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Baby Meredith is here - Anna Duggar baby watch


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Sometimes you can't blame your parents. Years ago I worked with a woman named Kelly who took her husband's name when she married. She went by Kelly Kelly. Would answer the phone "Good morning, this is Kelly Kelly" And then more slowly, "Kelly.... Kelly." And then finally. "Yes, first name Kelly and the last name Kelly." Like 50 times a day.

My middle school science teacher was Tracy Tracy after she got married.

Personally, I don't think I would have changed my last name in that situation.

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I deal with this in real life a lot -- a friend who wants to speculate about all sorts of things, but isn't interested in factoring in actual facts, or statistical probabilities. Or any sort of applied critical thinking, actually. They just want people to agree with their speculation and then, in those instances where their speculation turns out to be correct, they want all the oohs and aahs over their psychic ability to know things in advance. Funny, though, they never mention the times when their speculation doesn't turn out to be the truth... :think: :doh:

I find it really distasteful and pretty low. I mean who wants it to be worse, yes though you are right, it is very telling that rather than horror or sadness at this type of speculation being correct folks are gleeful they are right. That is all kinds of fucked up....internet you know, they think that makes it ok. They are sicker than Josh in my view.

Incidentally I didn't specifically mean Rosy Daisy here. Rosy has always had the lowest of the low opinion and has voiced it for years about the Duggars, she's consistent in her hatred :lol:

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I'll be damned. I didn't recognize Josh or his house in the remodeling pic and I thought they were all in Florida for Anna and Pris's brother's bday and parents' anniversary. *checks davidncil ig again* I guess the Kellers are in AR to meet the new baby? I thought D&P were headed to Florida, but I guess they only got as far as AR. Have a picture of Grandpa Keller with Ms. Davia:


That really makes much more sense than going on a big road trip with a brand new baby and a bunch of extra kids.

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Davis (ugh that name...) Looks just like her grandpa Keller!

And I have a cousin named Traci who married a Tracy and named their daughter Tracee-Lynn.

Terribly confusing! :music-tool:

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Oh look... is that Smuggar remodeling his house, or is he actually getting counseling for molestation in that photo? :?

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I wonder if they're in "jender" specific clothes for Jessa's baby's sex reveal party?

Oh I that never crossed my mind, but I would bet that is it!!

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Oh I that never crossed my mind, but I would bet that is it!!

Is that a thing? People wearing blue or pink to a gender reveal party? Just curious.

I've never been to one of these things. I don't have friends or family who are that...umm...self-absorbed to throw one. (Sorry)

My circle is a little less formal about announcing. I'll never forget when my SIL was pregnant with our nephew. We were at a casual family get-together and suddenly, without saying anything, she hands me this huge ultrasound photo. It was a cropped zoomed in crotch shot of a pretty obvious Nebraska State Capitol. I was like "Oh it's a boy. Congratulations! ...and you got this one in an 8 x10" :shock:

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Is that a thing? People wearing blue or pink to a gender reveal party? Just curious.

I've never been to one of these things. I don't have friends or family who are that...umm...self-absorbed to throw one. (Sorry)

My circle is a little less formal about announcing. I'll never forget when my SIL was pregnant with our nephew. We were at a casual family get-together and suddenly, without saying anything, she hands me this huge ultrasound photo. It was a cropped zoomed in crotch shot of a pretty obvious Nebraska State Capitol.

I was like "oh okay...so you got this in an 8 x10" :shock:

It is a thing that is growing more popular. At work I print a lot of gender revel invitations. Lately at the bottom of the invite I have noticed that they are adding where they are registered at. It's turning into another opportunity to get gifts and money I guess.

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Gender reveal parties piss me off. If I ever got invited to one I would graciously decline. Send me an email, call or text...or even make me wait until the child is born. Seriously, what is the point of an entire party?! If it's just for more gifts, in addition to an actual shower then double fuck you.

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Is that a thing? People wearing blue or pink to a gender reveal party? Just curious.

I've never been to one of these things. I don't have friends or family who are that...umm...self-absorbed to throw one. (Sorry)

My circle is a little less formal about announcing. I'll never forget when my SIL was pregnant with our nephew. We were at a casual family get-together and suddenly, without saying anything, she hands me this huge ultrasound photo. It was a cropped zoomed in crotch shot of a pretty obvious Nebraska State Capitol. I was like "Oh it's a boy. Congratulations! ...and you got this one in an 8 x10" :shock:

That's odd and uncomfortable...

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Is that a thing? People wearing blue or pink to a gender reveal party? Just curious.

I've never been to one of these things. I don't have friends or family who are that...umm...self-absorbed to throw one. (Sorry)

My circle is a little less formal about announcing. I'll never forget when my SIL was pregnant with our nephew. We were at a casual family get-together and suddenly, without saying anything, she hands me this huge ultrasound photo. It was a cropped zoomed in crotch shot of a pretty obvious Nebraska State Capitol. I was like "Oh it's a boy. Congratulations! ...and you got this one in an 8 x10" :shock:

Years ago, I had a girlfriend that was turning 21. A bunch of us got together to plan a girl's night out birthday party, and one friend decided to take charge of the cake. Her plan was to get a cake made in the shape of a penis. When I was discussing this with someone else who was in on the party on my cell phone, I was at the birthday girl's house. She had left the room for a minute, but her 10-year-old girl cousin wandered in right at the moment the phone friend asked about the cake. Glancing over at the cousin, I told phone friend it was in the shape of Florida. Phone friend and cousin both got confused and wanted to know what I meant. I absolutely refused to elaborate further on either side until I could call phone friend back in private. :lol:

Of course, all subtlety on the matter was ruined when birthday girl's extremely staight-laced aunt dropped by late in the party for a piece of cake...and had the ten-year-old girl cousin with her.

