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Favorite Foods aka, I can entirely subsist on the following

Maggie Mae

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I can't, my list is too long and esoteric. I love spicy food and ethnic foods and am quite adventurous - minus the cilantro and offal.

I think I really want to try poutine. It sounds so deliciously unhealthy that I'd dive right in.

Pouting is delicious.



Pasta of any kind


Fresh mozzarella cheese

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Pouting is delicious.



Pasta of any kind


Fresh mozzarella cheese

OK I've got to ask as I appear to have missed the description. What is Poutine/Pouting/other spellings? I ask this because of a loooong, boooooring story from my teenage years. Grab your comfy pillows (and no, I was not a guard or a bounty hunter, or a mad axe killer from 1659) and start braiding each others hair:

Growing up back in the day my father owned a full service gas station. Yup kids, back in the good old days people sat in the comfort of their vehicle while young, sometimes handsome fellows filled the tank with leaded gasoline all the while breathing in the full bodied, luscious fumes of said petroleum product. Young fellow would also wash your front and rear windshields, check your oil and tire pressure, take your cash, personal check, or signature on your account, and wave you off with a smile. Generally full service gas stations were family owned as was ours. Sons often worked there pumping gas at 13 or 14 and eventually ending up out back in the mechanics bays or taking over management. There was only ONE problem. I was a girl. I was the only girl in the family and really the only girl in the part of East Bumfuck we lived in.

So... perhaps I did not know I was a girl (and yes, this is completely Poutine related. Get back on your pillow and listen), but by the end of middle school I became one of those trusted men with the star, the big, bright, Texaco star. I spent weekends, evenings, early mornings, basically any time I wasn't at school or at drama or field hockey practice. Me and one of the many young fellows. I worked with and got to know them all. Because the manager, a HUGE fellow with a voice as deep as an ocean fog horn found out that I could work my little ass off. And I didn't talk back and I didn't call in sick and, and, and,......

Now these fine fellows are great fun and they will teach an owners' young daughter all kinds of facts one might not have learned on her college prep track at the high school. (Get your head out of the gutter. They were gentlemen....well most of them were anyway). But they can also be incredibly crude when they aren't smiling trustfully at customers, so my vocabulary expanded in ways most young ladies will only dream of. They were very good teachers.

Remember the massive manager? He had a son. That son was ADHD times 100, and somewhere on the Asperger scale, but none of us even knew that was a thing. He was a Savant and built like a string bean, always bouncing on the balls of his feet and jingling the change in his pockets. He was two years younger than me and managers kids work at their father's gas stations too. Did I mention his social skills were a bit lacking as was his understanding of personal space? (don't worry, I am getting there). Remember how the young fellows liked to help us with our vocabulary? Well they were especially helpful to this poor kid, probably resulting in a few restraining orders against him. His favorite new word from his coworkers was








which he used about almost every woman under forty who drove in to get gas. Needless to say the kid was constantly irritated that from then on he was only allowed to wait on certain women.

And THAT, my friends, is why I need to know what the delicious food is that will forever put the pictures that go with this story in my head.

The End.

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Sourdough Bread

Good, sharp, cheddar cheese


Soup- just about any kind

Cabernet- the good stuff


Fresh veggies and salads

Good Indian food

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OK I've got to ask as I appear to have missed the description. What is Poutine/Pouting/other spellings? I ask this because of a loooong, boooooring story from my teenage years. Grab your comfy pillows (and no, I was not a guard or a bounty hunter, or a mad axe killer from 1659) and start braiding each others hair:

Growing up back in the day my father owned a full service gas station. Yup kids, back in the good old days people sat in the comfort of their vehicle while young, sometimes handsome fellows filled the tank with leaded gasoline all the while breathing in the full bodied, luscious fumes of said petroleum product. Young fellow would also wash your front and rear windshields, check your oil and tire pressure, take your cash, personal check, or signature on your account, and wave you off with a smile. Generally full service gas stations were family owned as was ours. Sons often worked there pumping gas at 13 or 14 and eventually ending up out back in the mechanics bays or taking over management. There was only ONE problem. I was a girl. I was the only girl in the family and really the only girl in the part of East Bumfuck we lived in.

So... perhaps I did not know I was a girl (and yes, this is completely Poutine related. Get back on your pillow and listen), but by the end of middle school I became one of those trusted men with the star, the big, bright, Texaco star. I spent weekends, evenings, early mornings, basically any time I wasn't at school or at drama or field hockey practice. Me and one of the many young fellows. I worked with and got to know them all. Because the manager, a HUGE fellow with a voice as deep as an ocean fog horn found out that I could work my little ass off. And I didn't talk back and I didn't call in sick and, and, and,......

