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Bates Family - Part 3

happy atheist

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Alyssa posted a "woman crush Wednesday" on instagram!!

Is THAT what that hashtag means? I couldn't figure out what her post had to do with wrestling :lol:

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Is THAT what that hashtag means? I couldn't figure out what her post had to do with wrestling :lol:

I had no clue what the hashtag meant and neither did my teenage daughter. Not that I was going to lose sleep over it.

Also, as a Catholic, I thought it was weird when Michael was looking for a church that they were just going from church to church, seeing which one was right and would hold all 800 expected guests. When I was getting married, we looked at the church that I grew up in (which wasn't going to work, long story) and my husband didn't have a parish so we ended up getting married by a Christian minister at a reception hall. It would have been weird for us to walk into another Catholic church and ask about having our wedding there.

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My mom had a friend who accidentally got pregnant when she was nearly 50. She just assumed she was going through menopause so she didn't figure out she was pregnant until about 4 months in. She already had four older kids and didn't want to start over, but they ended up really happy about the baby since they hadn't had a boy yet, and he has plenty of older sisters who adore him now.

The fact that Kelly and Michelle have never used any kind of birth control for the past few years and still haven't gotten pregnant (that we know of) makes me think that if it was going to happen it would have happened already, though.

A friend of mine is 57 and definitely in menopause. She went to her gyn last year to get some blood check done and she called her afterwards to tell her that everything is fine but she should consider a condom or whatever because she is still able to get pregnant. :pink-shock:

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Grandma got pregnant with her 3rd child at 55 and I've had a patient get pregnant at 56. Rare but it can be done. I don't understand how a prolapse hasn't happen.

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I had no clue what the hashtag meant and neither did my teenage daughter. Not that I was going to lose sleep over it.

Also, as a Catholic, I thought it was weird when Michael was looking for a church that they were just going from church to church, seeing which one was right and would hold all 800 expected guests. When I was getting married, we looked at the church that I grew up in (which wasn't going to work, long story) and my husband didn't have a parish so we ended up getting married by a Christian minister at a reception hall. It would have been weird for us to walk into another Catholic church and ask about having our wedding there.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Erin, Zach, and Alyssa all were married at different churches, and now there's a fourth kid (and church) in the mix.

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According to Lawson's Instagram, he, his mother and Nathan are in the Bahamas.

Rough life.

Does he ever actually work at his lawn service???

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I had no clue what the hashtag meant and neither did my teenage daughter. Not that I was going to lose sleep over it.

Also, as a Catholic, I thought it was weird when Michael was looking for a church that they were just going from church to church, seeing which one was right and would hold all 800 expected guests. When I was getting married, we looked at the church that I grew up in (which wasn't going to work, long story) and my husband didn't have a parish so we ended up getting married by a Christian minister at a reception hall. It would have been weird for us to walk into another Catholic church and ask about having our wedding there.

I'm Catholic, and I don't find it that strange. I don't think any of my friends have gotten married in their "home Parish". Each one has gotten married in a different church, but all in the same archdiocese. While a lot of people still get married in their home parish or in their childhood parish, it's not uncommon here for people to choose a different parish just for Church aesthetic.

I don't know how old you are, so I don't want to assume, but I think it might be a generational thing? Back when my parents and grandparents were getting married, you got married in your home parish unless you had a specific need/reason to go elsewhere (e.g. a college chapel or needed more space/facilities). I'm around Michael's age, and like I said, most people shop for their ceremony venue just like they look for their reception location. Churches are more willing to host weddings for people in other parishes, and couples feel less need to have their ceremony in a specific church.

If I ever get married, I will church shop. My childhood church is ugly as sin, my current home parish is a really bold 1920's modernist creation that is very interesting architecturally but not my taste for a wedding, and there are some GORGEOUS churches less than 20 minutes away that are just really lovely. Why not get married in a venue that fits my taste as well as my needs?

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According to Lawson's Instagram, he, his mother and Nathan are in the Bahamas.

Rough life.

Does he ever actually work at his lawn service???

Considering that he was supporting his family from his late teens, it seems he previously worked very hard at it. Now, his family has TV money, so he can focus on his own goals and dreams. I am glad he can.

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Considering that he was supporting his family from his late teens, it seems he previously worked very hard at it. Now, his family has TV money, so he can focus on his own goals and dreams. I am glad he can.

Right--and of course TV money lasts forever, right Duggars?

I'm sorry, but I started working part time at age 15, and have been employed ever since (even when a full-time student).

I'm not saying that Lawson didn't previously work very hard. But he's only 22 years old. Retirement is decades away.

I don't understand why an able bodied young person should stop working to fart around just because his family currently has money.

He could continue to work & start saving for a house, or a future family. Or he pay health insurance premiums. Or go to school, or if he doesn't want to, help siblings go to school.

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Right--and of course TV money lasts forever, right Duggars?

I'm sorry, but I started working part time at age 15, and have been employed ever since (even when a full-time student).

I'm not saying that Lawson didn't previously work very hard. But he's only 22 years old. Retirement is decades away.

I don't understand why an able bodied young person should stop working to fart around just because his family currently has money.

