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Duggar Pastor on Scandal


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What a great freaking question! I'm thinking they'd find a way to rationalize bringing back the stockade.

Can you imagine the MRAs? There wouldn't be any blaming porn. They might blame feminism. But that part about not getting enough wouldn't have been included.

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Let's eliminate the whole Ashley Madison/secret Facebook and Twitter accounts/OkCupid account and just leave molesting 5 girls, 4 of whom were his sisters.

That alone is enough IMHO to call in CPS because those children are living with a sexual predator. He's only admitted to the incidents with those 5; who knows what else he may have done.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I'll admit my own personal background colors my perception of things. Hell, if I had my way, he'd be surgically castrated for the affair.

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The worst part?

Jill and Derick provided a link to watch the sermon live.


I haven't finished the rest of the thread yet, but I have to say this: Hey, Jilly Muffin, Karma's a bitch. And you (and your husband, as well as your sister Jessa Blessa and her teenage husband) are long overdue for some.

I am no fan of Anna's, but anyone with a shred of compassion's heart goes out to her in the midst of the worst days of her life so far. The fact you and your husband decided to rub your sister-in-law's nose in a situation she is not at fault for via the local pastor's comments tells me you're more interested in being right than being merciful.

You whined and cried to everyone who would listen that the publicity surrounding the LAST scandal "re-victimized" you. I don't have words to express the kind of disgust and revulsion I have to consider the fact that YOU just poured it out on your (blameless) sister-in-law and her (blameless) kids. And I don't have a vile enough name to call you for that, either.

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All right... who wants to see Jon Oliver (HBO) go after this a-hole preacher and Gothard/Quiverfull? He did a bang up job tearing a new one in some megapreachers a week or so ago... So much so that it's triggering an IRS probe.

I know it's difficult to go after a belief system as a whole, but these guys need to be held accountable! I"ve been reading stories on Recovering Grace, and it's sickening what Gothard did using the name of God.

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Horrible. I wish Anna will listen to her brother and sister. It might not be right now since all of this is overwhelming, but one day in the near future when the smoke clears out I hope they are there for her. I can't believe all of them are basically belittling her. :(

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Let's eliminate the whole Ashley Madison/secret Facebook and Twitter accounts/OkCupid account and just leave molesting 5 girls, 4 of whom were his sisters.

That alone is enough IMHO to call in CPS because those children are living with a sexual predator. He's only admitted to the incidents with those 5; who knows what else he may have done.

If the last known instance of him molesting a girl was in 2003 when he was a minor, there's no way cheating on a spouse now is going to get CPS involved. Now, if there is any indication that the M-kids are being mistreated, anyone who has knowledge of such mistreatment should report it. But Daddy being an asshole who cheats on Mommy is not grounds for state intervention, even with his old history.

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If Anna were the unfaithful spouse, would the same sermon be preached?

Absolutely not. Jilly would be posting about Jezebels and how weak and corrupted women are. The Duggar Family would be dragging Anna publicly...anything to protect their precious Joshie!

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All the other Duggar "stuff", such as the way they raise their kids with little education and keep them isolated, have always made me angry. This thing with Anna is different. It hurts. I hope that the Duggar willingness to shift the blame to Anna is not swept under the rug by the media. People have to know that this is how the Duggars do things to protect their golden child.

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If Anna were the unfaithful spouse, would the same sermon be preached?

She'd probably be burned at the stake. And everyone would flock to his side and comfort him.

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I'm not shocked Jessa is sticking up for Josh but it's a bit surprising Jill threw Anna under the bus. I thought Jill cared more about Anna. Sometimes I forget how fundie Jill and Derick are because they don't post shit that pisses me off as much. To be honest, the only Duggar girl I can see kind of on Anna's side is Jana. She has a close relationship with her and spent time in DC with them. Josh and Jana never seemed particularly close to one another, even though they are close in age. I have a feeling deep down Jana always thought her brother was a douche bag, but of course she would never verbally say this. Also, she seems really close to J&A's kids, so I would imagine she's mad that her brother not only messed up her sisters childhoods, but now her nieces and nephews. This isn't to say she won't blame the secular world and porn for Josh's cheating, but I don't think she would blame Anna.

