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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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Hmm. It gets even more interesting. I love looking at houses, so I Google searched for images of the address from the Zillow listing. I found pictures of a similar looking house at a different but nearby address. The address on the original listing is 1935, but this other listing is at 1969. According to Google maps, 1935 is the actual address. The 1969 address is just some random buildings. Based on the images, I think the listing at 1969 is the same as 1935.

If anyone is interested, here's the 1969 listing that has images of what I'm sure is the housenmfrom the 1935 listing: http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1969- ... 4458_zpid/

Also, mapping the address showed me that it's extremely close to the Duggar compound, as in across the street.

From that listing, is that the same pool Jessa's Instagrammed before?

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Good find Frumper Lover! The Dowell House (can't help but think Doll House, because it looks a little like a Barbie Dream House, Arkansas style).

I meant to add last night to my thinking of the Dowell house as suiting Anna and M-kids that the house is likely a Duggar 'guest house' (bigger than the bunkhouse/guesthouse they added on at TTH) or, as others upthread have speculated, a married child 'rental.' And the pool is a swimmin-hole amenity for all the Duggar youngins too. (But, upthread is right that having that pool around Anna's little kids is very worrisome.)

My surmise is that Anna will be the first resident of the Dowell house. It's literally around the corner from TTH, so she'll get lots and lots of 'support' from the remaining and rising J'slaves, female and male. The M-Kids can homeschool and play with their younger aunts and uncles. Anna is more 'protected' from the press and gawkers than she would be out in the big wide world. JB is 'doing right by her.' (And, of course, JB is cleaving her hard so she can't escape.)

I surmise further that the trip to central Florida (spotted publicly at Disneyworld) included a visit to Anna's parents for JB's in-person reassurance that he'd do right by Anna and the M-kids. I've said before that JB did right by Mrs. Query and her kids, bringing them in as extended family; Anna is family by covenant, which makes the obligation stronger than that with the Querys. And JB has far more to lose if Anna flees the compound.

It does seem as if the purchase of the Dowell house allows JB to extend the compound and move in the direction of his thought that the kids would build houses on the TTH's twenty acres. The Dowell house gives semblance of independence and adult privacy but is less far than a stone's throw. The Stoney Brook house at 30 minutes away was too far for Duggar compounding (it worked for Jill and Derick when Derick worked at Walmart near Rogers).

I wonder who owns that swathe of land west of the Duggars and between the TTH and Dowell Road? I bet JB wants to buy that. Maybe wagonloads of howlers trekking across it, to and fro the Dowell House and TTH, will compel a sale.

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I forgot to mention that ALB Investments was incorporated the same day the Siloam Springs sale or transfer or whatever it is took place.

Agree that looks like the same pool as we've seen on Jessa's IG.

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I am a bit lost. So are people now doubting that the porn star's account is even true? And now that a supposed 2nd woman has come forward, they are assuming it is also not true?

I am confused about this. Per Josh's own words he was addicted to porn. I am not sure if Addicted is technically accurate, but it would seem likely he was really into porn.

I have no trouble believing that the DC area has a plethora of sex workers, many of whom probably have done porn, either in photos, or online sites, etc. And likely some of those same women supplement their income working at strip clubs, which is where I think Josh met the first girl.

It doesn't surprise me or seem even remotely UNlikely that Josh frequented strip clubs with the intent to hook up with professional sex workers/porn actresses/ strippers, etc. He seems to definitely have had a type, and the Porn Star woman, was his type.

Now, Joshie, like a lot of us, might have more than one type, and his other type, that he seemed to seek out on his dating profiles, was an intelligent, sporty woman, that he could have fairly conventional sex with and then be affectionate with afterwards.

Now does this mean he was looking for a more long term affair? Or was he simply marketing himself. I had a co worker who used dating services after her divorce. All the guys said similar things as Josh, and probably 80% of them turned out to be men who were just looking for a hook up. They were smart enough to write up a profile that made them sounds like a nice guy, just looking for companionship and a relationship.

