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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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If he's at RU, and has been a good godly boy, he's eligible to advance to the second stage after 45 days and receive a visit (in the RU home) from family or friends. This Thursday, Oct 8, is Joshley's day 45.

Eyes to the Duggar Aviation skies, FJers! (And let's see how many hours it takes our tabloid poachers to plagiarize our vigilance and post headlines akin to "Will Anna Visit?" "Conjugal Congregation Cometh?" et al.)

Just curious, are off-site conjugal visits allowed? Like, would he be eligible to take a short visit home during treatment at some point for example? Or is everything done on site?

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It bothers me that I still can't find public records about this house. Between the confusion over the street number and not knowing the parcel number, I'm at a loss. Sophrosyne, can you link what you found the other day? I did see an MLS number in google cache, but it's been withdrawn, or else I don't know how to search that properly (which I don't ;) ).

That house is way too nice for the area, imo, and I don't understand how it ever got built. :? Also, if it's a Duggar property, they went all out on the staging pics and that doesn't seem very Duggar-like.

One more thought: let's say it was Duggar-owned when Venessa used it as her business. I suppose it's possible that they put it on the market recently and then removed it for lack of interest. So the staging pics could be from a previous sale. Sophrosyne, share your link before I invent more wild stories! :lol:

Give me a bit o'time to retrace my Nancy Drew steps, if I can. I was working off of other FJers posts about the house down the road, and if I'm recalling right, I found in the Washington County property records a warranty deed listing JB Trust as buyer and showing the sellers' sigs, along with other property record info that confirmed the Dowell house sale to the JB/Michelle Duggar Trust.

I now realize that Venessa was probably renting the Dowell house, because the Walkers, who bought the house in 2008, are the signatory sellers on the Sept 2015 warranty deed.

(edit for typooooos)

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If the house Venessa used was Duggar owned, doesn't it raise the question of whether Jill was doing everything she needed for certification or if venessa just let her slide on some things? It seems like a major conflict, especially if Jill really traveled to another state to get more "training" with Venessa.

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Just curious, are off-site conjugal visits allowed? Like, would he be eligible to take a short visit home during treatment at some point for example? Or is everything done on site?

Appreciating your linky-link and (so much) appreciating your concern for thread drift, I'll add a kinky-link of my own. Here's the RU webpage on visitation privileges: ruhomes.org/communication-and-visitations

My clear take is that conjugals happen. From the page linked above: "Visitation shall be enjoyed between 5 pm on Friday and shall end after the Sunday evening service. The student will return to the home with the rest of the student population at the close of the Sunday evening service."

And elsewhere on the RU site are pictures of visitor (pointedly not 'student') accommodations, which look like any 1980s midwestern motel room.

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(snipped for brevity)

......And elsewhere on the RU site are pictures of visitor (pointedly not 'student') accommodations, which look like any 1980s midwestern motel room.

Honestly, I swear, I did a search and couldn't find that lol. Thank you. :clap: Evidently, being awake for three days with a sick toddler can drive a person to insanity and ignorance.

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It bothers me that I still can't find public records about this house. Between the confusion over the street number and not knowing the parcel number, I'm at a loss. Sophrosyne, can you link what you found the other day? I did see an MLS number in google cache, but it's been withdrawn, or else I don't know how to search that properly (which I don't ;) ).

That house is way too nice for the area, imo, and I don't understand how it ever got built. :? Also, if it's a Duggar property, they went all out on the staging pics and that doesn't seem very Duggar-like.

One more thought: let's say it was Duggar-owned when Venessa used it as her business. I suppose it's possible that they put it on the market recently and then removed it for lack of interest. So the staging pics could be from a previous sale. Sophrosyne, share your link before I invent more wild stories! :lol:

I will say that in those zillow pictures, I recognized the giant lazy susan (or whatever it is) on the table. You can see it in one of the wedding planning episodes. (I noticed it because I have a similar one that is much smaller.) So maybe those pictures contain Vanessa's belongings.

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I sort of feel dirty every time you guys post a new, closely tied detail. Like it's all something really shady (which it prob is)....

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It bothers me that I still can't find public records about this house. Between the confusion over the street number and not knowing the parcel number, I'm at a loss. Sophrosyne, can you link what you found the other day? I did see an MLS number in google cache, but it's been withdrawn, or else I don't know how to search that properly (which I don't ;) ).



I found the records and sent several links to myself, tested them, and none worked. Looks like the Washington County database as link breaks (brakes...) in place.