He could continue to work & start saving for a house, or a future family. Or he pay health insurance premiums. Or go to school, or if he doesn't want to, help siblings go to school.

There's a good chance that Up will use some of the footage in their show. Then he IS (technically) still working.

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Do we have a tail number on the Bates plane? If we do I'll start a watch thread. The Duggar one has taught me how to stalk the fundie planes. :lol:

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I am in my late 30's in the midwest and honestly, everyone I know who is Catholic and got married either married in bride/groom home parish or not in a Catholic church (i.e.-Hawaii, Vegas, Thailand, courthouse, one was at a Christian church, another was at a park).

When we were watching the episode with Michael looking for a church, my husband was like, isn't their normal church available, why are they looking at so many. I think its cool and glad the attitude has changed.

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Do we have a tail number on the Bates plane? If we do I'll start a watch thread. The Duggar one has taught me how to stalk the fundie planes. :lol:

Wait a minute? The BATES now have a plane, too?? Did they get a bus? I didn't think UP Network could pay as well as TLC--must be wrong.

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Guys, we need to talk about how stinkingly cute Carson Paine is. instagram.com/p/5aPbi_lUGs/?taken-by=chad_erinpaine

Theese bates make really beautiful kids

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Right--and of course TV money lasts forever, right Duggars?

I'm sorry, but I started working part time at age 15, and have been employed ever since (even when a full-time student).

I'm not saying that Lawson didn't previously work very hard. But he's only 22 years old. Retirement is decades away.

I don't understand why an able bodied young person should stop working to fart around just because his family currently has money.

He could continue to work & start saving for a house, or a future family. Or he pay health insurance premiums. Or go to school, or if he doesn't want to, help siblings go to school.

Because no one else ever takes a vacation, amirite? :wink-kitty:

Good grief. So he is taking some time off - sue him. It's also The Bahamas, not Timbuktu. They might just be there for three days. Plus, he is self-employed, so he may have just shifted work around a little. There's a heck of a lot to criticize about the Bateses (and Gil and Kelly's use of money is certainly snark-worthy), but Lawson by all accounts seems to be hard-working. I don't know why it's wrong for him to go on vacation like millions of other Americans do.

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Is he in the Bahamas for three months, or something? Most people who work take vacations.

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Guys, we need to talk about how stinkingly cute Carson Paine is. instagram.com/p/5aPbi_lUGs/?taken-by=chad_erinpaine

Theese bates make really beautiful kids

He's a cutiepie, and looks a LOT like Lawson. The bates indeed make beautiful babies unlike the Duggars IMO although the M'kids are cute.

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Georgiana said fundie-lAte. Michael is 25, which is late for fundies. She may not have a huge family because she started so much 'later' than other fundies. Michelle Duggar practised birth control for four years after marriage, but she married at 17. Kelly had her first child at 22 (same as with Michelle.)

Brandon is not fundie-lite. Michael doesn't seem like she will be either. I've never seen her in a skirt shorter than ankle-length.

Oh. I'm dyslexic. Reading problems happen. Sorry.

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I had no clue what the hashtag meant and neither did my teenage daughter. Not that I was going to lose sleep over it.

Also, as a Catholic, I thought it was weird when Michael was looking for a church that they were just going from church to church, seeing which one was right and would hold all 800 expected guests. When I was getting married, we looked at the church that I grew up in (which wasn't going to work, long story) and my husband didn't have a parish so we ended up getting married by a Christian minister at a reception hall. It would have been weird for us to walk into another Catholic church and ask about having our wedding there.

The catholic church by my old house constantly had out-of-towners hold their weddings there. It was roughly halfway between Boston and NY, so people who had family in both would choose churches around that area, and that church was frequently chosen.

Also, I grew up Catholic and VERY FEW of my friends got married or received any other sacrament besides first communion and MAYBE baptism in their parish church. Weddings were very rarely done in my last church because it was so small (it could only hold 200 people, 100-150 if everyone was seated for the service).

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Wait a minute? The BATES now have a plane, too?? Did they get a bus? I didn't think UP Network could pay as well as TLC--must be wrong.

Well Nathan is a student pilot so I'm sure Lawson bought him a plane or has one on layaway for him.

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Well tonight's episode is about education and I hate to say it but I'm almost impressed. Several of the kids said their favorite subject was math and they seem to be taking some /actual/ science classes.

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Well tonight's episode is about education and I hate to say it but I'm almost impressed. Several of the kids said their favorite subject was math and they seem to be taking some /actual/ science classes.

A college education makes a huge difference even for Fundies. Who woulda though? lol

Do we know if they use a homeschool program? If Kelly makes it herself that might be why. I've seen a couple of those premade homeschool programs and they are atrocious.

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Also, does anyone know what Kelly studied? If she studied education that could also be a factor. A lot of these Fundie mothers just woke up and were like "I'm going to teach cause I'm a woman!!!" and they don't have a teaching bone in their body.

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I'm glad the Bates kids get to get out more. The Duggars always seem so couped up in that compound except when they're doing staged things for TLC.

Before anyone mentions it, I know it's a result of their circumstance and not out of the goodness of Kelly and Gil's heart. I'm just happy that it happened no matter what the reason.

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