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I'd rather starve than eat.........


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Fish/seafood in general. Mostly a texture thing. I had fish roe once and the texture was okay so it went down.

Coconut. Texture and taste. Blurgh.

Anise, licorice, and fennel. I despise them so much. I can't even express how I feel in words.

Tofu. I grew up vegetarian so just...no.

In general, anything creamy/slimy (like pudding, yogurt and bananas) has a hard time going down. Don't like spicy stuff either.

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Peanuts & nuts: I'm severely allergic and dying from anaphylaxis would suck. Although it would be faster than starving. ;)

For severe food aversions:

Veal: my dad would cook it occasionally. I tried to eat it once and couldn't do it. I think it was the mental picture as a young child. Eating lamb, which I first tried as an adult, no problem. Weird, I know

Uni (sea urchin): had it once. Would like to never have it again. Still amazed I didn't throw up right at the table.

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MAYONNAISE - the worst food ever conceived... I vom if I accidentally eat it... it looks like jizz... feels like greasy jello... and knowing it's basically months-old, jarred, jiggly eggs and fat... BAAARF

There's a ton of other stuff I don't like - fake cheese products, meat, ranch dressing - but nothing really matches my hate of mayo.

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Makes me gag



organ meats


I have sensitivities to nitrates (they make me throw up) so I avoid any meat with nitrates in it (bacon, sausage, salami, pepperoni, deli meats, etc). I hate it when restaurants put Italian Sausage in meatballs and don't list that on the menu (too many negative experiences at restaurants).

Nuts also don't agree with me and I can't digest them properly.

There are other things that I just don't like, but not enough to make me gag or disagree with me.

I'm also mostly vegetarian

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Cherries.....can't stand the taste.

Yogurt.....can't stand the texture.

Beer.....can't stand the smell.

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Pretty much the only thing I can't/refuse to eat is bell peppers. Some chemical in them my mouth rebels at. I don't like sushi and/or dried sea weed, so I assume my Japanese incarnation either was bad or never happened. Today, I pretty much don't eat anything from a box.

My mother transmuted her inability to travel (too poor, too many kids) to a wide culinary range, which we were required to sample. Mostly turned out well--growing up in SLC, we learned to eat avocados, artichokes, mung bean thread, tongue, brains. No one much cared for squid (though I did try octopus as an adult in Greece--very tasty rubber bands!). I caused the only public fight my parents ever had by declaring that I was now 18, and would leave home rather than eat the oysters at the bottom of my bowl. My mother ordered me to leave the table, and my father said that if I did leave home, it would be her fault. And she poured a pitcher of milk over his head. Point made, I did in fact eat raw oysters on the half shell three years later, with a boyfriend. Live. Learn.

Once, when I lived in China, I was about to refuse some eggs that looked very wrong: the "whites" were a transparent dark green, and the yolks were a velvet runny deep green. I was going to say "I don't like them." But realized I couldn't honestly say that till I tried them. So carefully picked up one piece, and put it in my mouth--and was so grateful that they tasted SO MUCH better than I thought they would, I decided I liked them, and I do! The Chinese name for preserved eggs is Pine Flower Eggs, and Westerners call them 100 year old eggs. Since the original method of preservation was to bury duck eggs in pig shit for three months (now replaced with mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime, and rice hulls for several weeks), I always wondered how hungry the first peasant who found and ate one was. . . .

wow. that's amazing. And we're so worried about bacteria nowadays. Talk about steel stomachs.

i googled it and couldn't find anything about that though. :lol: Are you serious?

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I knew a guy in college who'd been in a concentration camp. He was Dutch, and got sent with his whole family when he was four. He said that the first time you were served gruel with maggots in it, you threw away the whole bowlful. Later, you'd remove the maggots, and eat the rest. Finally, you would search out all the maggots *first* because they were the only protein. . . .

Oh wow! That's so sad!

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For me it's frozen convenience microwave meals. I can eat them, and it actually tastes kind of good, growing up those were a rare treat. But now that i know how processed it all is - no. It would be asking for serious health problems. It's definitely not real food. The potatoes are some kind of foamy thing. And the meats are just probably anything leftover from grinding up cheap meat, scraped off of the sides of the processor. Terrible. Then nuke that in a BPA tray and there you go. :lol: It's sad that some people do eat those pretty often. Frozen microwave dinners as they are now should be outlawed. Thank God we were too poor to eat those regularly. We usually had things like homemade bread, PB & Js, lots of veggies, cheese, milk. Most suppers were variations of chicken casserole, and lots of rice.

It's hard to understand why people put things like Mountain Dew in their bodies - a gardener never give that to a plant in place of water. My dad once in a while would put Coke in our bottles. But we rarely had juice or store bought cereal, those disappeared in a couple days. Bowls of Malt-o-Meal while listening to Charles Stanley sermons = my childhood. :lol: Roast beef was a super amazing treat, and on Sundays occasionally pizza or Chinese buffet. Then things got better and my family had a garden for years. We lived and worked beside a small Mennonite dairy so we had raw milk and made butter. Those first years though, being so poor I'm sure they were just glad not to go hungry (my parents HATED debt with a passion) so i can tolerate almost anything average Americans eat. We'd have eaten bean soup before those offal kinds of animal protein, though, definitely. Oh - another gag - white gravy on pancakes thing that some Amish do, gross lol I worked for a lady who had to have baking in the house at all times and desserts with every supper. There are some serious sugar addictions going on in fundie-land.

