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Subway's Jared Fogle Child Porn Guilty Plea - Merge


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So apparently he engaged in prostitution with a minor.

http://www.businessinsider.com/fbi-subp ... ign=buffer

Not sticking up for Jared, but is Business Insider the best source on this?

This is today's news on him: http://wishtv.com/2015/08/08/jared-fogl ... tate-fair/

They are continuing to just cite the BI story.

He hasn't been charged yet, as far as I know.

I am even wondering if this pic is really him He seems to be packing it back on.

spotted near the swine barn? There is something that feels off about this whole saga.

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Not sticking up for Jared, but is Business Insider the best source on this?

This is today's news on him: http://wishtv.com/2015/08/08/jared-fogl ... tate-fair/

They are continuing to just cite the BI story.

He hasn't been charged yet, as far as I know.

I am even wondering if this pic is really him He seems to be packing it back on.

spotted near the swine barn? There is something that feels off about this whole saga.

Actually, I think BI is a pretty decent source. It's used by other reputable news outlets (e.g. NY Times and NPR). It can be guilty of using sensational headlines, but the stories seem to hold up. It isn't "OK" or even "In Touch"--though we've all learned that they can even be right sometimes!

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Jared Fogle of Subway fame is apparently going to plead guilty to charges relating to child pornography.

Not surprised. In the ten years my husband investigated child porn every single person eventually copped a plea. Because they don't go after these guys unless there just an overwhelming amount of evidence. It's never an image or two...there are hundreds or thousands.

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Not surprised. In the ten years my husband investigated child porn every single person eventually copped a plea. Because they don't go after these guys unless there just an overwhelming amount of evidence. It's never an image or two...there are hundreds or thousands.

That is repugnant. I don't think I will ever understand how some people can be sexually interested in children.

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Congratulations to Subway for having dumped Fogle weeks ago when the hint of scandal first was out. They scrubbed their website and instore advertising of anything Fogle (are you paying attention TLC?)

And they haven't even suggested a PR move with Fogle on Faux News explaining how he didn't really harm anyone or a mockumentary on pederasts with his inclusion.

There's some dignity left at Subway. Too bad their food still sucks

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Congratulations to Subway for having dumped Fogle weeks ago when the hint of scandal first was out. They scrubbed their website and instore advertising of anything Fogle (are you paying attention TLC?)

And they haven't even suggested a PR move with Fogle on Faux News explaining how he didn't really harm anyone or a mockumentary on pederasts with his inclusion.

There's some dignity left at Subway. Too bad their food still sucks

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: This is how you handle distancing yourself from a scandal!!

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:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: This is how you handle distancing yourself from a scandal!!

So true! I read some articles about how the investigation of him has been going on for a while. It's only too bad he kept getting money from Subway during that time. (Because Subway wouldn't have been privy to the investigation, not saying because Subway kept him on knowing something bad.)

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  • 1 month later...

Can we bring this thread back, or start a new one that discusses the new findings and the upcoming special on Dr. Phil? I searched for this on the forums but it looks like we haven't said anything about it since August.

For those of you who haven't seen it:


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 Ugh. I shouldn't have read that CBS news link. The same bullshit that people "ask for it" or "give a glance". Children! Children are not sexual beings until puberty! They aren't giving glances! It's all not okay on so many levels and I am forever grateful for the informant for getting this creep away from kids. It's amazing that she kept collecting evidence against him. I'm sad it changed her, but I'm so glad she did it.

"I like all ages. That's the thing I mean. It depends...who is ready for what. You know, who's going to give you the glance," he[Fogle] said in one of the recording.


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Argh. All of this is so sickening. Especially the comments about baiting children. I applaud the informant, and I hope she's getting the help she needs after dealing with this.

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Can we bring this thread back, or start a new one that discusses the new findings and the upcoming special on Dr. Phil? I searched for this on the forums but it looks like we haven't said anything about it since August.

For those of you who haven't seen it:



After amassing five years-worth of recordings, Herman-Walrond finally reached her breaking point when Fogle mentioned her two young children.

"What if we, what if we put a camera in your kids' room, would they be okay with that?," he asked her in the recording. "Would you rather have it in your son or your daughter's room? Which one do you think would be better?"


Herman-Walrond reported Fogle to the FBI years ago, but they required five years worth of recordings from this woman before they intervened and arrested him? Even then, it was Herman-Walrond who broke and told the FBI she could no longer be involved as an informant. 