Now these fine fellows are great fun and they will teach an owners' young daughter all kinds of facts one might not have learned on her college prep track at the high school. (Get your head out of the gutter. They were gentlemen....well most of them were anyway). But they can also be incredibly crude when they aren't smiling trustfully at customers, so my vocabulary expanded in ways most young ladies will only dream of. They were very good teachers.

Remember the massive manager? He had a son. That son was ADHD times 100, and somewhere on the Asperger scale, but none of us even knew that was a thing. He was a Savant and built like a string bean, always bouncing on the balls of his feet and jingling the change in his pockets. He was two years younger than me and managers kids work at their father's gas stations too. Did I mention his social skills were a bit lacking as was his understanding of personal space? (don't worry, I am getting there). Remember how the young fellows liked to help us with our vocabulary? Well they were especially helpful to this poor kid, probably resulting in a few restraining orders against him. His favorite new word from his coworkers was








which he used about almost every woman under forty who drove in to get gas. Needless to say the kid was constantly irritated that from then on he was only allowed to wait on certain women.

And THAT, my friends, is why I need to know what the delicious food is that will forever put the pictures that go with this story in my head.

The End.

It's "french" fries, covered in gravy and cheese curds. Best after a couple of beers, but also delicious on its own.

Source: American who lived in Ontario for a short time.

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Any kind of Pasta

bread( german bread varieties not that joke that anglo-americans call bread)(salami of different varieties Italian , spanish german...)


soft gummi sweets and licquorices ala haribo.

you see i am a carbs loving person.

I absolutely love b grade maple syrup but sine it is the best diet for getting fat i only have it 1ce to twice a year.

oh drink wise : water and smoothies.

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It's "french" fries, covered in gravy and cheese curds. Best after a couple of beers, but also delicious on its own.

Source: American who lived in Ontario for a short time.

Well that was rather anticlimactic (see what I, in my immaturity, did there?) and it has only made the pictures in my mind a tiny bit worse. Sigh....Thanks for trying Maggie Mae. Off to the prayer closet now if they will have me.

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Food... something that I love to talk about. Here's my list thus far (greatly incomplete, but a nice representation of a bunch of different things I love):

Cold watermelon

Honey Crisp apples/any heirloom apples, too (cold)

Rainier cherries (cold; I apparently have a thing for cold fruit)

Sonic Cherry Limeaid

Stewart's Mint Cookie Crumble Ice cream


good Japanese/Chinese/Vietnamese/Thai vegetarian food


Avery's Golden Ginger Ale

chocolate chip cookies



brie cheese

Trader Joe's no guilt guacamole

my mother's cooking

fresh salad

Thanks to my mother w/raising us on a variety of foods, I'm always willing to try new things. I realize that my above list is a confusing & eclectic mix, but I think to have a variety of food likes is a good thing. :dance:

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Pate (can't find the accent) Almost any kind, from Chicken liver, Ardennes to mushroom and Mackerel.

Cheese the stinkier the better.

Indian food. Keralan yum.

Allioli with chunks of French crusty bread.

Roast chicken.

Lentil soup.


Scrambled egg, made with butter and just a dash of milk on buttered seeded wholemeal granary toast. (Comfort food of heaven.)


Cheese and Onion crisps.

Ham and English mustard sandwich on white bread.

Asparagus with butter.

Any roasted vegetable.

Plain old tomato and onion salad.

My ultimate comfort food is grilled I mean under a grill melted extra mature Cheddar, Worcester sauce and black pepper toastie. Wholemeal toast.

Water biscuits with cream cheese and gherkins.


Pineapple juice.

Cider the alcoholic version.


Galaxy chocolate.

All the red or purple Starburst.

There is probably more :lol:

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Any kind of Pasta

bread( german bread varieties not that joke that anglo-americans call bread)(salami of different varieties Italian , spanish german...)


soft gummi sweets and licquorices ala haribo.

you see i am a carbs loving person.

I absolutely love b grade maple syrup but sine it is the best diet for getting fat i only have it 1ce to twice a year.

oh drink wise : water and smoothies.

Oooh my local supermarket carries this Spelt/Rye? German bread which is utterly amazing with just butter. It's quite a dense loaf (round) Utterly heavenly.