My co-worker, who made a lot of really bad choices during the time of her divorce and for about a year after that, was on several sites, including Christian Mingle. Let me tell you, there was a lot of hooking up going on with those from Christian Mingle as well. THe profiles would all sound like these nice guys who just wanted to find that partner that God has for them bullshit, and then after a couple of email exchanges, they are talking about taking a bubble bath together, and then after that about bending you over the hood of the car and taking you from behind while you scream out "Oh God" over and over. My impression was that was the meaning of Christian Mingle. As long as you screamed out Oh God or Oh Jesus while you were getting plowed, or doing the plowing you were all good.

As to the property stuff, Confusing. It sounds like JB is up to his usual tricks and slights of hand. I just hope poor Anna is getting even more screwed by all of this than she already was. If it was her choice to be closer to the TTH, in order to get some help with her brood, then fine, but it worries me that JB has now ended up with his name on all the properties. His control and oppression will never end as long as he owns their homes, employs their spouses and uses his creative financial acumen to keep them comfortable enough in their lifestyle that they don't dare leave and simultaneously hungry enough that they will continue on with the family circus

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I am a bit lost. So are people now doubting that the porn star's account is even true? And now that a supposed 2nd woman has come forward, they are assuming it is also not true?

I am confused about this. Per Josh's own words he was addicted to porn. I am not sure if Addicted is technically accurate, but it would seem likely he was really into porn.

I have no trouble believing that the DC area has a plethora of sex workers, many of whom probably have done porn, either in photos, or online sites, etc. And likely some of those same women supplement their income working at strip clubs, which is where I think Josh met the first girl.

It doesn't surprise me or seem even remotely UNlikely that Josh frequented strip clubs with the intent to hook up with professional sex workers/porn actresses/ strippers, etc. He seems to definitely have had a type, and the Porn Star woman, was his type.

Now, Joshie, like a lot of us, might have more than one type, and his other type, that he seemed to seek out on his dating profiles, was an intelligent, sporty woman, that he could have fairly conventional sex with and then be affectionate with afterwards.

Now does this mean he was looking for a more long term affair? Or was he simply marketing himself. I had a co worker who used dating services after her divorce. All the guys said similar things as Josh, and probably 80% of them turned out to be men who were just looking for a hook up. They were smart enough to write up a profile that made them sounds like a nice guy, just looking for companionship and a relationship.

My co-worker, who made a lot of really bad choices during the time of her divorce and for about a year after that, was on several sites, including Christian Mingle. Let me tell you, there was a lot of hooking up going on with those from Christian Mingle as well. THe profiles would all sound like these nice guys who just wanted to find that partner that God has for them bullshit, and then after a couple of email exchanges, they are talking about taking a bubble bath together, and then after that about bending you over the hood of the car and taking you from behind while you scream out "Oh God" over and over. My impression was that was the meaning of Christian Mingle. As long as you screamed out Oh God or Oh Jesus while you were getting plowed, or doing the plowing you were all good.

As to the property stuff, Confusing. It sounds like JB is up to his usual tricks and slights of hand. I just hope poor Anna is getting even more screwed by all of this than she already was. If it was her choice to be closer to the TTH, in order to get some help with her brood, then fine, but it worries me that JB has now ended up with his name on all the properties. His control and oppression will never end as long as he owns their homes, employs their spouses and uses his creative financial acumen to keep them comfortable enough in their lifestyle that they don't dare leave and simultaneously hungry enough that they will continue on with the family circus

I agree that this has JB's hands that bind, re/con/strict and control all over it.

I wish the state attny general and the IRS would do a full audit on everything that has a Duggar name attached.

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I think you might be right. It looks a lot like the pool is this Instagram post: https://instagram.com/p/6BJh9jDfrq/

That's definitely the same pool, good catch! It looks like Ben's siblings are there too which would point towards it being Ben and Jessa's house. Though I suppose they could also just be staying at the Duggar guest house across the street.

