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Baby Meredith is here - Anna Duggar baby watch


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I think I read that Meredith means "good lord".

It started life as a Welsh surname and meant something like "Guardian of the Sea" or "Lord of the Sea".

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It started life as a Welsh surname and meant something like "Guardian of the Sea" or "Lord of the Sea".

I mentioned the meaning earlier in the thread. The meaning i found is "great leader/ruler", which is similar I guess, but seeing as she's going to be raised to be a submissive doormat, it's an ironic name to choose.

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Josie looks like Honey Boo Boo in that pic.

Dammit! That is who she looks like- underfed HBB! It has been driving me nuts as to what was bothering me about that kid.

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Meredith was originally a male name. Mackynzie means "son of Kenneth", and as a first name, was originally only given to males.

So both of their daughters have names that originally started out as boy names. Now that's really ironic.

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Am I the only one who never paid any attention to what a name means? I couldn't even tell you what my own name means. Ha! When we picked our son's name, I don't even remember if I looked up the meaning. If I did, I can't remember what it was now.

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Am I the only one who never paid any attention to what a name means? I couldn't even tell you what my own name means. Ha! When we picked our son's name, I don't even remember if I looked up the meaning. If I did, I can't remember what it was now.

I know the origins of the names of everyone in my family and made sure I knew the meaning of any names I considered for my kids. Just like to know where a name comes from.

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I would not want to name my child "Ugly" or "Stupid" or "Pig" or "Dog", so why would I choose a name that has those meanings but just sound nice because it's in another language?

So, yeah, I do care about the meanings of names.

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I like pretty normal/traditional names. So I don't really care what they mean. Never knew the meaning of my own name and it hasn't seemed to effect my life for the past 34 years.

I think in other cultures and for other people maybe the meaning holds more significance or something. For me, it just doesn't.

Different strokes and all that.

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Out of curiosity I googled to see the meaning of my first name.


So yeah...that's pretty boring.

Oh...and my son's name means "ruler of the house" so...that sounds about right.

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Dammit! That is who she looks like- underfed HBB! It has been driving me nuts as to what was bothering me about that kid.

I literally thought it was Honey Boo Boo and then realized it was an article about the Duggars. :lol:

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Well Meredith is kind of awkward in French then because "merde" means "shit." "Connor" is also not a great name for French speakers.

I hate it when people make fun of foreigners who have names that sound bad in English. I don't think you can find a name that doesn't sound bad in some language so I see no use in worrying about that unless your kid is going to spend a lot of time in that culture.

So many name meanings are basically made up, anyway. "Katherine" didn't originally mean "pure", for example, people just started associating it with that meaning because it sounds kind of like that in Greek. (Catholic, catheter, and other "cath" words are related, I believe.) At least that's an old association; I've seen "meanings" assigned to more modern names that are really stretching it. I think it's normal to want to know the meaning of a name you're considering giving to your child, but I find it really annoying when people are snobs about the meaning of names because those meanings usually don't mean as much as they think.

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Am I the only one who never paid any attention to what a name means? I couldn't even tell you what my own name means. Ha! When we picked our son's name, I don't even remember if I looked up the meaning. If I did, I can't remember what it was now.

We didn't. I once read that my younger daughter's name means enemy's child, lol. Her name is Delaney. I liked the name. Don't care about the meaning. I do not even know what my older child's name means (Aubrey).

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Second "am I the only one" question:

Am I the only person who doesn't think poor blessing Meredith was named after Viera? Maybe Josh and Anna were just inspired by her name, loved it and that's all? After all, you wouldn't give your child ANY name just to flatter a celebrity.

@ ClaraOswin: Sometimes, it might be an advantage to look up the meaning of a name. Just to be prepared when someone asks you, why you call your daughter a cow (Leah) ;) .

Has anyone realized that artificial smile on Michelle's face in the last seconds? It's creepy :twisted:

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Second "am I the only one" question:

Am I the only person who doesn't think poor blessing Meredith was named after Viera? Maybe Josh and Anna were just inspired by her name, loved it and that's all? After all, you wouldn't give your child ANY name just to flatter a celebrity.

@ ClaraOswin: Sometimes, it might be an advantage to look up the meaning of a name. Just to be prepared when someone asks you, why you call your daughter a cow (Leah) ;) .

Has anyone realized that artificial smile on Michelle's face in the last seconds? It's creepy :twisted:

I agree with you. I do not think that is where the name came from. Actually both of the names we picked for our children are from people we know. We didn't name them after the people. We just knew the person with that name and we really liked it. I think that is the case here.

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We didn't. I once read that my younger daughter's name means enemy's child, lol. Her name is Delaney. I liked the name. Don't care about the meaning. I do not even know what my older child's name means (Aubrey).

