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Subway's Jared Fogle Child Porn Guilty Plea - Merge


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I saw the Dr Phil on Friday, and Fogle said that he liked 10-12 year olds of both sexes because they're "all over the place." I took this to mean that they're starting to become sexual beings, but tend to be scared and confused about it, and can easily be manipulated by an adult they think they can trust (he mentioned how kids flock to him, which made me ill; who knows how many kids he's harmed?).

Oh my fucking God he is evil. I hope there is some justice for those children and families.

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That sick SOB needs to be locked up for the rest of his life! He doesn't deserve to see the light of day....EVER!

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I know. The entire situation is completely horrific in so many ways. At the end of the day though, I do think authorities made the right call by waiting. It prevents Fogle from being able to wiggle out of trouble and it got at least two really bad guys off the street. . . and that number could possibly go up depending on what information they found on their computers.

To put it another way:

I took a General Philosophy course during college and the Professor once posed the following scenario to us - I've since found websites claiming this is just a conspiracy theory (and I believe they are correct in stating that), but I think the general idea is useful in trying to explain the thought process behind how authorities may have acted in the Fogle case.

During WWII, the British broke the Nazi's Enigma code and were able to read their messages without the Nazis realizing it. They learned that the Germans planned to bomb a British city. Churchill, allegedly, had to make an impossible choice -

1. Evacuate the city and save as many people as possible. This would let the Nazis know that the code was broken though and they could immediately implement a new one that the British would the have to break through - which could wind up costing many more lives and causing the war to continue on longer.

2. Don't evacuate the city in order to protect the fact that they broke the code. Many of the city's residents would be horribly injured or killed, but it would allow the British Intelligence Agency to continue reading the messages and possibly find a way to end the war much sooner.

I was the only one who answered - and I told the Professor I would not evacuate the city in that instance. The Professor told me that Churchill allegedly made the same call.

Authorities in this specific case may have had the same thought process - protecting the greatest number of people possible. In order to do that, sometimes you need to make impossible choices - such as allowing a suspected child predator to continue roaming free in order to catch a greater number of predators and stop a greater number of attacks from happening.

That the British knew about the air raid of Coventry is a subject of some contention.  Intelligence was received prior to the raid that Coventry was to be the target, but it is unclear that it was understood as being Coventry and it's unclear when it was received.  However it was, Coventry is one of the most iconic of English cities.  It was heavily bombed by the Nazis.  The cathedral was destroyed and the ruins were incorporated into the design.

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I don't know that specific enigma story, but I know the British would never act on intelligence gleaned from it unless they could come up with another way to have gotten the information. Tough choices indeed. 


I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the Jared stuff. This is just so upsetting. 5 to 12?! I hope the judge says fuck that and throws away the key. He can still molest in 12 years. Those aren't urges that go away. I'm willing to believe that Josh isn't a pedo, just a really fucked up individual, because he was still basically a kid too, but there's a big difference between that and a 30 something man talking about 12 year olds that way. 


PS I'm not trying to start a Josh debate in here. I'm just making the comparison to illustrate my point.

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I know. The entire situation is completely horrific in so many ways. At the end of the day though, I do think authorities made the right call by waiting. It prevents Fogle from being able to wiggle out of trouble and it got at least two really bad guys off the street. . . and that number could possibly go up depending on what information they found on their computers.

To put it another way:

I took a General Philosophy course during college and the Professor once posed the following scenario to us - I've since found websites claiming this is just a conspiracy theory (and I believe they are correct in stating that), but I think the general idea is useful in trying to explain the thought process behind how authorities may have acted in the Fogle case.

During WWII, the British broke the Nazi's Enigma code and were able to read their messages without the Nazis realizing it. They learned that the Germans planned to bomb a British city. Churchill, allegedly, had to make an impossible choice -

1. Evacuate the city and save as many people as possible. This would let the Nazis know that the code was broken though and they could immediately implement a new one that the British would the have to break through - which could wind up costing many more lives and causing the war to continue on longer.

