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Fundy weddings


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In their own words


Actually, it sounds a lot more "normal" than the vast majority of fundie courtships. A couple of nerds met at a piano lesson, went on some dates, and fell in love. Hey, he took a chance and went for someone out of his league, and-- for whatever reason-- she's obviously very happy with him. I think it's kind of sweet.

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Actually, it sounds a lot more "normal" than the vast majority of fundie courtships. A couple of nerds met at a piano lesson, went on some dates, and fell in love. Hey, he took a chance and went for someone out of his league, and-- for whatever reason-- she's obviously very happy with him. I think it's kind of sweet.

The story is definitely sweet. Just... he graduated from college in 1985 (after being there for 7 years, thank-you LinkedIn), meaning at the youngest, he's 52. And more likely he's almost 60. She graduated from college in approximately 2009 and sounds like she went straight from college to high school, so she's probably 28. Yeesh. Marrying a 50-year-old at 25? It's in some ways better, because he doesn't seem like the type to do it in a creepy way, and yet... she seems bright and is obviously beautiful. Why not find someone closer to your own age? This might be a case where she felt no one her age was "mature enough" for her and so she settled on Bruce.

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The story is definitely sweet. Just... he graduated from college in 1985 (after being there for 7 years, thank-you LinkedIn), meaning at the youngest, he's 52. And more likely he's almost 60. She graduated from college in approximately 2009 and sounds like she went straight from college to high school, so she's probably 28. Yeesh. Marrying a 50-year-old at 25? It's in some ways better, because he doesn't seem like the type to do it in a creepy way, and yet... she seems bright and is obviously beautiful. Why not find someone closer to your own age? This might be a case where she felt no one her age was "mature enough" for her and so she settled on Bruce.

I guess the reason it doesn't creep me out is because it wasn't arranged and the woman wasn't coerced in any way. They just happened to meet and clicked immediately despite their age difference. I think you're right that she was probably looking for someone more mature and serious.

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I guess the reason it doesn't creep me out is because it wasn't arranged and the woman wasn't coerced in any way. They just happened to meet and clicked immediately despite their age difference. I think you're right that she was probably looking for someone more mature and serious.

I must come out of retirement because TEAM HANNAH AND BRUCE. I always thought their story was quite genuine and sweet and thus surprisingly out of place for the Seppi blog. Plus I dig older dudes so there's that.

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I must come out of retirement because TEAM HANNAH AND BRUCE. I always thought their story was quite genuine and sweet and thus surprisingly out of place for the Seppi blog. Plus I dig older dudes so there's that.

Yep. I'll be completely honest and say that before I read their story, I was ready to be creeped out by a story of some girl's father pressuring her to marry an older man... but that's not the case at all. Hannah seems sweet and while a little bit sheltered, she is educated and more worldly that most of the fundies we read about. Their love story was completely normal and rather quaint. I found myself feeling guilty for prejudging and happy that they are so happy together.

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The Maranatha wedding is just... WTF. I vaguely remember reading about it a few years ago (maybe on Yuku? I lurked for a good while before joining here). But I don't remember the photos... she looks so young, which makes it even creepier. I don't get how something like that can be legalized, whereas if they'd had sex outside of legal marriage it would've been statutory rape.

The Josh & Anna engagement and wedding is definitely my favorite, just for the awkward factor. It's like, you put such an incredible, central focus on getting married and yet their ideas of how to romance a woman are so... evil mainstream high school. Not understated, just kind of lame. I guess if I thought marriage was *everything* I'd want the guy to put some serious effort into the romantic aspects. But then again, I'm a heathen liberal who lived with her husband before marriage and got married in a courthouse, so what do I know? ;)

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What in the actual fuck was with the guys dressed in garbage bags grabbing and running off with the Seppi girl at her wedding?

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Favorite fundy wedding, no matter the reason

Jasmine Baucham's wedding attire was unique, and she made a lovely bride. I was worried she would be a SAHD forever.

Kody & Robyn's "wedding" because she was shady as all get out, and she made the sister wives wear hideous brown gowns. Runner up is the Brown commitment ceremony with those hot mess dresses.

Creepiest fundy wedding (aside from Maranatha's drawn-out-for-months wedding)

Michael & Debbi Pearl because honeymoon.

Most memorable fundy wedding

Any of the Seppi cosplay nuptials.

Alyssa's Malibu Barbie color scheme.

Erin & Chad's because Gothard, the Rodrigueses, and the who's who of fundie social climbers were in attendance (Skyler Weiss).