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I haven't finished the rest of the thread yet, but I have to say this: Hey, Jilly Muffin, Karma's a bitch. And you (and your husband, as well as your sister Jessa Blessa and her teenage husband) are long overdue for some.

I am no fan of Anna's, but anyone with a shred of compassion's heart goes out to her in the midst of the worst days of her life so far. The fact you and your husband decided to rub your sister-in-law's nose in a situation she is not at fault for via the local pastor's comments tells me you're more interested in being right than being merciful.

You whined and cried to everyone who would listen that the publicity surrounding the LAST scandal "re-victimized" you. I don't have words to express the kind of disgust and revulsion I have to consider the fact that YOU just poured it out on your (blameless) sister-in-law and her (blameless) kids. And I don't have a vile enough name to call you for that, either.

They don't believe in karma. Which is a pity because the basis of worrying about karma is 'maybe I shouldn't do this thing because what if it was me?' Or, y'know, some human empathy. I think all of the older Duggers have flipped into survival mode and the way to survive in an ultra-religous environment is to become 'Sister Bertha Better-Than-You', as the song says.

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If Anna were the unfaithful spouse, would the same sermon be preached?

Hahahahahahaha!!!1111!!!1!! That's a good one! There's a reason why in the Fundie biblical universe men can get remarried if their wife commits adultery, but a woman can't get remarried if her husband commits adultery. (Otherwise the new marriage is viewed as an adulterous one; only death can end a woman's marriage.) And to get technical with you about the definition of adultery- a married man does not commit adultery if the woman he screws isn't married- only if that woman is married. But, a married woman, regardless of whether or not the man she screws is married- commits adultery either way. Two umarried heathens doing it well are only fornicators!

I'm not shitting you guys!! These are actual fundie biblical truths that have some rather obscure validity per the Letters of Paul.

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I haven't finished the rest of the thread yet, but I have to say this: Hey, Jilly Muffin, Karma's a bitch. And you (and your husband, as well as your sister Jessa Blessa and her teenage husband) are long overdue for some.

I am no fan of Anna's, but anyone with a shred of compassion's heart goes out to her in the midst of the worst days of her life so far. The fact you and your husband decided to rub your sister-in-law's nose in a situation she is not at fault for via the local pastor's comments tells me you're more interested in being right than being merciful.

You whined and cried to everyone who would listen that the publicity surrounding the LAST scandal "re-victimized" you. I don't have words to express the kind of disgust and revulsion I have to consider the fact that YOU just poured it out on your (blameless) sister-in-law and her (blameless) kids. And I don't have a vile enough name to call you for that, either.

Jill and Jessa's response to Joshgate 2.0 indicates to me that they care more about standing by their gross brother and remaining queen bees in Gothardland than extending any kind of help or compassion to Anna. Since Anna has been completely assimilated into the Duggar Borg collective, I'm not confident that she's getting any support during this difficult time.

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It is difficult to imagine who in the DuggarDynasty would be supporting Anna at all. After all, she is to blame. How are they treating her I wonder? Kind of a scary thought.

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It is difficult to imagine who in the DuggarDynasty would be supporting Anna at all. After all, she is to blame. How are they treating her I wonder? Kind of a scary thought.

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Let's eliminate the whole Ashley Madison/secret Facebook and Twitter accounts/OkCupid account and just leave molesting 5 girls, 4 of whom were his sisters.

That alone is enough IMHO to call in CPS because those children are living with a sexual predator. He's only admitted to the incidents with those 5; who knows what else he may have done.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I'll admit my own personal background colors my perception of things. Hell, if I had my way, he'd be surgically castrated for the affair.

Agree with much of what you say.

I think there's enough proof or strong suggestion to a coverup on the CSA by the Duggar family which put innocent children at risk, to warrant a full investigation of the Duggar clan. CSA did have an open file back in June. Not sure if they're monitoring the Duggars or not. One of Josh's victims is still a minor.

And of course, there is the family connection with the trooper who opted not to report Josh's CSA while it was still under the statute of limitations and who is now serving 56 years for child pornography. Not to mention JB's statement that it happens in almost all families, or Jessa's father-in-law saying all men would commit incest if they could get away with it. So many red flags for CPS. And I'd really like to know what happened with that law suit against DHS. How could he possibly have won a settlement against them for investigating him on CSA? He did commit CSA.