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That's definitely the same pool, good catch! It looks like Ben's siblings are there too which would point towards it being Ben and Jessa's house. Though I suppose they could also just be staying at the Duggar guest house across the street.

That pool would terrify me if I had small children.

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So..... Im confused. Are we speculating that the super nice house with a pool now is occupied by Jessa, or basically standing empty, or going to be Anna's new digs?

I agree with a PP that we need a summary/list of all the properties, complete with links to zillow/auditor stuff, pics etc. I can't keep all this stuff straight anymore, at this rate, it'll be like the LDS compound and JB will apply to have his own city/zip code!! :cray-cray:

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I am a bit lost. So are people now doubting that the porn star's account is even true? And now that a supposed 2nd woman has come forward, they are assuming it is also not true?

I am confused about this. Per Josh's own words he was addicted to porn. I am not sure if Addicted is technically accurate, but it would seem likely he was really into porn.

I have no trouble believing that the DC area has a plethora of sex workers, many of whom probably have done porn, either in photos, or online sites, etc. And likely some of those same women supplement their income working at strip clubs, which is where I think Josh met the first girl.

It doesn't surprise me or seem even remotely UNlikely that Josh frequented strip clubs with the intent to hook up with professional sex workers/porn actresses/ strippers, etc

. .......

My co-worker, who made a lot of really bad choices during the time of her divorce and for about a year after that, was on several sites, including Christian Mingle. Let me tell you, there was a lot of hooking up going on with those from Christian Mingle as well. THe profiles would all sound like these nice guys who just wanted to find that partner that God has for them bullshit, and then after a couple of email exchanges, they are talking about taking a bubble bath together, and then after that about bending you over the hood of the car and taking you from behind while you scream out "Oh God" over and over. My impression was that was the meaning of Christian Mingle. As long as you screamed out Oh God or Oh Jesus while you were getting plowed, or doing the plowing you were all good.

I think that so far the only account that is specific enough to be taken seriously is Danica's. The claim from the woman who thought she might be pregnant and the claim from the second porn star have had little reporting after the initial teasers, and that may be because the sources were deemed unreliable. ( I don't believe JB is bribing silence.)

Regarding Danica, some people seem to agree that the man she describes sounds like Josh. So it probably was Josh. But since it is only her word, and she publicity for coming forward, some of us are skeptical about the details. They could all be true, but she could have embellished or left things out. I agree that there is nothing implausible about Josh and sex workers. :)

I loved your characterization of Christian Mingle. I know nothing about the site, but I believe you. :lol:

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My co-worker had a rough transition after her divorce ( well, it started before her divorce, actually). She made a lot of bad decisions, and was borderline unfit as a mother. Her kids were older teens, so not much could be done, but had they been under aged 13, I think she would have been in danger of losing them.

ANyway, she was on about 6 or 7 sites. She is no looker, let me tell you, quite overweight, and loud. To her credit she posted real pics of herself, warts and all. I kid you not, she would get near instant responses to the posts she would make and many were very very lewd. She hooked up with some of these guys, always surprised that after one date, they didn't call. It was often the same story, Looking for love, want a relationship, walks on the beach, quiet nights in front of a fire place, sipping wine. But in the end, it was clear most of the men who contacted her were really just wanting some slap and tickle and to be done. No doubt, she probably was unwise about how she vetted out these prospective suitors.

Anyway, I was shocked by how disgusting some of the ones from Christian Mingle were. Not shocked by what they wanted to do per se, as I don't shock easily when it comes to sex, but shocked that these same men were quoting the bible a few minutes before, and then they moved on to bold sex. My personal favorite that she shared with me was a guy who provided her with biblical support for anal sex in one of his messages. He was apparently quite passionate about that! She was starting to wise up by this time, and politely decline. Not because of the act, but because he was not very good at hiding his creepy factor.

