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Baby Meredith is here - Anna Duggar baby watch


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I am curious though. If the poster had said "child molester" instead of "pedophile", would you otherwise object so strongly to the post?

If my 15 year old neighbor molests five girls and the neighborhood finds out about it, most folks are going to call him a pedophile. May not be true. May not be accurate. But that's what happens when you molest kids.

A child molester is a person who has molested a child. It's not a medical disease, it's a label for a crime. Just like someone who raped someone else would be a rapist, or someone who burned down a school would be an arson. It's a proper label THAT I HAVE USED TO DESCRIBE HIM.

And, I wouldn't have been upset about calling him a child molester, but I WOULD HAVE been upset about saying that he's definitely a threat to his children. We do not know ANYTHING about his sexual conduct since the incidents in the police report, and our laws clearly state that you're innocent until proven guilty. So, I cannot stand here, you cannot stand her, no one can stand her and say he's harming ANYONE currently or that he's in any way a threat to ANYONE currently unless there's actual evidence to prove that. So, YES, I would have fought the idea that he's harming his children because we DO NOT KNOW. And we are NOT SUPPOSED TO SPECULATE about potential victims or the identity of the unknown victim.

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I don't see anything weird about shared middle names. My mother, one of my cousins (so my mother's niece) and I all have the same middle name.

Now, a cousin on the other side of the family is named the rather odd Mary Marie (goes by Marie). But I finally got the full story on that one. Her mother wanted to name her after our fathers' sister who died in 1940 but my Uncle said no. To add further 'odd' to the story - my sister is named after the same sister (full name). (and when i found a photo online of the aunt's headstone and showed it to my sister she said it was weird to see her name on a headstone like that).

And my father and Uncle's wife should never ever be trusted with a birth certificate. I have a cousin named after his father when he was supposed to be named something else. (my father in his brother's absence filled out the birth certificate and signed my uncle's name. Then there is the whole Mary Marie incident (aunt did that one). And finally the spelling of my name.

Trust me - it could get much weirder than a shared middle name.

Mary Marie is a fairly common name for women of a certain age in French-speaking (Acadie) regions near me. (Somewhat akin to Mary Martha, which also was popular at a certain time and region.) So around here, describing it as "odd" would get you odd looks, LOL.

Said with a charming French accent, it never really struck me as two variations of the same name.

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That's such a gorgeous name! I'd love to use it one day but I know Fiance would veto it. :lol:

We do have a name picked if we have a daughter - Anna Elizabeth. Anna because it's a form of mine and my mom's middle names, as well as my beloved late Great-Aunt's middle name. Elizabeth is in honor of my maternal Aunt who struggled with depression and lost the battle in the early 90's - it was her middle name. I adored her more than I can express and it's the best way I can think of to honor her.

I would love to be able to use my grandparent's names for my future children, but it's hard. My grandmother on my dad's side is Verna Gertrude and my grandfather on that side is just Hugh. I know I can't use Hugh because so many people in my family are already "claiming" the name and it's kind of gotten to the point where if someone used it, everyone else would be resentful. So, I was thinking of Matthew with the nickname Hewie (it's weird, I know; but the only other name that I like that could possibly have the nickname is Elihu, which I doubt I could convince a future husband to use) and Ritchie or Allan as the middle name to honor my grandfather on my mother's side (Richard Alan). I've also thought about Charles Matthew to make both of the names obscure references (Chad is a nickname for both Charles and Richard), but then no one would get that. Lol

My grandmothers are harder. I love my grandmother's name, but she hated it, and I don't want to saddle my daughter with a name she'd hate. For a long time I thought of Meredith Verena (my mom's mom is Marie, and Meredith would be nicknamed to Merie; then Verena is very much like Verna, but with an extra e). I've also thought of Marisol Verena (though her nickname would be Soli) and Veronica Marnie. I've toyed with Fern instead of Verna, but I can't think of a name that is related to Marie that I like with the middle name Fern.

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I'm the fifth (insert middle name here) in my direct family line of females, so I don't think it's weird. It's kind of like our stick-it-to-you to the men who share a full name, since oldest/only daughter gets the middle name :lol:

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The "grace" part of the name is pretty predictable based on whats been going on. I do think its weird to have the same middle name as one of your aunts, but I guess thats just what the Duggars do (Jordyn's middle name is grace).

Do we know anything else about the birth? Those pictures show her in a blanket not of the typical hospital variety so I'm assuming another home birth.

I don't think it's that weird. I think what makes it weird is that Jordyn is close enough to Meredith's age that they could be sisters. But, people in my family are named for other people in my family all the time, even aunts and uncles. Hell, the number of Jon/Johns alone in my family is ridiculous, there's one in every generation except the current one (and we're only 2 babies in there) and there are 2 in my generation.

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Personal gripe: I actually find myself hoping that Anna and Josh name one of their daughters Michelle, if they have more and decide to continue on with the M-theme for naming.