Most WTF wedding

Joe Darger who married twin sisters plus their cousin.

Wedding you remember, but can't remember the names

The fundies who had a double wedding. IIRC, they are sibling sets who intermarry.

No links, it's after 3 a.m.

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What in the actual fuck was with the guys dressed in garbage bags grabbing and running off with the Seppi girl at her wedding?

Yes, that was the most effed-up and trashy bridenapping I have ever seen.

But the whole Seppi Clan is effed-up and somehow trashy, so it was fitting them.

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Favorite fundy wedding, no matter the reason

Jasmine Baucham's wedding attire was unique, and she made a lovely bride. I was worried she would be a SAHD forever.

Kody & Robyn's "wedding" because she was shady as all get out, and she made the sister wives wear hideous brown gowns. Runner up is the Brown commitment ceremony with those hot mess dresses.

Creepiest fundy wedding (aside from Maranatha's drawn-out-for-months wedding)

Michael & Debbi Pearl because honeymoon.

Most memorable fundy wedding

Any of the Seppi cosplay nuptials.

Alyssa's Malibu Barbie color scheme.

Erin & Chad's because Gothard, the Rodrigueses, and the who's who of fundie social climbers were in attendance (Skyler Weiss).

Most WTF wedding

Joe Darger who married twin sisters plus their cousin.

Wedding you remember, but can't remember the names

The fundies who had a double wedding. IIRC, they are sibling sets who intermarry.

No links, it's after 3 a.m.

Would assume it's the S'mortons, aka the Smiths and Mortons.

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My cousin, who married her now ex-husband during her fundie phrase at the age of 18, referred to him as her "lord and master". :disgust:

Do these people not see the obvious S&M at play here? Or is it just me?

Favorite fundy wedding, no matter the reason

Jasmine Baucham's wedding attire was unique, and she made a lovely bride. I was worried she would be a SAHD forever.

Kody & Robyn's "wedding" because she was shady as all get out, and she made the sister wives wear hideous brown gowns. Runner up is the Brown commitment ceremony with those hot mess dresses.

Creepiest fundy wedding (aside from Maranatha's drawn-out-for-months wedding)

Michael & Debbi Pearl because honeymoon.

Most memorable fundy wedding

Any of the Seppi cosplay nuptials.

Alyssa's Malibu Barbie color scheme.

Erin & Chad's because Gothard, the Rodrigueses, and the who's who of fundie social climbers were in attendance (Skyler Weiss).

Most WTF wedding

Joe Darger who married twin sisters plus their cousin.

Wedding you remember, but can't remember the names

The fundies who had a double wedding. IIRC, they are sibling sets who intermarry.

No links, it's after 3 a.m.

To the bold......um can I get an explanation/backstory please? :shock:

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I am loving this thread! I have been going thru the sub forums one at a time. This thread is like a "go here first" for me.

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Thanks, CaptFunderpants. For the life of me, I couldn't recall the S'Mortons. Insomnia does a number on my brain.

PrairieGirl, The Dargers are of the fundie Mormon persuasion. They had a one-off special on TLC plus a crossover with Sister Wives.

My Three Wives

gustava also posted a link to a NPR story in this old thread: http://www.freejinger.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=156&t=4334&hilit=Darger&start=20

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Favorite fundy wedding, no matter the reason

Probably Ben and Jessa's. I liked that they thumbed their noses at Jim Bob and Michelle.

Creepiest fundy wedding (aside from Maranatha's drawn-out-for-months wedding)

Definitely Jessiqua and that older, creepy man.

Most memorable fundy wedding

People will be talking about Joseph and Elissa for years. I'll go with that one.

Most WTF wedding

The PP and Zsucifer. Running off to Nevada so they could have holy sex, then hiding it from everyone? Weirdos.

Wedding you remember, but can't remember the names

This wasn't a name FJ followed (as far as I know), but it was one Christopher Maxwell photographed. The women all wore weird Amish looking dresses, not even pretty ones. The men looked normal.

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Would assume it's the S'mortons, aka the Smiths and Mortons.

I thought it was the Stevens/Buckinghams/Hales etc. Lots of double weddings and intermarriage in that group.

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I thought it was the Stevens/Buckinghams/Hales etc. Lots of double weddings and intermarriage in that group.

Are these the fundies who escaped abuse in Alaska who had the double wedding in SoCal? I forgot about these guys. I need to read up on them again. I get my fundies confused.

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