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Baby Meredith is here - Anna Duggar baby watch


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I'm glad Meredith's birth went well. Anna looks great! I did have to see Josh's face on my Yahoo homepage and I'm not about that, though.

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Anna looks good, baby Mer looks like a cute little marshmallow, and Josh looks exhausted and dare I say a bit stressed out.

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Josh does not have a criminal record. He was not convicted, charged, or arrested for anything.

When a criminal record check is done, especially in the case of working with vulnerable populations jobs, I think a record such as this will pop.

They keep records like this for a reason. Plus it is not just "an accused of" its a record of actual events.

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Anna looks fantastic! How long ago was this baby born? Two weeks ago? She looks completely rested and happy. I don't think I've ever seen a postpartum mother looking this good before.

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Chill out! This is a SNARK board. If your so easily offended...leave. Jesus Christ what an overreaction!

No shit! I'm afraid to say anything now.

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And you honestly don't think that making comments like that shows complete ignorance about psych meds? Why the hell do you think that psych meds would make someone look out of it? Do you even know what Prozac is or is used for? You didn't stop to consider that shaming someone on the idea that they are taking psych meds is offensive to those who do? Did you ever stop to consider people spouting shit like that contributes to people not seeking help for psychiatric issues?

Let me add the 'Well, I do it that way and I'm ok!" reaction. I take prozac. I've taken valium. So do/have my friends. You take too much, or you're getting used to the dosage, and you look pretty zoned-out.

Have we covered the usual reactions and can get back to poor M4, destined to be a doormat?

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I wish little baby Meredith, along with her siblings a life of happiness and peace. She is a cute little bunny. I hope Anna can find a life of happiness, also. I hope Josh gets the help he seems to need.

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And once his criminal background check came back clean, I can't see them doing a FOI act check for police reports involving him.

I don't think FRC knew a thing. The Duggars thought this whole matter was over and no one would ever see any official records about it. Not a good assumption to make under the circumstances. Thanks, Pops!

I would guess they gave Josh the opportunity to "resign" before they immediately fired him. And I bet Tony Perkins was majorly pissed off at him.

If they had known, there would be no way that they would have hired him to act as their spokesperson. They might be hateful assholes, but they are not complete idiots.

I am PRETTY sure, however that they asked about skeletons if he went through an interview process. Anyone, no matter who they are would be asked about skeletons. It is a routine question.

Josh had to have lied because if he said "well, this one time I sexually molested 5 children--but I was only 14 or 15 at the time and they forgave me" there is no way that he would have been given that job.

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If they had known, there would be no way that they would have hired him to act as their spokesperson. They might be hateful assholes, but they are not complete idiots.

I am PRETTY sure, however that they asked about skeletons if he went through an interview process. Anyone, no matter who they are would be asked about skeletons. It is a routine question.

Josh had to have lied because if he said "well, this one time I sexually molested 5 children--but I was only 14 or 15 at the time and they forgave me" there is no way that he would have been given that job.

So basically all of this is because you're convinced he went through a "normal interview process" and in that normal interview process you figure they would have asked him if he had any skeletons and so he said NO and was lying. One could argue that you don't have to disclose anything that you aren't found guilty of--let alone charged with. I doubt people out there are saying well, I beat a murder rap in Toledo one time

I think you are trying to make a point here, but I am completely missing it.

The Duggars lie. A lot. That's already been figured out.

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Chill out! This is a SNARK board. If your so easily offended...leave. Jesus Christ what an overreaction!

There's a difference between snark and being a dumbass.

Also we've already covered how idiotic it is to assume that he's on psych meds. judge him for his asshole beliefs and behaviors, not any "potential" psychiatric issues. It's a snark board, not a bitch eating crackers board.

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The closeup pic of the baby looks like it could have been taken in front of a hospital bed. White bars and blue flannel sheet on the mattress remind me of the hospital.

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So basically all of this is because you're convinced he went through a "normal interview process" and in that normal interview process you figure they would have asked him if he had any skeletons and so he said NO and was lying. One could argue that you don't have to disclose anything that you aren't found guilty of--let alone charged with. I doubt people out there are saying well, I beat a murder rap in Toledo one time

I think you are trying to make a point here, but I am completely missing it.

The Duggars lie. A lot. That's already been figured out.

Why are you so confrontational?

All I did was make a comment about how that article talks about how Josh went through an interview process or vetting before they decided to give him that job and obviously he lied.

Before reading that I was under the impression that they called him out of the blue one day and offered him the job -- you know because of his high visibility as a fundie asshole and was popular with their audience.

It is kind of embarrassing for FRC no matter how it went.

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When a criminal record check is done, especially in the case of working with vulnerable populations jobs, I think a record such as this will pop.

They keep records like this for a reason. Plus it is not just "an accused of" its a record of actual events.

