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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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I am also beginning to doubt he is at RU. I feel like someone from there would have mentioned seeing him by now (since as far as I can tell, there's no confidentiality or anonymity.)

I thought someone from RU was going to sell pictures or information for cash by now. I think Josh is way too impatient, self involved, and self important to stay hidden at the TTH or another friends home for this long. I think he's at a * cough * treatment center somewhere, RU is still my top guess.

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That fact that we've not seen or heard a peep from Smuggar makes me think he is definitely at RU or somewhere similar on SEVERE lock down. Wherever he is, he's sure is sticking it out. I was half-hoping for a pre-mature drop-out from "rehab" made out to look like he did so wonderfully that he didn't need the complete program. It will be very interesting to see if they make a big fuss and fanfare upon his return or if they keep it all under wraps and he will slowly and gradually re-emerge on social media, etc.

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Court action is what happens when you don't pay for long enough. And with the number of stories I've heard of people who never knew they were supposed to go to court for this crap, it's not a stretch to say it's for not being able to pay, they've just added a few steps in to make it seem like it's not debtor's imprisonment.

I'm sorry but no, if you weren't served by a sheriff or someone similar you can show that and won't go to jail. Court action happens when you refuse to pay, refuse to set up payment plans and in general refuse to even speak with those who you owe money to. You are then served with a court document, if you show up, no jail, if you don't you will probably be served several more times before jail becomes an option. Further there are only a few states where jail is an option at all. You have to be not paying attention and wishing really hard it will go away to get to that point.

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I'm sorry but no, if you weren't served by a sheriff or someone similar you can show that and won't go to jail. Court action happens when you refuse to pay, refuse to set up payment plans and in general refuse to even speak with those who you owe money to. You are then served with a court document, if you show up, no jail, if you don't you will probably be served several more times before jail becomes an option. Further there are only a few states where jail is an option at all. You have to be not paying attention and wishing really hard it will go away to get to that point.

I really don't agree with you, but as I prefer to deal in averages rather than specific stories, I'm willing to agree to disagree. Joshley's whereabouts are much more interesting.

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I believe Josh is in treatment, but I also believe that within a month of him getting back home Anna will be pregnant again. This must be the longest he's been without having sex right? :lol:

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If Josh is really in treatment, I think it's possible it's for something unrelated to porn and sex. It's also likely not at RU. I think he would be out and about by now if it was just sex/porn at RU. Josh has been living a life completely opposite to how he was raised so I have no reason to believe that there are other vices involved.

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Josh is on vacation taking Joshie time. He's probably at the spa eating tator tot casserole.

We just have to find the one Spa in the known universe that serves tater-tot casserole and we will find him, then. :wink-kitty:

I agree with an earlier poster who said Josh "has been sent away." The question is where?

How many Christian-based rehab programs are there which might cater to a D celebrity's need for privacy? And how long does the rehab last? I have never heard of any rehab that lasted much longer than 6 weeks in-patient and maybe 3 months at a half-way house of sorts. So if he is not at RU he should be emerging to the real world soon, even if he has to stay at a half-way house. There ought to be some Josh sighting.

Where is that spa? :think: :wink-kitty:

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This is from the Inquisitor and even noted as rumor, so consider the source:

http://www.inquisitr.com/2479731/anna-d ... use-rumor/

I'm not a lawyer but I know some kinds of financial transactions can be overturned if they were done in order to skirt the law. If they did sell the house to try and keep Anna from getting her spousal share of the equity, a good divorce attorney should bring that up and see about either having the sale voided or going after JB to get her share of the equity. IMHO, she deserves a whole helluva lot of money for what Josh and the Duggar family have put her through.

Porn star #2 has come forth and I don't believe she'll be the last. This ain't over. Josh is too screwed up for it to be over just yet.

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This is from the Inquisitor and even noted as rumor, so consider the source:

http://www.inquisitr.com/2479731/anna-d ... use-rumor/

I'm not a lawyer but I know some kinds of financial transactions can be overturned if they were done in order to skirt the law. If they did sell the house to try and keep Anna from getting her spousal share of the equity, a good divorce attorney should bring that up and see about either having the sale voided or going after JB to get her share of the equity. IMHO, she deserves a whole helluva lot of money for what Josh and the Duggar family have put her through.

Porn star #2 has come forth and I don't believe she'll be the last. This ain't over. Josh is too screwed up for it to be over just yet.

That is some picture. I'd have divorced him for wearing that hat. :snooty:

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I'm sorry but no, if you weren't served by a sheriff or someone similar you can show that and won't go to jail. Court action happens when you refuse to pay, refuse to set up payment plans and in general refuse to even speak with those who you owe money to. You are then served with a court document, if you show up, no jail, if you don't you will probably be served several more times before jail becomes an option. Further there are only a few states where jail is an option at all. You have to be not paying attention and wishing really hard it will go away to get to that point.