The enterprising cake decorator had even thought to frost pubic hair all over Florida, as the niece was quick to point out. :embarrassed:

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That's odd and uncomfortable...

My niece posted her first sonogram on Facebook and didn't tell her father (my brother). She then proceeded to wait until Xmas morning to hand him an envelope. Needless to say that was an awkward Christmas morning.

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Gender reveal parties piss me off. If I ever got invited to one I would graciously decline. Send me an email, call or text...or even make me wait until the child is born. Seriously, what is the point of an entire party?! If it's just for more gifts, in addition to an actual shower then double fuck you.

I've had friends who have done them, but only with family members. Kind of a way of telling everyone at once so no one felt that they were being cheated because someone else found out first.

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A few people I know have used the shower as the time to do the gender reveal. Some just mentioned it on the shower invite. No one made a big deal out of it at any level close to what the Duggars do.

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Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo two of the tiny Duggar girls are at Josh and Anna's without their parents? Don't you think Michelle and Jimbob would be a little more cautious because he molested their other daughters. It was a long time ago, but surely they must still be a little worried. But then again, these are the Duggars. All of the safeguards they put in place have been ignored, how many times have we seen little Duggar girls sitting on men's laps?

Im sure Jessa said she wasn't telling anyone until the baby was born?

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Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo two of the tiny Duggar girls are at Josh and Anna's without their parents? Don't you think Michelle and Jimbob would be a little more cautious because he molested their other daughters. It was a long time ago, but surely they must still be a little worried. But then again, these are the Duggars. All of the safeguards they put in place have been ignored, how many times have we seen little Duggar girls sitting on men's laps?

Im sure Jessa said she wasn't telling anyone until the baby was born?

If it isn't a party for Jessa gender revel it could be the chick with the really big eyes who been acting as their party planner. I could swear bug eye is knocked up as well.

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Do you know what strikes me about the posters who continue to make assumptions or speculate beyond the facts that ARE available?

Maybe just me (disclaimer) it always reads as if they 'want' it to be the case and I find that extremely uncomfortable.

Make no mistake, my only concern is the children. I honestly hope I am wrong.

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If it isn't a party for Jessa gender revel it could be the chick with the really big eyes who been acting as their party planner. I could swear bug eye is knocked up as well.

Sierra? Yup, it looks like she is pregnant again too.

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Gender reveal parties piss me off. If I ever got invited to one I would graciously decline. Send me an email, call or text...or even make me wait until the child is born. Seriously, what is the point of an entire party?! If it's just for more gifts, in addition to an actual shower then double fuck you.

I think that Erin Bates had the perfect Jender Reveal. She had a cousin make an extremely modest cake with the inside colored blue. They had everyone stand around and watcher them cut it after their Thanksgiving meal. They spent 15 minuets with the whole extended family who were already there and then they ate cake. that was it. I think the experience, while not for me, is a nice family moment celebrating the baby. a separate party with non family members? fuck that.

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I think that Erin Bates had the perfect Jender Reveal. She had a cousin make an extremely modest cake with the inside colored blue. They had everyone stand around and watcher them cut it after their Thanksgiving meal. They spent 15 minuets with the whole extended family who were already there and then they ate cake. that was it. I think the experience, while not for me, is a nice family moment celebrating the baby. a separate party with non family members? fuck that.

Totally agree. Kind of like I want to share my happiness with the ones I love. I see a party just being about ME ME ME.

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I think that Erin Bates had the perfect Jender Reveal. She had a cousin make an extremely modest cake with the inside colored blue. They had everyone stand around and watcher them cut it after their Thanksgiving meal. They spent 15 minuets with the whole extended family who were already there and then they ate cake. that was it. I think the experience, while not for me, is a nice family moment celebrating the baby. a separate party with non family members? fuck that.

The Bates are a lot less "look at me!" than the Duggars.

Plus they really are dirt poor (no hidden funds to play politics like JB and no multiple properties) so they can't afford to throw a party every 10 seconds.

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The Bates are a lot less "look at me!" than the Duggars.

Plus they really are dirt poor (no hidden funds to play politics like JB and no multiple properties) so they can't afford to throw a party every 10 seconds.

Seriously? Because having a TV show is definitely not look at me? The Bates are absolutely NO different to the Duggars, same shitty beliefs, bigotry and hatred, they also ponce their kids out on reality TV just the same as the Duggars.

It's amazing how many posters on this board seem to be able to overlook that in their Bates worship. Right down to Erin's gender reveal..... How did we know about it?? Oh that's right it was filmed.

Their shit smells no better no matter how they appear.

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Seriously? Because having a TV show is definitely not look at me? The Bates are absolutely NO different to the Duggars, same shitty beliefs, bigotry and hatred, they also ponce their kids out on reality TV just the same as the Duggars.

It's amazing how many posters on this board seem to be able to overlook that in their Bates worship. Right down to Erin's gender reveal..... How did we know about it?? Oh that's right it was filmed.

Their shit smells no better no matter how they appear.

Yeah, but there weren't 200 plastic flamingos scattered all over the yard. Or skywriting. Or a Today Show appearance. Seriously, that gender reveal is not even close in comparison to prior Duggar gender reveals.

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I was not Bates humping. I was just using them for an example or a faction of a moment in their lives. My SIL had the same reveal but it was just my MIL who made the cake, My B&SIL and their two kids. I saw a 3 min Facebook video. While myself, I hate not knowing something, so I do not want to do any reveals other then in the Dr. office at 16 weeks. however if you chose to have one, the type that Erin and my SIL did are the most appropriate.

I think the Bates are evil shinny things that should come with warning labels. Warning: the following people look nice, but are actually cult board members who advocate women being second class citizens and under educate their children for better control.

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