It is possible that something like this would show up on a vulnerable sector check. Possible. There are a whole host of reasons it might not, including state laws/regulations, the judgment call of whoever's processing the clearance, and the issue that Josh was a youth at the time of the offence, but not at the time of the investigation. I can say with almost complete certainty that, at least in my jurisdiction, it would NOT be released. But regardless, Josh does not have a criminal record - again, he was never arrested or charged. A criminal record is a specific thing, not just a record of your contacts with the police - if that were the case, 3/4 of the population would have a criminal record.

Even if it would have popped up, would the FRC have requested or been able to receive a vulnerable sector check on Josh? I don't know how it works specifically in their jurisdiction, but at least where I am, we can't run a vulnerable sector check on someone unless they're going to be working directly with vulnerable persons such as children, elderly people, the disabled, etc. These kind of checks are usually given to teachers, sports coaches, nannies, PSWs, and so on. Josh was a spokesman. He would not have qualified.

But maybe in the U.S. you can do a vulnerable sector check on anyone. The FOI laws are certainly more lenient, anyway. I'd be interested to hear about this from someone in the know, but my guess would be that this would not have come to light even if the FRC had requested a record check on him.

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There's a difference between snark and being a dumbass.

Also we've already covered how idiotic it is to assume that he's on psych meds. judge him for his asshole beliefs and behaviors, not any "potential" psychiatric issues. It's a snark board, not a bitch eating crackers board.

I was on anti-depressants for 1.5 years. It always thrills me when people make sweeping generalizations like that. Being judged or stereotyped is TOTALLY what anyone taking medication for psych disorders wants! Not to mention that the Duggars TOTALLY believe in mental health care and using anything other than prayer - they would never follow fucked up teachings that preach otherwise. :angry-banghead: :roll:

No shit! I'm afraid to say anything now.

For fuck's sake! Say whatever you want but just avoid being an asshole! We're mostly nice enough, but if you say something offensive or idiotic you're going to get called out for it. It's not that difficult people! :lol:

On an unrelated note: Meredith is very cute. I'm glad the birth appears to have gone smoothly. Anna looks phenomenal. Josh is still a douche.

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Why are you so confrontational?

All I did was make a comment about how that article talks about how Josh went through an interview process or vetting before they decided to give him that job and obviously he lied.

Before reading that I was under the impression that they called him out of the blue one day and offered him the job -- you know because of his high visibility as a fundie asshole and was popular with their audience.

It is kind of embarrassing for FRC no matter how it went.

Sorry don't mean to sound confrontational, was just trying to understand. I was trying to make the leap the with you that Josh must have been lying to FRC bc he must have been asked about skeletons bc he went through "the normal interview process."

I just think they were looking for someone high profile, found him, asked him to get to know him. I don't see any organization just phoning someone up they don't know and offering them a job without at least meeting them first.

And as I said earlier, just because they said they are meeting with other people, doesn't mean they were or in serious talks with others.

At least we can agree that the real victim here was FRC (haha) well at least they can go crawl back into the hole whence the came.

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Baby Meredith is here!!


If the Duggars are going to do video announcements, you'd think they'd at least clean up the crap in the background.

And Michelle's voice... oh my!

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Maybe Grace was because this was their fall from grace. I hope she's protected from Daddy. Anna and the rest of the Duggars need to open their eyes, and see how serious this issue is. I bet Meredeth Viera is happy. She wanted a Duggar namesake.

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Poor kid. I can't be happy when there's another baby girl in a family that literally has no problem with molesting.


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Meredith, huh.

I bet that's short for "Meredith Viera PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE LET US BACK ON THE TODAY SHOW WE NEED THE INCOME Grace means forgiveness " Duggar

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The pic on the duggarfam Instagram of Josie holding the baby is actually pretty cute. She's an adorable baby.

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I doubt Josh went through a normal interview process. He was only hired to bring a friendly or clean cut, slightly famous, face to their hate group. They obviously weren’t looking for someone with education or skills. I think the feeling was that Josh has been on TV for years as part of a super conservative family and no skeletons have yet fallen out of the closet. They knew that he was raised extremely shelteedr. There was no reason to believe that anything negative was going to come out. What’s the worse that could be said? Josh doesn’t like gays? Well that is a bonus for an FRC job. A background check would not have brought this out anyway. Unless you are working for the government, most background checks only involve if you have been convicted of a crime and maybe a credit check. Anyone else would have had a background check but Josh was kind of an understandable risk. There was no reason to believe there was anything negative about him to be found.

As to the baby, I am happy she and Anna are fine. I am still not comfortable with the fact that Josh is now going to have too little girls running around. Two months ago my only concern would have been the girls being raised to be submissive and uneducated. Now I feel like if those are the only negatives of their childhood then they might be ok. Their potentially experiencing what their aunts because of Josh is what scares me.

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