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Baby Meredith is here - Anna Duggar baby watch


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So here's a newborn picture of Meredith Grace from the Duggar Sisters Instagram. I love this one. She's five minutes old and already looks like she is so over this shit.


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Feel free to join the party, but perhaps you should read the thread before you assume that you know what the debate was about. You do not have it quite right.

But let me summarize the thread:

In this thread I have been called stupid, an idiot, lack reading comprehension, and told to shut the fuck up. That is just what I remember off the top of my head. All because I responded to a post where someone was yelling at another poster and claiming that there was no evidence that Josh was a pedophile.

My response? I said: "actually, there is evidence that Josh is a pedophile". Because, you know, there is.

Someone else refuted what I said by posting a wikipedia article. Then someone cut and paste the Diagnostic manual, then someone posted some more webpages. All this was pretty much in the service of proving me wrong that there would be any evidence at all that Josh is a pedophile.

Here is the field:

Team 1:This is me and anyone who sort of kinda might agree with me. My position is that "there is "evidence" that Josh is a pedophile. Note that is not saying he IS a pedophile, but that there is some evidence that he is one. Its not a diagnosis. Its a statement based on the FACT that Josh sexually abused 5 non consenting people, 4 of which were under 12, with one 1 being 5 years old. Nobody knows anything about victim 5.

Team 2: These are the disciples of flame. They think that the same "evidence" that I point to is evidence that Josh is not a pedophile, but a mere child molester. (I tried to explain that the designation of "child molester" is as much as a diagnoses as "pedophile", but they are having none of that). Their position is that there are VAST differences between what a pedophile is and what a child molester is and how dare I suggest that Josh is a pedophile.

The people who originally started the discussion have long since disappeared. Some poor soul with a post count of 2 dared say something and was flamed out of here.

In general, people did not act nice. They remain butthurt that I had a different point of view. Some called me names, said mean things, and it appears, tried to intimidate me into shutting the fuck up.

So I called them out on their bullshit flaming as a debating tool, but they are buthurt anew over that.

Whah whah Defrauded said things we didn't agree with and now she says we flamed her because we don't have sound arguments against her. She has a persecution complex!

Flame away buddies. Just remember that I did not wreck this thread all by myself.

With regard to the bolded.

Oh sweety, what you have experienced on this thread isn't flaming. A vehement discussion on both sides, yes. Flaming? No. If you think this has been flaming, you really haven't been around on the internet much.

Posters on here have passionate arguments exactly like this and worse all the time. The difference is, those posters are all mature enough to take it. Sometimes posters change their views because of the discussions, sometimes they just agree to disagree and move on. The things they don't do, is post as you have in the quote above, whining about how they have been flamed, called names and generally have a sook about almost everyone that disagrees with them.

Tl;dr version - Get over it. You haven't been flamed by a long shot.

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So here's a newborn picture of Meredith Grace from the Duggar Sisters Instagram. I love this one. She's five minutes old and already looks like she is so over this shit.

Same nose as Izzy and JB and many other Duggars.

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I’m borde and Ive used up all my spoons for the day and so I did this:

Same nose and upper lip, can’t tell on the chin. Very similar babies.


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Is anyone else in the mood to talk about nail polish or farting dogs?

Those are certainly better subjects and don't require much critical thinking or analysis. In fact, even foolish idiots with limited reading comprehension ability can follow along.

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It was ME! The shut the fuck up bit!!!

I'm contemplating my 'meanness' my 'immaturity' my 'incendiary' tendencies. I'm just not feeling it :( Can maybe somebody who does that diagnosis by internet thing help?

I have another question, how do you intimidate somebody to shut up over the Internet. Can I just say to those who tried..... Utter failure unfortunately.

Also another musing this very fine early morning. It's just not 'nice' and weally 'mean' to disagree with Defrauder, one true thing people probably do have sore bottoms sitting that long to read the word salad......haemorrhoids for sure!

On a slightly more serious note and this is the issue for me I just can't take the OP seriously. That is not debate, it is in no way recognisable as such even from the first response your one and only motivation has been to be 'right.' You have dug your heels in and it is frighteningly obvious that even those conversing respectfully with you initially, realised that basically no matter how they interacted or how numerous posters tried to reason it was pointless. Even your last post, still the same. I don't think the subject mattered. You made a statement others disagreed you then AFTER THE FACT throw in badly comprehended references to support your view.

