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Baby Meredith is here - Anna Duggar baby watch


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So Hannie was originally thought that she would get her sister mom training by being Jill's helper. Will the JSlaves trade off staying at Smuggars? Will Hannie be involved? Mac I'm sure does help mommy, but she's not quite old enough to be sister mom material yet.

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It's sickening that Josh is allowed to be in the same home with the four young children. This case was handled all wrong. I bet Anna won't be so happy when/if he ever touched one of her blessings. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid and wake up, Anna! Your children are in danger.

I'm sure that Mack is a sister mom in training.

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Generally, yes. However there is Westwood heights baptist and they ALL wear skirts. Except the penis wielders of course. I took photos there and I felt out of place without a skirt on :shifty:

Yaaaay Omaha!

What type of photos? Do they look like they belong in the Duggar family with the way they dress and whatnot? Or just skirts but normal otherwise?

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What type of photos? Do they look like they belong in the Duggar family with the way they dress and whatnot? Or just skirts but normal otherwise?

Duggar-like. And school photos. They have, like, 20 kids there. Guys dress in pre-TLC Duggar days. Sine homemade dresses. One of my coworkers from that job actually went to church there. And was married there. And I felt like a scandal because my hem ended slightly above the knee. This same person was also home schooled, has several siblings, and read her bible before bed. We shared a motel room once. I was pleased to see she wrote soccer shirts while she read. Very pleased.

Religious schools are often the nicest. One time some Vietnamese nuns fed me viet. food while I filled out paperwork.

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You know, I'd be mildly pissed off if my husband went to a baseball game the day we just had a baby.


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The closeup pic of the baby looks like it could have been taken in front of a hospital bed. White bars and blue flannel sheet on the mattress remind me of the hospital.

I think that's a daybed.

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I actually think Josh looks pretty good, his colour is better than it has looked recently and he looks fitter *shrug* everybody sees differently I suppose.

It is pretty ignorant some of the comments about 'drugged out' on Psychiatric drugs, can you geniuses actually tell which drug and what dose? That's fucking amazing!!!!!!

Sarcasm aside if he or any of that family require mental health interventions although I doubt it I hope they are receiving it. I suspect though looking at that video they are still riding the 'small hiccup' train. Wonder if they think after their 'abuse' special all will be well and the show will be back. Blerrgh!

I don't think Josh/Anna make gorgeous kids, very cute as all kids are, again probably just a one man' s meat thing. Nothing to do with the fact I do not and never did like arrogant smug Josh on the show.

On another weird note Michelle also looked fresh and her hair was not a crunchy mess! WTF if her hair becomes unsnarkable it will be a sad day! :lol:

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You know, I'd be mildly pissed off if my husband went to a baseball game the day we just had a baby.


It was slightly different because it was a c-section, but my dad took me to see a Broadway show the day after my sister was born so my mom could have some time to rest by herself (not much alone time when you have a preschooler and a newborn) and I could have something to take my mind off of all the craziness that surrounds the arrival of a new baby. Also, sticking a Disney-obsessed three and a half year old in front of Beauty and the Beast BUT IN REAL LIFE is the best way to take care of said preschooler without actually having to do much.

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Oh my- it's everyone's favorite party planner, Sierra! I wondered what she was up to.

Josh does look pretty out of it, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was with Anna while she was giving birth and is exhausted from that. Moreover, he's under a lot of stress, which could make him look tired. He may be on some kind of medication, but personally, I don't really see that's any of our business unless he chooses to tell the world about it.

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You know, I'd be mildly pissed off if my husband went to a baseball game the day we just had a baby.


A rodeo a few weeks ago and now minor league baseball?! That practically is normal behavior, good for them!

And taking the kids out of the house right after a baby is born so mom can rest seems like a considerate thing to do

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Welp, today my new great nephew was born, he's really cute but his parents are losers...

And Meridith was born, (or announced...) And she's pretty cute. Her parents are pretty terrible....

Must be something about today... :D

And, I'm glad everyone is doing well.

Anna, run as far as you can as soon as you can. Your boys deserve to learn respect for women and your daughters need to learn to value themselves. All of your children deserve certain safety not just probable safety. (Giving Smugs the benefit of the doubt here even though it feels uncomfortably generous)

Also, don't try and play internet diagnosis, there is much more material to snark on. Unless you're his therapist you don't know if and what meds he is on...and speculative jabs in the dark aren't any better than radar. If you meant he looked groggy, say he looked groggy or buy a thesaurus. Dude is a creep but that's all I'm comfortable diagnosing.

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You know, I'd be mildly pissed off if my husband went to a baseball game the day we just had a baby.


It looks like it wouldn't have been that fun of a game for NW Arkansas Naturals fans anyway: milb.com/gameday/index.jsp?gid=2015_07_19_tulaax_nwaaax_1&mode=gameday.

What's Josh trying to point to? I'd ask why he couldn't act normal in the photo but...

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How is josh going to support his family?

Does he have a new job?

Or could he have made enough from TLC to retire (living frugally)

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You know, I'd be mildly pissed off if my husband went to a baseball game the day we just had a baby.


Totally off topic. That shirt Joy has on made an appearance just before Jill started courting and I swear just before Jessa. I call it the Flintstones shirt.

I hope to god it's not some sort of sign.

Edited for my smart phones dumb spelling.

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Oh my- it's everyone's favorite party planner, Sierra! I wondered what she was up to.

Josh does look pretty out of it, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was with Anna while she was giving birth and is exhausted from that. Moreover, he's under a lot of stress, which could make him look tired. He may be on some kind of medication, but personally, I don't really see that's any of our business unless he chooses to tell the world about it.

I agree that he may be tired from being up during the labor and delivery. And unlike Anna, he can't put on makeup to freshen up and look better.

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It looks like it wouldn't have been that fun of a game for NW Arkansas Naturals fans anyway: milb.com/gameday/index.jsp?gid=2015_07_19_tulaax_nwaaax_1&mode=gameday.

What's Josh trying to point to? I'd ask why he couldn't act normal in the photo but...

The pointing is him doing the "get it at sam's" commercial thing, apparently.


That guy's Instagram feed is full of pointing.

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I wonder how much of a help Josh really is to Anna when it comes to the kids, or at least a new baby.

If he left the house today to see a game while she recovered, maybe she had other people helping her out. Maybe having Josh around is no help at all, and he's more like a 5th kid than anything else. Might have been more of a help for him to get the kids out than for him to stick around.

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I wonder how much of a help Josh really is to Anna when it comes to the kids, or at least a new baby.

If he left the house today to see a game while she recovered, maybe she had other people helping her out. Maybe having Josh around is no help at all, and he's more like a 5th kid than anything else. Might have been more of a help for him to get the kids out than for him to stick around.

Good point. He probably isn't much help at all. And I suppose she has plenty of help from other relatives anyway.

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I feel like "Grace" might be referring to God's grace in the circumstances she was born into, so it's a nice little reminder that daddy is creep. Also, Grace is a part of Jordyn's name, so, early in the second generation, the Duggars are already running out of original fundie names.

If they're smart, this will be their last baby for a while. They don't seem too smart, though. Good luck, kid.

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You know, I'd be mildly pissed off if my husband went to a baseball game the day we just had a baby.


I would be SUPER pissed off if my husband acted like a sociopath, proudly posing with a bunch of little girls and two sisters that he molested like nothing is amiss.

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If you want a chuckle, watch the announcement video on mute with closed captioning on. Hilarious!

I lost it at "jester due november." That's a J name that hasn't been used before!

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