As someone who has been sued for debt (I'm not proud of it but it happened), here's how it works, at least in Indiana. Someone from the sheriff's office shows up at your door, verifies that you are the person they are looking for, and hands you the documents and says "You've been served." You can also get the papers in the mail but they require a signature so they'd know if you got them.

You then have 30 days to respond to the complaint. Then you get time to work on interrogatories and discovery. After a few weeks, the court offers a court date to work on settling the complaint. If you don't send an answer to the court within 30 days, the person who sued you automatically gets a judgment against you.

This judgment means they can garnish your wages and/or your bank account. I honestly do not see how they could get you put in jail. I suppose if you answer the complaint but don't go to the court date but still, I don't see that happening very often. If you don't have a bank account or a job, they can't collect anything even with a judgment but that doesn't mean that they can get you put in jail. If you do end up in jail, I am sure you could sue the people who put you there because it's not legal in the US unless it involves fraud or tax evasion.

BTW, if you are ever sued for debt, respond to the complaint and then send a letter to the debt collector offering a settlement and a payment plan. They are very very likely to take it. I was able to negotiate 1200 off my debt and a $100/month payment plan AND I didn't have to go to court.

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As someone who has been sued for debt (I'm not proud of it but it happened), here's how it works, at least in Indiana. Someone from the sheriff's office shows up at your door, verifies that you are the person they are looking for, and hands you the documents and says "You've been served." You can also get the papers in the mail but they require a signature so they'd know if you got them.

You then have 30 days to respond to the complaint. Then you get time to work on interrogatories and discovery. After a few weeks, the court offers a court date to work on settling the complaint. If you don't send an answer to the court within 30 days, the person who sued you automatically gets a judgment against you.

This judgment means they can garnish your wages and/or your bank account. I honestly do not see how they could get you put in jail. I suppose if you answer the complaint but don't go to the court date but still, I don't see that happening very often. If you don't have a bank account or a job, they can't collect anything even with a judgment but that doesn't mean that they can get you put in jail. If you do end up in jail, I am sure you could sue the people who put you there because it's not legal in the US unless it involves fraud or tax evasion.

BTW, if you are ever sued for debt, respond to the complaint and then send a letter to the debt collector offering a settlement and a payment plan. They are very very likely to take it. I was able to negotiate 1200 off my debt and a $100/month payment plan AND I didn't have to go to court.

You are absolutely right about how to deal with it. People who go to jail do things differently. First, they generally don't answer the complaint, so there is a default against them. Then they refuse to answer the information which makes it possible to garnish their wages/taxes and so on. They are called into court to do so, and don't show up. At least in my state they are then called in several more times, each time after about the third they are asked by the sheriff to post a bond when they are served which will go towards the debt if they show up, they still don't show up. If they continue to not show up the court (not the collector) can (in some states) put them in jail for refusing to show when ordered to by the court.

Basically if the court orders you to do something (issue marriage licences, jury duty, be a witness, show up) you have to do so. If you don't you can go to jail.

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The only way you are going to jail is if the court orders you to appear in person for a hearing and you fail to do so. If you don't have a valid court order, no one is going to jail. If a lawsuit is filed against you and you don't answer, the plaintiff can take a default, prove up the default, get a judgment entered against you and go after your assets. You still don't go to jail even if that happens. You will need see a jail cell if there has never been an order to appear issued by the court. Even if they subpoena you for deposition and you don't show up, they party would still get an order from the court forcing you to show up for deposition (likely to be taken at the courthouse). It's not as easy as people think to send someone to jail over a debt as it is never actually about the debt.

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This is from the Inquisitor and even noted as rumor, so consider the source:

http://www.inquisitr.com/2479731/anna-d ... use-rumor/

I'm not a lawyer but I know some kinds of financial transactions can be overturned if they were done in order to skirt the law. If they did sell the house to try and keep Anna from getting her spousal share of the equity, a good divorce attorney should bring that up and see about either having the sale voided or going after JB to get her share of the equity. IMHO, she deserves a whole helluva lot of money for what Josh and the Duggar family have put her through.

Porn star #2 has come forth and I don't believe she'll be the last. This ain't over. Josh is too screwed up for it to be over just yet.

Looks like Pickles took our "our" research about the sold house and the speculations and questions we have been indulging in and posted on her page. The idea that the sale of the house may be a way of controlling or limiting Anna's options seems the best explanation for the sale of the house to me.

