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Baby Meredith is here - Anna Duggar baby watch


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The "grace" part of the name is pretty predictable based on whats been going on. I do think its weird to have the same middle name as one of your aunts, but I guess thats just what the Duggars do (Jordyn's middle name is grace).

Do we know anything else about the birth? Those pictures show her in a blanket not of the typical hospital variety so I'm assuming another home birth.

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He can't do much right but he makes pretty babies!!!!

:cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up:

:stir-pot: :stir-pot: :stir-pot: :stir-pot: :stir-pot:

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That picture is so great - I love baby pictures though, so she could have looked like a demon child screaming her head off and I would have loved it. I love how she looks like she's side-eyeing someone off camera! :lol:

Maybe it's DimBulb. "ugh, this loser."

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The "grace" part of the name is pretty predictable based on whats been going on. I do think its weird to have the same middle name as one of your aunts, but I guess thats just what the Duggars do (Jordyn's middle name is grace).

Do we know anything else about the birth? Those pictures show her in a blanket not of the typical hospital variety so I'm assuming another home birth.

I almost wound up with the same middle name as my maternal Aunt! My parents decided against it when they realized my initials would spell out something less than ideal - they wound up giving me my mom's middle name instead (in retrospect, they agree the original initials would have suited my perfectly; thanks mom and dad! :lol: )

And I would guess home birth. Anna has never had any serious issues with her births right? If so, I don't see why they would suddenly decide to have a Hospital or birthing center birth. Anna may have felt more relaxed and comfortable at home, where she could be surrounded by family.

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Jordyn's name= Jordyn- Grace.

Her middle name is Mikyla (or something similar).

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Jordyn's name= Jordyn- Grace.

Her middle name is Mikyla (or something similar).

It's Makiya, and I LOVE it because that was the name the kids voted for on air, so Michelle and Jim Bob had to stick with it even thought they clearly hated it. One of the few moments Michelle acted like a real person was when she was in labor and Jim Bob said, "Here comes Jordyn Makika," and Michelle sniped, "Jordyn-GRACE Makiya."

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The "grace" part of the name is pretty predictable based on whats been going on. I do think its weird to have the same middle name as one of your aunts, but I guess thats just what the Duggars do (Jordyn's middle name is grace).

Half the women on my mother's side of the family have the middle name Marie after a great aunt who died tragically young in the 1930's. I think the youngest with it is still in her 20's.

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Grace is the new Marie. It's probably the most common middle name being given to girls right now.

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I'm not sure if Anna tends to have large babies at delivery, but I thought either Mack or Mike was the only 9-pounder. What surprised me was that Meredith was only around 7 pounds, and supposedly she was about a week late. I would have thought she would have been bigger.

Perhaps she was smaller due to stress....

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I don't see anything weird about shared middle names. My mother, one of my cousins (so my mother's niece) and I all have the same middle name.

Now, a cousin on the other side of the family is named the rather odd Mary Marie (goes by Marie). But I finally got the full story on that one. Her mother wanted to name her after our fathers' sister who died in 1940 but my Uncle said no. To add further 'odd' to the story - my sister is named after the same sister (full name). (and when i found a photo online of the aunt's headstone and showed it to my sister she said it was weird to see her name on a headstone like that).

And my father and Uncle's wife should never ever be trusted with a birth certificate. I have a cousin named after his father when he was supposed to be named something else. (my father in his brother's absence filled out the birth certificate and signed my uncle's name. Then there is the whole Mary Marie incident (aunt did that one). And finally the spelling of my name.

Trust me - it could get much weirder than a shared middle name.

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I think it's weird when siblings share middle names, but I don't find it especially weird for an aunt and a niece to share a middle name.

I share a middle name with my mom and grandmother. My grandfather had a unisex middle name and my aunt, my cousin (aunt's daughter), and now my cousin's daughter all have the same middle name. Now I feel like I have to pass my middle name on too if I have kids--maybe I can get one of my siblings to use it, since I don't want kids!

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My grantmother was named the female version of her fathers name. My mother a more modern version of that. Neither my sister nor me got a name even close to that, and we didn´t like that (especialy because our dear grantmother died when we were still little). So my sister named one of her sons after his grantmother, greatgrantmother (on whoms birthday he was born) and his great-greatgrandfather. I so hope he (our 1 of his brothers) names a child in some sort of version of this name one day.

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I don't see a problem with a aunt and niece sharing a middle name. According to Baby Center, it's the 2nd most popular girls' middle name (behind Rose). (The link I found was Australian, but I'm sure it's in the top 10 in the US).

I share a middle name with my mom (post marriage as my middle name is her maiden name). Incidentally my name is the (the less obvious) female version of my late grandfather's name given that my middle name is his last name. We didn't discover it until after he passed a year and a half ago (I'm in my 30s).

ETA specifying Grace as the middle name I'm talking about.

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Grace is the new Marie. It's probably the most common middle name being given to girls right now.

I agree with this. My middle name is Marie and it's the middle name of a ton of other people, especially others born int he 80's. Now I'm sure Grace is a very, very popular middle name (and first, I think.)

I don't find it weird that a niece and aunt have the same middle name at all.

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My middle name is Marie, too, & I share it w/my mother/sister/niece. Not quite sure how that got started, but we get a kick out of it. My sister even gave her dogs the same middle name as the rest of us.

Sharing middle names is fun. :D

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I don't see anything weird about shared middle names. My mother, one of my cousins (so my mother's niece) and I all have the same middle name.

Now, a cousin on the other side of the family is named the rather odd Mary Marie (goes by Marie). But I finally got the full story on that one. Her mother wanted to name her after our fathers' sister who died in 1940 but my Uncle said no. To add further 'odd' to the story - my sister is named after the same sister (full name). (and when i found a photo online of the aunt's headstone and showed it to my sister she said it was weird to see her name on a headstone like that).

