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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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Wait...I am completely clueless when it comes to not having insurance. Why exactly would they go to the ER for a cold? I don't get it.

The ER cannot turn anyone away for not being able to pay. So people without insurance often cannot get treatment outside of an ER. Which also costs much more than any appointment they would have been turned away from. The fact that people find this a point of pride boggles my mind.

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The ER cannot turn anyone away for not being able to pay. So people without insurance often cannot get treatment outside of an ER. Which also costs much more than any appointment they would have been turned away from. The fact that people find this a point of pride boggles my mind.

So...then what happens when they get the bill?? They don't pay it?

Was this on an episode of their show or something? I don't watch it.

I used to be on a "mommy" forum. Women were always going to the ER for pregnancy tests. I never understood it. But that must be why. Can't afford a pregnancy test or insurance...but think they can afford a baby.

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So...then what happens when they get the bill?? They don't pay it?

Was this on an episode of their show or something? I don't watch it.

I used to be on a "mommy" forum. Women were always going to the ER for pregnancy tests. I never understood it. But that must be why. Can't afford a pregnancy test or insurance...but think they can afford a baby.

Yeah, it's often just the only option since all other providers can (and generally will) turn you away if you don't either have insurance or cash in hand. I think they go unpaid a lot of the time, and it just ends up going to collections, ruining your credit, and getting you arrested if it goes long enough. And each of those outcomes come with more money adding to the cycle. It's a broken system and will f--- you over even if you aren't making such stupid decisions based on such a stupid perspective.

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So...then what happens when they get the bill?? They don't pay it?

Was this on an episode of their show or something? I don't watch it.

I used to be on a "mommy" forum. Women were always going to the ER for pregnancy tests. I never understood it. But that must be why. Can't afford a pregnancy test or insurance...but think they can afford a baby.

Why do they decide to go to the ER and wait forever? Doesn't Planned Parenthood do stuff like that? Isn't that sort of the point of them?

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Why do they decide to go to the ER and wait forever? Doesn't Planned Parenthood do stuff like that? Isn't that sort of the point of them?

Planned Parenthood can definitely help with prenatal care, but it's a lot easier to find an ER than a Planned Parenthood. Access is a huge issue for Planned Parenthood services, especially in rural areas. There just aren't enough locations. Which is a whole different rant I won't get into.

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Why do they decide to go to the ER and wait forever? Doesn't Planned Parenthood do stuff like that? Isn't that sort of the point of them?

Have you forgotten how fundies feel about Planned Parenthood? It's the home of ebil.

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You won't get arrested for an unpaid ER bill. We don't have debtors' prison. The hospital will just ultimately write if off and your credit goes to hell.

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You won't get arrested for an unpaid ER bill. We don't have debtors' prison. The hospital will just ultimately write if off and your credit goes to hell.

Maybe not under that name anymore, but spend enough time in collections and they'll do it. This NPR story came right up, and there was a Last Week Tonight episode a few weeks ago about payday loan sharks, and I think it touched on the medical bill issue as well.


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You won't get arrested for an unpaid ER bill. We don't have debtors' prison. The hospital will just ultimately write if off and your credit goes to hell.

Exactly, the only time you could end up behind bars is if you fail to show up in court if you are sued over a debt collection.

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Failing to show up in court and just not paying a bill are different. Yes, if you fail to show up in court the court can issue a warrant for your arrest. That's not going to jail for a bill, that's going to jail for failing to obey a court order. If you just don't pay your medical bills and there is no court action, no one is going to jail.

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Why do they decide to go to the ER and wait forever? Doesn't Planned Parenthood do stuff like that? Isn't that sort of the point of them?

Because Planned Parenthood is liberal evil and performs abortions kills babies and sells their body parts! Dontcha know?

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Well, if you don't want to go to planned parenthood, just go to one that does abortions and talk to the protestors. They'll send you down the street to their converted RV for a free pregnancy test, ultrasound, and counseling so you don't abort. They probably shame the fuck out of you, lie to you about abortion and birth control, and it's extremely unclear whether they have actual medical professionals, but still a free preggo test.

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Lots of hospitals in rural red states (aka states that did not expand Medicaid because that is waaaaaaay to progressive for them) have bad debt expense as a % of patient fee revenue in excess of 10%. Which is HUGE. You can't get an abortion because LIFE! but they don't want to support families after the fact.


