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Casons may be the next TLC family


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They have to do the extreme couponing thing too!

Don't forget the tattoos.

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OMG,it is my birthday and I was feeling a little old and a lot menopausal and this just made me laugh so hard that my tablet is covered with specks of red velvet cake and cream cheese icing.

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Just my $0.02 but the bolded does sound like most (but not all) of the Pagan's I know, myself included.

I have, unfortunately, met several whackadoodles like the Menstrual Meat Sitter, and I agree that any TLC show featuring Pagans is likely to feature every crazy sideshow personality the producers can find!

That's what I think TLC would do if they planned a show about Pagans. It hasn't been what it originally was for years now, which meant that the "L" stood for Learning. Now, it seems to mean The Looney Channel.

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I never got a fundie religious vibe from the Casons and having followed her family they seem pretty normal with kids going to public school and college. In fact she recently made a post about telling people off and to leave her life who have issues because she has multiple kids who are gay or identify on the LGBQT spectrum and that there is no room for people who think less of the kids she loves in her life.

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I wish they would bring back the Gonya family. They did the same kind of episode as the Casons did. The dad was a hottie. :)

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TLC is also into polygamists. And Say Yes to the Dress. But not Muslims anymore.

The Muslim show was so good too! It really was Muslims are just like us. They had the football coach, the daughter rebelling to start a night club, the pregnant couple, the "rubbing elbows," the hookah smoking. I looooved that show so much.

I want a show about Hasids.

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I never got a fundie religious vibe from the Casons and having followed her family they seem pretty normal with kids going to public school and college. In fact she recently made a post about telling people off and to leave her life who have issues because she has multiple kids who are gay or identify on the LGBQT spectrum and that there is no room for people who think less of the kids she loves in her life.

I don't think anyone is claiming the Cason's are Fundie. For myself, I am saying that anyone who has 16 children and is 42 years old and takes Clomid to conceive #s 17 and 18 and wants to be on reality TV is her own brand of famewhoring crazy. She is a baby collector looking for a payday. The fact that she has lgbt children and curses doesn't mitigate the lunacy for me.

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I don't think anyone is claiming the Cason's are Fundie. For myself, I am saying that anyone who has 16 children and is 42 years old and takes Clomid to conceive #s 17 and 18 and wants to be on reality TV is her own brand of famewhoring crazy. She is a baby collector looking for a payday. The fact that she has lgbt children and curses doesn't mitigate the lunacy for me.

I was saying it in regards to being fundie I agree it's crazy to keep pushing her body to have baby after baby when you hit menopause for a reason.

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I think this show can have potential to be interesting.

But i agree its really weird if you are not religious to wantto have such a big family. Even fundies stop after menopause, and this woman is not, scary. She could easily end with more than 20 if she keeps going!

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I think this show can have potential to be interesting.

But i agree its really weird if you are not religious to wantto have such a big family. Even fundies stop after menopause, and this woman is not, scary. She could easily end with more than 20 if she keeps going!


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A big family of little people who are fundie wiccans? With one kid that's super duper tall.

...who likes to eat paper and hoards cat hair.

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As an actual Pagan, it wont happen. If they do, they will find the biggest wackos or make crap up like they usually do, because in real life most Pagans are boring. Trust me, school runs, picking up dry cleaning, going to shops, is just as boring when Pagans do it, and I don't even have a billionity, kids to giggle about and use for attention. Sadly, only MMM could get a show except for all the legal issues, nudity and fucks that come out of her mouth.

Pagans in a nutshell are pretty average people, who tend towards polytheistic pantheons, like to go out in nature instead of churches, tend to freaking love incense, and have a freaking ton of books. At least that would cover most of the ones I know.

Do you have my house bugged? I don't know about MMM.

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Who is writing for clomid? and how do they pay for it? I was curious if I was still ovulating regularly(early 40's) and went on a few boards and saw women buying clomid overseas (like Vietnam was a popular place). it was kind of scary because the women would say the pills didn't look the same but they were so deseperate they would take whatever they were sent. Some were over 40, some just wanted twins.

Haven't read past this yet, but Clomid is VERY cheap. Like $4 at Walmart, $7 at Target. That was 4 years ago, with insurance. Wasn't much more without insurance.

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What kind of medical practitioner prescribes such? How unethical. Or is she one of those people who is buying it off of the web?

I'm also wondering. She's very fertile. Why would any ethical doctor write a script? I think either she found an unethical doc, or she bought of the internet.

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OMG, I love the sets they photographed these women in. They look like the Hobbiton sets from LotR. :shock:

Most of the men I've dated have been very tall, as tall as those women, and the tallest was 2" taller than the tallest women. But yet when I see the pics of the women, they look like giants, while I didn't see my boyfriends like that. They just didn't look so tall. Am I seeing things strange, or did they use trick photography to make the women seem larger?

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As an actual Pagan, it wont happen. If they do, they will find the biggest wackos or make crap up like they usually do, because in real life most Pagans are boring. Trust me, school runs, picking up dry cleaning, going to shops, is just as boring when Pagans do it, and I don't even have a billionity, kids to giggle about and use for attention. Sadly, only MMM could get a show except for all the legal issues, nudity and fucks that come out of her mouth.

Pagans in a nutshell are pretty average people, who tend towards polytheistic pantheons, like to go out in nature instead of churches, tend to freaking love incense, and have a freaking ton of books. At least that would cover most of the ones I know.

My best friend is a serious Wiccan, and she's just as boring to the world as anybody else. Between potty-training her son, doing the laundry, working, bullshitting around with me, and being a typical mom, there's not a lot of time left for dancing naked at the full moon and sacrificing animals.

I think the Wiccans and Pagans who make such a big deal out of it that it's impossible no to know are like the Christians who make sure everybody knows. They think they're being trendy, and aren't likely to be truly participating with any sincerity, and are caricatures of Wiccans/Pagans/Christians.

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I enjoyed Sister Wives before it became whatever it is now. I think the polygamists were a good concept, they just can't get a family to make it "reality" enough. Just a lot of stewing, jealousy, neglect, and not talking about shit, which I'm sure is the only way to function as polygamists, but makes for crap TV.

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When Mrs Cason was on Kids by the Dozen, she came on TWOP and tried to defend a lot of the snark about her family. It didn't go over very well as she played the "all innocent" card. In reality, she is a serious fame-whore and pretty delusional. With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if she lurks and/or posts here.

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Religion has nothing to do with baby addiction. I don't get the appeal, either even if they do a few things different, and personally I feel mega families only make up a small % of the US population. It's amazing when they have no major health issues.

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It's hard to believe NASA helped start TLC for educational purposes.

Well they have the "News from Space" angle covered!

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