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Baby Meredith is here - Anna Duggar baby watch


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I think Josh looks well, younger, fresher and healthier than he's looked in a long time. He may have some medications on board, but so what? If he needed them that's a good thing.

My speculation (based only on a couple of photos) is that the secret reveal has been ultimately good for him, in a cathartic manner. Okay, he's lost his job and been publicly reviled, but it's all in the open now and he feels better without the guilty secret.

Anna is a bit more difficult to read, she's either so evolved she has accepted Josh's past and has moved on or she is just too indoctrinated to question the justifications given by Josh/JB/Michelle etc. I really hope she has someone looking out for her and the kids, who genuinely has their best interests at heart. I really don't trust Anna to be able to make good decisions herself.

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And I thought they would only break their pattern of M + k-sound for the name Mary :)

But Meredith is a beautiful name, I like it!

Do you think they will stop now that they have two of each and with the scandal broken?

I do hope so!

I wish them a happy quiet happy life in Siloam Springs with only the 4 children they have now AND professional help for Josh and Anna!

If they don't start using BC now than I guess Anna can go to about 10 children. The spaces between each of the kids has increased with each birth, sooo I think 10 is the max. for Anna, still more than her mother had!

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Can anyone figure out what Marcus was saying in the announcement video?

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Meredith Grace is actually a lovely name. Thankfully it wasn't Michelle.

I agree Josh looks better than he has in a long time but what took me aback is he seemed aggrieved, annoyed in the picture of him, Anna and Baby Meredith.

Perhaps it is the angle of the camera but Anna's right eye looked a lot smaller than her left. Her smile looked forced which is no wonder considering the strain of the last few months for her especially.

I hope this is her last child. Four is a good number and as others have noted, two of each. I couldn't watch the birth announcement video. Just more of the same, Jim Bob and Michelle making everything about them.

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My first thought was that they named her after Meredith Viera (sp?) in a last-ditch effort to get some sort of interview. Not only does the creep not deserve any attention, he certainly does not deserve another baby.

Good luck to the new baby and the rest of the circus.

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Meredith, huh.

I bet that's short for "Meredith Viera PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE LET US BACK ON THE TODAY SHOW WE NEED THE INCOME Grace means forgiveness " Duggar

Agree!! I read a comment similar to this yesterday & so many people agreed.

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Meredith, huh.

I bet that's short for "Meredith Viera PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE LET US BACK ON THE TODAY SHOW WE NEED THE INCOME Grace means forgiveness " Duggar

My thoughts exactly. However, I do like the name Meredith.

Anna definitely looks good (no way to tell she just had a baby) and, like some have mentioned, Josh looks better than he has for ages. Tired, yes, and dead in the eyes, but physically healthier and fresher.

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Agree!! I read a comment similar to this yesterday & so many people agreed.

My mind went there as well.

Love the name Grace. Hate Meredith. Growing up our next door neighbors were the Merediths. A family with six wild boys, all with very long blond hair. Don't get the surname thing for girls. They usually sound very harsh to me, in contrast to the simple grace of Grace.

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So Hannie was originally thought that she would get her sister mom training by being Jill's helper. Will the JSlaves trade off staying at Smuggars? Will Hannie be involved? Mac I'm sure does help mommy, but she's not quite old enough to be sister mom material yet.

I have a feeling that the older girls wouldn't let the younger girls stay with Josh. Jana seems, in my opinion, wise to Josh and protective of all of her younger sisters and maybe also Anna to some extent. I would imagine Jana would be over there before she let Hannie or Jenny go alone.

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I have a feeling that the older girls wouldn't let the younger girls stay with Josh. Jana seems, in my opinion, wise to Josh and protective of all of her younger sisters and maybe also Anna to some extent. I would imagine Jana would be over there before she let Hannie or Jenny go alone.

Just want to point out that Jana and the other older girls really have no say in who is sent. Yes, they do the vast majority of raising those kids - but legally, they probably have no say at all. And they come from a culture where they aren't really encouraged to disagree with or argue with their parents. They may volunteer to be sent instead of the littles, but when push comes to shove if their parents want to send the littles then that's what will happen.

