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Subway's Jared Fogle Child Porn Guilty Plea - Merge


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Bumping this because it's in the news that Fogle was attacked in a prison yard:



TMZ reported that Fogle suffered a bloody nose, swollen face and scratches on his neck after being beaten on Jan. 29 in a recreation yard by inmate Steven Nigg.

Nigg, who is in custody on a weapons charge, got a small cut on his left hand in the fight and was put in solitary confinement as punishment, TMZ said.


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I must admit I am disappointed he wasn't hurt more. That and I thought he would be segregated, not n gen pop. Sorry if the article said so, I didn't read it as it would be a trigger for me.


I hate him.

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5 hours ago, SpoonfulOSugar said:

Bumping this because it's in the news that Fogle was attacked in a prison yard:



Can't say I'm surprised by this given how child molesters are at the lowest rung on the prison hierarchy and Fogle is a very high profile inmate. Fogle should be segregated from the general population for his own sake and for the safety of other prisoners.

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6 minutes ago, Cleopatra7 said:

Can't say I'm surprised by this given how child molesters are at the lowest rung on the prison hierarchy and Fogle is a very high profile inmate. Fogle should be segregated from the general population for his own sake and for the safety of other prisoners.

yes the skum needs protection but the other prisoners don't deserve to get damaged by his face hitting their hands.

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It sounds like a minimum security prison as well. Seems like such a high profile case would have been sent to a prison where he could be kept safe from general population. Which I think also borders on cruel and unusual, as that tends to mean solitary with 1 hour to run around the gym alone. Prison situations always make good thought exercises. 

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I must admit. I have no sympathy on this for him. I don't wish harm on others, but I'm not going to be crying over it either. Karma always finds a way. 

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You'd have thought he'd think to ask to be put in PC like Jerry Sandusky.

I'm not a proponent of violence but considering how many people he victimized, directly or indirectly, I don't blame Mr. Nigg for his actions. At all. I can't say I wouldn't do that myself if I ever got the chance to do it to someone who hurts children like that.

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On 11/21/2015 at 1:58 PM, Sera's Arrow said:

The inability to take personal responsibility for choices made and the tendency to blame everyone/everything else under the sun is a trait that I detest in the average adult. I hate it more when people, especially vulnerable people, are hurt because of those choices.

I fully agree.  These people show and likely feel no remorse for what they did.  I wonder how much narcissistic tendencies play into this?

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On ‎3‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 8:36 AM, Gimme a Free RV said:

I fully agree.  These people show and likely feel no remorse for what they did.  I wonder how much narcissistic tendencies play into this?

        I read the transcribed parts of the tapes that was put out there in the media. He definitely feels no remorse. It was a sickening read. A few weeks ago something happened to a kid I know, who is okay, but was definitely being groomed by a trusted adult and got caught. Not saying much more due to ongoing investigation, and it being a bit to close to home, but Jared describes how to groom kids and it was exactly spot on. this guy totally does not think he did anything wrong AT ALL. Horrible.

        *There are so many angles to this I think it would make an interesting discussion. I am not ready to right now and may never be, but may bring it up. I feel like I want to be vague and discreet about some details. People's reaction to this is shocking as this man was charismatic and well liked.

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