My kids are going to be way more picky. My son called carrot sticks chips a couple days ago, and he won't finish a donut. :cracking-up: I just wish my mom had educated herself about the benefits of fresh foods earlier when i was small, but our diet could have been much worse. I think i could eat just about anything though, honestly. Even bugs maybe if they were prepared in a food way. Lobster is basically a bug or sure looks enough like one to trigger the gag reflex, and caviar/roe is... :lol:

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Interesting thread...

1-Cilantro. My experience with this is that people either love it or hate it, no in-between. BF loves it (south asian, born and raised, came to US as adult). I hate it (mideast-american born and raised and family here for generations).

2-Corn mixed with other foods

3-Anything that looks like someone barfed it up (irrational fear)

4-Chef Boyardee pizza-never liked it and never grew to like it

6-Daiya cheese-just not good

7-Milk-lactose intolerant but even before I never liked it

8-Smarties candies-never liked those and always thought tasted like chalk

9-Wet meat-meat cooked in water just blech.

No. 10 is going to shock people no doubt...

10-Plain water-bottled, tap, doesn't matter, I hate the taste. Makes me gag. Mother has same aversion. Have to add some flavor to it to tolerate. Have drunk in desperation when super thirsty, cringing entire time and trying to not gag. I'm a weirdo, I know.

When I was a kid I didn't like PB&J at all. I will eat them as an adult, but as a kid I found the taste and texture combos appalling. I would eat jelly. I would eat peanut butter. Together, though? Nope.

Things I won't eat, but don't necessarily dislike...

Popcorn, especially kettle corn-I threw it up once and over a year later I still can't stomach the idea of eating it.

Cupcakes-same reason as popcorn. Haven't fully gotten over it years since.

So...dare I ask, but...what is this Burrisgate? I've not really been here at all for the past five weeks. I moved and have been in intense work training until this week. Don't shoot me for asking *ducks for cover*. :shifty-kitty: (we need a smilie hiding)

Edited to add that I found burrisgate. The things you miss when you leave FJ. :mouse-shock:

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1. Liver

2. Go-Gurt

3. Sweet peppers

4. Slimy, half-cooked onions (gimme them raw, or caramelize them or burn them...just cook the F out of them...nothing in between.)


Reading through some of the things others have posted, I find that I am more easy-going, food-wise, than I would have thought. :lol:

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MAYONNAISE - the worst food ever conceived... I vom if I accidentally eat it... it looks like jizz...

It's funny.....this is the exact reason I can't eat yogurt.....but mayo, I have no problem with!! Weird!!

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I am trying to only put thing I hate. there is a lot more I dislike.

meat spread


blood sausage

Pickled pigs feet

slimy things like okra or a root that starts with A that is used in Chinese food

oysters, mussels and clams

raw fish/ fish eggs

whole fish where you eat the eyes and bones or same for small shellfish

Organs or entrails

blubber or any kind


any animals balls

animal skin that is not deep-fried to a crisp

grubs, worms, most bugs whole (I would try ground up bugs I think, If I was starving)


Green jello w/ cottage cheese, dried fruit and nuts

Black licorice

medieval savory jellies

I think cilantro tastes nasty, but I wouldn’t starve. I also loathe fishy things but would eat it in a life or death situation.

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wow. that's amazing. And we're so worried about bacteria nowadays. Talk about steel stomachs.

i googled it and couldn't find anything about that though. :lol: Are you serious?

I googled, too, and failed. All I can say is that is the story I was told of their origin. Sometimes tourists got told "the easy version," of something, but I was a teacher (four years) and was usually spared that. The guy who told me was my interpreter's husband, a peasant, and a member of the PLA--what can I say, lol!?

Here's a cite on how to make them. and in the comments, she has another origin, which seems improbable to me, but I've just proved what-do-I-know, so what do I know?


Same origin story with pics. http://www.history.com/news/hungry-hist ... d-year-egg

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the white watery "discharge" of yoghurt. I always pour it away and cant believe people are actually drining whole drins of that stuff.

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sweet potatoes


winter squash

liver(any kind)

fried eggs


One of my brothers has very few foods he doesnt eat.Mayonnaise is one of them.Which means he does not eat cole slaw,potato salad etc.He always said that mayo reminded him of :o ,too.

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Oh I found another thing to add. I REALLY dislike egg salad sandwich.

I don't know why. I like hard boiled eggs, I like mayonnaise, I like sandwiches. But mixed together. Ew ew ew ew ew. I think it's partly because of the texture and the ''overly-mayonnaisey'' taste. I just hate it. I used to eat it as a kid because that's what my mom would make. Still hated it though. And now that I'm an adult, I decided I won't eat it. Ever again.

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Peas: the nuns served them almost every day when I studied in France and their idea of a "serving" was half a plate. Never again.

Shepherd's Pie

raw fish (I saw the gulf of mexico after the oil spill; I saw those dispersants and I still don't trust BP)

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The "decorative snow" that I had the misfortune of eating last night. It was sprinkled over a berry tart from Costco and made the whole thing taste like crushed Gravol.

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I consider myself to be a fairly adventurous eater, but there are a few things I won't/can't eat.

Tomato aspic


Lobster (bad allergy)

Shark fin soup

Like a previous poster, I react badly to tomatoes, but I do eat them. I think the aspic is more of a texture issue, but I once forced myself to eat it at a friend's grandparents because I didn't want to be rude. I almost barfed.

The brains scare me because of mad cow and the shark fin soup is ethically so wrong I won't touch it. Other than that, I'll eat just about anything.

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