It's been said so many times it is boring but I will try one more time. Josh admitted to molesting his sisters and one other. Is that not horrific enough for you? Are you so self absorbed with your own ego in an online argument that you have forgotten these are real people, what the actual fuck is it doing for your life trying to label him with another 'word' or 'diagnosis.' Can you not see how completely ignorant and petty your posts read when that is pointed out? Real people. Real feelings, but fuck that as long as you get to call him a paedophile and win.

Back to Meredith. Weight wise was she smaller than her siblings? I forget if Anna has big small or average babies. I know it's not an exact science, just wondering.

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I’m borde and Ive used up all my spoons for the day and so I did this:

Same nose and upper lip, can’t tell on the chin. Very similar babies.

Very true, they do look similar, and yet Meredith doesn't resemble Jim Bob the way that Izzy did as a newborn, at least to my eyes.

I'm not sure if Anna tends to have large babies at delivery, but I thought either Mack or Mike was the only 9-pounder. What surprised me was that Meredith was only around 7 pounds, and supposedly she was about a week late. I would have thought she would have been bigger.

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Jeez, glad it's not me this time!

On another note, I think Anna's boys were in the 9lb range so that would make Mer smaller, even given that she was "late."

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You forgot team 3, which simply disagrees with you without being disrespectful or flaming you.

Yes, sorry. I erred in not mentioning you guys. You guys rock! :D

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I’m borde and Ive used up all my spoons for the day and so I did this:

Same nose and upper lip, can’t tell on the chin. Very similar babies.

EGADS!!! She looks like a...a...newborn (aka grumpy old man).

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Oh you poor sheltered thing. No. No this has not been intense. Not even close. This is no where near the level of flaming and personal attack that can go on here. Read back on some of the big long threads from prior years. Many of the posters, even on this thread, have in the past, told each other to fuck off both subtly and bluntly dozens of times. This thread is mild. Sorry.

Is that something to be proud of?

Why tell each other to fuck off instead of being nice?

Obviously I enjoy a good trollfest as much as the next person or I would not continue to be a part of the discussion, but really? Step it up. Upthread someone complained about other posters being intellectually lazy. Debating via attempted intimidation and bullying is intellectually lazy.

Of course no one is saying that he hadn't entered puberty. I think you have a really hard time grasping the difference between three different life stages : prepubertal children, young people who are in the process of going through puberty - average age of 10-14 for girls and 12-16 for boys, and post puberty, sexually mature adults. Unfortunately young people don't come with a stamp on their forehead saying where they are in this process.

Well, yes, that argument has indeed been used. 3 or 4 or whatever pages ago someone tried to refute that he was in puberty. There was also argument that the victims had reached puberty and therefore it couldn't be pedophilia. Honestly, it is not me that does not understand when a child reaches puberty. In a lot of places the legal age of consent is 14 years old. That is because most girls under 14 have not completed their sexual maturation yet, but once they hit 14, most of them have. I also think there is absolutely no question that a 5 year old has not started to sexually develop. There is also no question that sneaking into a room at night and sexually touching a sleeping person---no matter their age or gender---is a very alarming and predatory act.

Do you know what I read today in the comments of the People article? Some idiot screaming at the Josh haters and claiming that EVERYONE involved in the incident had sinned so leave poor Josh alone. That's right. The victims had sinned too. It's enough to give up hope in humanity. Instead of people getting upset over something that doesn't matter---like whether I think there is evidence that Josh is a pedophile or just a child molester (ugh), maybe they should be more interested in changing the attitudes of people that are so brainwashed in idiocy they thing victims are sinners.

About your last paragraph:

I do not disagree. Although, the predatory nature of his abuse and the repeated offenses even after being told that it was wrong (and I imagine the whipping of his life), he still offended again. In his own words, he only stopped offending when he realized his offences would ruin his life.

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It was ME! The shut the fuck up bit!!!

I'm contemplating my 'meanness' my 'immaturity' my 'incendiary' tendencies. I'm just not feeling it :( Can maybe somebody who does that diagnosis by internet thing help?

I have another question, how do you intimidate somebody to shut up over the Internet. Can I just say to those who tried..... Utter failure unfortunately.

Also another musing this very fine early morning. It's just not 'nice' and weally 'mean' to disagree with Defrauder, one true thing people probably do have sore bottoms sitting that long to read the word salad......haemorrhoids for sure!

