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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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But a sex addiction rehab run by fundies?

I'd be shocked if he's even allowed to shower without someone making sure he doesnt linger in special places.

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And isn't this place strictly segregated? I remember reading that they even sit on different sides of the sanctuary during church services, a la Bob Jones.

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I'd be shocked if he's even allowed to shower without someone making sure he doesnt linger in special places.

Because beating off in the shower is such a terrible thing. :lol:

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And isn't this place strictly segregated? I remember reading that they even sit on different sides of the sanctuary during church services, a la Bob Jones.

While everyone assumes he's at RU it has never been confirmed by anyone that he is actually still there, or ever was there.

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I wonder if anyone is considering the possibility that Josh isn't in any kind of rehab or treatment, that maybe he's just ... gone? There's been zero evidence of any kind he's at that Christian brainwash "rehab" or anywhere similar, other than what the Duggars have said. It's possible he was supposed to be, but then just walked away, or was simply told to stay out of sight for a period of time until things die down. Or, maybe he decided to be defiant and went off on his own, throwing what money he has around and having a good time. Rumors, being what they are, often have a grain of truth. Could be why it looks like JB is trying to keep assets from Anna.

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Don't know if its true or not, but it wouldn't surprise me at all, fundie rehab or not. These are adults, not kids. And it's a rehab facility, not prison. There may be a lot of rules, spying and tattling, but they aren't locked in or chained down.

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I wonder if anyone is considering the possibility that Josh isn't in any kind of rehab or treatment, that maybe he's just ... gone? There's been zero evidence of any kind he's at that Christian brainwash "rehab" or anywhere similar, other than what the Duggars have said. It's possible he was supposed to be, but then just walked away, or was simply told to stay out of sight for a period of time until things die down. Or, maybe he decided to be defiant and went off on his own, throwing what money he has around and having a good time. Rumors, being what they are, often have a grain of truth. Could be why it looks like JB is trying to keep assets from Anna.

Generally, this would be a possiblity, but in the age of smartphones and twitter/instagram, I believe that, unless he was hiding out in some remote mountain cabin or a foreign country, someone would have snapped a pic of him by now.

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I wonder if anyone is considering the possibility that Josh isn't in any kind of rehab or treatment, that maybe he's just ... gone? There's been zero evidence of any kind he's at that Christian brainwash "rehab" or anywhere similar, other than what the Duggars have said. It's possible he was supposed to be, but then just walked away, or was simply told to stay out of sight for a period of time until things die down. Or, maybe he decided to be defiant and went off on his own, throwing what money he has around and having a good time. Rumors, being what they are, often have a grain of truth. Could be why it looks like JB is trying to keep assets from Anna.

Wherever he is, he's not living it up, he's definitely in hiding. I guess it's possible that he just walked away, but if he was seen in public, somebody would be all over it and it would be all over the internet. He's proven clickbait.

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I was just saying something similar to my husband today. Maybe Josh is on some vacation alone in a secluded location for a few months. No cameras, no large family, put a hat on...most people wouldn't notice him. He's not Brad Pitt or someone super famous really.

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Maybe he's not even in rehab. Maybe he's at the TTH, with his in-laws in Florida, or in Ibiza partying it up. Maybe he's in Alaska. Or Hawai'i. Or El Centro, California. I'm pretty sure most people in EC don't give a shit about Smuggar and wouldn't recognize him out and about.

Really, he could be anywhere.

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I dunno. I think that the simplest answer is usually closest to the truth. It seems to me it's most likely that he's at RU on speshul-snowflake-celebrity-lockdown. I don't think that Josh has enough gumption to break out of rehab, or enough tact to keep himself hidden that well. And even if he's not a Brad Pitt level celebrity, he would be noticed by someone. 19KAC airs in a lot of countries, and this story is all over the internet.

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Maybe he's not even in rehab. Maybe he's at the TTH, with his in-laws in Florida, or in Ibiza partying it up. Maybe he's in Alaska. Or Hawai'i. Or El Centro, California. I'm pretty sure most people in EC don't give a shit about Smuggar and wouldn't recognize him out and about.