Thank goodness she eventually got her self straightened out before she got a disease or met up with some sadistic creep.

Oh and I want to clarify, I am not against dating sites. I have other friends who have used them and had different experiences. I imagine that my co worker was either naively or intentionally putting out a vibe that she was up for the kind of responses she tended to get. She was in a pretty dark place and needed near continuous affirmation of her worth, attractiveness, etc. So I think on some level, even getting the creepers to respond to her was better than spending even 5 minutes alone. She did not do alone well. ( Good news, though she really did wise up and came through stronger)

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That pool picture was taken when his siblings were there for Ben's birthday.

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That pool picture was taken when his siblings were there for Ben's birthday.

That was in May, and I still don't understand who this house belongs to today or back then. Is it their guest house? The real one, not Ben's bachelor pad? I think it's way too nice (and large) for that. Or is it the neighbors who let them swim from time to time in privacy's place? I tried searching public records but I can't find this place in order to verify ownership. I'm still trying--I just got an idea and I'm off to look into it!

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Is it possible that they were renting the Dowell House before because it was so convenient and now they bought it?

I am horrified at the idea that Anna's house might have been bought by JB for a paltry sum and then she was moved into one of the Duggar, Ltd. properties. Oh honey, no!

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Looking at the pictures of this house... http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1969- ... 4458_zpid/

That's where Jill's bridal shower was held. It was her midwifery mentor's house/birthing center at the time.

I also recall seeing Joy, Jill, Jessa, etc. walking up that front path during a Jill wedding planning episode too.

Plus, there was an episode where the girl's attended a bathtub birth in this house.

There is a much older episode where the Duggar's went swimming at their neighbor's house but I think whoever lived there (if it's even the same house) had kids.

ETA - You can see the house in many of the photos on the midwifery page...


Looks like she started living there in mid-2013. facebook.com/155580851151697/photos/pb.155580851151697.-2207520000.1444022178./581020231941088/?type=3&theater

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Apparently the idea that Anna may be divorcing Josh is picking up some steam. Anna has apparently returned to Florida with her kids and is staying with her folks while Josh is at the Come to Jesus Camp in Rockford. Her siblings are said to be making plans to stage some sort of intervention to get Anna to divorce Josh. Even the Duck Dynasty people are saying she should leave.



If this all turns out to be true I'd say it couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

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Apparently the idea that Anna may be divorcing Josh is picking up some steam. Anna has apparently returned to Florida with her kids and is staying with her folks while Josh is at the Come to Jesus Camp in Rockford. Her siblings are said to be making plans to stage some sort of intervention to get Anna to divorce Josh. Even the Duck Dynasty people are saying she should leave.



If this all turns out to be true I'd say it couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

It is picking up steam in the pseudo-news, because there is no real news, I suspect. The story about the sibling "intervention" sounded made up to me. Who announces ahead of time that they are going to stage an intervention? And the pseudo-news keeps talking about Anna taking the kids and going to her parents, but they started saying that when we knew that at least the two oldest were still with the Duggars.

The Duck Dynasty people didn't say she should leave. They said that she could leave because Josh had broken the covenant (or whatever). They said (and I agree) that it had to be her decision, her choice. But they also talked about Christian forgiveness and how if they both work at it and pray and get counseling the marriage might be saved. So they did not encourage divorce, just said that she would not be at fault if she divorced Josh. (It is still good, of course.)

One person for whom the idea of divorce doesn't seem to be picking up steam is Anna herself. The most recent halfway reliable report said that she had been glad to hear Josh's voice when he called from rehab and that she was looking forward to visiting him when it was permitted in a month or so.

The impression I get is that she is devastated but is praying and hopeful that it can be fixed.

I agree that it would be nice if she could leave and start a new life, but I fear that she is going to stay with him - at least until the next time he hurts and betrays her. Poor woman.