Five years, during which time, Fogle was free to molest countless numbers of children?  Why?  That is inexcusable and seemingly unjustifiable. Apparently, since the FBI charged him at that point, there was enough evidence, but how long would this have been allowed to continue if Herman-Walrond had not broken?

I'm sickened. 

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Actually, she reported him more than five years before the FBI finally brought charges. How much longer would they have allowed Fogle to molest children had Herman-Walrond not broken down?

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She states in the interview that it took so long because he wasn't the main target of the investigation - there were other targets that were more of a priority. I'm guessing they were looking more closely at the man who worked for Fogle's foundation.

Another article quotes a retired FBI Agent stating her opinion on why it took that long:

"Without any physical evidence of him violating, they wouldn't have had any reason to continue an investigation of him beyond the original, preliminary look at him regarding information that was provided," says Eileen Roemer, who worked in a unit dealing with child exploitation.

Roemer believes the hard evidence was discovered last April when authorities arrested the executive director of Fogle's foundation, Russell Taylor.

"That shined a bright light on Jared Fogle," said Roemer.

Court documents released Wednesday indicate Taylor sent Fogle child pornography. Just two months after Taylor's arrest, authorities raided Fogle's home.

Source: http://www.mysuncoast.com/news/local/why-did-the-jared-fogle-investigation-take-so-long/article_70e4e29e-4840-11e5-9e56-4bc894c2f0d2.html

It actually makes a lot of sense when looked at this way. They couldn't just act on what he was saying without concrete proof of an actual crime being committed. And they may not have wanted to act before having enough evidence amassed against the other people they were focusing on either because they may have gotten spooked and destroyed evidence.

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Yes, I read those, and you're right, there is some logic, but how many instances of sexual abuse was he able to perpetrate in those five years? It's horrendous. 

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Yes, I read those, and you're right, there is some logic, but how many instances of sexual abuse was he able to perpetrate in those five years? It's horrendous. 

it's a fine line authorities have to walk. yes he was free to do as he pleased during that time, but if he had been brought in and no evidence found, they would have had to set him free. then not only would he be free to do as he wanted yet again, he probably would have been more cautious so he wouldn't get caught. it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of thing. i'm glad they were able to get him, though, and from the sounds of it he ain't gonna wiggle out of this as easily as his xxxl pants post subway diet.

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 Ugh. I shouldn't have read that CBS news link. The same bullshit that people "ask for it" or "give a glance". Children! Children are not sexual beings until puberty! They aren't giving glances! It's all not okay on so many levels and I am forever grateful for the informant for getting this creep away from kids. It's amazing that she kept collecting evidence against him. I'm sad it changed her, but I'm so glad she did it.

I saw the Dr Phil on Friday, and Fogle said that he liked 10-12 year olds of both sexes because they're "all over the place." I took this to mean that they're starting to become sexual beings, but tend to be scared and confused about it, and can easily be manipulated by an adult they think they can trust (he mentioned how kids flock to him, which made me ill; who knows how many kids he's harmed?).

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Yes, I read those, and you're right, there is some logic, but how many instances of sexual abuse was he able to perpetrate in those five years? It's horrendous. 

I know. The entire situation is completely horrific in so many ways. At the end of the day though, I do think authorities made the right call by waiting. It prevents Fogle from being able to wiggle out of trouble and it got at least two really bad guys off the street. . . and that number could possibly go up depending on what information they found on their computers.

To put it another way:

I took a General Philosophy course during college and the Professor once posed the following scenario to us - I've since found websites claiming this is just a conspiracy theory (and I believe they are correct in stating that), but I think the general idea is useful in trying to explain the thought process behind how authorities may have acted in the Fogle case.

During WWII, the British broke the Nazi's Enigma code and were able to read their messages without the Nazis realizing it. They learned that the Germans planned to bomb a British city. Churchill, allegedly, had to make an impossible choice -

1. Evacuate the city and save as many people as possible. This would let the Nazis know that the code was broken though and they could immediately implement a new one that the British would the have to break through - which could wind up costing many more lives and causing the war to continue on longer.

2. Don't evacuate the city in order to protect the fact that they broke the code. Many of the city's residents would be horribly injured or killed, but it would allow the British Intelligence Agency to continue reading the messages and possibly find a way to end the war much sooner.

I was the only one who answered - and I told the Professor I would not evacuate the city in that instance. The Professor told me that Churchill allegedly made the same call.

Authorities in this specific case may have had the same thought process - protecting the greatest number of people possible. In order to do that, sometimes you need to make impossible choices - such as allowing a suspected child predator to continue roaming free in order to catch a greater number of predators and stop a greater number of attacks from happening.

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