So from where I'm sitting, I think there is just cause to at least monitor the kids in the Duggars care.

Edited "Jessa's stepfather to father-in-law." Classic booboo.

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I just hope Anna's brother Daniel and her sister Susanna can talk some sense into Anna to get her away from Josh. Shame on the Keller Parents for talking Anna into staying with Josh. Shame on that Pastor who had the nerve to blindly throw out food for thought that the woman is responsible for the husbands affairs. I know Southern Baptists Christians who don't believe in the crap that Pastor or the Quiverfull Southern Baptists Spew. Jimbob and Michelle must be torturing Anna by blaming her for their sons transgressions " sin." Jessa has already started to be vocal about everyone forgiving Josh, AGAIN! Anna is cornered and she probably has a Duggar staying with her to hold her accountable and brainwash her with Josh's innocence.

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OK, playing Devil's advocate here, but typically sermons are planned weeks in advance. And isn't the sermon that was done on Sunday part of a series on marriage intimacy?

It is entirely likely that the topic of sermon is just coincidental with the recent event.

As far as Jill and Derrick posting that link, Well, it is possible that they were throwing shade at Anna, or at the very least being very insensitive. Or it could also be possible that they just didn't think it through or consider that it could be viewed as a commentary for Anna.

Also, it is possible that in their screwed up viewpoint, they don't see it the same way we do. They don't see it as blaming Anna. I didn't read through the whole thing, but maybe they are interpreting it to mean that man or woman, husband or wife, you need to find your sexual satisfaction from one another and one way to do that is to be sexually available to your partner. This doesn't necessarily mean that Jill personally believes that Anna is at fault. I doubt Jill is really smart enough to get that subtlety. I just think, that like all Duggars, they have sex on the brain all the time, and feel it is their mission to promote one man/one woman happy marital sexual bliss.

I really don't know if Jill has it in her to cast shade like this. I think they were asked by their church to post a big thing on social media about Sex knowing that it would up their attendance and viewership. Just like all of their other product placement over the years.

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I'm not shocked Jessa is sticking up for Josh but it's a bit surprising Jill threw Anna under the bus. I thought Jill cared more about Anna. Sometimes I forget how fundie Jill and Derick are because they don't post shit that pisses me off as much. To be honest, the only Duggar girl I can see kind of on Anna's side is Jana. She has a close relationship with her and spent time in DC with them. Josh and Jana never seemed particularly close to one another, even though they are close in age. I have a feeling deep down Jana always thought her brother was a douche bag, but of course she would never verbally say this. Also, she seems really close to J&A's kids, so I would imagine she's mad that her brother not only messed up her sisters childhoods, but now her nieces and nephews. This isn't to say she won't blame the secular world and porn for Josh's cheating, but I don't think she would blame Anna.

well, iirc, jana did help anna deliver some of her children. she's obviously done more to help than josh ever did, mr. takes-a-nap-during-transition.

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Out of curiosity, do the Duggars attend services at that church? I know the parents and Jill were married there but didn't they have services on their own property for a time?

Also my thoughts on the Pastor's lecture: The Church is not in their bedroom. The assumption is that Anna was not submitting to her husbands every desire, but what if she was? There was an episode (I think they were visiting Priscilla) where they found out they were not pregnant and in the TH Anna seemed to be asking/begging Josh to try more/harder for another baby and he seemed disinterested. My theory is that he was neglecting her to have his affairs. I know they would never admit to that. Poor Anna and the other women in that culture that are emotionally trapped. Thanks for letting my throw my two cents in.

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I feel this pastor will say anything, especially when the Duggars cause controversy, just to get on the media radar. I bet he then turns this around and probably preaches that he has been persecuted by the liberal media and they are the true chosen people.

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If Anna were the unfaithful spouse, would the same sermon be preached?

No, they be all for stoning her (and not in the good way). :obscene-smokingweed:

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Ugh. Poor Anna. You just know the two freaks have sat her down and explained in great detail how their "hey hey hey" goes down and how it keeps Boob satisfied. Me'chelle is probably giving her bj instructions as we speak.

RUN ANNA- you are worth so much more than this freak show family. So are your children.

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