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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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I wonder what Josh will do when he gets out of rehab? Do you think Rehab will finally make him admit the truth about himself that he is not really invested in the Fundie lifestyle and he will move away and create the life he so desires? I mean lets face it. Going back "home" after all this scandal can not be something he is looking forward to. The family may talk about "forgiveness" but really there has to be some underlying hostility there, even with Anna. Will Josh still want to be married once he deals with his issues and comes to face to face with the pretend life he had vs. the life he obviously would rather have? I don't know but I see a different Josh emerging. I see a Josh who will distance himself and live a different type of life. Let's face it, he must have never wanted the life his parents had. JB may be a cad but I think JB is invested in his marriage in a way that Josh never was invested in his marriage to Anna.

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I wonder what Josh will do when he gets out of rehab? Do you think Rehab will finally make him admit the truth about himself that he is not really invested in the Fundie lifestyle and he will move away and create the life he so desires? I mean lets face it. Going back "home" after all this scandal can not be something he is looking forward to. The family may talk about "forgiveness" but really there has to be some underlying hostility there, even with Anna. Will Josh still want to be married once he deals with his issues and comes to face to face with the pretend life he had vs. the life he obviously would rather have? I don't know but I see a different Josh emerging. I see a Josh who will distance himself and live a different type of life. Let's face it, he must have never wanted the life his parents had. JB may be a cad but I think JB is invested in his marriage in a way that Josh never was invested in his marriage to Anna.

We can only speculate, but I think fundie rehab, if he sticks it out, will not change him or give him any insight. He is not being helped to deal with his real issues. He is being told to pray and repent.

Initially, when he comes back he will toe the line and play the "Prodigal Son" card. Eventually he will break out. However, it is hard to say how or when though. A lot may depend on how much applause he gets for repenting and so forth. As for Anna, you are right that Josh is not invested in his marriage. He will stay with Anna, though, so long as he is trying to please his parents and show everyone how he has changed.

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SVU might take on the Duggars and Ashley Madison in an episode. That's hilarious. I can just see Dim Bulb readying the lawyers.

I tweeted this way back on June 4:

TDoc72 â€@Yecart72 · Jun 4

@nbcsvu @warrenleightTV @WolfFilms We need a 'ripped from the headlines' episode about the Josh Duggar scandal! Please make it happen.

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I would love to see a Law & Order: SVU episode about this. It would seriously make my day.

SVU was the one part of the Law and Order franchise that I could not watch, because of the intensity and my revulsion at sex crimes especially those involving children. But I would definitely tune in for a Joshley Madison inspired episode!

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I would love to see a Law & Order: SVU episode about this. It would seriously make my day.

So would I. They'll probably be some twist at the end, like maybe the not-Josh character paying for a mistress' abortion or being secretly gay or maybe not being the biological son of the not-JB patriarch.

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So would I. They'll probably be some twist at the end, like maybe the not-Josh character paying for a mistress' abortion or being secretly gay or maybe not being the biological son of the not-JB patriarch.

Honestly, I wouldn't be especially shocked if the next "I was Josh Duggar's paramour" claim came from a dude.

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Honestly, I wouldn't be especially shocked if the next "I was Josh Duggar's paramour" claim came from a dude.

I figure Josh isn't not that evolved. (Oops, wrong metaphor... what's the creationist equivalent?)

His AM and OKCupid tastes were totally, utterly white male heterosexual mundane.

If not a Law&Order: SVU episode, what about CSI? I'd love to see Josh trying to make moonshine with Lady Heather.

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I figure Josh isn't not that evolved. (Oops, wrong metaphor... what's the creationist equivalent?)

His AM and OKCupid tastes were totally, utterly white male heterosexual mundane.

If not a Law&Order: SVU episode, what about CSI? I'd love to see Josh trying to make moonshine with Lady Heather.

CSI is over :( W have the CSI movie coming up soon as a grand finale so to speak (William Petersen (Gil Grissom) will be back for that one) but yeah, that's it. So we'll have to hope for SVU to come through.

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Any sign of the Joshmeister? You people are jonesing bad.

I notice you've posted all over Free Jinger with a lot of empty comments that don't add much to the conversation. Are you in a hurry to get to 75 posts or something? What's your angle? :think:

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I wonder what Josh will do when he gets out of rehab? Do you think Rehab will finally make him admit the truth about himself that he is not really invested in the Fundie lifestyle and he will move away and create the life he so desires? I mean lets face it. Going back "home" after all this scandal can not be something he is looking forward to. The family may talk about "forgiveness" but really there has to be some underlying hostility there, even with Anna. Will Josh still want to be married once he deals with his issues and comes to face to face with the pretend life he had vs. the life he obviously would rather have? I don't know but I see a different Josh emerging. I see a Josh who will distance himself and live a different type of life. Let's face it, he must have never wanted the life his parents had. JB may be a cad but I think JB is invested in his marriage in a way that Josh never was invested in his marriage to Anna.

His options are limited once he leaves his so-called rehab. He's going to be at least partially, if not fully, dependent on his father and his father will insist he go home to his wife and family and stay there by the fireside bright. So he will. But I can't see it lasting for too long for all the reasons you outline. So the real questions are how long he'll pretend to be the good husband and father and when will he start cheating again.

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I am starting to think that this long term "rehab" is really going to backfire on the Duggars. He isn't detoxing from drugs or alcohol, it isn't like he will finally be thinking clearly without illicit substances. Even while following the "program", he is going to have a lot of time to think about his life and what he wants for his future without the distraction of family. He might ultimately decide he can't be happy married with kids. He might love Anna but it's different than being in love with the person you are married to. He was basically quickly pushed into a marriage with someone he barely knew. Maybe he will want to chase real love. Maybe he will want to see what life is like living under his rules, rather than Daddy's. "Rehab" may change Josh's mindset but not necessarily in the way the Duggars hope. Josh's life is close to as low as it can go, he may figure that better to live on his terms at the bottom than someone elses and still be in the same place.