But you can retrace my steps and get to where I got. And where and what I got was a page showing the Dowell property purchase, history, and links to several warranty deed PDFs.

This link (broken for FJ) works: co.washington.ar.us/index.aspx?page=648


1. Click at "Search Property Tax records"

2. new page loads and Click the tab "REAL ESTATE" (upper left)

3. new page loads and under "Search on General Property Info," enter this parcel number: 830-38332-000 and click "view results" button.

4. new page loads and click "More info" button for the nearly full monty.

5. new page loads and click "View Deed" for more.

The deed info confirms what I'd seen on Google maps on Saturday, that the builders of the home bought a parcel of land that had been portioned away from the larger plat in the northwest corner of Dowell Rd. and Arbor Acres. Looks like the builders of the Dowell house were the Walkers, from whom the Duggars bought the house. And looks like Walkers purchased the land parcel after it had changed hands at least once.

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Honestly, I swear, I did a search and couldn't find that lol. Thank you. :clap: Evidently, being awake for three days with a sick toddler can drive a person to insanity and ignorance.

Oh sweet baby Jesus, yes it does. Any Exorcist puking?

Anyway, does that mean Josh would be visiting Anna in her room all weekend? Surely he has a roommate and conjugal duties couldn't be performed in his own room.

Does Anna even want his touch anymore? I can only imagine how she must feel. In her shoes, I'd be sick to my stomach with anxiety. Not wanting to be near him, longing for his love, aching from the pain, willing to forgive, never forgetting. If Josh wants sex while she's there, she must put out. And it sucks because i feel it will, emotionally, tighten Anna's leash. Is she emotionally ready for this? I don't doubt she really wants sex too. But, as an emotional abuse victim myself, that can keep you chained for too long. Sex from them = their love and attention/deserving good self esteem.

Anyway. I got stuck in my imaginings and now I'm feeling sad.

Josh is no better than Heathcliff. And I detest Heathcliff. Cathy is just stupid. I dont care how much you love him, the man is a monster.

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I sort of feel dirty every time you guys post a new, closely tied detail. Like it's all something really shady (which it prob is)....

Yeah. I kinda think we posters feel even dirtier...Woo pig sooie Razorback-wallow hoggy! ("Like, totally!"...)

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If the house Venessa used was Duggar owned, doesn't it raise the question of whether Jill was doing everything she needed for certification or if venessa just let her slide on some things? It seems like a major conflict, especially if Jill really traveled to another state to get more "training" with Venessa.

Wouldn't surprise me. Has a Duggar ever really worked hard for anything? They seem to love short cuts and freebies too much.

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I found the records and sent several links to myself, tested them, and none worked. Looks like the Washington County database as link breaks (brakes...) in place.

But you can retrace my steps and get to where I got. And where and what I got was a page showing the Dowell property purchase, history, and links to several warranty deed PDFs.

This link (broken for FJ) works: co.washington.ar.us/index.aspx?page=648


1. Click at "Search Property Tax records"

2. new page loads and Click the tab "REAL ESTATE" (upper left)

3. new page loads and under "Search on General Property Info," enter this parcel number: 830-38332-000 and click "view results" button.

4. new page loads and click "More info" button for the nearly full monty.

5. new page loads and click "View Deed" for more.

The deed info confirms what I'd seen on Google maps on Saturday, that the builders of the home bought a parcel of land that had been portioned away from the larger plat in the northwest corner of Dowell Rd. and Arbor Acres. Looks like the builders of the Dowell house were the Walkers, from whom the Duggars bought the house. And looks like Walkers purchased the land parcel after it had changed hands at least once.

This is amazing; thank you! *bookmarks new info sources* :clap:

Can someone explain the sum of one dollar mentioned in the opening paragraph, before I jump to more conclusions about just how strong JB's gift for the grift is. Here's a link, which may or may not work: https://www.actdatascout.com/CountyHome ... ntainer=33 There is a more reasonable figure further down the document.

EDIT: I see the one dollar figure in the previous owners' deeds, too. I guess it's legal mumbo jumbo.

If the house Venessa used was Duggar owned, doesn't it raise the question of whether Jill was doing everything she needed for certification or if venessa just let her slide on some things? It seems like a major conflict, especially if Jill really traveled to another state to get more "training" with Venessa.

I agree that it would be a conflict, but we now have confirmation that the house was not Duggar-owned when Venessa used it. It wouldn't surprise me if the rental had been Duggar-brokered, though. We know JB likes to have his fingers in everything, but I am speculating again.