Good lord, all of those kids have the same letter as Jim Bob for a first name, James is used once as a first name and Robert at least twice as a middle name for the twins. Michelle's name is also Jill's middle name, but I hate how, compared to Jim Bob, Michelle's name and even her first initial aren't used as often as Jim Bob's in that family.

I'm sure Michael Duggar was named after Grandpa Keller, but Michelle is a feminine form of the name (better than the Michael Bates debacle and her multiple names). So one could make the argument that Michelle's name is honored in Michael.

And if I already had a Michael I would not use the name Michelle (too similar). BUt the Duggars have done it already so it wouldn't surprise me (Joseph/Josiah/Josie, Jana/Joyanna/Johannah)

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I think almost all newborns are ugly. One of my sisters was actually pretty cute though because she didn't have to come out face first like her twin sister.

I have a friend who is really pretty and is married to a really handsome guy. They just had a baby a few months ago and even my mom, who thinks all babies are cute, was speechless when she saw the photos, finally saying "she is... precious." I think she'll probably turn into a cute kid, though. There are some very attractive people who were just not pretty babies.

I used to joke around that people who were unattractive kids turned in to hot adults, and people who were attractive kids grew out of it.

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A child molester is a person who has molested a child. It's not a medical disease, it's a label for a crime. Just like someone who raped someone else would be a rapist, or someone who burned down a school would be an arson. It's a proper label THAT I HAVE USED TO DESCRIBE HIM.

And, I wouldn't have been upset about calling him a child molester, but I WOULD HAVE been upset about saying that he's definitely a threat to his children. We do not know ANYTHING about his sexual conduct since the incidents in the police report, and our laws clearly state that you're innocent until proven guilty. So, I cannot stand here, you cannot stand her, no one can stand her and say he's harming ANYONE currently or that he's in any way a threat to ANYONE currently unless there's actual evidence to prove that. So, YES, I would have fought the idea that he's harming his children because we DO NOT KNOW. And we are NOT SUPPOSED TO SPECULATE about potential victims or the identity of the unknown victim.

Really? two pages of nice calm baby chat and you still crash in to say this? I was going to let it go, but unfortunately I have moral failings. Good thing Jesus saves!

As the leader of Team 1, which is, well, ME, I have to say you are a bad spokesperson for Team 2.

This insistence that ANYONE currently involved in this chit chat is standing here claiming that Josh is currently harming anyone is a straw man argument. The claim that anyone has speculated about the identity of potential victims, or the 5th victim is also a straw man. If we actually were doing that, the mods would have been all over this shit.

Since we like wikipedia so much I will paste their definition of straw man here:

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.[1]

The so-called typical "attacking a straw man" argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition by covertly replacing it with a different proposition (i.e., "stand up a straw man") and then to refute or defeat that false argument ("knock down a straw man") instead of the original proposition.[2][3]

This technique has been used throughout history in polemical debate, particularly in arguments about highly charged emotional issues where a fiery, entertaining "battle" and the defeat of an "enemy" may be more valued than critical thinking or understanding both sides of the issue.

Now I know it is difficult to avoid this type of debate tool because it is the style that is most often displayed by the news media---but its just math they use as republicans/democrats to make themselves feel better and to trick the viewers into thinking they are right.

So if you or anyone want to keep propping up the straw man, go right ahead, but its as dishonest as a Duggar on Sunday morning.

About Meridith: I like the name, but I find most babies tend to look the same.

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Really? two pages of nice calm baby chat and you still crash in to say this? I was going to let it go, but unfortunately I have moral failings. Good thing Jesus saves!

As the leader of Team 1, which is, well, ME, I have to say you are a bad spokesperson for Team 2.

This insistence that ANYONE currently involved in this chit chat is standing here claiming that Josh is currently harming anyone is a straw man argument. The claim that anyone has speculated about the identity of potential victims, or the 5th victim is also a straw man. If we actually were doing that, the mods would have been all over this shit.

Since we like wikipedia so much I will paste their definition of straw man here:

Now I know it is difficult to avoid this type of debate tool because it is the style that is most often displayed by the news media---but its just math they use as republicans/democrats to make themselves feel better and to trick the viewers into thinking they are right.

So if you or anyone want to keep propping up the straw man, go right ahead, but its as dishonest as a Duggar on Sunday morning.

About Meridith: I like the name, but I find most babies tend to look the same.



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"Dishonest as a Duggar on a Sunday morning." I like that.

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I tend to think most babies look like lost garden gnomes.

Newborns are all fugly. Some more than others, though. Izzy is in the some category IMHO, but that probably means he'll be a stud when he grows up.