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I love the name Meredith Grace! I can't celebrate another little girl being in the presence of Josh Duggar. :trainwreck:

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Cute baby. I hope she's a rebel and tells her mom to fuck off when it's time for her to raise her siblings.

I thought before the scandal and continue to think so--when it comes to Josh's kids, I don't think any of his sisters are being "sent" to help out. I think it's a matter of visiting family and wanting to be around a new niece or nephew. This could be major wishful thinking on my part, but until we hear differently and assuming nothing worse happened than what has been reported, I don't believe that Josh has been a threat to his sisters or children for a long time, and I don't think the girls have felt uncomfortable with visiting Josh and helping with the kids while they're there.

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The baby is adorable. All of Anna's children are. Anna looks good too.

I was cringing during the whole Jim Boob/DQ birth announcement. Just awful. They are trying so hard to stay relevant. And DQ acting like she loves Marcus so much ... she only reached out to scratch his back once Boob was holding him because the camera was rolling. She is so out of it.

I really feel for Jana, Jinger and Joy and wish they would get out of that house and take Hannie, Jennifer and Jordan with them.

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I lost it at "jester due november." That's a J name that hasn't been used before!

"me this is a bomb shelter..." got me right off the bat.

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Meredith Grace is a lovely name. I'm glad they chose something fairly obscure, but not "tryndy".

Now I just have to stop picturing Meredith from The Office when I read her name :lol:

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Michelle's voice is so annoying.

It's odd to hear Meredith on a baby since I've only known older Merediths, but it's a fine name. I do wonder if this is them trying to get back on the Today show (or whatever program that was) to talk to Meredith Vieira, though.

I giggled seeing J'Chelle ready to announce the birth when Jim-Boob stole the announcement.

And I love the name Meredith, even if I do only think of Meredith Grey and Taylor Swifts cat. She already looks so much like Mackynzie. And Anna looks far more refreshed than after any of her other births- possibly because she didn't have a camera crew shoved up in her business? (Although it wouldn't surprise me if J'Chelle filmed some of it).

Josh however looks like he was the one giving birth- that man looks utterly exhausted.

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To me it looks like Anna gave birth in a birthing center but who knows, could be their new house.

As for the name. I like the name Meredith Grace. Reminds me of Family Ties (yup, dating myself) I really wanted her initials to be MUD or MAD but instead we get MGD which makes me giddy too.

I have the perfect picture for the nursery. It could be in neon or a decal from fathead post-9835-14452000570306_thumb.jpg

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The photo looks to me like it is in a house, not a birthing center. Not sure it would be their new house... but who knows.

Also, Anna looks like she has always looked... eyes no different. I think she looks happy, even if tired (as would be expected). I'm sure she is all good with Joshy Josh. And Josh looks good. I see no weirdness in his expression, just that the camera snap might have been a millisecond off from when it 'should' have been.

They will have more kids... at least 7 b/c that is a 'good start' as Anna has said b/c she is one of 7.

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Very nice name. They do both look happy and I hope they are. I really do pray for them and particularly for Josh that whatever demon was driving him is gone (and, no, I don't mean a literal demon). He cannot function and raise a family correctly otherwise. Oh, and OF COURSE she will keep having them. Haven't people caught on to the whole show theme. These people are fertility nuts.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure a woman's worth is based on how many kids she can give to her husband or some such crap.

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The good thing is that Anna is not Michelle and has more time between babies. It will be at least 2-3 years before the next one. I hope that during that time Josh gets a good job that will support all of them and that they are on solid financial footing by then, preferably without JB's "help". At least their house is presumably owned free and clear.

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Hard to figure who would hire Josh. Someone JB knows, I guess, I have no idea.

I feel so bad for Anna. Although, because of the brainwashing, she may feel that since all is "forgiven" all is fine. To discover, or realize the true extent of your husband's molestation problems has to be overwhelming. Unless the brainwashing just wipes it away.


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