My mom's maiden name is Delaney and I've never heard of it meaning that before! From what I know, the name Delaney is of unknown meaning because it can be traced to several different ethnicities. I tend to go by the Gaelic, which roughly translates as "Black River" or "Dark River."

I'm interested in name meanings, but when the time comes to name our kids I think we'll be more focused on how well the names flow together. My dad has always told me to pick names that "sing" when you say them. :)

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Second "am I the only one" question:

Am I the only person who doesn't think poor blessing Meredith was named after Viera? Maybe Josh and Anna were just inspired by her name, loved it and that's all? After all, you wouldn't give your child ANY name just to flatter a celebrity.

@ ClaraOswin: Sometimes, it might be an advantage to look up the meaning of a name. Just to be prepared when someone asks you, why you call your daughter a cow (Leah) ;) .

Has anyone realized that artificial smile on Michelle's face in the last seconds? It's creepy :twisted:

I don't think they chose the name because of Meredith Viera either. I'm sure it's just a name they happen to like.

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I would not want to name my child "Ugly" or "Stupid" or "Pig" or "Dog", so why would I choose a name that has those meanings but just sound nice because it's in another language?

So, yeah, I do care about the meanings of names.

I knew someone who was named after a song her parents liked. She was dismayed to later discover that her name means "goat" in Hindi. :D

I don't necessarily think people should go crazy finding meaning in names, but it's a good idea to know a bit about the name's background, especially when it's from another language/culture.

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Why are we praising Anna for having a baby? People do it everyday. We should be questioning why Anna isn’t smart enough to protect her four young children from a man who has forcibly touched girls before. Wake up, Anna! Whether your brain is smart enough to believe it, or not, your husband is a pedophile, and was not properly treated for it. He could strike on one of your blessings. Do you care more about living the sheltered lifestyle, and keeping sweet, or protecting your children? What example are you setting for Mack and Meredith? Touching is okay, God will forgive you. That’s infuriating. Anna needs to open her eyes. Hope she does it soon. Also, Anna is programmed to have as many babies as possible. I don’t think Josh admitting to forcibly touching girls will change how she thinks about that. Which is sad.

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How did you reach the diagnosis that Josh is a pedophile? Did you have counseling sessions with him? Did you catch him with child porn? Seriously. Have you studied deviant sexual behavior in a clinical setting or are you just making random proclaimations about an actual clincal diagnosis you know nothing about?

I find internet diagnosing infuriating and intellectually lazy. The faux outrage is not only counterproductive, it is dangerous in that is minimizes real pediophilIa and the harm that comes from it.

Even dumb old Wikipedia says Josh is not a pedophile based on what we know:


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Well Meredith is kind of awkward in French then because "merde" means "shit." "Connor" is also not a great name for French speakers.

I hate it when people make fun of foreigners who have names that sound bad in English. I don't think you can find a name that doesn't sound bad in some language so I see no use in worrying about that unless your kid is going to spend a lot of time in that culture.

So many name meanings are basically made up, anyway. "Katherine" didn't originally mean "pure", for example, people just started associating it with that meaning because it sounds kind of like that in Greek. (Catholic, catheter, and other "cath" words are related, I believe.) At least that's an old association; I've seen "meanings" assigned to more modern names that are really stretching it. I think it's normal to want to know the meaning of a name you're considering giving to your child, but I find it really annoying when people are snobs about the meaning of names because those meanings usually don't mean as much as they think.

As a fluent French speaker, I feel compelled to ask if you have any idea what you're talking about. Meredith and merde have entirely different pronunciations. No normal French speaker would associate them.

You're also off in your assumption that all words beginning with "cath" have the same root meaning.

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When do you think the media will stop posting Duggar announcements? :pray:

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When do you think the media will stop posting Duggar announcements? :pray:

When people stop clicking on them.

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Religious schools are often the nicest. One time some Vietnamese nuns fed me viet. food while I filled out paperwork.

If I had to pick my favorite thing growing up in Fundie school, it'd be lunch. Compared to what my kids lunches are at school, it was practically gourmet.

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I knew someone who was named after a song her parents liked. She was dismayed to later discover that her name means "goat" in Hindi. :D

I don't necessarily think people should go crazy finding meaning in names, but it's a good idea to know a bit about the name's background, especially when it's from another language/culture.

At least it's a name she can grow into. My kids have sturdy, old-fashioned names with Latin roots, which descibe certain virtures, and were recycled family names. My own name, which is not uncommon,has come to be spelled in many iterations in the past 20 years or so. It's to the point where I have to spell it out. When I'm feeling snarky, I say, "It's spelled the traditional way.Like CHRIST with an i-n-e." Bad bad bad girl.

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