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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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There is that rehab place in Alabama that provides rehab services for free. That's my guess, and I'm sticking to it.

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Coincidentally, I was reading Patrick Kennedy's new (and so far outstanding) book while at the hair salon this evening. He tells a story about how someone who had been in rehab with him during his teens ratted him out to a tabloid when he was running for office.

So I guess no one is safe. I know we can't know for sure, but I really have trouble seeing Jim Bob exposing Josh to (real) addicts who could tell tales out of school about his "treatment".

I think it's been nearly 2 months now. How long can Prince Smuggar stay hidden? I think that's a more interesting betting pool than the jender of Blessa and her boy's kid.

I totally agree that this is more interesting than "Will Ben and Jessa have a boy or a girl and what will the name him/her/it?" But at least with a baby you can begin the guessing with two sexes (boy or girl). With the whereabouts of Josh, there are considerably more options. For example...

1. At RU

2. At some other Fundie Rehab (at least three or four options)

3. Individual "rehab" with some Fundie leader

4. Hiding out somewhere but not in rehab (at least three or four options)

5. Run away--The Duggars have no idea and are hoping he will show up again soon so JB can kill him.

6. Abroad working away the sin at some mission (and sneaking off to play with the local prostitutes at night)

7. In "real" rehab because he had a substance abuse problem

8. Under an assumed name in a hospital in another country, being treated for VD

9. Shacking up with some porn starts under an assumed name--JB has to pay the porn stars to keep Josh quiet and happy.

10. Wearing a clown costume, leading the elephants in some circus....

I could think of more--and probably will--but this can get us started...


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I'm not sure if this has been discussed and I don't know if I imagined it or not, but I could have sworn I read that one of the duggars planes was or had been in Mississippi. I know I'm giving them way too much credit for them possibly sending smugs to a real treatment center, but Pine Grove is in Mississippi and is one of the best.

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At some point in this whole kerfuffle, JB & Josh had to come face-to-face. What do you suppose THAT conversation was like. Would Josh defend himself by saying their whole life style was a lie & he couldn't do it anymore, or would he outwardly blame JB & M for "making him this way."

I firmly believe he probably beat the ever loving crap out of him. JB has a temper, he's admitted that. All of Joshy's scandals piling up, taking his money away ... I think we haven't seen him because they have to wait for the black eyes and broken noses and jaws to heal...

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I firmly believe he probably beat the ever loving crap out of him. JB has a temper, he's admitted that. All of Joshy's scandals piling up, taking his money away ... I think we haven't seen him because they have to wait for the black eyes and broken noses and jaws to heal...

Serious question here. Let's say Jim Bob DID beat Josh up. Let's also imagine that he beat him so badly that he died. What would Jim Bob do, then?

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Serious question here. Let's say Jim Bob DID beat Josh up. Let's also imagine that he beat him so badly that he died. What would Jim Bob do, then?

Well, first he would get Jinger and Joy to clean up the mess and Grandma Mary would wash any evidence out of their clothing.

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Well, first he would get Jinger and Joy to clean up the mess and Grandma Mary would wash any evidence out of their clothing.


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Well, first he would get Jinger and Joy to clean up the mess and Grandma Mary would wash any evidence out of their clothing.

I'd say he'd call Olivia Pope but he's too sexist for that.

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I think that Josh going to rehab/hiding in a cabin in the woods has been more about attempting to rebuild the family brand rather than "cure" Josh. The only way they can even attempt to do that is with Josh gone.

Every picture of Josh posted online would have brought both of his scandals up again and again. People forget quickly. The girls have managed to get their specials, which will turn into a spin-off show, Jessa will produce her blessing, Jill will be pregnant again, perhaps crazy cousin Amy too and then slowly Josh will be re-introduced back into the family, although kept out of the way for any publicity purposes.

The only spanner in the works could be Josh re-offending or Anna filing for divorce. The first might be likely, though I think Josh might choose more carefully this time - he might find a starry-eyed fundie housewife he can have an illicit affair with. I think JB would turn a blind eye as long as it was kept under wraps.

JB must be feeling very smug now, the cards are turning back in his favour.

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I think that Josh going to rehab/hiding in a cabin in the woods has been more about attempting to rebuild the family brand rather than "cure" Josh. The only way they can even attempt to do that is with Josh gone.

Every picture of Josh posted online would have brought both of his scandals up again and again. People forget quickly. The girls have managed to get their specials, which will turn into a spin-off show, Jessa will produce her blessing, Jill will be pregnant again, perhaps crazy cousin Amy too and then slowly Josh will be re-introduced back into the family, although kept out of the way for any publicity purposes.

The only spanner in the works could be Josh re-offending or Anna filing for divorce. The first might be likely, though I think Josh might choose more carefully this time - he might find a starry-eyed fundie housewife he can have an illicit affair with. I think JB would turn a blind eye as long as it was kept under wraps.

JB must be feeling very smug now, the cards are turning back in his favour.

I feel like he'd be especially smug that he never suffered any real consequences for how he handled everything. And if the speculations on FJ are true, the scandals AND the specials will take attention away from his shady financial dealings. He'll never be punished for anything he did.

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Darwinesque wrote:

I think that Josh going to rehab/hiding in a cabin in the woods has been more about attempting to rebuild the family brand rather than "cure" Josh. The only way they can even attempt to do that is with Josh gone.

Every picture of Josh posted online would have brought both of his scandals up again and again. People forget quickly. The girls have managed to get their specials, which will turn into a spin-off show, Jessa will produce her blessing, Jill will be pregnant again, perhaps crazy cousin Amy too and then slowly Josh will be re-introduced back into the family, although kept out of the way for any publicity purposes.