Really, he could be anywhere.

Come on guys, we know where he really is!

He's with the scientologists on their ship. Its the only logical explanation.

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I dunno. I think that the simplest answer is usually closest to the truth. It seems to me it's most likely that he's at RU on speshul-snowflake-celebrity-lockdown. I don't think that Josh has enough gumption to break out of rehab, or enough tact to keep himself hidden that well. And even if he's not a Brad Pitt level celebrity, he would be noticed by someone. 19KAC airs in a lot of countries, and this story is all over the internet.

I agree.

Maybe this is not the best comparison, but I follow some lesbian youtubers, as I like their videos and what not. And some of them might be slightly internet famous, while others really only have a few (ten)thousand followers, which doesn't give you any kind of celebrity status. So they are a lot less famous than the Duggars and especially Josh. But guess what, they still get recognized on the street sometimes. Obviously, not by the majority of people, but one person out of 10000 is enough, if said person snaps a pic and posts it on instagram or twitter.

You often hear youtubers talk about that, that they went on a vacation or simply out shopping in their hometown and how they got recognized by some of their subscribers.

So, unless Josh was really making a huge effort to hide, I'm pretty sure someone would have ratted him out to the media by now.

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Remember the taped Josh Confession? Where was that taken? I didn't really notice at the time; kind of looked like an office. And remember when it first happened they said Ana was in a farmhouse "in the mountains." I could see him hiding out up there w/a contact that takes him groceries & things. I don't believe he would stay in fundie sex prison

for 6 weeks much less 6 months. I wonder if he calls Ana & begs her forgiveness. I wonder what the talk about. After "hello" I can imagine there are long stretches of cold, icy silence.

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The only thing that can be said with certainty is that Josh is hiding someplace where he isn't among people who will take photos of him or rat out his whereabouts online.

Fundie or not, RU is rehab facility. Most residents seem to have substance abuse problems. Unless the state is using the place to detain the involuntarily committed, everyone is there voluntarily and I'm sure people graduate or otherwise bail out of there on a regular basis. If he's really there among the residents, you'd think someone who has seen him would have reported it. And longer he stays, the greater the likelihood of this happening.

As many have said before, Josh does not need to be rehabilitated. I can't see Jim Bob forking over cash money for something his son doesn't need when his main concern is to keep his son under wraps while he and the "girls" try to rehab the brand. Especially since a place like RU cannot guarantee the "students" don't talk once they get out. I also can't see his parents really wanting Josh associating with heroin addicts and alcoholics.

So I think it's likely he's either hiding out with trusted friends or family, or he's associated with RU in some way but living off-campus with someone. But who knows? Maybe he's in Siberia. Did 19 Kids run there?

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Remember the taped Josh Confession? Where was that taken? I didn't really notice at the time; kind of looked like an office. And remember when it first happened they said Ana was in a farmhouse "in the mountains." I could see him hiding out up there w/a contact that takes him groceries & things. I don't believe he would stay in fundie sex prison

for 6 weeks much less 6 months. I wonder if he calls Ana & begs her forgiveness. I wonder what the talk about. After "hello" I can imagine there are long stretches of cold, icy silence.

I thought the farmhouse in the mountains was the Siloam Springs house.


These are my thoughts upon catching up on this thread:

1. Count me in the "Josh is at RU" group, although it would be quite a coup if he had been laying low in Siloam Springs all along.

2. Where are people getting the idea that JB is sheltering the SS house? Travis Story is Josh's age and J&A are still listed as the taxpayers.

3. Blah blah rumors about Anna in Florida, Anna filing for divorce, Josh wanting to marry a lover, more porn stars coming out of the woodwork. It's all hogwash, imo. Tabloids reading here and speculating about our speculating, or worse, treating Pickles as a legitimate source. :roll:

4. I had a brush with fundydom (barely) when I drove past a Reformers Unanimous (I whizzed by too quickly to see much, but there wasn't much to see--a small storefront, iirc, in a strip mall on the edge of an industrial neighborhood) in Grand Junction, Colorado during my trip. I lived there for five years and never noticed it, in spite of driving past it on a near daily basis. Thanks, Josh, for making me feel kind of weird about a mostly nice city.