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Oh god yes.

Crusty French bread


Aged cheddar (although any cheese...all the cheese!)


^all of the above is the perfect picnic or any meal to me

Pad Thai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Salt and Vinegar Kettle chips

French fries with salt and vinegar

Yellow Mustard

Jerky sticks



Roasted Squash with garlic butter

Salad (no really, I like it!)

A good Scotch, 12 -15 year old stuff

Chicken fried with sage butter

Chicken with blue cheese and buffalo sauce.

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My favorite food in the world is fresh, ripe tomatoes off the vine. Also:


Salt-cured Salmon belly

Isan-style Thai food, especially laap so spicy you'll hate yourself tomorrow



Roasted Peanuts

fresh peas and mint

steak tartare

sour cherries

Sichuan food, especially mapo tofu and dandan noodles

sweet corn on the cob

fried chicken

cherry pie

gummy bears

pretty much any raw fish


the skin from roasted chicken

duck breast

artichokes with aioli

And of course, endless bottles of Champagne to wash it all down. Good god, I LOVE food!!!

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My favorite food in the world is fresh, ripe tomatoes off the vine. Also:


Salt-cured Salmon belly

Isan-style Thai food, especially laap so spicy you'll hate yourself tomorrow



Roasted Peanuts

fresh peas and mint

steak tartare

sour cherries

Sichuan food, especially mapo tofu and dandan noodles

sweet corn on the cob

fried chicken

cherry pie

gummy bears

pretty much any raw fish


the skin from roasted chicken

duck breast

artichokes with aioli

And of course, endless bottles of Champagne to wash it all down. Good god, I LOVE food!!!

Like Gravadlax? Yum!!!

I'll join you for a good steak tartare 8-)

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Like Gravadlax? Yum!!!

I'll join you for a good steak tartare 8-)

Yes, I make gravlax cured on a Himalayan salt block. It cures in about 20 minutes! First I rub it with a little sugar, black pepper, and minced dill, then pack it between 2 salt blocks. It gets nicely compressed and deliciously salty. Sliced thin with red onion on a rye cracker and I'm in heaven.

http://www.amazon.com/Gourmet-Himalayan ... salt+block

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Aww. I'm an Aussie but I spent some time in California a few years ago. I stayed in Cambria and LOVED it. Moonstone Beach, sigh....

Aw, this is right near my home! :D

I don't know if I can even quite get the beginnings of a full list here, but I can try:

Sushi & tempura

Korean food, especially the soups

Indian food

Mexican food, especially fish tacos with mango salsa

Thai food [obviously, I mean the authentic versions of all of these here]

all the curries

avocados, any style

good cheeses

quality bread

fine wine to accompany it all

fresh tomatoes -- with basil and olive oil and otherwise adorned

actually, all freshly grown and harvested vegetables treated and prepared well -- roasted with a gremolata is amazing, or a fantastic salad



artichokes with aioli

eggs from chickens with a good diet

all the salmon, especially smoked


pickles in various forms, especially sour

quality ice cream

I've forgotten a few others, but there's more. I've gone to sleep reading cookbooks and planning elaborate meals before -- bit food obsessed here. :pizza: :fsm: :redwine: :pickle: :taco: :icecreamsammy:

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I will eat most things, and almost any cuisine. The only cuisine I don't care for is Thai. I love Vietnamese, Korean (The variety of flavors and dishes is amazing), traditional Chinese (I always judge a restaurant by ordering their hot and sour soup), and Indian.

With all that in mind, if I could only eat one food for the rest of my life (and not gain weight, of course) it would be... macaroni and cheese. :lol: To me it is a bit like gumbo in that every recipe is slightly (or completely) different than the last. The potential for flavor experimentation is near infinite. I have had some truly gourmet mac 'n cheese, although I'll never turn down a box of good 'ol Kraft.

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I will eat most things, and almost any cuisine. The only cuisine I don't care for is Thai. I love Vietnamese, Korean (The variety of flavors and dishes is amazing), traditional Chinese (I always judge a restaurant by ordering their hot and sour soup), and Indian.

With all that in mind, if I could only eat one food for the rest of my life (and not gain weight, of course) it would be... macaroni and cheese. :lol: To me it is a bit like gumbo in that every recipe is slightly (or completely) different than the last. The potential for flavor experimentation is near infinite. I have had some truly gourmet mac 'n cheese, although I'll never turn down a box of good 'ol Kraft.

