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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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This thread is like Groundhog Day.

Pretty much. We might be going in circles at this point, but I think it's because we're all just desperately hoping that the groundhog will surface (maybe with a new girlfriend), and then Anna can spend 6 more weeks hammering out a financial settlement with her divorce attorneys.

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Wow, I missed hearing/seeing that! Was it posted on the Duggar Family blog? Stars and garters, I wish I'd heard that one! :lol:

violynnkelly, here's the page where the original statement is quoted, before Josh and family started editing it. Scroll down just over halfway:


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Remember the taped Josh Confession? Where was that taken? I didn't really notice at the time; kind of looked like an office. And remember when it first happened they said Ana was in a farmhouse "in the mountains." I could see him hiding out up there w/a contact that takes him groceries & things. I don't believe he would stay in fundie sex prison

for 6 weeks much less 6 months. I wonder if he calls Ana & begs her forgiveness. I wonder what the talk about. After "hello" I can imagine there are long stretches of cold, icy silence.

What taped confession? What are you referencing here, please do tell. I know of the written confession that was posted on the Dougar website, that was edited, but a taped confession? I thought I was following this story, but perhaps I missed something?

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^ Me too, I'm aware of a total of 3 confessions, two of which were edited before the "official" third one was released, but have never heard of a taped confession, either.

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Yeah...It was up probably 15 minutes & then they pulled it. It was his famous, "I've been the biggest hypocrite...I was unfaithful to my wife & was addicted to porn" speech.

Are you talking about the WRITTEN confession? Or was their actual video of Josh confessing?

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The longer it goes with no confirmation, the more I think he's in hiding elsewhere. I have been skeptical from the start but figured if he was actually there eventually someone would say something, especially patients who have left the facility. There's no way to control them and thinking about it further, JB would want complete assurance that nothing comes out.

Where he could be, I have no idea, it's probably with someone whom JB would trust to keep everything under wraps, maybe associated with RU or maybe not.

Definitely a mystery but Josh can't hide forever.

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Could RU/the Duggars have required patients to sign an NDA so they can't talk about it later? I can see people talking anyway, but they may have taken legal precautions if Josh is actually at a rehab facility, although I'm not convinced. Or he could be getting 1 on 1 only. Do celebrities go general population in rehab? I assumed they get more privacy.

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If Josh is really on rehab, I would not be surprised if no details get out. Real celebrities go to rehab all the time and details of that they say or do never get out . Many times we never know they went. It's not unusual. Rehab and therapy, especially group therapy, have rules about respecting the privacy of each other. People who truly want to get better aren't going to sell a story. Anyway, I am not sure a Josh rehab story would be worth much anyway. He isn't Ben Affleck or a rock star.

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I have, sadly, read every thread about the affair and I don't think there was a video. If they was, it would have had it's on thread and we Definately would seen it discussed on other sites when people were still talking about Ashley Madison.

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If Josh is really on rehab, I would not be surprised if no details get out. Real celebrities go to rehab all the time and details of that they say or do never get out . Many times we never know they went. It's not unusual. Rehab and therapy, especially group therapy, have rules about respecting the privacy of each other. People who truly want to get better aren't going to sell a story. Anyway, I am not sure a Josh rehab story would be worth much anyway. He isn't Ben Affleck or a rock star.

I think that in REAL rehab places...yes, privacy is a big deal. But if he's in a place like RU...they aren't really into privacy at all. So I suspect if he was there, there would be some proof of it.

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Honestly, if there was a VIDEO or AUDIO confession from Josh, it would have been found ages ago by our truly awesome FJ sleuths. Let's be real, people.

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Could RU/the Duggars have required patients to sign an NDA so they can't talk about it later? I can see people talking anyway, but they may have taken legal precautions if Josh is actually at a rehab facility, although I'm not convinced. Or he could be getting 1 on 1 only. Do celebrities go general population in rehab? I assumed they get more privacy.

Real celebrities and the wealthy go to expensive, classy places where I'm sure discretion is assured.

The Duggars can't require people living at a rehab to sign something to protect Josh. Not unless they put them under contract and compensate them all for their silence.. And if someone with a substance abuse problem decides to leave RU and then proceeds to post about meeting Josh there, there isn't much RU can do about it. I suppose Josh could sue, but it would be an expensive proposition with little to no reward.

One of my siblings is in and out of rehabs - more because of her mental illness than her substance abuse - and a few times has said something like, "You'll never believe who is a heroin addict!" Completely inappropriate, but there isn't much that can be done.

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Is there any chance that Josh is holed up in one of JBoob's properties? Or even the guesthouse at the TTH? And receiving private one-on-one counseling?

Every time I see a pic by any of the Duggars, I squint super hard to see if there is any sign of Josh...

I just can't believe no one has seen him!! This must be a new Duggar record! XX time off-film. It reminds me of that Goosebumps book where the creepy family takes pictures of people to absorb their life/youth so they can be immortal. I wonder if poor Josh is withering away...