However, if the house had a mortgage, it is possible that JB bought it to pay off the mortgage. With Josh out of work while in rehab, regular monthly payments would be impossible. So JB buys it, giving Josh and Anna whatever was over the mortgage. The problem is that it is probably not very much. Anna may not have liked that house (in her shoes I would associate it with Josh's fall from grace). But it was a house for her and the kids, and now they don't even have that much.

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Looks like Pickles took our "our" research about the sold house and the speculations and questions we have been indulging in and posted on her page. The idea that the sale of the house may be a way of controlling or limiting Anna's options seems the best explanation for the sale of the house to me.

However, if the house had a mortgage, it is possible that JB bought it to pay off the mortgage. With Josh out of work while in rehab, regular monthly payments would be impossible. So JB buys it, giving Josh and Anna whatever was over the mortgage. The problem is that it is probably not very much. Anna may not have liked that house (in her shoes I would associate it with Josh's fall from grace). But it was a house for her and the kids, and now they don't even have that much.

Do we know if they had a mortgage? Weren't they supposedly super anti not paying cash for a house?

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If Josh is really in treatment, I think it's possible it's for something unrelated to porn and sex. It's also likely not at RU. I think he would be out and about by now if it was just sex/porn at RU. Josh has been living a life completely opposite to how he was raised so I have no reason to believe that there are other vices involved.

You may be right.

But an RU webpage about porn addiction, RU says, "The length of stay in our long-term addiction treatment center is approximately 8-10 months. This might seem like a long time, but the results speak for themselves we have seen an average of 80% success rate from our graduates."


For what it's worth (and I know many of us think it aint worth much), JB characterized Josh's program as "long-term." Joshley has been there 46 days. 1.5 months. If he's at RU and stays the course, he's got another 6+ months to go.

Takes a long time to exercise--oops...I mean, exorcise--a Danica Debil.

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You may be right.

But an RU webpage about porn addiction, RU says, "The length of stay in our long-term addiction treatment center is approximately 8-10 months. This might seem like a long time, but the results speak for themselves we have seen an average of 80% success rate from our graduates."


For what it's worth (and I know many of us think it aint worth much), JB characterized Josh's program as "long-term." Joshley has been there 46 days. 1.5 months. If he's at RU and stays the course, he's got another 6+ months to go.

Takes a long time to exercise--oops...I mean, exorcise--a Danica Debil.

They need to hide him long enough to ensure that there are no "unauthorized" duggars coming into existence before he is released back into the wild.

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When are the Jill and Jessa specials supposed to air? I'd bet we don't see or hear from Josh until after that. It's best to keep those pesky non-conforming Duggars hidden.

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That is some picture. I'd have divorced him for wearing that hat. :snooty:

Oh my goodness, that made me laugh out loud for real. I pulled up that page and saw him in that ridiculous hat and thought, "What a douchebag" And, as an admirer of quirky fashion, I try not to judge on these things. But seriously, that is a dumb hat on his big, dumb, smug head. :lol:

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That is some picture. I'd have divorced him for wearing that hat. :snooty:

So true

But Anna's coat is super cute and it look so good on her.

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So true

But Anna's coat is super cute and it look so good on her.

Yes - love the coat and she looks great, the scarf works and her hair is really cute pulled back like that. Polished but casual. It's the giant smug accessory standing next to her that she needs to lose.

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Do we know if they had a mortgage? Weren't they supposedly super anti not paying cash for a house?

I believe someone up thread or in another thread posted that the house was bought with a mortgage and remarked that Josh had not been following the family precepts.

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So...the 45 -day first visit time has passed & there has been no Duggar plane activity, Anna "may or may not" still be in Fla., is apparently homeless & there doesn't seem to be any evidence anywhere of Josh's where-abouts. The Duggar's aren't usually this good at hiding something or someone. Wonder if he's out of the country.

Where are these pictures of the boys doing farm work? I can't find them.

I remember reading that the first visitation is only allowed after the person has completed level 1. If they get permission for a visit then drop back down to level 1 the visitation is canceled.

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When are the Jill and Jessa specials supposed to air? I'd bet we don't see or hear from Josh until after that. It's best to keep those pesky non-conforming Duggars hidden.

The first special is supposed to be "before the end of the year." The next, presumably will be early next year unless they hurry them up and do a second one before the end of the year. I think they were talking about 3 specials, so that would mean they would hardly be done before February even if they rush them, don't you think?

That may be a long time to keep him hidden unless he's dyed his hair, grown a beard and moved to Brazil. ;)

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So true

But Anna's coat is super cute and it look so good on her.

I was thinking the same thing. Anna looks fantastic in that photo. The blue is a great color near her face.

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