2. Don't evacuate the city in order to protect the fact that they broke the code. Many of the city's residents would be horribly injured or killed, but it would allow the British Intelligence Agency to continue reading the messages and possibly find a way to end the war much sooner.

I was the only one who answered - and I told the Professor I would not evacuate the city in that instance. The Professor told me that Churchill allegedly made the same call.

Authorities in this specific case may have had the same thought process - protecting the greatest number of people possible. In order to do that, sometimes you need to make impossible choices - such as allowing a suspected child predator to continue roaming free in order to catch a greater number of predators and stop a greater number of attacks from happening.

I have heard this story, with two additions. At the time, radar was neither widely publicised nor understood, and its capabilities to a large degree still secret. Churchill is said to have had all radar stations on full alert for the bombers  so that the British fighter aircraft could be scrambled as soon as possible.(Incidentally, the British public was told that their aircraft were so good at finding enemy aircraft because of the pilots' exceptional eyesight - improved by eating lots of carrots..*) He is also said to have arranged for extra firefighting equipment and men to be in the area, supposedly for a training exercise.

In fact, the raid was not, for the Luftwaffe, a great success. Just under 600 people died, but the war production factories which were the target of the bombs had mainly been moved outside the city centre. Those factories which were hit were quite quickly back in production.

If the story of Churchill's prior knowledge is true, his decision seems to have been correct - the reading of enemy code was later vital in both the Battle of the Atlantic, and in North Africa.(Unless, of course, you were one of the dead in Coventry).

*A so much more innocent era, that this propaganda was believed by many!

ETA: The new Cathedral, incorporating the ruins of the old, is the centre of a ministry of reconciliation, based in the John F Kennedy Centre. If you are ever nearby, it is a stunning building with gifts from all over the world, including a magnificent Head of Christ by Helen Huntingdon Jennings of Norman, OK. For me, it is one of the most eloquent examples of a positive outcome from a horrific event.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just a bump, because I got a news alert on my phone.

Jared was sentenced to 15 years and 8 months. 

damn, that's actually a fairly hefty sentence, compared to what i've seen handed down before. i wonder how much he'll actually serve, though.

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damn, that's actually a fairly hefty sentence, compared to what i've seen handed down before. i wonder how much he'll actually serve, though.

Regardless of how much time he serves (and I hope it's the entire fifteen years), when he gets out he'll be completely ruined. He obviously can't be a spokesman for anything, and it seems like his "charity" was a scam too. At least Josh Duggar could potentially work behind the scenes at Duggar Real Estate when he gets out of the hole he's been cast in, but Fogle will be completely without options unless he too has a family willing to give him a job. Even in the prison hierarchy, child molesters are considered the worst of the worst.

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I saw the sentence earlier. I'm glad he got so much time. It won't change what he did, but I do hope it brings a small amount of comfort to all his victims to know he is going away for a decent amount of time.

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After reading a few articles- I am not surprised he got that sentence.  The child pornography cases usually have lengthy sentences.  I feel very sorry for his two kids- they aren't even in school yet and will have to live with this embarrassment for the rest of their lives.  

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Yep, count me in the not surprised camp. I think he deserves more but I'm glad the justice system gave him this much. Any idea on if/when he'd be eligible for parole?

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Regardless of how much time he serves (and I hope it's the entire fifteen years), when he gets out he'll be completely ruined. He obviously can't be a spokesman for anything, and it seems like his "charity" was a scam too. At least Josh Duggar could potentially work behind the scenes at Duggar Real Estate when he gets out of the hole he's been cast in, but Fogle will be completely without options unless he too has a family willing to give him a job. Even in the prison hierarchy, child molesters are considered the worst of the worst.

I find it concerning when child molesters can't find jobs and become homeless. I want the government to be able to keep tabs on them-- if they're homeless and roaming, it's difficult to know where they are and what they're doing. So, as much as I dislike him, if he can't stay in prison for the rest of his life (which is exactly what this scumbag deserves), then I hope he can find a job where he's kept as far away from young people as possible. In a sewer, perhaps.