On a slightly more serious note and this is the issue for me I just can't take the OP seriously. That is not debate, it is in no way recognisable as such even from the first response your one and only motivation has been to be 'right.' You have dug your heels in and it is frighteningly obvious that even those conversing respectfully with you initially, realised that basically no matter how they interacted or how numerous posters tried to reason it was pointless. Even your last post, still the same. I don't think the subject mattered. You made a statement others disagreed you then AFTER THE FACT throw in badly comprehended references to support your view.

It's been said so many times it is boring but I will try one more time. Josh admitted to molesting his sisters and one other. Is that not horrific enough for you? Are you so self absorbed with your own ego in an online argument that you have forgotten these are real people, what the actual fuck is it doing for your life trying to label him with another 'word' or 'diagnosis.' Can you not see how completely ignorant and petty your posts read when that is pointed out? Real people. Real feelings, but fuck that as long as you get to call him a paedophile and win.

Back to Meredith. Weight wise was she smaller than her siblings? I forget if Anna has big small or average babies. I know it's not an exact science, just wondering.

Yeah you were weally mean to me! You are such a weally big meanie that thinks they sound cool on the internet.

Honestly, you have lost the issue. I never said that Josh IS a pedophile. I said that there is evidence that he is one. I have said that at least a dozen times. But you as a Disciple of Flame does not care because you think its fun to use strawmen and half truths to support your arguments.

What the fuck is it doing for your life to insult me? What does it do for you to to keep yelling "Josh ain't no Pedophile, he is JUST a child molester!"?? How are you a more reliable debater than me because you rely on flaming rather than reason.

Duhhh DeFrauder is stoopid! Look everyone DeFrauder is STOOOPID! I am so much smarter than DeFrauder that I am gonna explain one more time, see. Josh just touched his sisters, he didn't mean no harm. He is a real person with real feelings and didn't do nothing a lot of people haven't done. Stop suggestin that he is some kind of pedophile cause you aint no doctor. I aint no docter either but I just knows that Josh aint a pedophile! Praise Jesus!

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Yeah you were weally mean to me! You are such a weally big meanie that thinks they sound cool on the internet.

Honestly, you have lost the issue. I never said that Josh IS a pedophile. I said that there is evidence that he is one. I have said that at least a dozen times. But you as a Disciple of Flame does not care because you think its fun to use strawmen and half truths to support your arguments.

What the fuck is it doing for your life to insult me? What does it do for you to to keep yelling "Josh ain't no Pedophile, he is JUST a child molester!"?? How are you a more reliable debater than me because you rely on flaming rather than reason.

Duhhh DeFrauder is stoopid! Look everyone DeFrauder is STOOOPID! I am so much smarter than DeFrauder that I am gonna explain one more time, see. Josh just touched his sisters, he didn't mean no harm. He is a real person with real feelings and didn't do nothing a lot of people haven't done. Stop suggestin that he is some kind of pedophile cause you aint no doctor. I aint no docter either but I just knows that Josh aint a pedophile! Praise Jesus!

Totally want that as my new title :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Just having fun.

Sorry the thread got ruined. Seriously.

The thread doesn't have to be ruined. We can just collectively parking lot this and move back to discussing the Duggar spawn!

I think izzy and Meredith do look a lot alike. I am kind of interested to "meet" Jessa's child in light of the photo comparison above.

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So here's a newborn picture of Meredith Grace from the Duggar Sisters Instagram. I love this one. She's five minutes old and already looks like she is so over this shit.

I was about to post this! She's just like, "Ugh, these people. I was staying in mommy's uterus for a reason."

That or she's pooping.

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I was about to post this! She's just like, "Ugh, these people. I was staying in mommy's uterus for a reason."

That or she's pooping.

Free Meredith

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I don't think Meredith and Izzy have the same nose at all. It could just be the angle of the photo but his seems to point up more. I'll be curious to see if he looks more like the M kids as he gets older. It's always interesting to me to see how similar or different kids looks from their parents. In some families, the genes seems super strong and they all look alike. Others, not so much. The Duggar genes do seem kind of strong so we'll see. It's hard to say when they are newborn since they are all so....potato-y.

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So here's a newborn picture of Meredith Grace from the Duggar Sisters Instagram. I love this one. She's five minutes old and already looks like she is so over this shit.

That picture is so great - I love baby pictures though, so she could have looked like a demon child screaming her head off and I would have loved it. I love how she looks like she's side-eyeing someone off camera! :lol:

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I give up. I think I will try the epic flounce. I was reading about it somewhere.

I HATE YOU ALL, BYE. :auto-dirtbike:



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