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I'm one of those odd people who think the crinkly wrinkly new born look is actually more adorable than the classically cute newborn look 8-)

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I have a friend named Maria and her middle name is Josepha. Very Catholic. She is the youngest child of all her siblings, by quite a few years (I think there's 25 years between the eldest and her). Anyway, there was a daughter born about 5 years before my friend, and christened Maria Josepha, sadly she then passed away as a child. So when my friend was born, her parents just gave her the same names, Maria Josepha. She remembers seeing the headstone of this sister she never knew, with her own name on the headstone, and feeling a little wierd.

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I have a friend named Maria and her middle name is Josepha. Very Catholic. She is the youngest child of all her siblings, by quite a few years (I think there's 25 years between the eldest and her). Anyway, there was a daughter born about 5 years before my friend, and christened Maria Josepha, sadly she then passed away as a child. So when my friend was born, her parents just gave her the same names, Maria Josepha. She remembers seeing the headstone of this sister she never knew, with her own name on the headstone, and feeling a little wierd.

That was pretty common back in previous generations. Even my grandfather's family did that. When his sister died of Scarlet Fever, the next girl was given her name.

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I thought my son was adorable, obviously. But looking back at the photos, he did look a bit like a potato. And he had some puffiness under his eyes. And was slightly jaundice. I'm glad I'm not famous because I bet people would have made fun of him...haha.

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That was pretty common back in previous generations. Even my grandfather's family did that. When his sister died of Scarlet Fever, the next girl was given her name.

I was looking through my genealogy and there was one couple in the 18th/19th century who had at least 8 kids (I forget the exact number, but it was a lot) and only one survived childhood. They used the same few names over and over, one for the boys who died and one for the girls. It made me feel incredibly sad, and that's just from reading a list of names and dates. I can't imagine what their lives must have been like.

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Two of my female cousins and I are the same age, and two of us have the same middle name and the third has it as her first name. I think it was simply the result of it being a popular name at the time that worked well with other names. It happens.

But I have to agree with people who like the name Meredith Grace; I think it sounds really nice. Best of luck to them. I feel a little sad for all the M kids having to be in the midst of everything that has happened, but as terrible as everything that Josh did was, I really hope that he'd shelter his kids from the negativity of the situation the best he can. Anna too. Their belief system is pretty abhorrent, but they likely care deeply for their kids and want to take care of them the best they know how.

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That was pretty common back in previous generations. Even my grandfather's family did that. When his sister died of Scarlet Fever, the next girl was given her name.

I know it was more common early last century and before that, but my friend is only 40, so it was more uncommon in the seventies. She was the last of 9 kids, and was basically brought up by her older sisters because her parents were always working on their farm.

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My grandmother had a still-born or shortly-lived son she named after my grandfather. My uncle was born next and she named him the same. All his life she insisted he was G.. W.. III, NOT Junior-- a constant opportunity to dramatize her tragedy. Made my uncle feel like crap.

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Priss and TFDW had a video on youtube now. I wonder why Anna hasnt been dolled up and put in front of a Duggar Studios[tm][/tm] camera by now with the video posted on youtube... link only, of course.

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That was pretty common back in previous generations. Even my grandfather's family did that. When his sister died of Scarlet Fever, the next girl was given her name.

I have ancestors who did that. But it gets more complicated than that. First daughter named Hannah passed away a few months shy of what would have been her 17th birthday (cause unknown). She died in March 1840.

In January 1840, the family gave birth to a daughter, also named Hannah (2nd Hannah lived to adulthood but her married name and whether or not she had children are not in the town history book).

Looking back, it's insensitive enough to recycle a name, but to name an infant the same name as your dying teenage daughter?

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I have a friend named Maria and her middle name is Josepha. Very Catholic. She is the youngest child of all her siblings, by quite a few years (I think there's 25 years between the eldest and her). Anyway, there was a daughter born about 5 years before my friend, and christened Maria Josepha, sadly she then passed away as a child. So when my friend was born, her parents just gave her the same names, Maria Josepha. She remembers seeing the headstone of this sister she never knew, with her own name on the headstone, and feeling a little wierd.

Anyone ever read "My Sweet Audrina"? One of my favorite VC Andrews books.

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I have ancestors who did that. But it gets more complicated than that. First daughter named Hannah passed away a few months shy of what would have been her 17th birthday (cause unknown). She died in March 1840.

In January 1840, the family gave birth to a daughter, also named Hannah (2nd Hannah lived to adulthood but her married name and whether or not she had children are not in the town history book).

Looking back, it's insensitive enough to recycle a name, but to name an infant the same name as your dying teenage daughter?

I don't know if I would call it insensitive. I'm not a parent though and I've never had to go through the loss of a very loved and wanted child.

In the situation you mentioned though? Yeah, that's just too much. I can't judge though because it was a much different time than what I was raised in.

My Aunt (who I mentioned earlier) actually had the same first and middle names as her cousin. One was called by one nickname, the other was called by another - so it worked out in that case.

My late Great-Aunt (who I also mentioned) shared a middle name with her younger sister - it was their mother's first name. Their younger brother (my late Grandfather) was named after his father and Grandfather.

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