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I am starting to think that this long term "rehab" is really going to backfire on the Duggars. He isn't detoxing from drugs or alcohol, it isn't like he will finally be thinking clearly without illicit substances. Even while following the "program", he is going to have a lot of time to think about his life and what he wants for his future without the distraction of family. He might ultimately decide he can't be happy married with kids. He might love Anna but it's different than being in love with the person you are married to. He was basically quickly pushed into a marriage with someone he barely knew. Maybe he will want to chase real love. Maybe he will want to see what life is like living under his rules, rather than Daddy's. "Rehab" may change Josh's mindset but not necessarily in the way the Duggars hope. Josh's life is close to as low as it can go, he may figure that better to live on his terms at the bottom than someone elses and still be in the same place.

Part of me agrees with what you've said, but does he have the courage? And how will he earn a living and pay child support?

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Ok so, Josh has cheated on his wife while trying to keep his affairs secret, he's a major liar, extremely devious and and thinks he's above the law. Hell, why is he in rehab, he should be a politician!! ;)

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Ok so, Josh has cheated on his wife while trying to keep his affairs secret, he's a major liar, extremely devious and and thinks he's above the law. Hell, why is he in rehab, he should be a politician!! ;)

I think that was his original plan. Unfortunately he did everything out of order. You're supposed to become a politician and then get caught doing something shady. He really missed the boat on that one.

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Part of me agrees with what you've said, but does he have the courage? And how will he earn a living and pay child support?

He's a weasel, and a lazy one at that. He'll go back and try to live his life on his own terms while pretending to follow his father's rules. I don't see any epiphanies coming for Josh and I think the rest of his life is going suck due to a lack of them.

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Seriously though, Josh doesn't sound much different to probably a large percentage of the males on this planet, and they're not all in rehab. His majorly restricted lifestyle must be partly to blame for what he has done.

Imagine when he first got married, he would have had unlimited and unrestricted access to the internet, with no parent watching over his shoulder. His eyes must have been the size of footballs seeing stuff he'd never seen before. Just maybe Josh has turned into the playboy he was always destined to be. :)

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I've been watching the last several episodes of the last season of 19Kids, reminding myself of red flags that many of us had noted. Little did we know what all they signaled!

I just finished the (Meredith) Jinder Reveal party episode, where Anna and Josh return from a solo trip to LA, and JB and J'chelle give Josh and Anna a marriage retreat certificate as one of their Jinder party favors. Josh grumbles that they'd just gotten away on their own.

Back in May, during the molestation aftermath, FJer Jessa's Side Eye brought up the retreat certificate, but not knowing what we do now, we didn't pursue it.

It's got me wondering now, though. JB and/or J'chelle knew something was off-kilter between J&A, either because they saw it or sensed it or were told? Did Anna say something? I don't think they knew what Josh was up to--they were all clearly blindsided--but it's curious that they were nudging marriage retreat work.

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I think if we the viewers sensed something was amiss before any of the scandals broke, the family MUST have. And from his family's reaction to the latest scandal, I think there is probably a lot more going on with Josh than we know about.

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Seriously though, Josh doesn't sound much different to probably a large percentage of the males on this planet, and they're not all in rehab. His majorly restricted lifestyle must be partly to blame for what he has done.

Imagine when he first got married, he would have had unlimited and unrestricted access to the internet, with no parent watching over his shoulder. His eyes must have been the size of footballs seeing stuff he'd never seen before. Just maybe Josh has turned into the playboy he was always destin.ed to be. :)

I don't buy the porn addict story, but I think Josh was caught looking at online porn at work, age 16.
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I don't buy the porn addict story, but I think Josh was caught looking at online porn at work, age 16.

Was this ever confirmed in any way?

And I'm not saying that it isn't true, but I also wonder how much of real porn that really was. I mean, looking at some Victoria's secret catalogue probably already qualifies as viewing porn in the eyes of many fundies.

What I'm trying to say is that for fundies, words don't necessarily have the same meaning as for the rest of the population.

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Was this ever confirmed in any way?

And I'm not saying that it isn't true, but I also wonder how much of real porn that really was. I mean, looking at some Victoria's secret catalogue probably already qualifies as viewing porn in the eyes of many fundies.

What I'm trying to say is that for fundies, words don't necessarily have the same meaning as for the rest of the population.

InTouch Weekly reported that he was caught watching internet porn while he was supposed to be working on Jim Holt's US Senate campaign. Holt lost to the Democrat.

He had been betrothed to Holt's daughter, Kaeleigh (sp?).

The story fits with various rumors we've heard over the years about "sin in the camp" of the campaign.

As Josh had already molested at least 5 girls by this point, I tend to doubt he stuck to soft core. He probably had no idea how easy it would be for someone to find out/confirm what he'd been up to.

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It's got me wondering now, though. JB and/or J'chelle knew something was off-kilter between J&A, either because they saw it or sensed it or were told? Did Anna say something? I don't think they knew what Josh was up to--they were all clearly blindsided--but it's curious that they were nudging marriage retreat work.

Maybe he was travelling a lot more for work than seemed necessary, and just didn't seem happy when he was around his family. Wife's pregnant, three other kids, and he's jetting around. Anna wants to talk about it and he doesn't. The Duggars may have thought he was behaving strangely and that Anna seemed stressed. Let's send them on a marriage retreat!

IIRC, before Jessa's wedding, wasn't Anna saying that Josh would be flying in that day from a business meeting and might be late? At the time I thought it was manufactured drama for the show, but perhaps Josh just didn't want to deal with any of them any more than he had to.

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