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Appreciating your linky-link and (so much) appreciating your concern for thread drift, I'll add a kinky-link of my own. Here's the RU webpage on visitation privileges: ruhomes.org/communication-and-visitations

My clear take is that conjugals happen. From the page linked above: "Visitation shall be enjoyed between 5 pm on Friday and shall end after the Sunday evening service. The student will return to the home with the rest of the student population at the close of the Sunday evening service."

And elsewhere on the RU site are pictures of visitor (pointedly not 'student') accommodations, which look like any 1980s midwestern motel room.

um, I'm sure it's a typo (or maybe not...I can't decide!)...but I LOLed (at work...oops...) at "kinky-link" above! :wink-kitty:

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Wouldn't surprise me. Has a Duggar ever really worked hard for anything? They seem to love short cuts and freebies too much.

I agree and it concerns me in terms of all those vehicles and planes that they own. These people are a disaster waiting to happen.

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Anna’s 80 days post birth ends on the 7th. I am glad they start visitations on Friday, because my birthday is on Wednesday. I really didn’t want to associate my day with whatever is going to happen in J&A's conjugal bedroom.

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So this is all very convenient, Jill wants to train to be a midwife and Lo! and behold..a midwife is practicing across the street from the TTH. Do we have any history on Venessa? Do we know when she started using this house?

Here is my theory: TLC and JB come up with the storyline of Jill learning to be a midwife because it is looking too weird for all of the grown women in the house doing nothing with their lives except watching siblings and cleaning. JB contacts Venessa and offers her a wonderful house to use as the base for her practice with the proviso that she teach Jill and it will be filmed. JB then rents the house for Venessa (using TLC money) and in return he gets something..lessons? some rent back? percentage of the practice?

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Anna’s 80 days post birth ends on the 7th. I am glad they start visitations on Friday, because my birthday is on Wednesday. I really didn’t want to associate my day with whatever is going to happen in J&A's conjugal bedroom.

MY birthday is on Friday!! :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach:

I will dance extra hard on the pole at the gay bar where I'm partying to repress any icky thoughts about J&A's conjugal visit.

Happy Birthday, LovelyLuna

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So this is all very convenient, Jill wants to train to be a midwife and Lo! and behold..a midwife is practicing across the street from the TTH. Do we have any history on Venessa? Do we know when she started using this house?

Here is my theory: TLC and JB come up with the storyline of Jill learning to be a midwife because it is looking too weird for all of the grown women in the house doing nothing with their lives except watching siblings and cleaning. JB contacts Venessa and offers her a wonderful house to use as the base for her practice with the proviso that she teach Jill and it will be filmed. JB then rents the house for Venessa (using TLC money) and in return he gets something..lessons? some rent back? percentage of the practice?

She started living there in mid-2013. facebook.com/155580851151697/photos/pb.155580851151697.-2207520000.1444022178./581020231941088/?type=3&theater

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MY birthday is on Friday!! :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach:

I will dance extra hard on the pole at the gay bar where I'm partying to repress any icky thoughts about J&A's conjugal visit.

Happy Birthday, LovelyLuna

My birthday is on Thursday!! Happy birthday Lovely Luna and VeryNikeSeamstress!! :)

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Pickles FB page is reporting that the Siloam Springs house was sold to the Duggars' lawyer friend Travis Story, probably to protect it from lawsuits. Screen-caps up on the Pickles FB page.

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Anna’s 80 days post birth ends on the 7th. I am glad they start visitations on Friday, because my birthday is on Wednesday. I really didn’t want to associate my day with whatever is going to happen in J&A's conjugal bedroom.

my son's birthday is tomorrow too :) Happy Birthday!!

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Happy Birthday, everyone, and to your son, Karen77. :D

It boggles the mind, the mental gymnastics that the Duggar family goes through in order to try and shelter their assets.

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Happy Birthday, everyone, and to your son, Karen77. :D

It boggles the mind, the mental gymnastics that the Duggar family goes through in order to try and shelter their assets.

Well, it means they are expecting something.....but what?

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Well, it means they are expecting something.....but what?

Maybe not necessarily any more "surprises," but what about a bankruptcy? Im sure this "rehab" is costing a pretty penny. Even with the TLC money and his FRC job, it was expensive to live in DC. Its not like they really saw all this coming, and with the abrupt loss of FRC/TLC jobs, they might be hurting a bit if they didn't have a big enough nest egg put away...

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