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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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The only spanner in the works could be Josh re-offending or Anna filing for divorce. The first might be likely, though I think Josh might choose more carefully this time - he might find a starry-eyed fundie housewife he can have an illicit affair with. I think JB would turn a blind eye as long as it was kept under wraps.



I think Anna filing for divorce would be worthy of a TV series featuring her and the children.  She has a lot to learn about the non gothard world.  Stuff the rest of us take for granted. 

I think we'd all love to see that, but since she is as steeped in KoolAid as she is...not gonna happen.  Also, it seems like everyone who breaks away from cults has to go through a bit of wild experimentation. It'd be fascinating, but as of right now, our best chances to experience that are through fictional musings...

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The only spanner in the works could be Josh re-offending or Anna filing for divorce. The first might be likely, though I think Josh might choose more carefully this time - he might find a starry-eyed fundie housewife he can have an illicit affair with. I think JB would turn a blind eye as long as it was kept under wraps.



I think Anna filing for divorce would be worthy of a TV series featuring her and the children.  She has a lot to learn about the non gothard world.  Stuff the rest of us take for granted. 

Man, that'd be like filming a sequel to The Truman Show. I really hope if she leaves, that she leaves "reality" TV behind for hers and the kids' sake. Seems to me like what would make the most compelling reality TV is also be the most questionable stuff to film.

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If Anna got a show, it would give her an income & embarrass the Duggars, once and for all. And she would have the absolute last laugh.

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If there was anything I would ever want filmed for TLC, it would be JB confronting Josh about all the crap he did.

Hell, yes.  I imagine JB turning beet red with steam coming out of his ears.  Josh, meanwhile, was probably doing the best praying of his entire life.

Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 

Nice job, JB

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But, would JB be that surprised? He is pretty squirmy acting himself. I see him looking at porn on a fairly regular basis. No maybe not an Ashley Madison account, but I just don't think he is the clean whistle he would like us all to believe. He has no respect for his wife. He is all about self adoration and most likely self satisfaction Maybe he was just sorry that stupid Joshie got caught?

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I'm pretty sure Anna would have signed some kind of contract with TLC and I'm sure that there is language in it that would prohibit any type of divulging of Duggar secrets, maybe a non-compete type of clause. I'm sure it would also prohibit some kind of book deal or any means of her being able to reveal anything. I'm not a lawyer, but it would seem to me JB would have made sure that language was included.

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Is this new news?  Josh/Josiah selling a defective drone on eBay....  


Huh. That's really weird. It seems to me that it's more likely Josiah than Josh. I didn't really understand why they thought it was Josh. Josiah is a young guy, I could see him making some sketchy ebay mistakes if he's a first time seller, and it would make more sense that the boys that are a part of the Duggar film crew would have a drone at all. It sucks that it didn't work, they really should have said that on the listing. 

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I am not so sure it's a real Duggar, although I am sure they are dumb enough to use their own name as their ID on ebay. I never used my real name when selling on Ebay. You didn't get my real name until then end when you would be sending a money order, which shows how long ago that was since I think you can only use Paypal now. Plus, I can't see Josh having a drone. I can't see Josiah being allowed to buy a drone (Ha! we know he doesn't have his own money) nor Jim Bob giving him the money for it and allowing it to be sold.

The original 19 kids show is over, any contract is over. There is nothing to compete against. Once your contract is over, you can do whatever you want. TLC couldn't make Anna keep her mouth shut about family secrets anyway, especially those not related to the show. TV shows don't do non-disclosure type agreements. They can't prevent her from writing a story about her own life. A show doesn't own you once it's over, otherwise you would never hear anyone discuss their old shows. Anna won't say anything anyway because she will stay with Josh until the end. It's part of her lifestyle. Plus, to be honest, I don't think most people would do tell-all books, even if they had the opportunity and something to write about. I am not sure Anna is the type that would want her pain (other than the pain of childbirth) to be on display for the world. I am sure she is humiliated. 

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Thanks for crushing the last dream I ever had. lol.

Everyone needs a hobby!  Dream crushing, Bible thumping, doing the hokey pokey with the FOIA, :2wankers:, etc...

About the eBay drone, Pickles is reporting that Josiah is the likely seller.  A Duggar passing shoddy merchandise off to make a profit?  I am shocked.  :pb_eek:

(So many emoticons!  Still trying them all out. :pow:)

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It doesn't surprise me at all that one of the Duggars was trying to scam people into buying a broken drone off Ebay. It just sounds like such a Duggarish thing to do. And they'd justify it to themselves somehow, because nothing they ever do is wrong.

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It doesn't surprise me at all that one of the Duggars was trying to scam people into buying a broken drone off Ebay. It just sounds like such a Duggarish thing to do. And they'd justify it to themselves somehow, because nothing they ever do is wrong.

"Well, maybe I didn't say it was broken, but I also didn't say it wasn't, so I didn't lie!" Duggar honesty for you.

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The original 19 kids show is over, any contract is over. There is nothing to compete against. Once your contract is over, you can do whatever you want. TLC couldn't make Anna keep her mouth shut about family secrets anyway, especially those not related to the show. TV shows don't do non-disclosure type agreements. They can't prevent her from writing a story about her own life. A show doesn't own you once it's over, otherwise you would never hear anyone discuss their old shows. Anna won't say anything anyway because she will stay with Josh until the end. It's part of her lifestyle. Plus, to be honest, I don't think most people would do tell-all books, even if they had the opportunity and something to write about. I am not sure Anna is the type that would want her pain (other than the pain of childbirth) to be on display for the world. I am sure she is humiliated. 

