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Bobbi Kristina Brown Has Died


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I agree with this, Whitney Houston threw everything away for drugs, and her daughter never had a chance. I'm also wondering why her family didn't intervene and try to get BK out of that situation when she was growing up. At least, this family realized she was never going to survive, so they at least let her go unlike another family.

Because no one cared. Look at the Jacksons. The Houstons and the Jacksons are similar. It's all about money. I'm sure Whitney just like Michael was supporting her family. Plus Whitney was a celebrity. Who says no to a celebrity? Who calls cps on a celebrity, especially a celebrity like Whitney. I just hate all the bullshit going on now after BK funeral. Suddenly all these family members coming our now and saying they care. Pat Houston saying she wants money to start a foundation for troubled girls. She also dictated who can come to the funeral and who can't. I can't with people like this. It's not even about Bk. It's about their own selfish needs. Where were all these fools when BK was depressed and doing drugs? Nowhere to be found. Now the Houstons are fighting over money. It's a circus.

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I think the families are too worried about the "celebrity" receiving bad press if they remove any dependent children, or call CPS, because God forbid it affects the trickle down of money. And as said above, nobody says "NO" to these celeb types. No one wants to be on their bad side, because that might jeopardise the money. Better to stay on their good side and receive whatever money the celeb hands out than cause a fuss and cheapen the family name.

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There are many reasons someone may not report child neglect or abuse just like they won't interfere when they know children are in cults. This article explains it.

I agree the no 1 reason is fear and when it is a powerful million dollar celeb it complicates things. I knew of a case of involving one of our long time acquaintances where the sister told me she wanted to do something about the situation with her brother but hated to get involved. It kept going until the parents got busted for meth. While I do feel for Cissy Houston because she lost a child and grandchild, he is the main one who could have done something..

http://www.americanhumane.org/children/ ... glect.html

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I believe that both Whitney and BK were murdered. Its just too fishy when rich people die in the exact same way a short time apart.

Other fishy death duo circumstances are Anna Nicole Smith and her son and Brittany Murphy and her husband.

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  • 6 months later...

We now know what killed Bobbi Kristina Brown: lobar pneumonia as the result of a traumatic brain injury caused by having her head under water and multiple drug intoxication. However, whether this was an accident or the result of foul play is still unknown:


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