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I find it concerning when child molesters can't find jobs and become homeless. I want the government to be able to keep tabs on them-- if they're homeless and roaming, it's difficult to know where they are and what they're doing. So, as much as I dislike him, if he can't stay in prison for the rest of his life (which is exactly what this scumbag deserves), then I hope he can find a job where he's kept as far away from young people as possible. In a sewer, perhaps.

I think this is a major problem that no one has an answer to. Some people have suggested chemical castration, but there are huge constitutional issues with that (i.e., does it constitute cruel and unusual punishment?). Plus, it doesn't always work and there are other way of raping/molesting someone that don't require a working penis. And if the molester is female, I doubt chemical castration would be helpful. Therapy also doesn't seem to be effective for child molesters.

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Yep, count me in the not surprised camp. I think he deserves more but I'm glad the justice system gave him this much. Any idea on if/when he'd be eligible for parole?

i read somewhere he has to serve 13 years and he'll be monitored for the rest of his life.

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Apparently he had five terabytes worth of child pornography, which is just an unfathomable amount of material.  I find it of little comfort that he didn't act out these fantasies in real life with a child--the fact of the matter is, he is responsible for victimizing thousands of children through collecting, viewing, and disseminating photographs and videos of them in horrific scenarios, which just compounds the heinous nature of the original act. I'm relatively ignorant about computer-related things and was discussing this amount with Mr. Sebastian, who is a huge classic movie buff and has hundreds of them saved to drives and whatnot.  Apparently his entire movie collection doesn't amount to one terabyte...that information was pretty sobering for me, as it made me realize the enormous extent of this man's depravity.  

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Apparently he had five terabytes worth of child pornography, which is just an unfathomable amount of material.  I find it of little comfort that he didn't act out these fantasies in real life with a child--the fact of the matter is, he is responsible for victimizing thousands of children through collecting, viewing, and disseminating photographs and videos of them in horrific scenarios, which just compounds the heinous nature of the original act. I'm relatively ignorant about computer-related things and was discussing this amount with Mr. Sebastian, who is a huge classic movie buff and has hundreds of them saved to drives and whatnot.  Apparently his entire movie collection doesn't amount to one terabyte...that information was pretty sobering for me, as it made me realize the enormous extent of this man's depravity.  

I hate to be the bearer of horrific news - but the underlined is incorrect. One of the charges was crossing state lines to have commercial sex with a minor. He was also allegedly found to have requested sex with minors 16 or younger.

i read somewhere he has to serve 13 years and he'll be monitored for the rest of his life.

He has to serve at least 85% of the sentence. So just about 13 years sounds correct.

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I hate to be the bearer of horrific news - but the underlined is incorrect. One of the charges was crossing state lines to have commercial sex with a minor. He was also allegedly found to have requested sex with minors 16 or younger.

He has to serve at least 85% of the sentence. So just about 13 years sounds correct.

    I believe he had 14 victims, and in one of the tapes released he mentioned that he had a boy once and it was awesome.

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    I believe he had 14 victims, and in one of the tapes released he mentioned that he had a boy once and it was awesome.

Horrible, disgusting, nauseating - I can't fathom these people.

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The inability to take personal responsibility for choices made and the tendency to blame everyone/everything else under the sun is a trait that I detest in the average adult. I hate it more when people, especially vulnerable people, are hurt because of those choices.

I'll give him a teeny-tiny-speck o' dust sized bit of credit for blaming innocent subs as opposed to blaming his innocent victims of "seducing" him. He's still an assclown for blaming anything but himself and a waste o' oxygen for the actions that lead him to the clinker in the first place.

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He is a disgusting pile of shit. Good for the judge giving him more time than even the prosecution recommended. I'd prefer life sentences for sex crimes against children but nevertheless, 15 years is going to feel like an eternity for him serving time as a pedophile in prison. I hope he's afraid every minute of his time there.

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The bastard blames Subway for his pedophilia.  During the trial, his defense team tried to claim that losing weight on the "Subway diet" made him "hypersexual."


No word on how long it took the judge to stop laughing hysterically.

Well, that's biting the hand that fed him.

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