The only spanner in the works could be Josh re-offending or Anna filing for divorce. The first might be likely, though I think Josh might choose more carefully this time - he might find a starry-eyed fundie housewife he can have an illicit affair with. I think JB would turn a blind eye as long as it was kept under wraps.

JB must be feeling very smug now, the cards are turning back in his favour.

Smug is maybe overstating it. I'm sure JB had higher political aspirations for his firstborn son, and now Josh has pretty much destroyed even the possibility of a career as an elected official. I do think the whole family may be cautiously relieved at this point ... though (as has been speculated in this forum previously) who knows whether the whole story has yet been told? There could be future scandals lining themselves up even as we type.

(As an escapee from fundie-dom, I thank Baby Jesus every night that I was anonymous and in a big city, with no one paying the slightest attention, when I broke free and started playing with all the forbidden toys.)

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On more scandals: I personally would not be surprised if there is much more on Josh than we know. Now, whether or not these things come out in the open remains to be seen. At this point I don't think that JB can trust that he's gotten the full truth from his son, given how many shenanigans Josh has managed thus far in his life. I agree that this so-called "rehab" whereever it is, is more about getting Josh out of the media view and tucked away where he can't do any more damage while his dad and sisters attempt to salvage the family brand. But I think JB is still very nervous that there's more out there that can get out, and the unknown stuff is got to be scarier than the known stuff.

Sure the two girls have their specials. And people may forget about Josh's AM activities. But child molestation pisses a lot of people off. People can overlook infidelity but not molesting of children. The Duggars are done. They may manage to limp along with occasional specials or appearances at conventions or whatever, but they will never attain the level of fame that they had before, nor the perks, nor the money.

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On more scandals: I personally would not be surprised if there is much more on Josh than we know. Now, whether or not these things come out in the open remains to be seen. At this point I don't think that JB can trust that he's gotten the full truth from his son, given how many shenanigans Josh has managed thus far in his life. I agree that this so-called "rehab" whereever it is, is more about getting Josh out of the media view and tucked away where he can't do any more damage while his dad and sisters attempt to salvage the family brand. But I think JB is still very nervous that there's more out there that can get out, and the unknown stuff is got to be scarier than the known stuff.

Sure the two girls have their specials. And people may forget about Josh's AM activities. But child molestation pisses a lot of people off. People can overlook infidelity but not molesting of children. The Duggars are done. They may manage to limp along with occasional specials or appearances at conventions or whatever, but they will never attain the level of fame that they had before, nor the perks, nor the money.

The part I put in bold....yes, very true for the general population. But for some reason, the fundie crowd seems way more bothered by the adultery stuff than him molesting his sisters. It's so messed up. But I'm pretty sure the fundies and the people around him will always remember the adultery whereas the molestation was "when he was young" and he's been "forgiven." Yuck.

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I think there are more Duggar scandals yet to come, not just Josh's

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Once again...Jill and Jessa are not GIRLS. Quit referring to them that way, it takes away their accountability as grown-azz married women with children. Make me a teeny bit stabby when I see them being referred to as girls. There are still real girls in the TTH.

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At some point in this whole kerfuffle, JB & Josh had to come face-to-face. What do you suppose THAT conversation was like. Would Josh defend himself by saying their whole life style was a lie & he couldn't do it anymore, or would he outwardly blame JB & M for "making him this way."

"Hey Josh why don't you come & sit down here real quick - Ya know son, uh, well I'm prayin for ya, and for sweet Anna, but ya know, until y'all can get right with God, there ain't gonna be no gettin right with your mother and I. We're all prayin for ya, but I think it might be best for you to not spend time with any of the younger ones until you repent. I think Jessa & Bin mighta picked out some scripture for you to read in the meantime."

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How large is the Big Sandy site? I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they stuck Josh in a cabin in a remote part of the property...would also explain why Duggar Air has been there several times lately

I have read some really fucked up things about IBLP's Eagle Springs Training Center, but I get the impression that many/most of Gothard's reeducation services are for kidults, not married men. Just to be clear, I don't want anyone, married or single, to get the sea org treatment, and that's the level of abuse I have seen in anecdotes at recovering grace and heresy in the heartland about this facility. :cry:

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I think there are more Duggar scandals yet to come, not just Josh's

I wonder if they will try to exorcise any family demons quietly this week while Freejinger is closed for repairs...? :D

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I saw this at World Market on Saturday and was waiting for the new site to come live so I could post it.  I'm not sure if this was the FSM playing a joke or whether the stock person knew what they were doing.  Either way... 


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The only spanner in the works could be Josh re-offending or Anna filing for divorce. The first might be likely, though I think Josh might choose more carefully this time - he might find a starry-eyed fundie housewife he can have an illicit affair with. I think JB would turn a blind eye as long as it was kept under wraps.



I think Anna filing for divorce would be worthy of a TV series featuring her and the children.  She has a lot to learn about the non gothard world.  Stuff the rest of us take for granted. 

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The only spanner in the works could be Josh re-offending or Anna filing for divorce. The first might be likely, though I think Josh might choose more carefully this time - he might find a starry-eyed fundie housewife he can have an illicit affair with. I think JB would turn a blind eye as long as it was kept under wraps.



I think Anna filing for divorce would be worthy of a TV series featuring her and the children.  She has a lot to learn about the non gothard world.  Stuff the rest of us take for granted. 

YES!! A la Breaking Amish!!

Could you just imagine her face walking into a college (REAL college!) classroom and experiencing some sort of liberal arts education!?

Or how about setting up Bill Pay thru her bank? Because I bet she has never paid a bill in her life. I imagine JoshyPoo paid all the bills, and now I imagine JBoob is paying them (with Anna's money, of course).

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