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Also both of those articles are from last week, when there was a quick burst of speculation. Nothing new since then.

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I know someone who has used Christian Mingle and Plenty of Fish. She says the two biggest problems she runs into is when they start heavily endorsing patriarchy (she's had a couple insist that she doesn't need a career because she's a woman and they'll support her), and a bunch of others have been virginity hunters (she listed on her profile that she was a virgin, and not surprisingly, it brought a bunch of creepers out of the woodworks. Girl. What are you doing? STAHP.) But yeah, several of these men flat-out admitted that they liked the idea of her being "untouched." :ew: :oops:

The usual disclaimers apply, I know there are people who have met online and gotten married, not everyone's experience is like this. The horror stories can be interesting, though.

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Looking at the pictures of this house... http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1969- ... 4458_zpid/

That's where Jill's bridal shower was held. It was her midwifery mentor's house/birthing center at the time.

I also recall seeing Joy, Jill, Jessa, etc. walking up that front path during a Jill wedding planning episode too.

Plus, there was an episode where the girl's attended a bathtub birth in this house.

There is a much older episode where the Duggar's went swimming at their neighbor's house but I think whoever lived there (if it's even the same house) had kids.

ETA - You can see the house in many of the photos on the midwifery page...


Looks like she started living there in mid-2013. facebook.com/155580851151697/photos/pb.155580851151697.-2207520000.1444022178./581020231941088/?type=3&theater

Excellent eye!

halcionne noted back in April that Venessa Giron, Jill's midwife, had lost her license in Arkansas but was still delivering babies, probably in TX or OK. Jill wrote in her Dillard Family blogpost on her midwifery license completion that she'd traveled to TX for training (and Venessa posted a pic of Jill to toast Jill's completion), so I think it fair to surmise that Jill continued training with Venessa in TX and that JB bought the Dowell house from her (or her midwifery LLC). The house probably didn't sell, given its size relative to the environs and proximity to the dump, so JB got it at a price he can be all "buy used and save" proud of.

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It bothers me that I still can't find public records about this house. Between the confusion over the street number and not knowing the parcel number, I'm at a loss. Sophrosyne, can you link what you found the other day? I did see an MLS number in google cache, but it's been withdrawn, or else I don't know how to search that properly (which I don't ;) ).

That house is way too nice for the area, imo, and I don't understand how it ever got built. :? Also, if it's a Duggar property, they went all out on the staging pics and that doesn't seem very Duggar-like.

One more thought: let's say it was Duggar-owned when Venessa used it as her business. I suppose it's possible that they put it on the market recently and then removed it for lack of interest. So the staging pics could be from a previous sale. Sophrosyne, share your link before I invent more wild stories! :lol:

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I wonder when Josh will reappear. Should we make some predictions?

If he's at RU, and has been a good godly boy, he's eligible to advance to the second stage after 45 days and receive a visit (in the RU home) from family or friends. This Thursday, Oct 8, is Joshley's day 45.

Eyes to the Duggar Aviation skies, FJers! (And let's see how many hours it takes our tabloid poachers to plagiarize our vigilance and post headlines akin to "Will Anna Visit?" "Conjugal Congregation Cometh?" et al.)

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Excellent eye!

halcionne noted back in April that Venessa Giron, Jill's midwife, had lost her license in Arkansas but was still delivering babies, probably in TX or OK. Jill wrote in her Dillard Family blogpost on her midwifery license completion that she'd traveled to TX for training (and Venessa posted a pic of Jill to toast Jill's completion), so I think it fair to surmise that Jill continued training with Venessa in TX and that JB bought the Dowell house from her (or her midwifery LLC). The house probably didn't sell, given its size relative to the environs and proximity to the dump, so JB got it at a price he can be all "buy used and save" proud of.

Before anyone goes all, "Can you refresh my memory...?" and gets this topic off-course, here is the linky-link for that whole fiasco:


Carry on. /psa

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