Oh my heavens. I just sent my daughter off for a week of fancy-schmancy summer school country club camp. They made lunch daily for the kids. I picked up my daughter and her friends one day for an afternoon of fun, and they all complained about their Mac and Cheese at lunch -- because it had been baked. They couldn't handle it. All of them were pining for Kraft.

I mean, I knew my daughter had mac and cheese issues. I've made it and baked it for her from scratch, and she hated the results of the baking. Since she hates my hard work, from scratch mac and cheese, the mac and cheese she does get is usually from trader Joe's packages.

All this to say that I have no idea how my daughter can turn down a cheese and pasta concoction like that, but she can and does. Taste buds are so strange.

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I will eat most things, and almost any cuisine. The only cuisine I don't care for is Thai. I love Vietnamese, Korean (The variety of flavors and dishes is amazing), traditional Chinese (I always judge a restaurant by ordering their hot and sour soup), and Indian.

With all that in mind, if I could only eat one food for the rest of my life (and not gain weight, of course) it would be... macaroni and cheese. :lol: To me it is a bit like gumbo in that every recipe is slightly (or completely) different than the last. The potential for flavor experimentation is near infinite. I have had some truly gourmet mac 'n cheese, although I'll never turn down a box of good 'ol Kraft.

Oh my heavens. I just sent my daughter off for a week of fancy-schmancy summer school country club camp. They made lunch daily for the kids. I picked up my daughter and her friends one day for an afternoon of fun, and they all complained about their Mac and Cheese at lunch -- because it had been baked. They couldn't handle it. All of them were pining for Kraft.

I mean, I knew my daughter had mac and cheese issues. I've made it and baked it for her from scratch, and she hated the results of the baking. Since she hates my hard work, from scratch mac and cheese, the mac and cheese she does get is usually from trader Joe's packages.

All this to say that I have no idea how my daughter can turn down a cheese and pasta concoction like that, but she can and does. Taste buds are so strange.

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Dark chocolate



Salad (lettuce, green/red peppers, cucumbers, cheddar cheese)


Sweet tea

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Vegemite on toast

Baked beans




Home-made chewy chocolate chip biscuits





Yellow squash


Iced tea

Dark chocolate

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ok unfortunately my husband and I strongly differ on thus: just for fun this is my husbands list:

grilled chicken

bovril on toast

eggy thing(soft boiled egg mixed with bovril on bread pieces)




hot dogs

hamburger(proper ones)

red wine



I have to say the only food where our tastes converge is spag bol i get my carbs he gets his meat xD.

(he is English South African by the way,

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Fish. Trout, salmon, cod, sea bass etc, also seafood especially crab but not oysters.

Chips (fries), homemade, salty and lashings of vinegar.

Crisps (chips)

Some fruits. Nectarines, cherries, strawberries, watermelon.

Roast chicken dinner with roast potatoes, veg, gravy and stuffing.

Peppers, mushroom and onion. Sautéed with garlic, tomato, herbs and balsamic, or with spices. I eat this frequently in some manner, with various additions. Maybe greens if I feel particularly virtuous.

Beer, red wine, tea, coffee and water.

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Cheese, glorious cheese!

five guys cheeseburgers all the way with bacon and jalapenos.

corn tortillas

pirogues with sour cream and fried onions

caramelized onions

Armenian pizzas or lamanjoon (not sure on spelling) topped with a chopped salad.

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deli turkey

rotisserie chicken

salad greens with greek dressing

Honestly, this is what I eat 80% of the time.

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I love so many foods! I'll try to keep it fairly concise:

baked brie (my favorite cheese, although I don't like other cheese by itself very much)

Indian food (matar paneer, samosas, rice pudding, naan)

Italian food (pasta with alfredo, pesto or red sauce, lasagnas, especially veggie lasagna, gnocchi)

Thai food (spicy curries with tofu, mango sticky rice)

fried eggs with toast (I love all breakfast foods, really. Cereal, pancakes, waffles, hashbrowns)

mashed potatoes with or without white gravy (potatoes any way really. Never met a potato dish I didn't like-I've been eating a lot of potato chips dipped in potato salad recently.)

hot dogs and bratwurst

Mexican food (enchiladas, chimichangas, ceviche)

Sushi (raw or rolled, I love sushi, except caviar)

Greek food (gyros, falafel, hummus with kalamata olives and feta cheese, labneh)

I'm sure there's more but I'll spare you all.

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