And my father and Uncle's wife should never ever be trusted with a birth certificate. I have a cousin named after his father when he was supposed to be named something else. (my father in his brother's absence filled out the birth certificate and signed my uncle's name. Then there is the whole Mary Marie incident (aunt did that one). And finally the spelling of my name.

Trust me - it could get much weirder than a shared middle name.

We pass one down both male and female on my moms side. Supposed to be: first born girl gets Mary or Marie...it's supposed to alternate but that kinda got wrecked with my mom and aunt. My aunt was first but never married or had any children so it fell to my mother. My sister didn't name her daughter either one so I named my daughter after my sister. The boys get Joseph...I think so far it's still going. So depending on where the name falls....we tend to get a lot of repeats in our family :-)

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I really do like the name Meredith. I think it goes well with Michael and Marcus it's just Mackynzie which really jars, I suppose that is just my personal taste.

I find the theme name thing strange but in reality most families have some kind of theme or similarity whilst the 'odd' name in a group can stand out. Obviously just generally speaking.

I don't tend to find any newborn pretty, except occasionally you get a corker. They all look like Winston Churchill. Not just cos' it's Smuggar, I find their kids cute just not super-cute. North West (I know shoot me) is a stunning looking child :lol:

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I think almost all newborns are ugly. One of my sisters was actually pretty cute though because she didn't have to come out face first like her twin sister.

I have a friend who is really pretty and is married to a really handsome guy. They just had a baby a few months ago and even my mom, who thinks all babies are cute, was speechless when she saw the photos, finally saying "she is... precious." I think she'll probably turn into a cute kid, though. There are some very attractive people who were just not pretty babies.

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I think almost all newborns are ugly. One of my sisters was actually pretty cute though because she didn't have to come out face first like her twin sister.

I have a friend who is really pretty and is married to a really handsome guy. They just had a baby a few months ago and even my mom, who thinks all babies are cute, was speechless when she saw the photos, finally saying "she is... precious." I think she'll probably turn into a cute kid, though. There are some very attractive people who were just not pretty babies.

It's funny...I swear two attractive people so often have homely kids. And my husband and I are very average looking, at best. But everyone says our kid is adorable all the time (maybe they are just being nice?)

Most babies don't start looking cute until at least 1 month old. When I look at photos of my son from his first month of life, he looks like a different kid. It's weird. I took monthly photos and from 1-2 months he looks drastically different to me.

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Do we know where they are living yet? Is that why Jill & Derrick went on a mission trip--so Josh & Anna could move into the mansion?

Too bad they can't find out "reality" and be forced to live with 4 in the house Bin & Jessa are in--JB/M had at least 5 in a house that size.

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Do we know where they are living yet? Is that why Jill & Derrick went on a mission trip--so Josh & Anna could move into the mansion?

Too bad they can't find out "reality" and be forced to live with 4 in the house Bin & Jessa are in--JB/M had at least 5 in a house that size.

I don't think we do. Its possible they're staying at either the DillMansion or with Josh's parents until their own house is ready - or they could already be in their own home.

It's funny...I swear two attractive people so often have homely kids. And my husband and I are very average looking, at best. But everyone says our kid is adorable all the time (maybe they are just being nice?)

Most babies don't start looking cute until at least 1 month old. When I look at photos of my son from his first month of life, he looks like a different kid. It's weird. I took monthly photos and from 1-2 months he looks drastically different to me.

I think I'm just weird because I find all newborns and babies to be adorable. Maybe its because they look like potatoes at first and, as someone of Irish descent, I have a moral obligation to love potatoes. :lol:

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About the babies thing: I've heard it said that C-section babies can be particularly cute mainly because they haven't had to squeeze through their mother's vagina.

I also agree with Clara Oswin in that I don't think Meredith and Izzy's noses are the same- Izzy's is definitely more upturned. But they share JBoob and J'Chelle as grandparents so there is going to be more similarity between them than say between Meredith and Allie Webster, for example.

The middle name thing: my mum's sister and dad's sister both share the same middle name, Jane, but then it was just a very common name in the mid-late 60s. What I do find weird is Jed and Jer having the exact same name, bar three letter's difference: JeDIDiah Robert and JeREMiah Robert. I find it a little weird if siblings have the same middle name, but twins...? It just seems like laziness on JBoob and J'Chelle's part. It just makes them sound like they're one and the same person. They're not even identical twins! They share about as much DNA as Joy and James do, about 50%.

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I am a sibling that has the same middle name as one of my sisters and yes, I think it's odd as well. However my mum was very particular with the names she liked (all biblical, able to be translated into many languages or with roots in very early Greek Orthodox). My dad and my eldest brother share the same middle name as well. Our middle names aren't biblical but first names are.

Also most people don't actually know my first name IS my first name because I have, since I was born gone by the shortened version. The only reason I have the extended version as my name was that my dad wanted that (mum didn't) and mum was in surgery when dad was filling in the paperwork.

However I can safely say that our parents value all 5 of our individual personalities and we are highly encouraged to follow our passions. With that, I really can't hate on the middle name thing!

Edited for grammar!

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Personal gripe: I actually find myself hoping that Anna and Josh name one of their daughters Michelle, if they have more and decide to continue on with the M-theme for naming.

Good lord, all of those kids have the same letter as Jim Bob for a first name, James is used once as a first name and Robert at least twice as a middle name for the twins. Michelle's name is also Jill's middle name, but I hate how, compared to Jim Bob, Michelle's name and even her first initial aren't used as often as Jim Bob's in that family.

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