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J'Chelle looks possessed in this new one:


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J'Chelle looks possessed in this new one:


Don't you think they have worked to get a screen cap that made her look demented? I hold NO brief for the Duggars, but the way the gutter press is scurrying to make them look not only morally bankrupt (which they are) but physically offensive annoys me intensely. They were feting them a few months ago!

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Is there any chance that Josh is holed up in one of JBoob's properties? Or even the guesthouse at the TTH? And receiving private one-on-one counseling?

Every time I see a pic by any of the Duggars, I squint super hard to see if there is any sign of Josh...

I just can't believe no one has seen him!! This must be a new Duggar record! XX time off-film. It reminds me of that Goosebumps book where the creepy family takes pictures of people to absorb their life/youth so they can be immortal. I wonder if poor Josh is withering away...

It is not that odd when you consider that Anna, who is not (supposed to be) in rehab, hasn't really been seen since Amy's wedding. We get rumors/statements from people who claim to know that she is in Florida with her mother, but that has never been confirmed officially, not even from "I am in touch with her all the time!" Famy. Some accounts claimed Anna took the kids with her, but it is obvious that the older M Kids are with the Duggars, so maybe the information that she went to Florida is bogus too. Who knows? In any case, no one has seen her.

If Anna can lie low and not be seen, why not Josh? (Goodness knows he has more reason to hide!)

And would people necessarily recognize him wherever he is? With a beard and maybe a shaved head, he might be completely unrecognizable to people who don't know Josh Duggar well, especially if he is wearing clothes that aren't associated with him. (A prison uniform, for instance. :) )

There are a lot of possibilities, and we may never know where he really has been unless he emerges "born again" (for the third time now) ready to tell the world how the Such and Such Program of Christian Healing has brought him back to the Lord etc.

My guess (today--I may guess differently tomorrow) is that he is in some kind of "Special Rehab" for him alone. Either at RU or somewhere else, he is getting preferential treatment and being spared experiences that might lead to his being noticed.

However, it wouldn't surprise me if his "rehab" is with some "mission" abroad, where a new bald and bearded guy would not be identified. (I think it is unlikely, but it would't surprise me a lot.) I also wouldn't be surprised if, after a week or two of Fundie Rehab, Josh went AWOL and the family is now covering and hoping he will come back before the public finds out. (This would explain the rumors that Anna may go through with a divorce. If he continues AWOL, she would want resolution.)

It would surprise me to hear he is being concealed by the Duggars somewhere without at least some appearance of a rehab set up--partly because the Duggars seem to prefer some smidgin of truth to their lies and also because I think Jim Bob must have been angry enough with him that hiding him away in comfort is not likely to be something JB would do. (If this were a movie, by the way, I would wonder if Josh had been murdered by Jim Bob and buried in one of their most distant properties. . . Fortunately, this is real life and we have no reason to believe JB, however angry, would turn murderous. ;) )

Anyway, we will have to wait and see and amuse ourselves with guessing until he either shows up or we get tired. :(

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At some point in this whole kerfuffle, JB & Josh had to come face-to-face. What do you suppose THAT conversation was like. Would Josh defend himself by saying their whole life style was a lie & he couldn't do it anymore, or would he outwardly blame JB & M for "making him this way."

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At some point in this whole kerfuffle, JB & Josh had to come face-to-face. What do you suppose THAT conversation was like. Would Josh defend himself by saying their whole life style was a lie & he couldn't do it anymore, or would he outwardly blame JB & M for "making him this way."

I envision that meeting as JB screaming and Joshley running as fast as he could. Just sayin'

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It is not that odd when you consider that Anna, who is not (supposed to be) in rehab, hasn't really been seen since Amy's wedding. We get rumors/statements from people who claim to know that she is in Florida with her mother, but that has never been confirmed officially, not even from "I am in touch with her all the time!" Famy. Some accounts claimed Anna took the kids with her, but it is obvious that the older M Kids are with the Duggars, so maybe the information that she went to Florida is bogus too. Who knows? In any case, no one has seen her.

If Anna can lie low and not be seen, why not Josh? (Goodness knows he has more reason to hide!)

And would people necessarily recognize him wherever he is? With a beard and maybe a shaved head, he might be completely unrecognizable to people who don't know Josh Duggar well, especially if he is wearing clothes that aren't associated with him. (A prison uniform, for instance. :) )

There are a lot of possibilities, and we may never know where he really has been unless he emerges "born again" (for the third time now) ready to tell the world how the Such and Such Program of Christian Healing has brought him back to the Lord etc.

My guess (today--I may guess differently tomorrow) is that he is in some kind of "Special Rehab" for him alone. Either at RU or somewhere else, he is getting preferential treatment and being spared experiences that might lead to his being noticed.