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I dunno. I think that the simplest answer is usually closest to the truth. It seems to me it's most likely that he's at RU on speshul-snowflake-celebrity-lockdown. I don't think that Josh has enough gumption to break out of rehab, or enough tact to keep himself hidden that well. And even if he's not a Brad Pitt level celebrity, he would be noticed by someone. 19KAC airs in a lot of countries, and this story is all over the internet.

I think he is in rehab too. Didn't they still have some kind of PR people giving them advice from the first fallout? I'm sure they were told to send Josh to rehab, and I'd be shocked if they are paying for it. This family manages to skirt around the rules.

Speaking of skirting the rules, Josh is totally hooking up where ever he is. Run Anna run.

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I wonder if Josh was a virgin when they got married. If he wasn't he would have had to play along as if he was.

I also wonder if he had to make a total confession of everything he's done to Anna or if she was "protected" from it. I would think he'd be encouraged to come clean on all of it.

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I wonder if Josh was a virgin when they got married. If he wasn't he would have had to play along as if he was.

I also wonder if he had to make a total confession of everything he's done to Anna or if she was "protected" from it. I would think he'd be encouraged to come clean on all of it.

I don't know if he was a virgin when he married Anna, but even if he wasn't, she wouldn't have known the difference because she almost certainly was. A woman with experience might realize he had experience, but I would guess Anna was just relieved that he seemed to know what to do and assumed it was all superior male instinct.

As for his coming clean about the molestation to Anna, I think she had only a vague idea of what he had done. She was probably told that he got carried away by inappropriate curiosity and "felt up" his sisters and a sleeping visitor, but that he was troubled in his soul, confessed and made ammends. I doubt she was told much more.


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Remember the taped Josh Confession? Where was that taken? I didn't really notice at the time; kind of looked like an office. And remember when it first happened they said Ana was in a farmhouse "in the mountains." I could see him hiding out up there w/a contact that takes him groceries & things. I don't believe he would stay in fundie sex prison

for 6 weeks much less 6 months. I wonder if he calls Ana & begs her forgiveness. I wonder what the talk about. After "hello" I can imagine there are long stretches of cold, icy silence.

Wait...there was a taped confession by Josh? Did I miss that somehow??

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The only thing that can be said with certainty is that Josh is hiding someplace where he isn't among people who will take photos of him or rat out his whereabouts online.

Fundie or not, RU is rehab facility. Most residents seem to have substance abuse problems. Unless the state is using the place to detain the involuntarily committed, everyone is there voluntarily and I'm sure people graduate or otherwise bail out of there on a regular basis. If he's really there among the residents, you'd think someone who has seen him would have reported it. And longer he stays, the greater the likelihood of this happening.

As many have said before, Josh does not need to be rehabilitated. I can't see Jim Bob forking over cash money for something his son doesn't need when his main concern is to keep his son under wraps while he and the "girls" try to rehab the brand. Especially since a place like RU cannot guarantee the "students" don't talk once they get out. I also can't see his parents really wanting Josh associating with heroin addicts and alcoholics.

So I think it's likely he's either hiding out with trusted friends or family, or he's associated with RU in some way but living off-campus with someone. But who knows? Maybe he's in Siberia. Did 19 Kids run there?

Regarding the bolded, those in rehab ... whether there on their on their volition or not.... I wish them the best outcome. I am not convinced, however, that Josh is there. With all the attention, someone would have leaked something.

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Wait...there was a taped confession by Josh? Did I miss that somehow??

Yeah...It was up probably 15 minutes & then they pulled it. It was his famous, "I've been the biggest hypocrite...I was unfaithful to my wife & was addicted to porn" speech.

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Yeah...It was up probably 15 minutes & then they pulled it. It was his famous, "I've been the biggest hypocrite...I was unfaithful to my wife & was addicted to porn" speech.

Wow, I missed hearing/seeing that! Was it posted on the Duggar Family blog? Stars and garters, I wish I'd heard that one! :lol:

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