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Failing to show up in court and just not paying a bill are different. Yes, if you fail to show up in court the court can issue a warrant for your arrest. That's not going to jail for a bill, that's going to jail for failing to obey a court order. If you just don't pay your medical bills and there is no court action, no one is going to jail.

Court action is what happens when you don't pay for long enough. And with the number of stories I've heard of people who never knew they were supposed to go to court for this crap, it's not a stretch to say it's for not being able to pay, they've just added a few steps in to make it seem like it's not debtor's imprisonment.

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Also LOL to the person that posted on Jill's Insta that it was ironic they were eating at subway. It went right over the leg humpers head!

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This is what I think. They are probably trying to get welfare assistance while he is gone or a reduced fee for the rehab.

If Josh is at RU they may have required him to be eligible for food subsidies because after charging the clients they also get government aid for the food bill. Remember in the earlier Josh thread we has links to RU and their admissions paperwork?

At this point, of course, I am beginning to doubt that Josh is at RU or anywhere else. With the talent for lying that the Duggars are demonstrating (most recently the Dillard "mission") I could envision that he is spending his rehab time anywhere from a beach in Florida to a basement in Gothard's family compound. Just as the Dillards pretended to go on a mission, Josh's pretend rehab (even if it turns out to be at RU) is going to be just a little bit sleazier than we expect. (Even with our already low expectations.)

As for the money, not knowing of any better reason for them to sell the house so cheaply after putting work into it, we have to conclude there is some underhanded reason for the property transfer.

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If Josh is at RU they may have required him to be eligible for food subsidies because after charging the clients they also get government aid for the food bill. Remember in the earlier Josh thread we has links to RU and their admissions paperwork?

At this point, of course, I am beginning to doubt that Josh is at RU or anywhere else. With the talent for lying that the Duggars are demonstrating (most recently the Dillard "mission") I could envision that he is spending his rehab time anywhere from a beach in Florida to a basement in Gothard's family compound. Just as the Dillards pretended to go on a mission, Josh's pretend rehab (even if it turns out to be at RU) is going to be just a little bit sleazier than we expect. (Even with our already low expectations.)

As for the money, not knowing of any better reason for them to sell the house so cheaply after putting work into it, we have to conclude there is some underhanded reason for the property transfer.

Anna aside, I doubt any Duggars actually care about Josh being rehabilitated. I think they know what he is, and the only emotion they feel towards him is anger over permanently tainting the brand and effing up a good thing for them. So I agree. He's probably not at any sort of rehab. Someone would have posted a photo by now. He's more likely in hiding somewhere in a very private location.

He can't stay hidden forever though, and I'm curious to see how his "return from rehab" is handled. Do they make a big to-do over it or is it kept very quiet? Where is he going to live? Does he maintain a social media presence? And what about Anna and the kids? It's easy for the Duggars now to pretend he doesn't exist, but that can't go on forever.

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I am also beginning to doubt he is at RU. I feel like someone from there would have mentioned seeing him by now (since as far as I can tell, there's no confidentiality or anonymity.)

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Oh my god, I must be more tired than I realize. Deleting my post as it was supposed to go in the Bates thread and makes no sense here!

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Exactly, the only time you could end up behind bars is if you fail to show up in court if you are sued over a debt collection.

Maybe that is why these families don't have debt, they can't get credit with their bad history.

Target, CVS and I'm sure others have their own versions of minute clinics, you can get a strep test for $49 and not wait forever.

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I highly believe that Josh was sent away.The reasoning is that if a person this includes celbs (even if they are of the D level),really want to disappear they can. Look at Tom Cruise he can go months without being spotted and someone of his celiber would be more recognized then Josh Duggar.

As for him being in RU I really don't know. I think were he is at there is a clause in place saying that "no photos of fellow patients can be taken or at least posted online. " Which makes me really think that he is elsewhere and possible at a place that knows how to handle famous patients. And if this is the case I wonder if the family ( Boob & Cow along with doe eyes) learned about some other issue that Josh could be dealing with.

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So...the 45 -day first visit time has passed & there has been no Duggar plane activity, Anna "may or may not" still be in Fla., is apparently homeless & there doesn't seem to be any evidence anywhere of Josh's where-abouts. The Duggar's aren't usually this good at hiding something or someone. Wonder if he's out of the country.

Where are these pictures of the boys doing farm work? I can't find them.

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For all we know Josh could be hiding out at home, bonding with Meredith and working on his marriage :?. And praying and stuff.

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