Maybe, but sometimes contracts I've dealt with have a non-disclosure in perpetuity. Who knows, maybe she also signed a contract with not only TLC but the Duggar's themselves. Nothing would surprise me with these people. Don't know how binding those contracts would be. I don't think Anna has the will/determination/education what have you to pull off any type of book/movie/special/documentary. She would need serious help. Poor girl....

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I'm pretty sure Anna would have signed some kind of contract with TLC and I'm sure that there is language in it that would prohibit any type of divulging of Duggar secrets, maybe a non-compete type of clause. I'm sure it would also prohibit some kind of book deal or any means of her being able to reveal anything. I'm not a lawyer, but it would seem to me JB would have made sure that language was included.

I am sure that Anna had to sign a non-disclosure agreement as part of the marriage agreement (and if you don't think they had a locked down agreement on paper of some kind, I feel you are naive). In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if a non-disclosure agreement isn't part of the Duggar's contract with TLC and the production company as well. 

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What "marriage agreement"?  Do you have some other reason for being so sure of this other than they are bat-shit fundie?  I guess I am naive.

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I can't even see JB getting mad on camera about Josh. He's put on that fake concerned face that he did when he was trying to explain why Jordyn needed her tonsils taken out.

I really hope no one would've made Anna sign a "marriage agreement" what a terrible omen. 

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What "marriage agreement"?  Do you have some other reason for being so sure of this other than they are bat-shit fundie?  I guess I am naive.

Actually this assumption has nothing to do with them being bat-shit fundie for a change. It has to do with them being in the public eye and having money. See. I know a lot of NHL players, and every single one of them has some kind of agreement when they get married about division of assets, children etc. In the case of some of the guys I know (mainly ones who have coccaine habits), non-disclosure agreements are part of it - to keep angry exes from making money off their fame. 

Because J-Boob is a control freak, it makes sense to me that he would look to ensure that if anything ever went off the rails, his brand is protected as best he can. I mean they managed to keep molestation a secret for over a decade. The man knows how to grift and part of grifting is beneficial contractss.


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I can't even see JB getting mad on camera about Josh. He's put on that fake concerned face that he did when he was trying to explain why Jordyn needed her tonsils taken out.


Oh he would ya know, minimize the situation like with the molestation only being "light touching over the clothes" "they were asleep so it doesn't count"....ie "it was just a hooker she doesn't count" "the hooker wasn't a virgin or married so it's not like he stole anyone else's heart pieces" 

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What "marriage agreement"?  Do you have some other reason for being so sure of this other than they are bat-shit fundie?  I guess I am naive.

Actually this assumption has nothing to do with them being bat-shit fundie for a change. It has to do with them being in the public eye and having money. See. I know a lot of NHL players, and every single one of them has some kind of agreement when they get married about division of assets, children etc. In the case of some of the guys I know (mainly ones who have coccaine habits), non-disclosure agreements are part of it - to keep angry exes from making money off their fame. 

Because J-Boob is a control freak, it makes sense to me that he would look to ensure that if anything ever went off the rails, his brand is protected as best he can. I mean they managed to keep molestation a secret for over a decade. The man knows how to grift and part of grifting is beneficial contractss.


I don't think they would have done this.  Generally they are, as you said, to stop exes from making money off of the fame.  The Duggars don't believe divorce is possible for them, because they are so godly.  I have a hard time imagining a prenup, for the same reason they won't get proper prenatal care, it implies you would do something (terminate, divorce) if there was a bad result.  

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As a non-degreed law professional I have a few questions. 

Say Anna signed a non-disclosure agreement with TLC or with the Duggars or as a marriage contract of some sort. Or say one of the cameramen signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Legally, what would happen if they did publish a book/create a documentary/leak a bunch of crucial and nasty info? Would they just get sued? What good would that do if the info was already out there? I guess what I am asking is is there anything they can really do to stop that from happening other than the threat of a legal suit? And why couldn't the cameramen leak/publish it anonymously? 

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As a non-degreed law professional I have a few questions. 

Say Anna signed a non-disclosure agreement with TLC or with the Duggars or as a marriage contract of some sort. Or say one of the cameramen signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Legally, what would happen if they did publish a book/create a documentary/leak a bunch of crucial and nasty info? Would they just get sued? What good would that do if the info was already out there? I guess what I am asking is is there anything they can really do to stop that from happening other than the threat of a legal suit? And why couldn't the cameramen leak/publish it anonymously? 

They would be sued, it would be costly.  Could they do so anonymously?  Sure, but not if they wanted to be believed or paid. Also I would guess it wouldn't be hard to find out who it was.  

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I can't even see JB getting mad on camera about Josh. He's put on that fake concerned face that he did when he was trying to explain why Jordyn needed her tonsils taken out.


Oh he would ya know, minimize the situation like with the molestation only being "light touching over the clothes" "they were asleep so it doesn't count"....ie "it was just a hooker she doesn't count" "the hooker wasn't a virgin or married so it's not like he stole anyone else's heart pieces" 

Jesus hung out with prostitutes.  Josh did the same, only with some inappropriate touching, like when he was a young teenager...

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