes kinda soapy, but I still really like it! Am I not supposed to, or is the wrong kind of "soapy"?

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Pretty much the only thing I can't/refuse to eat is bell peppers. Some chemical in them my mouth rebels at. I don't like sushi and/or dried sea weed, so I assume my Japanese incarnation either was bad or never happened. Today, I pretty much don't eat anything from a box.

My mother transmuted her inability to travel (too poor, too many kids) to a wide culinary range, which we were required to sample. Mostly turned out well--growing up in SLC, we learned to eat avocados, artichokes, mung bean thread, tongue, brains. No one much cared for squid (though I did try octopus as an adult in Greece--very tasty rubber bands!). I caused the only public fight my parents ever had by declaring that I was now 18, and would leave home rather than eat the oysters at the bottom of my bowl. My mother ordered me to leave the table, and my father said that if I did leave home, it would be her fault. And she poured a pitcher of milk over his head. Point made, I did in fact eat raw oysters on the half shell three years later, with a boyfriend. Live. Learn.

Once, when I lived in China, I was about to refuse some eggs that looked very wrong: the "whites" were a transparent dark green, and the yolks were a velvet runny deep green. I was going to say "I don't like them." But realized I couldn't honestly say that till I tried them. So carefully picked up one piece, and put it in my mouth--and was so grateful that they tasted SO MUCH better than I thought they would, I decided I liked them, and I do! The Chinese name for preserved eggs is Pine Flower Eggs, and Westerners call them 100 year old eggs. Since the original method of preservation was to bury duck eggs in pig shit for three months (now replaced with mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime, and rice hulls for several weeks), I always wondered how hungry the first peasant who found and ate one was. . . .

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I'd rather die than eat anything I'm allergic to since dying of starvation would give me more time to figure out how to live.

I'm uncomfortable with the idea of preferring to die than to eat safe-to-eat foods since that shows our first-world privilege that we can joke about preferring death over mushrooms (one of my least favorites, but I'd eat it to live) and throw out soup for the isn of being more than 2 hours old.

I knew a guy in college who'd been in a concentration camp. He was Dutch, and got sent with his whole family when he was four. He said that the first time you were served gruel with maggots in it, you threw away the whole bowlful. Later, you'd remove the maggots, and eat the rest. Finally, you would search out all the maggots *first* because they were the only protein. . . .

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There are many foods I don't like and would be happy to never eat again, but I can force them down (when I was growing up, my mother worked as a live in caregiver and we ate with the clients. You ate what was served unless allergic to it)

So apart from allergies, the only food I wouldn't eat that I have tried is tongue. I gagged sooooo hard on it. The taste, smell, texture and look! Bleugh!

As for the texture being a issue. My child has real problems with food in certain textures. Hates any beans apart from green ones, avocados, thankfully outgrew the banana one and eggplant in large pieces. The poor thing was telling me how yummy the grilled eggplant slices were while gagging on the texture. I pureed them with the tomato sauce I had served them with and the bowl was empty in seconds. :dance:

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Thick pastas like rotini, penne, etc. They always trigger a gag reflex. It's not intentional - they just won't go down. Blech! :ew:

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