However, it wouldn't surprise me if his "rehab" is with some "mission" abroad, where a new bald and bearded guy would not be identified. (I think it is unlikely, but it would't surprise me a lot.) I also wouldn't be surprised if, after a week or two of Fundie Rehab, Josh went AWOL and the family is now covering and hoping he will come back before the public finds out. (This would explain the rumors that Anna may go through with a divorce. If he continues AWOL, she would want resolution.)

It would surprise me to hear he is being concealed by the Duggars somewhere without at least some appearance of a rehab set up--partly because the Duggars seem to prefer some smidgin of truth to their lies and also because I think Jim Bob must have been angry enough with him that hiding him away in comfort is not likely to be something JB would do. (If this were a movie, by the way, I would wonder if Josh had been murdered by Jim Bob and buried in one of their most distant properties. . . Fortunately, this is real life and we have no reason to believe JB, however angry, would turn murderous. ;) )

Anyway, we will have to wait and see and amuse ourselves with guessing until he either shows up or we get tired. :(

IDK.JB did sell the family as wholesome Christian role models and the purity lifestyle to TLC when he knew that his son had molested at least 5 young girls, 4 of whom were his sisters. If you can do that, IMO, you would do just about anything.

JB= nothing before $$$$$$ signs.

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For some reason, I kept imagining Josh holed up in some safe house, like Walter White at the end of Breaking Bad, with no outside contact, no radio, no tv, only some Wisdom booklets to read. Once a month, JD flies over and drops some supplies and fresh water.

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Coincidentally, I was reading Patrick Kennedy's new (and so far outstanding) book while at the hair salon this evening. He tells a story about how someone who had been in rehab with him during his teens ratted him out to a tabloid when he was running for office.

So I guess no one is safe. I know we can't know for sure, but I really have trouble seeing Jim Bob exposing Josh to (real) addicts who could tell tales out of school about his "treatment".

I think it's been nearly 2 months now. How long can Prince Smuggar stay hidden? I think that's a more interesting betting pool than the jender of Blessa and her boy's kid.

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Coincidentally, I was reading Patrick Kennedy's new (and so far outstanding) book while at the hair salon this evening. He tells a story about how someone who had been in rehab with him during his teens ratted him out to a tabloid when he was running for office.

So I guess no one is safe. I know we can't know for sure, but I really have trouble seeing Jim Bob exposing Josh to (real) addicts who could tell tales out of school about his "treatment".

I think it's been nearly 2 months now. How long can Prince Smuggar stay hidden? I think that's a more interesting betting pool than the jender of Blessa and her boy's kid.

If the Duggars are making an effort, they could hide Smuggar for quite a long time. It's not like he is wanted by the police or anything like that. But hiding him means that Joshy actually has to follow some rules (like not going to places with a lot of people or trying to pick up women or visiting strip clubs).

He could, for example, be staying at some ranch out on the coutryside, where someone else goes shopping for him.

With the help of other people, he could possibly stay hidden for months or even years, but in the age of smartphones and social media, it requires quite a big effort and self-control, as I'm pretty sure that right now, some tabloids would pay a nice amount of money for a new picture of Joshy. And the last thing the Duggars would want are pics of Joshy boy out and about town when he is supposed to be in rehab.

Luckily for him, winter is coming soon and it's much easier to go unrecognized if you can wear a scarf and a beanie.

But I'd still say that he is tucked away in some "rehab" facility, but not necesseraily the one the media claims he is. Does IBLP have a brainwashing/punishment camp like Scientology does?

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For some reason, I kept imagining Josh holed up in some safe house, like Walter White at the end of Breaking Bad, with no outside contact, no radio, no tv, only some Wisdom booklets to read. Once a month, JD flies over and drops some supplies and fresh water.

"It puts the Josh Duggar in the hole... "

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If the Duggars are making an effort, they could hide Smuggar for quite a long time. It's not like he is wanted by the police or anything like that. But hiding him means that Joshy actually has to follow some rules (like not going to places with a lot of people or trying to pick up women or visiting strip clubs).

He could, for example, be staying at some ranch out on the coutryside, where someone else goes shopping for him.

With the help of other people, he could possibly stay hidden for months or even years, but in the age of smartphones and social media, it requires quite a big effort and self-control, as I'm pretty sure that right now, some tabloids would pay a nice amount of money for a new picture of Joshy. And the last thing the Duggars would want are pics of Joshy boy out and about town when he is supposed to be in rehab.

Luckily for him, winter is coming soon and it's much easier to go unrecognized if you can wear a scarf and a beanie.

But I'd still say that he is tucked away in some "rehab" facility, but not necesseraily the one the media claims he is. Does IBLP have a brainwashing/punishment camp like Scientology does?

How large is the Big Sandy site? I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they stuck Josh in a cabin in a remote part of the property...would also explain why Duggar Air has been there several times lately

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